David Suzuki bombs on Q&A, knows nothing about the climate


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
David Suzuki bombs on Q&A, knows nothing about the climate
David Suzuki’s performance on Q&A last night was extraordinary. I was knock-me-over amazed that he has not heard of UAH, GISS, HADcrut and RSS, and knew nothing of the pause in global surface temperatures that even the UK Met Office and IPCC lead author climate scientists like Hans von Storch are discussing.

How afraid is Suzuki about man-made global warming? So afraid, it doesn’t occur to him to check the data, incredibly he doesn’t even know what the data is. Tony Jones had to rephrase the questions to explain them to Suzuki, who doesn’t even understand them.

How much is his reputation as a scientist worth when he doesn’t even bother to check the evidence for a cause he stakes his reputation on?

Three times in Q&A he admitted he didn’t know — he didn’t know there was a pause in warming for the last 15 years, he didn’t know how global temperatures are measured, and he didn’t know that cyclones were not increasing over the Great Barrier Reef. He wants politicians jailed for “denying the science”. “You bet!” he exclaims, but then admits he hasn’t thought that through either.

The cartoon-like responses were incongruous. Should we go nuclear to reduce emissions? Suzuki tosses numbers, evidence, and cost-benefits down a deep well of ignorance: “It’s just crazy”. “What the hell is going on”. “You’ve got sunlight!” “Solar farms could be spread everywhere”. “There is plenty of sunlight beyond anything humanity needs”. The audience member who asked then pointed out we don’t have the batteries to cope with sunless cloudy days. Even Tony Jones asks how realistic solar is. At this first prod, Suzuki throws his hands up in the air, “I don’t know”.

The man is emphatically an activist who might as well be innumerate. He is unburdened by data, evidence or logic. Why is the ABC giving him such a hallowed space, which is usually only given to PM’s?​

He believes, but doesn't know why he believes.

He's a typical AGW cultist.
Who is David Suzuki, and why should I care that you're fixated on him? What's the matter, fixating on Gore and Mann not working out?

Those who can talk about the science, do. Those who can't, attack people.
Who is David Suzuki, and why should I care that you're fixated on him? What's the matter, fixating on Gore and Mann not working out?

Those who can talk about the science, do. Those who can't, attack people.

This is my first mention of Suzuki. That's not a fixation, genius. :lol:


David Suzuki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In recent years, Suzuki has been a forceful spokesperson on global climate change. In February 2008, he urged McGill University students to speak out against politicians who fail to act on climate change, stating "What I would challenge you to do is to put a lot of effort into trying to see whether there's a legal way of throwing our so-called leaders into jail because what they're doing is a criminal act."[9][10]
Suzuki is unequivocal that climate change is a very real and pressing problem and that an "overwhelming majority of scientists" now agree that human activity is responsible. The David Suzuki Foundation website has a clear statement of this:
The debate is over about whether or not climate change is real. Irrefutable evidence from around the world - including extreme weather events, record temperatures, retreating glaciers, and rising sea levels - all point to the fact climate change is happening now and at rates much faster than previously thought.

The overwhelming majority of scientists who study climate change agree that human activity is responsible for changing the climate. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is one of the largest bodies of international scientists ever assembled to study a scientific issue, involving more than 2,500 scientists from more than 130 countries. The IPCC has concluded that most of the warming observed during the past 50 years is attributable to human activities. Its findings have been publicly endorsed by the National Academies of Science of all G8 nations, as well as those of China, India and Brazil.[11]​
Suzuki says that despite this growing consensus, many in the public and the media seemed doubtful about the science for many years. The reason for the confusion about climate change, in Suzuki's view, was due to a well-organized campaign of disinformation about the science involved. "A very small number of critics" denies that climate change exists and that humans are the cause. These climate change “skeptics” or "deniers", Suzuki claims, tend not to be climate scientists and do not publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals but rather target the media, the general public, and policy makers. Their goal: "delaying action on climate change." According to Suzuki, the skeptics have received significant funding from coal and oil companies, including ExxonMobil. They are linked to "industry-funded lobby groups", such as the Information Council on the Environment (ICE),[12] whose aim is to "reposition global warming as theory (not fact)."[11]

In October 2012, referring to climate activism and reversal of human-induced climate change, Suzuki declared to Rebecca Tarbotton, "Becky, you know, we've lost." [13]​


He's a biologist.

He doesn't understand the science of climate change.

He insists that climate heretics should be jailed.

Aside from the first point, he's practically indistinguishable from 95% of the AGW cult.
Global Solar Power Passes 100,000 Megawatt Milestone | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

The sun is shining on solar energy across the world. In 2012, a record 31,100 megawatts of solar photovoltaics (PV) was installed, pushing the total global solar power capacity past 100,000 megawatts. Now, new reports from the Earth Policy Institute and Worldwatch Institute find that more countries are getting into the solar power game as costs come down and installations ramp up. Solar PV installed capacity increased by 41 percent in 2012 alone, with more than 30 countries now claiming capacity of over 100 megawatts—a figure that is projected to double by 2018

Read more: Global Solar Power Passes 100,000 Megawatt Milestone | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
Solar Industry Data | SEIA

U.S. Market Installs 832 Megawatts in Q2 2013; Grows 15% Over Last Quarter

The U.S. solar market had its second largest quarter in history. The industry installed 832 MW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity, up 15% over deployment levels in Q1 2013. The utility PV market drove much of the growth in Q2 2013 with over 450 MW of projects commissioned in the quarter. The overall solar electric market remains on pace for another record year, with 4,400 MW of PV and over 900 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP) projected to come online in 2013. (All data from SEIA/GTM Research “U.S. Solar Market Insight: Q2 2013” unless otherwise noted.)

Nice numbers for a pipe dream.
Small or large, wind power projects increasing in the U.S.

According to the report prepared by Berkeley Lab, annual wind power additions in the U.S. achieved record levels in 2012, while wind energy pricing is near an all-time low.

Around 13.1 gigawatts of new wind power capacity was connected to the grid in 2012, bringing America’s total wind power capacity to more than 60 GW at year’s end. This is enough to power more than 15 million homes each year.

Meanwhile, wind project capital and maintenance costs continued to decline, lowering the cost of wind energy. The price of wind under long-term power purchase contracts signed in 2011 and 2012 averaged 4 cents per kilowatt hour – making wind competitive with a range of wholesale electricity prices seen in 2012.

All in all, wind power made up 43 percent of all new electric capacity additions in 2012 and represented $25 billion in new investment.

Many of these new installations also sourced their equipment domestically. Seven of the ten wind turbine suppliers with the largest share of the U.S. market in 2012 had one or more operational manufacturing facilities in the country.
Energy Dept. Reports: U.S. Wind Energy Production and Manufacturing Reaches Record Highs | Department of Energy

August 6, 2013 - 8:00am

WASHINGTON – The Energy Department released two new reports today showcasing record growth across the U.S. wind market -- increasing America’s share of clean, renewable energy and supporting tens of thousands of jobs nationwide. According to these reports, the United States continues to be one of the world’s largest and fastest growing wind markets. In 2012, wind energy became the number one source of new U.S. electricity generation capacity for the first time – representing 43 percent of all new electric additions and accounting for $25 billion in U.S. investment.

In the first four years of the Obama Administration, American electricity generation from wind and solar power more than doubled. President Obama’s Climate Action Plan makes clear that the growth of clean, renewable wind energy remains a critical part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy that reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions, diversifies our energy economy and brings innovative technologies on line. The Obama Administration has committed to another doubling of the renewable electricity generation from energy resources like wind power by 2020.

“The tremendous growth in the U.S. wind industry over the past few years underscores the importance of consistent policy that ensures America remains a leader in clean energy innovation,” said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. “As the fastest growing source of power in the United States, wind is paving the way to a cleaner, more sustainable future that protects our air and water and provides affordable, clean renewable energy to more and more Americans.”

Good paying jobs and cheaper energy, no wonder 'Conservatives' don't like renewables.
Solar Industry Data | SEIA

U.S. Market Installs 832 Megawatts in Q2 2013; Grows 15% Over Last Quarter

The U.S. solar market had its second largest quarter in history. The industry installed 832 MW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity, up 15% over deployment levels in Q1 2013. The utility PV market drove much of the growth in Q2 2013 with over 450 MW of projects commissioned in the quarter. The overall solar electric market remains on pace for another record year, with 4,400 MW of PV and over 900 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP) projected to come online in 2013. (All data from SEIA/GTM Research “U.S. Solar Market Insight: Q2 2013” unless otherwise noted.)

Nice numbers for a pipe dream.

I'm all for it. Apart from people in the oil business, I don't know why anyone would be against it. But with current technology, it is a drop in the bucket compared to hydrocarbons, and will be for decades to come.

Just to put it into perspective, the US consumes about 4 billion MWh per year.
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Solar Industry Data | SEIA

U.S. Market Installs 832 Megawatts in Q2 2013; Grows 15% Over Last Quarter

The U.S. solar market had its second largest quarter in history. The industry installed 832 MW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity, up 15% over deployment levels in Q1 2013. The utility PV market drove much of the growth in Q2 2013 with over 450 MW of projects commissioned in the quarter. The overall solar electric market remains on pace for another record year, with 4,400 MW of PV and over 900 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP) projected to come online in 2013. (All data from SEIA/GTM Research “U.S. Solar Market Insight: Q2 2013” unless otherwise noted.)

Nice numbers for a pipe dream.

I'm all for it. Apart from people in the oil business, I don't know why anyone would be against it. But with current technology, it is a drop in the bucket compared to hydrocarbons, and will be for decades to come.

Just to put it into perspective, the US consumes about 4 billion MWh per year.

You're almost there, OldRocks! Another 70-100 years and (assuming no population of technological growth occurs) we'll almost be up to speed on solar for the year 2013.

Beware of Canadiannes selling solar panels.. Remember that bikini you bought from the Eskimos ?? Or the snowboard you bought in Jamaica?

Yeah --- Toronto replacing all its fossil generation for solar.. That'll happen.. Sometimes these birds are just unglued from reality..
Small or large, wind power projects increasing in the U.S.

According to the report prepared by Berkeley Lab, annual wind power additions in the U.S. achieved record levels in 2012, while wind energy pricing is near an all-time low.

Around 13.1 gigawatts of new wind power capacity was connected to the grid in 2012, bringing America’s total wind power capacity to more than 60 GW at year’s end. This is enough to power more than 15 million homes each year.
...assuming the wind blows ALL THE TIME.

It doesn't.

So what does that 60GW actually produce, Roxy?

Meanwhile, coal produced 1,517.2 Terrawatt-hours in 2012. Wind...not even a tenth of that, at 140.1.

You better step up production of renewables before you short-sightedly shut down the coal industry.
What does the reality of wind production look like??


A REAL POWER SOURCE is a straight horizontal line..

Doesn't matter what the production integral "under the curve" -- or the AVERAGE or TOTAL production is... It is NOT an ALTERNATIVE to anything. You cannot increase capacity of a grid with just adding wind. And the cost of the REAL POWER PLANT is never included in all this hype about massive wind installs..
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David Suzuki bombs on Q&A, knows nothing about the climate
David Suzuki’s performance on Q&A last night was extraordinary. I was knock-me-over amazed that he has not heard of UAH, GISS, HADcrut and RSS, and knew nothing of the pause in global surface temperatures that even the UK Met Office and IPCC lead author climate scientists like Hans von Storch are discussing.

How afraid is Suzuki about man-made global warming? So afraid, it doesn’t occur to him to check the data, incredibly he doesn’t even know what the data is. Tony Jones had to rephrase the questions to explain them to Suzuki, who doesn’t even understand them.

How much is his reputation as a scientist worth when he doesn’t even bother to check the evidence for a cause he stakes his reputation on?

Three times in Q&A he admitted he didn’t know — he didn’t know there was a pause in warming for the last 15 years, he didn’t know how global temperatures are measured, and he didn’t know that cyclones were not increasing over the Great Barrier Reef. He wants politicians jailed for “denying the science”. “You bet!” he exclaims, but then admits he hasn’t thought that through either.

The cartoon-like responses were incongruous. Should we go nuclear to reduce emissions? Suzuki tosses numbers, evidence, and cost-benefits down a deep well of ignorance: “It’s just crazy”. “What the hell is going on”. “You’ve got sunlight!” “Solar farms could be spread everywhere”. “There is plenty of sunlight beyond anything humanity needs”. The audience member who asked then pointed out we don’t have the batteries to cope with sunless cloudy days. Even Tony Jones asks how realistic solar is. At this first prod, Suzuki throws his hands up in the air, “I don’t know”.

The man is emphatically an activist who might as well be innumerate. He is unburdened by data, evidence or logic. Why is the ABC giving him such a hallowed space, which is usually only given to PM’s?​

He believes, but doesn't know why he believes.

He's a typical AGW cultist.

That was a pretty abysmal performance I must say. It was actually painful to watch in parts...

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