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David Hogg is Too Busy Saving The World to go to College

Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.

How true. In my day the scale only went to 4.0. Did they add .1 to offset the participation trophies?
He gave a 129 percent
When you feel the need to attack children for speaking up about not wanting to be shot in school, you're on the wrong side.
This may surprise the hell out of you but children have some stupid ideas. Eating Tide pods ring a bell?
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.

I saw that he had a better than four GPA, and I couldnā€™t understand it. He is absolutely ignorant of so many things, that I wonder if his school had a Civic Class. For example, young Mr. Hogg thinks that the First Amendment gives him the right to privacy. His words, not mine, regarding the clear backpacks. Well, the Right to Privacy is not specifically stated, it is absolutely implied, but not by the First Amendment. It is the Fourth Amendment, perhaps his Civics class which must have ended after the first day, didnā€™t get that far in the Bill of Rights.

Worse, he keeps mentioning that we are a Democracy. Well, no we arenā€™t. We are a Representative Republic. While the Democratic Process is a part of it, the principles behind a Representative Republic are limited Government. Straight Democracy which apparently us old folks donā€™t know how to use, would allow Mr. Hogg to win his argument with a vote. That is to say everyone would vote, and that would be the law.

Yet, that isnā€™t how it works. Proposition Eight in California is one example of how the restrictions on the laws works. I know, bad example, but bear with me. The people of California voted to prohibit Gay Marriage. Iā€™m not going to argue if this was right, or wrong, or how I would have voted if I had been in California. I am going to say that the people voted for it. If this was a true democracy, that would have been the law, period. Yet, that wasnā€™t the law, it never went into effect. Because the Democratic Process violated the civil rights of the individuals. We canā€™t vote to establish slavery. We canā€™t vote to ban abortions, we canā€™t vote to shut Hogg up. The individual rights under the Bill of Rights prevent the elmination of those freedoms by popular vote.

Yet, Mr. Hogg with his 4.2 GPA, and his high SAT level, doesnā€™t know any of that first year Civics information. I have to wonder, what the hell are the schools teaching. We learned all of that and more when I was in High School. I had learned the Bill of Rights long before, but what it meant wasnā€™t covered until we got to Civics and Government.

Of course, I went to High School in the 1980ā€™s, so perhaps we actually covered Civics in Civics classes.

Yet, we are the ā€œpieces of shitā€ in your opinion. We are the bad guys when we point out that young Mr. Hogg is wrong on what he is saying, even the basic foundations of his statements are erroneous. We are the assholes, because we arenā€™t fawning all over him for his ā€œwokeā€ attitude.

Silly me, and the rest. We keep hearing how Liberals are the smartest, yet when you look at the statements they make, there isnā€™t any truth to them. They are factually wrong. Now, this is painful for me, because by Georgia standards, I am actually pretty liberal, especially by Rural Georgia standards, where I live. Yet even I know that Hogg is wrong in his assertions, and his minions and followers and defenders like yourself, keep wanting to protect him.

You canā€™t chart a course to the future, until you know the seas you are sailing on. That is the things that make the proverbial waves and currents. You canā€™t chart a course to the future, until you know where you came from, which is the history of how our society got here. If Mr. Hogg does not wish to learn that history, and refuses to acknowledge the currents and waves, then the future will never be reached.

There is never any advantage to being ignorant. There is never any advantage to being wrong. There is only disaster and doom before you. I would be embarrassed as a teacher if my student went out there and made so many factually incorrect statements and then told everyone I was responsible for teaching them. Iā€™d seriously think of leaving the school, and taking up truck driving, because obviously I had failed miserably to teach the kids I gave Aā€™s to on their report cards.

Hogg deserves the ridicule, because he is ignorant, and proclaiming that ignorance to be an advantage, a bonus. It does demonstrate one thing, that to be a believer in the causes he advocates for, you have to be uneducated
ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

The shit stain should change his underwear and stfu

The coprophilial butthurt continues. Revealing.

Nah...I think he's full of himself and just wish he'd stfu...he's been bawling for seven weeks. Made any difference? Nope and it won't

Now go play mod, fruit loop

Guess you haven't noticed that all your posts about these victims have been emotionally-drenched hissyfit ad homs.

That's OK. Everybody else notices on your behalf.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Conservatives are as stupid as they are hateful.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Conservatives are as stupid as they are hateful.

Says the leftist who can't defend a single thing he spews on here. Post and run, post and run.

As sad as Hogg is at least he's not as cowardly as you are
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Conservatives are as stupid as they are hateful.

And yet the Democrats have delivered the midterms to the Republicans, gift-wrapped even. You think it will all be forgotten by November?
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Iā€™m sure the kid will be a success wherever he goes
He is building quite an impressive resume
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.

Actually I think he was making fun of a kid who seems to be suggesting he may refuse to go to college, but wants people to treat him like he has some kind of wisdom that should be listened to.

It's easy to "refuse to go to college" when none of them accept you.

And teenagers always think they're going to change the world, because they don't really know anything about the world.
At this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€
Lol. Poor deluded boy. Heā€™s in for such a rude awakening, and he will have ā€˜sacrificedā€™ an education in the process. Sad :eusa_angel:

His parents must be awful to allow him to continue on this path.

Maybe they think he's going to parlay his 15 minutes of fame into a career as an opinion pundit. Given the quality of media and punditry these days, they might be right, God help us.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.

How true. In my day the scale only went to 4.0. Did they add .1 to offset the participation trophies?

Extra credit for participating in leftist marches and shit.
This kid seems to think he's qualified to "change the world" based on nothing more than his own opinion that he is magically awesome, and no need to grow up, gain worldly experience, or get an education.

It's weird that liberals seem eager to support this kid as a political figure with no qualifications other than his ego, but they have a meltdown over the President because he has no qualifications but his ego.

Well, and unlike David Hogg, the President actually was elected to represent people. He didn't just appoint himself as the world's spokesman.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Iā€™m sure the kid will be a success wherever he goes
He is building quite an impressive resume

Seems colleges don't think it's too impressive
Why is the Left still pushing Hogg as a spokesman for their latest 'movement' - he is a disgraced, exposed phony...?!
Only in your mind.
Articulate, well versed young man about to get professional. Watch out.

Actually, he's a lying, arrogant little snot. How "articulate" his arrogance and lies are really isn't a mitigating factor.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Iā€™m sure the kid will be a success wherever he goes
He is building quite an impressive resume

Seems colleges don't think it's too impressive

It's possible he doesn't do well on the personal interviews.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.

Actually I think he was making fun of a kid who seems to be suggesting he may refuse to go to college, but wants people to treat him like he has some kind of wisdom that should be listened to.

It's easy to "refuse to go to college" when none of them accept you.

And teenagers always think they're going to change the world, because they don't really know anything about the world.

How sad that your life is such shit that you are insanely jealous of a 17 year old kid.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Iā€™m sure the kid will be a success wherever he goes
He is building quite an impressive resume

Seems colleges don't think it's too impressive
Those rejections went out before David Hogg became an honored American Patriot

Think he can get in any school he wants now.......
Except Trump University
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Iā€™m sure the kid will be a success wherever he goes
He is building quite an impressive resume

Seems colleges don't think it's too impressive
Those rejections went out before David Hogg became an honored American Patriot

Think he can get in any school he wants now.......
Except Trump University

So you're suggesting colleges take political activity into account during the admissions process. Interesting.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Iā€™m sure the kid will be a success wherever he goes
He is building quite an impressive resume

Seems colleges don't think it's too impressive
Those rejections went out before David Hogg became an honored American Patriot

Think he can get in any school he wants now.......
Except Trump University

So you're suggesting colleges take political activity into account during the admissions process. Interesting.

Schools like American Patriots who fight for justice

Hogg is one!

David Hogg.......Making America Great
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Iā€™m sure the kid will be a success wherever he goes
He is building quite an impressive resume

Seems colleges don't think it's too impressive
Those rejections went out before David Hogg became an honored American Patriot

Think he can get in any school he wants now.......
Except Trump University

Yeah dumb ass except he's been rejected by a few.

Sweet Jebus you're fucking stupid

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