Dayton Shooter direct ties to ANTIFA

Not even Mulvaney could defend Trump.

The whole nation knows what Trump has said about the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and KKK members after Charlottesville along with his comments about "The Squad" and Elijah Cummings. On the first day of his candidacy Trump attacked immigrants from Mexico and Central America. All Mulvaney was able to say was Trump was both angry and sad that three mass shootings occurred within of eight days.

Two of the shootings were committed by white supremacists and it is safe to assume Conner Betts was a copy cat killer, not be outdone by Santino William Legan (Gilroy) and Patrick Crusius (El Paso).

Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy were unintended consequences of Trump's racial blasphemy and that is why Mulvaney could not defend Trump.

The chief of staff cannot un-ring a bell.

“You cannot be a white supremacist and be normal in the head. These are sick people," Mulvaney said.

Describing neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK at Charlottesville, Trump said, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
View attachment 272811
The Democrats then are Republicans now.
Representative Bird became a Republican?

No, y'all just changed colors.
Not even Mulvaney could defend Trump.

The whole nation knows what Trump has said about the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and KKK members after Charlottesville along with his comments about "The Squad" and Elijah Cummings. On the first day of his candidacy Trump attacked immigrants from Mexico and Central America. All Mulvaney was able to say was Trump was both angry and sad that three mass shootings occurred within of eight days.

Two of the shootings were committed by white supremacists and it is safe to assume Conner Betts was a copy cat killer, not be outdone by Santino William Legan (Gilroy) and Patrick Crusius (El Paso).

Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy were unintended consequences of Trump's racial blasphemy and that is why Mulvaney could not defend Trump.

The chief of staff cannot un-ring a bell.

“You cannot be a white supremacist and be normal in the head. These are sick people," Mulvaney said.

Describing neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK at Charlottesville, Trump said, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
View attachment 272811 control.....
Yes we do with traitors like yourself living here.
Not even Mulvaney could defend Trump.

The whole nation knows what Trump has said about the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and KKK members after Charlottesville along with his comments about "The Squad" and Elijah Cummings. On the first day of his candidacy Trump attacked immigrants from Mexico and Central America. All Mulvaney was able to say was Trump was both angry and sad that three mass shootings occurred within of eight days.

Two of the shootings were committed by white supremacists and it is safe to assume Conner Betts was a copy cat killer, not be outdone by Santino William Legan (Gilroy) and Patrick Crusius (El Paso).

Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy were unintended consequences of Trump's racial blasphemy and that is why Mulvaney could not defend Trump.

The chief of staff cannot un-ring a bell.

“You cannot be a white supremacist and be normal in the head. These are sick people," Mulvaney said.

Describing neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK at Charlottesville, Trump said, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
View attachment 272811
The Democrats then are Republicans now.
Representative Bird became a Republican?
No, David Duke did. That was the only way he could win an election.
The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.
You should accept it because you have no choice he didn't like Trump he wanted socialism, he would have voted for Elizabeth Warren, You leftist need to get a handle on your nut jobs.

You're confusing Patrick Crusius with Connor Betts. It was Crusius who left behind a manifesto. It was Betts who said he wanted to vote for Warren. You've inability to quote Crusius claiming he believes in global warming proves he didn't say that in his manifesto.
imbecile this thread is about Conner Betts. who is the ohio shooter one of your's

You are thoroughly confused...
I thought you read his manifesto?
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Stop dodging the fact both shooters are one of yours
Not even Mulvaney could defend Trump.

The whole nation knows what Trump has said about the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and KKK members after Charlottesville along with his comments about "The Squad" and Elijah Cummings. On the first day of his candidacy Trump attacked immigrants from Mexico and Central America. All Mulvaney was able to say was Trump was both angry and sad that three mass shootings occurred within of eight days.

Two of the shootings were committed by white supremacists and it is safe to assume Conner Betts was a copy cat killer, not be outdone by Santino William Legan (Gilroy) and Patrick Crusius (El Paso).

Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy were unintended consequences of Trump's racial blasphemy and that is why Mulvaney could not defend Trump.

The chief of staff cannot un-ring a bell.

“You cannot be a white supremacist and be normal in the head. These are sick people," Mulvaney said.

Describing neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK at Charlottesville, Trump said, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
View attachment 272811
The Democrats then are Republicans now.
Representative Bird became a Republican?
No, David Duke did. That was the only way he could win an election.
And he supports IIhan, one of your own.

You're confusing Patrick Crusius with Connor Betts. It was Crusius who left behind a manifesto. It was Betts who said he wanted to vote for Warren. You've inability to quote Crusius claiming he believes in global warming proves he didn't say that in his manifesto.
imbecile this thread is about Conner Betts. who is the ohio shooter one of your's

You are thoroughly confused...
I thought you read his manifesto?
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Stop dodging the fact both shooters are one of yours

And you're still thoroughly confused. These are not the words from someone on the left...

The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election.
Ask me if I give a stinking shit what you Commies think?
I'd say your very defensive efforts to disassociate the shooter from his Trump sympathising rhetoric shows you give many stinking shits.

Her “efforts”? This lunatic was a leftwinger, period.

Try pulling your head out of CNN’s ass.

One was a leftwinger, one was a rightwinger. One more example of how you wingers are all the same, matters not which side of the bird you are on

We’re not all the same. We call out right wing extremists, the left rarely ever does for their own.

Yes, you are. There are a dozen threads started by right wingers politicizing these shootings, just like there are many by the left doing so

You're confusing Patrick Crusius with Connor Betts. It was Crusius who left behind a manifesto. It was Betts who said he wanted to vote for Warren. You've inability to quote Crusius claiming he believes in global warming proves he didn't say that in his manifesto.
imbecile this thread is about Conner Betts. who is the ohio shooter one of your's

You are thoroughly confused...
I thought you read his manifesto?
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Stop dodging the fact both shooters are one of yours
Like this. The right will deny being associated with "the worst" but have zero issue linking the "other sides" worst to the core of the issues.

Fucktarted assholes are pretty much their own team. The actions of a few does not represent the mindset of all.

Pretty God damn lazy thinking.
The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.
Ask me if I give a stinking shit what you Commies think?
I'd say your very defensive efforts to disassociate the shooter from his Trump sympathising rhetoric shows you give many stinking shits.

Her “efforts”? This lunatic was a leftwinger, period.

Try pulling your head out of CNN’s ass.

One was a leftwinger, one was a rightwinger. One more example of how you wingers are all the same, matters not which side of the bird you are on

We’re not all the same. We call out right wing extremists, the left rarely ever does for their own.

Yes, you are. There are a dozen threads started by right wingers politicizing these shootings, just like there are many by the left doing so
It's all bullshit and part of why the violence continues.
The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.
Both sides assume others don't associate the worst to them as people want to be treated individually. Yet all sides have plenty of people doing what they don't want done to them.
The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.

I didn’t ding you, I pointed out the fact that both sides politicize these events. You call out one side for doing it while doing the exact same.
Not even Mulvaney could defend Trump.

The whole nation knows what Trump has said about the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and KKK members after Charlottesville along with his comments about "The Squad" and Elijah Cummings. On the first day of his candidacy Trump attacked immigrants from Mexico and Central America. All Mulvaney was able to say was Trump was both angry and sad that three mass shootings occurred within of eight days.

Two of the shootings were committed by white supremacists and it is safe to assume Conner Betts was a copy cat killer, not be outdone by Santino William Legan (Gilroy) and Patrick Crusius (El Paso).

Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy were unintended consequences of Trump's racial blasphemy and that is why Mulvaney could not defend Trump.

The chief of staff cannot un-ring a bell.

“You cannot be a white supremacist and be normal in the head. These are sick people," Mulvaney said.

Describing neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK at Charlottesville, Trump said, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
View attachment 272811
The Democrats then are Republicans now.
Representative Bird became a Republican?
No, David Duke did. That was the only way he could win an election.
And he supports IIhan, one of your own.
He supports her in that they both hate Jews, not because she's a Democrat. Meanwhile, he's a trump supporting Republican who supports trump on his policies. And he became a Republican because he couldn't win an election as a Democrat.
This is one of the more pathetic attempts to politicize this tragedy I have seen yet. I would say that you should be ashamed, but since you seem to lack a soul, we know that will not happen.

Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.

I didn’t ding you, I pointed out the fact that both sides politicize these events. You call out one side for doing it while doing the exact same.

I did not "call out one side". I held up that poster to HIS OWN standard. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I don't understand even what this means, "Politicize the events". It's one more excuse for people to fluff around the get outraged about nothing. Look, if you know people who are involved in the terror and tragedy, you don't "politicize". If you don't, then what? You can't talk about all the ramifications for our nation, what the motivations might have been? Or what, there's some waiting period?

That's baloney and all thinking people know it.
Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.

I didn’t ding you, I pointed out the fact that both sides politicize these events. You call out one side for doing it while doing the exact same.

I did not "call out one side". I held up that poster to HIS OWN standard. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I don't understand even what this means, "Politicize the events". It's one more excuse for people to fluff around the get outraged about nothing. Look, if you know people who are involved in the terror and tragedy, you don't "politicize". If you don't, then what? You can't talk about all the ramifications for our nation, what the motivations might have been? Or what, there's some waiting period?

That's baloney and all thinking people know it.
But you can't say it's a trait only to the left when both sides are playing "pin the tragedy on the other side" games.
Representative Bird became a Republican?
No, David Duke did. That was the only way he could win an election.
And he supports IIhan, one of your own.
He supports her in that they both hate Jews, not because she's a Democrat. Meanwhile, he's a trump supporting Republican who supports trump on his policies. And he became a Republican because he couldn't win an election as a Democrat.
Thanks for showing your support for a racist prick. Trump became a Republican as he got older as many smart people do. Then we have the ignorant that remain democrats like yourself.
And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.

I didn’t ding you, I pointed out the fact that both sides politicize these events. You call out one side for doing it while doing the exact same.

I did not "call out one side". I held up that poster to HIS OWN standard. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I don't understand even what this means, "Politicize the events". It's one more excuse for people to fluff around the get outraged about nothing. Look, if you know people who are involved in the terror and tragedy, you don't "politicize". If you don't, then what? You can't talk about all the ramifications for our nation, what the motivations might have been? Or what, there's some waiting period?

That's baloney and all thinking people know it.
But you can't say it's a trait only to the left when both sides are playing "pin the tragedy on the other side" games.

And.....I didn't say that. The Leftist however was crying about Righties "politicizing" the tragedy, whatever THAT means. I just pointed out that the left does this routinely.

Since I don't even think it's necessarily wrong, you wouldn't see me "calling people out" for it.
The Dayton shooter was wearing an Acacia Strain sweatshirt was pictured in a Gateway Pundit article.. Did some research and found one of the band's songs is titled, "ANTIFA" and at a particular concert the band bragged about their political agenda.

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After performing "Antifa," Al exclaimed, "Ya'll have been patient with our obvious political agenda, and we're happy you took the time to listen, so we're [playing] a bunch of old sh*t." Without further ado, the loyal fans, from balcony to front row, cheered while those in the pit encouraged each other.

I call bullshit ! ANTIFA people aren’t mass shooters .

This is typical of conservatives. Anytime there’s a shooting / attack they create this lie that the shooter is far left .

antifa is clearly violent....

You are clearly an ignorant Zealot.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.

I didn’t ding you, I pointed out the fact that both sides politicize these events. You call out one side for doing it while doing the exact same.

I did not "call out one side". I held up that poster to HIS OWN standard. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I don't understand even what this means, "Politicize the events". It's one more excuse for people to fluff around the get outraged about nothing. Look, if you know people who are involved in the terror and tragedy, you don't "politicize". If you don't, then what? You can't talk about all the ramifications for our nation, what the motivations might have been? Or what, there's some waiting period?

That's baloney and all thinking people know it.
But you can't say it's a trait only to the left when both sides are playing "pin the tragedy on the other side" games.

And.....I didn't say that. The Leftist however was crying about Righties "politicizing" the tragedy, whatever THAT means. I just pointed out that the left does this routinely.

Since I don't even think it's necessarily wrong, you wouldn't see me "calling people out" for it.
Apologies. I dove in mostly to say both sides have the same examples of stupid but I wasn't trying to call any person out. It's pretty obvious who's doing it really.

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