Dayton Shooter direct ties to ANTIFA

The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.
So both sides have their assholes.

Now what?
The OP was debunked. Wasn't hard, she's an abject imbecile.
Are you surprised???...par for the course.
In American politics, the “ southern strategy ” refers to efforts by the Republican Party and its candidates to win presidential elections since 1964 by appealing to conservative whites (especially white southerners) disaffected with the Democratic Party by its strong embrace of civil rights laws in the 1960s and its racially egalitarian policies since.
It's a Myth I also remember Clinton bragging about being a proud Goldwater Girl.
Lassiter's story begins with Atlanta's school desegregation efforts in the early 1960s. The conventional wisdom says that the city's business elite --- William Hartsfield, Ivan Allen, the Chamber of Commerce --- recognized the importance of peaceful integration, and so they took on the rural advocates of massive resistance. Lassiter, however, shows how the real leadership came from everyday Atlantans --- such as the housewives who launched Help Our Public Education --- from the city's burgeoning middle class, people who valued quality public education more than continued segregation.

"Any accolades for courageous white leadership during the South's tragic descent into massive resistance," he writes, "must be given to the ordinary fathers and especially the mothers who believed in universal access to public education as the foundation of a democratic and decent society."

But the racial liberalism of the new Sun Belt middle class went only so far. By the late '60s, the civil rights movement was pushing for districtwide busing as the only way to ensure truly equal education.

The first city in the country to experiment with busing on a significant level was Charlotte, and its successful experience was both the high-water mark for racial progressivism and one of the first instances in which the suburban middle class --- the vaunted "Silent Majority" --- flexed its muscle as a conservative political force.

Southern suburbs had been trending right since Eisenhower's 1952 victory; at the same time, they consistently rejected racial reactionary tickets, such as the 1948 Dixiecrats, the 1964 Goldwater campaign and the 1968 Wallace ticket.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Patrick Crusius blasted into a Walmart in El Paso with an assault rifle, a professed belief in white supremacy and and plans to gun down people of Hispanic descent and ethnicity, according to a hate-filled rant police suspect was written by the killer.

Facts aren't on your side...again, take your little supremacist and go home.
an opinion piece
In American politics, the “ southern strategy ” refers to efforts by the Republican Party and its candidates to win presidential elections since 1964 by appealing to conservative whites (especially white southerners) disaffected with the Democratic Party by its strong embrace of civil rights laws in the 1960s and its racially egalitarian policies since.
It's a Myth I also remember Clinton bragging about being a proud Goldwater Girl.
Lassiter's story begins with Atlanta's school desegregation efforts in the early 1960s. The conventional wisdom says that the city's business elite --- William Hartsfield, Ivan Allen, the Chamber of Commerce --- recognized the importance of peaceful integration, and so they took on the rural advocates of massive resistance. Lassiter, however, shows how the real leadership came from everyday Atlantans --- such as the housewives who launched Help Our Public Education --- from the city's burgeoning middle class, people who valued quality public education more than continued segregation.

"Any accolades for courageous white leadership during the South's tragic descent into massive resistance," he writes, "must be given to the ordinary fathers and especially the mothers who believed in universal access to public education as the foundation of a democratic and decent society."

But the racial liberalism of the new Sun Belt middle class went only so far. By the late '60s, the civil rights movement was pushing for districtwide busing as the only way to ensure truly equal education.

The first city in the country to experiment with busing on a significant level was Charlotte, and its successful experience was both the high-water mark for racial progressivism and one of the first instances in which the suburban middle class --- the vaunted "Silent Majority" --- flexed its muscle as a conservative political force.

Southern suburbs had been trending right since Eisenhower's 1952 victory; at the same time, they consistently rejected racial reactionary tickets, such as the 1948 Dixiecrats, the 1964 Goldwater campaign and the 1968 Wallace ticket.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Facts aren't
What next "fake news"
Patrick Crusius blasted into a Walmart in El Paso with an assault rifle, a professed belief in white supremacy and and plans to gun down people of Hispanic descent and ethnicity, according to a hate-filled rant police suspect was written by the killer.

Facts aren't on your side...again, take your little supremacist and go home.
an opinion piece
Facts will continue to make an idiot of you...I don't even have to post anything in
Patrick Crusius blasted into a Walmart in El Paso with an assault rifle, a professed belief in white supremacy and and plans to gun down people of Hispanic descent and ethnicity, according to a hate-filled rant police suspect was written by the killer.

Facts aren't on your side...again, take your little supremacist and go home.
an opinion piece
Facts will continue to make an idiot of you...I don't even have to post anything in
HUH NO I'm pretty well versed on the subject of idiotic leftism
Another Deranged, mind manipulate white DemonRAT school kid....beginning to see correlation between liberal mind bent white kids here.....anyone check to see if someone called these kids and said "QUEEN OF DIAMONDS"?......Not so far fetched anymore....
8 years of teaching white is evil seems to be paying off for the democrats.
60 years of the southern strategy is bearing fruit, they don't have to be secretive anymore; they have semi-auto rifles and plenty of others to shoot.
60+ years DEMOCRATS those are your people
Sorry you are too stupid to know that you white conservatives pushed and endorsed this strategy...what else is new.
Another black thug ANTIFA lover chimes in....ROTFLMFAO!0
Patrick Crusius blasted into a Walmart in El Paso with an assault rifle, a professed belief in white supremacy and and plans to gun down people of Hispanic descent and ethnicity, according to a hate-filled rant police suspect was written by the killer.

Facts aren't on your side...again, take your little supremacist and go home.
an opinion piece
His manifesto was not an opinion piece. It was him expressing his desire to kill Hispanics because he b'lieves they will eventually turn Texas blue.
Hate crimes rose 9 % in major U.S. cities in 2018 for fifth consecutive year — to decade highs, even as overall crime in major cities declined, according to a report published by the center. Hate crimes linked to white nationalist and far right ideologies “continue to be most ascendant,” the report said.
Patrick Crusius blasted into a Walmart in El Paso with an assault rifle, a professed belief in white supremacy and and plans to gun down people of Hispanic descent and ethnicity, according to a hate-filled rant police suspect was written by the killer.

Facts aren't on your side...again, take your little supremacist and go home.
an opinion piece
His manifesto was not an opinion piece. It was him expressing his desire to kill Hispanics because he b'lieves they will eventually turn Texas blue.
Yes I read the manifesto.
He also wrote something about concern for global warming or something simular
Another Deranged, mind manipulate white DemonRAT school kid....beginning to see correlation between liberal mind bent white kids here.....anyone check to see if someone called these kids and said "QUEEN OF DIAMONDS"?......Not so far fetched anymore....
8 years of teaching white is evil seems to be paying off for the democrats.
60 years of the southern strategy is bearing fruit, they don't have to be secretive anymore; they have semi-auto rifles and plenty of others to shoot.
60+ years DEMOCRATS those are your people
Sorry you are too stupid to know that you white conservatives pushed and endorsed this strategy...what else is new.
Another black thug ANTIFA lover chimes in....ROTFLMFAO!0
Facts often reduce racists to name
Next up, he'll call me a
Hate crimes rose 9 % in major U.S. cities in 2018 for fifth consecutive year — to decade highs, even as overall crime in major cities declined, according to a report published by the center. Hate crimes linked to white nationalist and far right ideologies “continue to be most ascendant,” the report said.
started by your beloved obama
Patrick Crusius blasted into a Walmart in El Paso with an assault rifle, a professed belief in white supremacy and and plans to gun down people of Hispanic descent and ethnicity, according to a hate-filled rant police suspect was written by the killer.

Facts aren't on your side...again, take your little supremacist and go home.
an opinion piece
His manifesto was not an opinion piece. It was him expressing his desire to kill Hispanics because he b'lieves they will eventually turn Texas blue.
Yes I read the manifesto.
He also wrote something about concern for global warming or something simular
Yet made it clear that racism was his reason for murder...again...facts make you look stupid.
Patrick Crusius blasted into a Walmart in El Paso with an assault rifle, a professed belief in white supremacy and and plans to gun down people of Hispanic descent and ethnicity, according to a hate-filled rant police suspect was written by the killer.

Facts aren't on your side...again, take your little supremacist and go home.
an opinion piece
His manifesto was not an opinion piece. It was him expressing his desire to kill Hispanics because he b'lieves they will eventually turn Texas blue.
Yes I read the manifesto.
He also wrote something about concern for global warming or something simular
So? Is that supposed to erase his fears about Hispanics making Texas Democrat?
8 years of teaching white is evil seems to be paying off for the democrats.
60 years of the southern strategy is bearing fruit, they don't have to be secretive anymore; they have semi-auto rifles and plenty of others to shoot.
60+ years DEMOCRATS those are your people
Sorry you are too stupid to know that you white conservatives pushed and endorsed this strategy...what else is new.
Another black thug ANTIFA lover chimes in....ROTFLMFAO!0
Facts often reduce racists to name
Next up, he'll call me a
That wasn't name-calling
Hate crimes rose 9 % in major U.S. cities in 2018 for fifth consecutive year — to decade highs, even as overall crime in major cities declined, according to a report published by the center. Hate crimes linked to white nationalist and far right ideologies “continue to be most ascendant,” the report said.
started by your beloved obama
Yes, Obama did rile you people up...the color of his skin was the straw that broke the camel's back for you people.
Patrick Crusius blasted into a Walmart in El Paso with an assault rifle, a professed belief in white supremacy and and plans to gun down people of Hispanic descent and ethnicity, according to a hate-filled rant police suspect was written by the killer.

Facts aren't on your side...again, take your little supremacist and go home.
an opinion piece
His manifesto was not an opinion piece. It was him expressing his desire to kill Hispanics because he b'lieves they will eventually turn Texas blue.
Yes I read the manifesto.
He also wrote something about concern for global warming or something simular
So? Is that supposed to erase his fears about Hispanics making Texas Democrat?
It doesn't make him right-wing either
60 years of the southern strategy is bearing fruit, they don't have to be secretive anymore; they have semi-auto rifles and plenty of others to shoot.
60+ years DEMOCRATS those are your people
Sorry you are too stupid to know that you white conservatives pushed and endorsed this strategy...what else is new.
Another black thug ANTIFA lover chimes in....ROTFLMFAO!0
Facts often reduce racists to name
Next up, he'll call me a
That wasn't name-calling
You people never admit to racism or name are so predictable.

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