David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics

Lead poisoning most likely.

So you don't even know how they died? How long before you passed by did the crime occur?

He can't allow that you are a victim. That would give you credibility and then he would have to respond seriously to your points.
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.
Potential target???

Have you ever been a "potential target"???

Nobody pointed a gun at him. Nobody shot at him. He wasn't in the area while it was going on. He was just reportedly a student at that school when the attack occurred. I saw no evidence of him being under fire or dodging bullets. He just said he heard a shot. By the time he realized what happened it was over. The people who were fired upon were real victims and real witnesses. You can't expect David Hogg to be allower in a court of law as a material witness. He's not even a witness after the fact. You're just granting blanket victimhood to every student at that school.
Well, not to all of them. Definitely not the ones who refused to spout the Left's bogus talking-points.
Everyone in that school there that day was a potential target. There's no evidence Cruz went there with any specific targets in mind. That's why the entire school was on lock down and all of the faculty and students were hiding in classrooms, closets, etc...

Sounds like you were never even a potential target of the crime you weren't even at.
Stop lying. You were closer to the crime scene, not the crime. In his case, he was closer to the crime than it sounds like you were.
Prove it. Got a tape measure????
Lead poisoning most likely.

So you don't even know how they died? How long before you passed by did the crime occur?
A few minutes before.
Camera Hogg was hiding in a classroom closet asking everyone about how they feel about guns and gun laws. I was wasn't talking to anyone. I was looking at a the police presence, flashng lights on squad cars, and trying to check for loose eyeballs.
In other words, you were nowhere near the crime when it occurred. He was.

And there's the difference between what you experienced from what he did.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
Lead poisoning most likely.

So you don't even know how they died? How long before you passed by did the crime occur?

He can't allow that you are a victim. That would give you credibility and then he would have to respond seriously to your points.
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.

I was a victim of a mugging, by three urban yoots.

I was injured, and required medical care.

I will be expecting a lot more respect from you in the future, as I have personal knowledge of the shit I am talking about.

Indeed, I will expect you to shout down anyone that makes a comment ever remotely touching on crime or race, who has not also been a victim of an inter racial crime.

Or confess that you are a hypocrite, and drop the whole, victim equals status paradigm.
Sure, let me know when you're attacked personally for speaking out against the crime committed against you.

So you don't even know how they died? How long before you passed by did the crime occur?

He can't allow that you are a victim. That would give you credibility and then he would have to respond seriously to your points.
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.

I was a victim of a mugging, by three urban yoots.

I was injured, and required medical care.

I will be expecting a lot more respect from you in the future, as I have personal knowledge of the shit I am talking about.

Indeed, I will expect you to shout down anyone that makes a comment ever remotely touching on crime or race, who has not also been a victim of an inter racial crime.

Or confess that you are a hypocrite, and drop the whole, victim equals status paradigm.
Sure, let me know when you're attacked personally for speaking out against the crime committed against you.

If the kid wants to act like a little bitch he shouldn't cry when someone calls him out on it.
Prove it. Got a tape measure????

So you don't even know how they died? How long before you passed by did the crime occur?
A few minutes before.
Camera Hogg was hiding in a classroom closet asking everyone about how they feel about guns and gun laws. I was wasn't talking to anyone. I was looking at a the police presence, flashng lights on squad cars, and trying to check for loose eyeballs.
In other words, you were nowhere near the crime when it occurred. He was.

And there's the difference between what you experienced from what he did.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.

So you don't even know how they died? How long before you passed by did the crime occur?

He can't allow that you are a victim. That would give you credibility and then he would have to respond seriously to your points.
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.
Potential target???

Have you ever been a "potential target"???

Nobody pointed a gun at him. Nobody shot at him. He wasn't in the area while it was going on. He was just reportedly a student at that school when the attack occurred. I saw no evidence of him being under fire or dodging bullets. He just said he heard a shot. By the time he realized what happened it was over. The people who were fired upon were real victims and real witnesses. You can't expect David Hogg to be allower in a court of law as a material witness. He's not even a witness after the fact. You're just granting blanket victimhood to every student at that school.
Well, not to all of them. Definitely not the ones who refused to spout the Left's bogus talking-points.
Everyone in that school there that day was a potential target. There's no evidence Cruz went there with any specific targets in mind. That's why the entire school was on lock down and all of the faculty and students were hiding in classrooms, closets, etc...

Sounds like you were never even a potential target of the crime you weren't even at.
I imagine if I had been wearing a dress and high heels and hanging out in front of that Gay club I would have been a victim. But I wasn't.

To be honest, we are all potential targets for terrorism. Anyone who lives in America or rides on commercial flights is potentially a target. Students in every school in the country are potential targets thanks to gun-free zones and political - correctness. David Hogg wasn't a victim or a witness. He was simply granted victimhood by the media.

So you don't even know how they died? How long before you passed by did the crime occur?

He can't allow that you are a victim. That would give you credibility and then he would have to respond seriously to your points.
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.

I was a victim of a mugging, by three urban yoots.

I was injured, and required medical care.

I will be expecting a lot more respect from you in the future, as I have personal knowledge of the shit I am talking about.

Indeed, I will expect you to shout down anyone that makes a comment ever remotely touching on crime or race, who has not also been a victim of an inter racial crime.

Or confess that you are a hypocrite, and drop the whole, victim equals status paradigm.
Sure, let me know when you're attacked personally for speaking out against the crime committed against you.

Who's done that? All I've seen is people attacking what the kid is saying or attacking him back for being an insulting prick.
A few minutes before.
Camera Hogg was hiding in a classroom closet asking everyone about how they feel about guns and gun laws. I was wasn't talking to anyone. I was looking at a the police presence, flashng lights on squad cars, and trying to check for loose eyeballs.
In other words, you were nowhere near the crime when it occurred. He was.

And there's the difference between what you experienced from what he did.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.
When did we start talking about Vegas? Why did you bring that up? Do you think there is any similarity? Was David Hogg at a Red-Neck concert??
He can't allow that you are a victim. That would give you credibility and then he would have to respond seriously to your points.
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.
Potential target???

Have you ever been a "potential target"???

Nobody pointed a gun at him. Nobody shot at him. He wasn't in the area while it was going on. He was just reportedly a student at that school when the attack occurred. I saw no evidence of him being under fire or dodging bullets. He just said he heard a shot. By the time he realized what happened it was over. The people who were fired upon were real victims and real witnesses. You can't expect David Hogg to be allower in a court of law as a material witness. He's not even a witness after the fact. You're just granting blanket victimhood to every student at that school.
Well, not to all of them. Definitely not the ones who refused to spout the Left's bogus talking-points.
Everyone in that school there that day was a potential target. There's no evidence Cruz went there with any specific targets in mind. That's why the entire school was on lock down and all of the faculty and students were hiding in classrooms, closets, etc...

Sounds like you were never even a potential target of the crime you weren't even at.
I imagine if I had been wearing a dress and high heels and hanging out in front of that Gay club I would have been a victim. But I wasn't.

To be honest, we are all potential targets for terrorism. Anyone who lives in America or rides on commercial flights is potentially a target. Students in every school in the country are potential targets thanks to gun-free zones and political - correctness. David Hogg wasn't a victim or a witness. He was simply granted victimhood by the media.
You're a potential victim to attacks not committed?


Sure, ok.

Meanwhile, Hogg was a witness and a victim to the shooting.

You drove by a crime scene.

And hysterically, you actually tried to compare the two. :cuckoo:
He can't allow that you are a victim. That would give you credibility and then he would have to respond seriously to your points.
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.

I was a victim of a mugging, by three urban yoots.

I was injured, and required medical care.

I will be expecting a lot more respect from you in the future, as I have personal knowledge of the shit I am talking about.

Indeed, I will expect you to shout down anyone that makes a comment ever remotely touching on crime or race, who has not also been a victim of an inter racial crime.

Or confess that you are a hypocrite, and drop the whole, victim equals status paradigm.
Sure, let me know when you're attacked personally for speaking out against the crime committed against you.

Who's done that? All I've seen is people attacking what the kid is saying or attacking him back for being an insulting prick.
All he's done is speak out about the crime he witnessed and proposed measures to prevent it from happening to others.

So when someone ridiculously attacks you personally because you're speaking out about a crime in which you are a victim, I will defend you if I see it happen.

Fair enough?
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.
Potential target???

Have you ever been a "potential target"???

Nobody pointed a gun at him. Nobody shot at him. He wasn't in the area while it was going on. He was just reportedly a student at that school when the attack occurred. I saw no evidence of him being under fire or dodging bullets. He just said he heard a shot. By the time he realized what happened it was over. The people who were fired upon were real victims and real witnesses. You can't expect David Hogg to be allower in a court of law as a material witness. He's not even a witness after the fact. You're just granting blanket victimhood to every student at that school.
Well, not to all of them. Definitely not the ones who refused to spout the Left's bogus talking-points.
Everyone in that school there that day was a potential target. There's no evidence Cruz went there with any specific targets in mind. That's why the entire school was on lock down and all of the faculty and students were hiding in classrooms, closets, etc...

Sounds like you were never even a potential target of the crime you weren't even at.
I imagine if I had been wearing a dress and high heels and hanging out in front of that Gay club I would have been a victim. But I wasn't.

To be honest, we are all potential targets for terrorism. Anyone who lives in America or rides on commercial flights is potentially a target. Students in every school in the country are potential targets thanks to gun-free zones and political - correctness. David Hogg wasn't a victim or a witness. He was simply granted victimhood by the media.
You're a potential victim to attacks not committed?


Sure, ok.

Meanwhile, Hogg was a witness and a victim to the shooting.

You drove by a crime scene.

And hysterically, you actually tried to compare the two. :cuckoo:
He is neither a witness or a victim because he wasn't wounded or killed. He didn't even see the shooting. He may be a victim of his own insecurities, but he doesn't seem to have been traumatized.
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.
Potential target???

Have you ever been a "potential target"???

Nobody pointed a gun at him. Nobody shot at him. He wasn't in the area while it was going on. He was just reportedly a student at that school when the attack occurred. I saw no evidence of him being under fire or dodging bullets. He just said he heard a shot. By the time he realized what happened it was over. The people who were fired upon were real victims and real witnesses. You can't expect David Hogg to be allower in a court of law as a material witness. He's not even a witness after the fact. You're just granting blanket victimhood to every student at that school.
Well, not to all of them. Definitely not the ones who refused to spout the Left's bogus talking-points.
Everyone in that school there that day was a potential target. There's no evidence Cruz went there with any specific targets in mind. That's why the entire school was on lock down and all of the faculty and students were hiding in classrooms, closets, etc...

Sounds like you were never even a potential target of the crime you weren't even at.
I imagine if I had been wearing a dress and high heels and hanging out in front of that Gay club I would have been a victim. But I wasn't.

To be honest, we are all potential targets for terrorism. Anyone who lives in America or rides on commercial flights is potentially a target. Students in every school in the country are potential targets thanks to gun-free zones and political - correctness. David Hogg wasn't a victim or a witness. He was simply granted victimhood by the media.
You're a potential victim to attacks not committed?


Sure, ok.

Meanwhile, Hogg was a witness and a victim to the shooting.

You drove by a crime scene.

And hysterically, you actually tried to compare the two. :cuckoo:
you gotta know pigs love playing in the mud,,,,,and republicans have it down to a science
In other words, you were nowhere near the crime when it occurred. He was.

And there's the difference between what you experienced from what he did.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.
When did we start talking about Vegas? Why did you bring that up? Do you think there is any similarity? Was David Hogg at a Red-Neck concert??
When did we bring up you denying you were in a dress, but you did.

Vegas entered the discussion as an example of people are victims even though they are not shot -- which refutes you implication that Hogg was not a victim because he wasn't shot.
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.
Potential target???

Have you ever been a "potential target"???

Nobody pointed a gun at him. Nobody shot at him. He wasn't in the area while it was going on. He was just reportedly a student at that school when the attack occurred. I saw no evidence of him being under fire or dodging bullets. He just said he heard a shot. By the time he realized what happened it was over. The people who were fired upon were real victims and real witnesses. You can't expect David Hogg to be allower in a court of law as a material witness. He's not even a witness after the fact. You're just granting blanket victimhood to every student at that school.
Well, not to all of them. Definitely not the ones who refused to spout the Left's bogus talking-points.
Everyone in that school there that day was a potential target. There's no evidence Cruz went there with any specific targets in mind. That's why the entire school was on lock down and all of the faculty and students were hiding in classrooms, closets, etc...

Sounds like you were never even a potential target of the crime you weren't even at.
I imagine if I had been wearing a dress and high heels and hanging out in front of that Gay club I would have been a victim. But I wasn't.

To be honest, we are all potential targets for terrorism. Anyone who lives in America or rides on commercial flights is potentially a target. Students in every school in the country are potential targets thanks to gun-free zones and political - correctness. David Hogg wasn't a victim or a witness. He was simply granted victimhood by the media.
You're a potential victim to attacks not committed?


Sure, ok.

Meanwhile, Hogg was a witness and a victim to the shooting.

You drove by a crime scene.

And hysterically, you actually tried to compare the two. :cuckoo:
you gotta know pigs love playing in the mud,,,,,and republicans have it down to a science
Yeah, but playing with them is fun, even if I do get some mud on me.
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.
Potential target???

Have you ever been a "potential target"???

Nobody pointed a gun at him. Nobody shot at him. He wasn't in the area while it was going on. He was just reportedly a student at that school when the attack occurred. I saw no evidence of him being under fire or dodging bullets. He just said he heard a shot. By the time he realized what happened it was over. The people who were fired upon were real victims and real witnesses. You can't expect David Hogg to be allower in a court of law as a material witness. He's not even a witness after the fact. You're just granting blanket victimhood to every student at that school.
Well, not to all of them. Definitely not the ones who refused to spout the Left's bogus talking-points.
Everyone in that school there that day was a potential target. There's no evidence Cruz went there with any specific targets in mind. That's why the entire school was on lock down and all of the faculty and students were hiding in classrooms, closets, etc...

Sounds like you were never even a potential target of the crime you weren't even at.
I imagine if I had been wearing a dress and high heels and hanging out in front of that Gay club I would have been a victim. But I wasn't.

To be honest, we are all potential targets for terrorism. Anyone who lives in America or rides on commercial flights is potentially a target. Students in every school in the country are potential targets thanks to gun-free zones and political - correctness. David Hogg wasn't a victim or a witness. He was simply granted victimhood by the media.
You're a potential victim to attacks not committed?


Sure, ok.

Meanwhile, Hogg was a witness and a victim to the shooting.

You drove by a crime scene.

And hysterically, you actually tried to compare the two. :cuckoo:
you gotta know pigs love playing in the mud,,,,,and republicans have it down to a science
Now you're projecting.
He is neither a witness or a victim because he wasn't wounded or killed.

SHAME ON YOU! He is just as much a witness and victim as was the Parkland Sheriff Deputies who HEARD about the shooting but never really saw anything because they cowardly remained outside while the kids were being gunned down.
I saw more than he saw. He said he heard a gunshot, but cannot say who fired it or if it even was a gunshot.
The day after the shooting they played a 30 second video clip of kids in a classroom screaming after several shots were heard outside in the hall. Nobody alive can say who was doing the shooting, even Camera Hogg.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.
When did we start talking about Vegas? Why did you bring that up? Do you think there is any similarity? Was David Hogg at a Red-Neck concert??
When did we bring up you denying you were in a dress, but you did.

Vegas entered the discussion as an example of people are victims even though they are not shot -- which refutes you implication that Hogg was not a victim because he wasn't shot.
He wasn't even shot at. A victim is somebody who experienced some sort of trauma. Does he exhibit any?
He's just some foul-mouthed little shit trying to get rich and famous.
No, you saw a body. You weren't anywhere near there when the crime occurred. He was.

And are you claiming kids in a classroom Cruz walked by were not victims because they didn't see him walking through the hallway?
Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.
When did we start talking about Vegas? Why did you bring that up? Do you think there is any similarity? Was David Hogg at a Red-Neck concert??
When did we bring up you denying you were in a dress, but you did.

Vegas entered the discussion as an example of people are victims even though they are not shot -- which refutes you implication that Hogg was not a victim because he wasn't shot.
He wasn't even shot at. A victim is somebody who experienced some sort of trauma. Does he exhibit any?
He's just some foul-mouthed little shit trying to get rich and famous.
By your definition, he's a victim. He experienced trauma. He was hiding in a closet, knowing there was a shooter on campus. He even said in the video he took of himself while hiding, he was taking it to serve as evidence of what happened in case he gets killed.

Meanwhile, you rode on a bus 100 years ago.

Okay, how many times did Cruz, or the perpetrator, shoot David Hogg???
One need not be shot in order to be a victim. WTF is wrong with you?

58 people were kill during the Las Vegas shooting. Are you insane enough to claim the thousands of others who were shot weren't victims?

It appears you are.
When did we start talking about Vegas? Why did you bring that up? Do you think there is any similarity? Was David Hogg at a Red-Neck concert??
When did we bring up you denying you were in a dress, but you did.

Vegas entered the discussion as an example of people are victims even though they are not shot -- which refutes you implication that Hogg was not a victim because he wasn't shot.
He wasn't even shot at. A victim is somebody who experienced some sort of trauma. Does he exhibit any?
He's just some foul-mouthed little shit trying to get rich and famous.
By your definition, he's a victim. He experienced trauma. He was hiding in a closet, knowing there was a shooter on campus. He even said in the video he took of himself while hiding, he was taking it to serve as evidence of what happened in case he gets killed.

Meanwhile, you rode on a bus 100 years ago.

So basically you figure a player in the locker room taking a shit gets the same credit as the guy who scored the winning Touch Down.
Does everyone in the stands get to claim they played in the game?
My point is I am not a victim. I'm not even a witness. Neither is David Hogg
You're not a victim because you weren't a potential target of the crime you passed. He was.

Thanks for highlighting the difference.

I was a victim of a mugging, by three urban yoots.

I was injured, and required medical care.

I will be expecting a lot more respect from you in the future, as I have personal knowledge of the shit I am talking about.

Indeed, I will expect you to shout down anyone that makes a comment ever remotely touching on crime or race, who has not also been a victim of an inter racial crime.

Or confess that you are a hypocrite, and drop the whole, victim equals status paradigm.
Sure, let me know when you're attacked personally for speaking out against the crime committed against you.

Who's done that? All I've seen is people attacking what the kid is saying or attacking him back for being an insulting prick.
All he's done is speak out about the crime he witnessed and proposed measures to prevent it from happening to others.

So when someone ridiculously attacks you personally because you're speaking out about a crime in which you are a victim, I will defend you if I see it happen.

Fair enough?

What if I am just proposing measures to prevent such a crime from happening to others, and I get personally attacked for it?

Cause that happens ALL THE TIME.

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