Dayton Shooter direct ties to ANTIFA

The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.

Oh not exactly the same. When an Islamic terrorist strikes, the Leftists go out of their way to hunt out the Islamophobes, to make sure that no one is going to get blamed or hurt, and start hashtags like #NotAllMuslims

When a white supremacist strikes white conservatives don't get ANY of that protection, we just get blamed MORE. A poster here told me that half of Trump supporters are terrorists. HALF.

So yeah, not "exactly the same"
The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.

Oh not exactly the same. When an Islamic terrorist strikes, the Leftists go out of their way to hunt out the Islamophobes, to make sure that no one is going to get blamed or hurt, and start hashtags like #NotAllMuslims

When a white supremacist strikes white conservatives don't get ANY of that protection, we just get blamed MORE. A poster here told me that half of Trump supporters are terrorists. HALF.

So yeah, not "exactly the same"

Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren
Connor Betts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
On social media, the suspect’s biography started to emerge. On his Twitter page, reviewed by Heavy, he described himself as “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” He wrote on Twitter that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.” You can read a roundup of his tweets – which also dealt with Parkland, Florida and 9/11 – here and later in this article. Here’s his tweet on Donald Trump’s election victory:
Imbecile, you claimed he said he believes in global warming. I accept this detour of yours as tacit admission that you're full of shit and don't have the slightest clue of what you're talking about.
You should accept it because you have no choice he didn't like Trump he wanted socialism, he would have voted for Elizabeth Warren, You leftist need to get a handle on your nut jobs.

You're confusing Patrick Crusius with Connor Betts. It was Crusius who left behind a manifesto. It was Betts who said he wanted to vote for Warren. You've inability to quote Crusius claiming he believes in global warming proves he didn't say that in his manifesto.
imbecile this thread is about Conner Betts. who is the ohio shooter one of your's

You are thoroughly confused...
I thought you read his manifesto?
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution
The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.

Oh not exactly the same. When an Islamic terrorist strikes, the Leftists go out of their way to hunt out the Islamophobes, to make sure that no one is going to get blamed or hurt, and start hashtags like #NotAllMuslims

When a white supremacist strikes white conservatives don't get ANY of that protection, we just get blamed MORE. A poster here told me that half of Trump supporters are terrorists. HALF.

So yeah, not "exactly the same"

Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.
This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.

Oh not exactly the same. When an Islamic terrorist strikes, the Leftists go out of their way to hunt out the Islamophobes, to make sure that no one is going to get blamed or hurt, and start hashtags like #NotAllMuslims

When a white supremacist strikes white conservatives don't get ANY of that protection, we just get blamed MORE. A poster here told me that half of Trump supporters are terrorists. HALF.

So yeah, not "exactly the same"

Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.

That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.
Ask me if I give a stinking shit what you Commies think?
I'd say your very defensive efforts to disassociate the shooter from his Trump sympathising rhetoric shows you give many stinking shits.

Her “efforts”? This lunatic was a leftwinger, period.

Try pulling your head out of CNN’s ass.

One was a leftwinger, one was a rightwinger. One more example of how you wingers are all the same, matters not which side of the bird you are on
Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.

Oh not exactly the same. When an Islamic terrorist strikes, the Leftists go out of their way to hunt out the Islamophobes, to make sure that no one is going to get blamed or hurt, and start hashtags like #NotAllMuslims

When a white supremacist strikes white conservatives don't get ANY of that protection, we just get blamed MORE. A poster here told me that half of Trump supporters are terrorists. HALF.

So yeah, not "exactly the same"

Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.

That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.

You didn't expose anyone and I'm not running. I gave you an example and YOU ran
And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.

Oh not exactly the same. When an Islamic terrorist strikes, the Leftists go out of their way to hunt out the Islamophobes, to make sure that no one is going to get blamed or hurt, and start hashtags like #NotAllMuslims

When a white supremacist strikes white conservatives don't get ANY of that protection, we just get blamed MORE. A poster here told me that half of Trump supporters are terrorists. HALF.

So yeah, not "exactly the same"

Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.

That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.

You didn't expose anyone and I'm not running. I gave you an example and YOU ran

Yes, you gave examples of what the left wing does. I gave examples of what the right wing does. But you ignore your fellow right wingers and still pretend it is only the left wing that does such things. You are every bit as much of the problem as the left wing is
Oh not exactly the same. When an Islamic terrorist strikes, the Leftists go out of their way to hunt out the Islamophobes, to make sure that no one is going to get blamed or hurt, and start hashtags like #NotAllMuslims

When a white supremacist strikes white conservatives don't get ANY of that protection, we just get blamed MORE. A poster here told me that half of Trump supporters are terrorists. HALF.

So yeah, not "exactly the same"

Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.

That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.

You didn't expose anyone and I'm not running. I gave you an example and YOU ran

Yes, you gave examples of what the left wing does. I gave examples of what the right wing does. But you ignore your fellow right wingers and still pretend it is only the left wing that does such things. You are every bit as much of the problem as the left wing is

Um I call out white supremacists here all the time. On this website
Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.

That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.

You didn't expose anyone and I'm not running. I gave you an example and YOU ran

Yes, you gave examples of what the left wing does. I gave examples of what the right wing does. But you ignore your fellow right wingers and still pretend it is only the left wing that does such things. You are every bit as much of the problem as the left wing is

Um I call out white supremacists here all the time. On this website

Yep, here is my response just yesterday to a white supremacist here. If you don't want to click the link I guess YOU are running away

Why Was No One Armed & Shooting Back In El Paso WalMart ?
Oh not exactly the same. When an Islamic terrorist strikes, the Leftists go out of their way to hunt out the Islamophobes, to make sure that no one is going to get blamed or hurt, and start hashtags like #NotAllMuslims

When a white supremacist strikes white conservatives don't get ANY of that protection, we just get blamed MORE. A poster here told me that half of Trump supporters are terrorists. HALF.

So yeah, not "exactly the same"

Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.

That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.

You didn't expose anyone and I'm not running. I gave you an example and YOU ran

Yes, you gave examples of what the left wing does. I gave examples of what the right wing does. But you ignore your fellow right wingers and still pretend it is only the left wing that does such things. You are every bit as much of the problem as the left wing is

Here is me being sick of Anti Semites...called out white supremacy on the entire thread, especially when they started crawling all over it toward the end. I said they left their slime like "snails with typhus"

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.

That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.

You didn't expose anyone and I'm not running. I gave you an example and YOU ran

Yes, you gave examples of what the left wing does. I gave examples of what the right wing does. But you ignore your fellow right wingers and still pretend it is only the left wing that does such things. You are every bit as much of the problem as the left wing is

Um I call out white supremacists here all the time. On this website

Yep, here is my response just yesterday to a white supremacist here. If you don't want to click the link I guess YOU are running away

Why Was No One Armed & Shooting Back In El Paso WalMart ?

That is very nice.

But we are talking about this statement from you...Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

You ignore the righties doing the exact same thing, when given an example of it happening you still ignore it and change the subject.
Yeah, ok.

Here, read this thread and then try the lie that you are different again...all you wingnuts are the same, matters not which wing you are.

Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Okay you don't need me to talk to yourself. So have at it then.

That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.

You didn't expose anyone and I'm not running. I gave you an example and YOU ran

Yes, you gave examples of what the left wing does. I gave examples of what the right wing does. But you ignore your fellow right wingers and still pretend it is only the left wing that does such things. You are every bit as much of the problem as the left wing is

Um I call out white supremacists here all the time. On this website

quit trying to change the subject.
That is what I assumed, you would run and hide under your rock when your fellow wingnuts were exposed.

You didn't expose anyone and I'm not running. I gave you an example and YOU ran

Yes, you gave examples of what the left wing does. I gave examples of what the right wing does. But you ignore your fellow right wingers and still pretend it is only the left wing that does such things. You are every bit as much of the problem as the left wing is

Um I call out white supremacists here all the time. On this website

Yep, here is my response just yesterday to a white supremacist here. If you don't want to click the link I guess YOU are running away

Why Was No One Armed & Shooting Back In El Paso WalMart ?

That is very nice.

But we are talking about this statement from you...Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

You ignore the righties doing the exact same thing, when given an example of it happening you still ignore it and change the subject.

Okay that was a Leftie criticizing conservatives for politicizing. So OBVIOUSLY that poster thinks it's wrong to politicize these events or whatever. I'm holding him to HIS OWN standards. Who said they are mine?
Ask me if I give a stinking shit what you Commies think?
I'd say your very defensive efforts to disassociate the shooter from his Trump sympathising rhetoric shows you give many stinking shits.

Her “efforts”? This lunatic was a leftwinger, period.

Try pulling your head out of CNN’s ass.

One was a leftwinger, one was a rightwinger. One more example of how you wingers are all the same, matters not which side of the bird you are on

We’re not all the same. We call out right wing extremists, the left rarely ever does for their own.
Imbecile, you claimed he said he believes in global warming. I accept this detour of yours as tacit admission that you're full of shit and don't have the slightest clue of what you're talking about.
You should accept it because you have no choice he didn't like Trump he wanted socialism, he would have voted for Elizabeth Warren, You leftist need to get a handle on your nut jobs.

You're confusing Patrick Crusius with Connor Betts. It was Crusius who left behind a manifesto. It was Betts who said he wanted to vote for Warren. You've inability to quote Crusius claiming he believes in global warming proves he didn't say that in his manifesto.
imbecile this thread is about Conner Betts. who is the ohio shooter one of your's

You are thoroughly confused...
I thought you read his manifesto?
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Lol, coming from someone who shits his pants when he sees a MAGA hat.
Nah...we just point and laugh...the appropriate response.
Yeah with violence, great for the party of tolerance.
Nah...we just point and laugh....the most appropriate response of all.
Yeah we are disgsted with you.
View attachment 272809 View attachment 272810
That's what respecting your country looks like.

Respecting your country isn’t standing up for a piece of cloth. It’s standing up for the things that piece of cloth is SUPPOSED to represent: Freedom, equality and justice for all.

Kapernick is the ONLY one of the three pictures you showed who was standing up for America and what it stands for.
Kapernick is what's wrong with this country. If you hate it leave.

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