Davis, prominent Obama backer, leaves Democratic Party-Sees the Writing on the Wall


Artur Davis is, and has always been, about whatever is good for Artur Davis. He was the first congressman from outside Illinois to endorse Obama for president. He was also the only member of the Congressional Black Caucus to vote against the Affordable Care Act (to boost his campaign for governor). He started taking positions so far to the right that he became the first African-American running for state-wide office in Alabama to lose the black vote.

No doubt a sign of a good politician

He is able to see his mistakes
and correct for them
This is why Davis left the democratic party.

"Artur Davis had hoped to make a different kind of history than he did Tuesday. He had hoped to become the first black man in Alabama's 181-year history to win his party's nomination for governor.
Instead, the 42-year-old Birmingham congressman became the first African-American candidate in a statewide Alabama race to lose the black vote.
And he lost it overwhelmingly to white opponent Ron Sparks, who crushed Davis in the Democratic primary.
Sparks beat Davis in 61 of the state's 67 counties. In Davis' 7th Congressional District, an expanse of 12 counties that runs from downtown Birmingham southwest to Tuscaloosa and then dips down to include nine of the state's Black Belt counties, Davis managed to win just two counties, Choctaw and Sumter. Even there, his victory was slim; Sparks pulled 48 percent of the vote in those counties.

In predominantly black counties such as Wilcox and Perry, Sparks got 70-plus percent of the vote. In Greene, Marengo, Lowndes and Hale counties, Sparks picked up 60-plus percent of the vote. In Pickens, Dallas and Macon counties, Sparks got 50-plus percent of the vote
Davis lost his home county, Jefferson, where Sparks racked up 58 percent of the vote. Davis won only a single majority black polling place in all of Jefferson County. He even lost his own polling place -- Southtown Housing Community Center -- by a handful of votes to Sparks."

Artur Davis' loss in Alabama's black precincts 'stunning' | al.com

He had buck danced his way out of a political career. He may run as a republican in Virginia, but blacks will rally to destroy him.

Indeed they will
Why does our president hate women?

Female employees in the Obama White House make considerably less than their male colleagues, records show.

According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).

The Obama campaign on Wednesday lashed out at presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney for his failure to immediately endorse the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, a controversial law enacted in 2009 that made it easier to file discrimination lawsuits…

It is not known whether any female employees at the White House have filed lawsuits under the Ledbetter Act.​

And that's how it is all over America. SO, no; that's not what they will remember.

They'll remember the year the Republicans spent trying to crawl back up their suzies, as opposed to creating jobs. THAT'S what we will remember.

MoveOn.org Political Action: Top 10 Shocking Attacks from the GOP's War on Women
They will remember that Democrats
don't think stay at home Moms really work
and all this crap for the last 5 years over Obamas Charisma? what Charisma? hes as dull as a turnip without his teleprompter.

sig file?
if you say so

No matter how much the Left wants to turn Papa Obama's assault on the Constitution and the churches into a "cash for condom" issue

People really see it for what it is
Poor attempts by the Left to distract people from Papa Obama's failures

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbeZFDyHC30]SBA List's "Womanhood" Ad - Welcome to the Bureau of Womanhood Conformity - YouTube[/ame]
Is Davis a woman?

Neotrotsky had a kneejerk reaction to my sig file.

sig file?
if you say so

No matter how much the Left wants to turn Papa Obama's assault on the Constitution and the churches into a "cash for condom" issue

People really see it for what it is
Poor attempts by the Left to distract people from Papa Obama's failures

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbeZFDyHC30]SBA List's "Womanhood" Ad - Welcome to the Bureau of Womanhood Conformity - YouTube[/ame]

Yes. My sig file.

They will remember that Democrats
don't think stay at home Moms really work

You keep entertaining that hope!!! It won't get you anywhere, but you hold on with all your might! :lol:

So what your saying is that Democrat women are going to just ignore that comments about stay at home moms not working?

Except that no one actually said that. Rosen said that Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life... which is true. You really think someone as rich as Ann Romney is spending her days slaving over a stove? No! She's got cooks, maids, the whole nine yards. Her "experiences" are in no way comparable to the average American woman (or even the average American stay-at-home mom).
How many servants does Michelle have ?

Is is the most in history for any First Lady?

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