David Koch breaks from GOP on gay marriage

This is the powerful America I remember, and the way the world perceived us in righteousness and moral fortitude in the world at this time after we were attacked, and especially our resolve when we had a problem or problems to solve in these ways. We didn't do this by allowing our moral strength to be compromised as it is being compromised badly today..


Well, here's your problem.

What you remember didn't happen.

The rest of the world had already been at war for years before we got involved, and frankly, a lot more Chinese, Russians and Indians died winning WWII than Americans did.

But if you want to go there, the reason we did so well was because a liberal president "Didn't let a crisis go to waste" and took the oppurtunity to nationalize much of the economy and expand the scope of government to unprecedented levels. .
Revised - Do you all think that Gay marriage is somehow representative of true love in this nation or is it just representative of yet another pair of leeches getting ready to suck off the "governments tit" in everyway that they can, thus eventually destroying it's host just like all the other leeches who are using the social issues or many other issues to now set themselves up in this nation in order to do the same ? Draining moral power from the government is also another type of drain on the government, so it's not always just about the entitlements or wrongful usage of monies that we are getting when government is used wrongfully in America now, but rather I think these issues fall under a moral power drain from our government, in which causes the whole world to sit back and laugh at us because of all of this sort of stuff now.

Just wondering is all....Think about how all of this is impacting the government by way of what is perceived as our government moral upstanding in the world, and it's perceived power, and this unfortunately when it keeps becoming so entangled in these issues in which it should not be entangled in like it is these days... How much more can the government afford to involve itself in, and how much more can it afford to lose in morals and values by involving itself so deeply in these social issues like it keeps doing to date ?

Much of the rest of the world- which is to say, the G-7 countries, already recognize gay marriage and have more extensive social programs and welfare states than we do.

We are facing the same problem the Europeans faced in the 1960's. They could either have their entitlements or their empires, but they couldn't have both. They opted for their entitlements.
Being GAY is a perfectly moral way to live
According to you, but do you represent the majority in this way of thinking?

Actually she does.

If you don't have morals to begin with, then what's morally acceptable loses its meaning. It's morally acceptable for 12 year old girls to sext their whole class. It's morally acceptable for parents to give their kids pot. Its morally acceptable for a football team to drug and rape a girl.

Gay marriage is morally acceptable? Sure, to this group of amorals.
It is supposed to show how the republicans are falling apart. The Koch Brothers have always been libertarian, not republican. What it does show is that the republicans are far more pro freedom of ideas than democrats. Democrats do not permit differences of opinion.

like opinions that our troops are shitty like you claim?

Our troops are NOT shitty. They are just being maneuvered into becoming shitty. Probably in another two years or so they will be really shitty. But that is the democrat goal.

You claimed they are being feminized and that thta is bad.

You were trashing the troops

More defections?

David Koch has been pro-gay marriage since at least 2003. In 2008 Obama said that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Grover Norquist supports gay marriage.

Sheldon Adelson is pro-choice.

Ruppert Murdoch is pro-amnesty (and mildly anti-gun)

The other strong political wing in the GOP, the Christian Right, is not libertarian. According to november exit polls, the public support for a tax hike on the rich was very similar in the Deep South and in New York and the North East (around 50%, and another 10-15% in favor of Clinton-era tax rates for everyone)

:clap2: good post.

thanks for taking the wind out of the sails of a few wingnuts and moonbats.

Now, the Kock Brothers who run Kock Industries are creepy deregulation types. The what and how and why of their social views is not an issue when battling their power and influence.

as far as the other creepy right wingers go...if they drowned in the sea the world would be at no great loss...for John Dunne was wrong...the deaths of some men does not diminish thee...the deaths of some men add quality of life to the planet
This is the powerful America I remember, and the way the world perceived us in righteousness and moral fortitude in the world at this time after we were attacked, and especially our resolve when we had a problem or problems to solve in these ways. We didn't do this by allowing our moral strength to be compromised as it is being compromised badly today..


Well, here's your problem.

What you remember didn't happen.

The rest of the world had already been at war for years before we got involved, and frankly, a lot more Chinese, Russians and Indians died winning WWII than Americans did.

But if you want to go there, the reason we did so well was because a liberal president "Didn't let a crisis go to waste" and took the oppurtunity to nationalize much of the economy and expand the scope of government to unprecedented levels. .

Didn't let a crisis go to waste eh? And that crisis being us being attack on December 7th 1941 by the Japs who had gotten in trouble for their imperialistic quest? Any President at the time would have done the same, so what do you suggest should have been our response to this crisis then? Kiss their butt's down on main street Tokyo Japan in defeat ? Be careful now, or your anti-Americanism will show big time, and we shall see you for exactly what you are in this respect... Didn't happen eh ? One thing is for sure, is that after the crisis, we went back to being American, instead of it causing us to change into something we aren't, but what is happening now days when a crisis is being exploited, is it is being exploited to turn us into something other than being American, and that is unacceptable (imho)

It only matters what we stood for and how it prevailed in these times, so what are you talking about with such a response as this ?
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More defections?

David Koch has been pro-gay marriage since at least 2003. In 2008 Obama said that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Grover Norquist supports gay marriage.

Sheldon Adelson is pro-choice.

Ruppert Murdoch is pro-amnesty (and mildly anti-gun)

The other strong political wing in the GOP, the Christian Right, is not libertarian. According to november exit polls, the public support for a tax hike on the rich was very similar in the Deep South and in New York and the North East (around 50%, and another 10-15% in favor of Clinton-era tax rates for everyone)

:clap2: good post.

thanks for taking the wind out of the sails of a few wingnuts and moonbats.

Now, the Kock Brothers who run Kock Industries are creepy deregulation types. The what and how and why of their social views is not an issue when battling their power and influence.

as far as the other creepy right wingers go...if they drowned in the sea the world would be at no great loss...for John Dunne was wrong...the deaths of some men does not diminish thee...the deaths of some men add quality of life to the planet
And so you call for the deaths of some men by these words that you feel are appropriate for the occasion, and that you are in awe over? So who are these men in which you relish this quote over, and this by bringing it forward into this day and age of events ? Enquiring minds sure want to know...

David Koch has been pro-gay marriage since at least 2003. In 2008 Obama said that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Grover Norquist supports gay marriage.

Sheldon Adelson is pro-choice.

Ruppert Murdoch is pro-amnesty (and mildly anti-gun)

The other strong political wing in the GOP, the Christian Right, is not libertarian. According to november exit polls, the public support for a tax hike on the rich was very similar in the Deep South and in New York and the North East (around 50%, and another 10-15% in favor of Clinton-era tax rates for everyone)

:clap2: good post.

thanks for taking the wind out of the sails of a few wingnuts and moonbats.

Now, the Kock Brothers who run Kock Industries are creepy deregulation types. The what and how and why of their social views is not an issue when battling their power and influence.

as far as the other creepy right wingers go...if they drowned in the sea the world would be at no great loss...for John Dunne was wrong...the deaths of some men does not diminish thee...the deaths of some men add quality of life to the planet
And so you call for the deaths of some men by these words that you feel are appropriate for the occasion, and that you are in awe over? So who are these men in which you relish this quote over, and this by bringing it forward into this day and age of events ? Enquiring minds sure want to know...

Don't be ridiculous. Dante neither calls nor wishes death to any of those men. What he did was state an opinion that those men add much ill to the world and that any of their passing on would contribute to a better quality of life as a whole for the planet.

Dante stands in awe of no men mentioned.
This is the powerful America I remember, and the way the world perceived us in righteousness and moral fortitude in the world at this time after we were attacked, and especially our resolve when we had a problem or problems to solve in these ways. We didn't do this by allowing our moral strength to be compromised as it is being compromised badly today..


Well, here's your problem.

What you remember didn't happen.

The rest of the world had already been at war for years before we got involved, and frankly, a lot more Chinese, Russians and Indians died winning WWII than Americans did.

But if you want to go there, the reason we did so well was because a liberal president "Didn't let a crisis go to waste" and took the oppurtunity to nationalize much of the economy and expand the scope of government to unprecedented levels. .

Didn't let a crisis go to waste eh? And that crisis being us being attack on December 7th 1941 by the Japs who had gotten in trouble for their imperialistic quest? Any President at the time would have done the same, so what do you suggest should have been our response to this crisis then? Kiss their butt's down on main street Tokyo Japan in defeat ? Be careful now, or your anti-Americanism will show big time, and we shall see you for exactly what you are in this respect... Didn't happen eh ? One thing is for sure, is that after the crisis, we went back to being American, instead of it causing us to change into something we aren't, but what is happening now days when a crisis is being exploited, is it is being exploited to turn us into something other than being American, and that is unacceptable (imho)

It only matters what we stood for and how it prevailed in these times, so what are you talking about with such a response as this ?

You know, when you say "being an American", you're stating something very subjective? You could ask a hundred people what that means and you'd get 20 or 30 different answers.
If you don't have morals to begin with, then what's morally acceptable loses its meaning. It's morally acceptable for 12 year old girls to sext their whole class. It's morally acceptable for parents to give their kids pot. Its morally acceptable for a football team to drug and rape a girl.

Gay marriage is morally acceptable? Sure, to this group of amorals.

Describe amoral.
Only politicians can "break" with their own party. Citizens just change their mind except if you are a radical democrat, then all bets are off. If Koch thinks cozying up to the homosexual lobby will cause anti-semite hate filled democrats to show less animosity toward him he has another think coming.
I again refer the reader to "Forbes" December 24th issue.

Inside the Koch Empire

"They've been building their empire for 50 years. Their election bet fizzled. But rest assured, the Kock Brothers say they are just getting started"

They are committed to turning the United States into a Plutocracy. Anything they say or do is focused on this goal, a nation rules by the rich.
TAMPA, Fla. – Billionaire industrialist David Koch, who is helping steer millions of dollars to elect Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans, on Thursday told POLITICO he disagrees with the GOP’s stance on gay marriage and believes the U.S. needs to consider raising taxes to balance the budget.

David Koch breaks from GOP on gay marriage, taxes, defense cuts - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com


gay marriage doesn't affect koch's business interests. i'm not surprised. you'll see a lot of bones tossed by rightwingers over the next few years.
Well, here's your problem.

What you remember didn't happen.

The rest of the world had already been at war for years before we got involved, and frankly, a lot more Chinese, Russians and Indians died winning WWII than Americans did.

But if you want to go there, the reason we did so well was because a liberal president "Didn't let a crisis go to waste" and took the oppurtunity to nationalize much of the economy and expand the scope of government to unprecedented levels. .

Didn't let a crisis go to waste eh? And that crisis being us being attack on December 7th 1941 by the Japs who had gotten in trouble for their imperialistic quest? Any President at the time would have done the same, so what do you suggest should have been our response to this crisis then? Kiss their butt's down on main street Tokyo Japan in defeat ? Be careful now, or your anti-Americanism will show big time, and we shall see you for exactly what you are in this respect... Didn't happen eh ? One thing is for sure, is that after the crisis, we went back to being American, instead of it causing us to change into something we aren't, but what is happening now days when a crisis is being exploited, is it is being exploited to turn us into something other than being American, and that is unacceptable (imho)

It only matters what we stood for and how it prevailed in these times, so what are you talking about with such a response as this ?

You know, when you say "being an American", you're stating something very subjective? You could ask a hundred people what that means and you'd get 20 or 30 different answers.
Yep, and so the task is almost complete, where as the feds have accomplished what it had set out to do, which is to separate us, and to ultimately conquer us finally. One could ask who the feds are these days, and I bet you would get the same results, because they have become someone or something that we no longer know anymore as well....
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TAMPA, Fla. – Billionaire industrialist David Koch, who is helping steer millions of dollars to elect Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans, on Thursday told POLITICO he disagrees with the GOP’s stance on gay marriage and believes the U.S. needs to consider raising taxes to balance the budget.

David Koch breaks from GOP on gay marriage, taxes, defense cuts - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com


gay marriage doesn't affect koch's business interests. i'm not surprised. you'll see a lot of bones tossed by rightwingers over the next few years.

Libertarians have no problem with homosexuals. Barry Goldwater was in favour of gay rights.
If you don't have morals to begin with, then what's morally acceptable loses its meaning. It's morally acceptable for 12 year old girls to sext their whole class. It's morally acceptable for parents to give their kids pot. Its morally acceptable for a football team to drug and rape a girl.

Gay marriage is morally acceptable? Sure, to this group of amorals.

Describe amoral.
Her definition was laid out in her description of a culture of immoral bankrupt and corrupt people, is there any different one for her that would better suit your interpretation ? If so then lay it out for us...

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