Dayton Shooter direct ties to ANTIFA

The Democrats then are Republicans now.
Representative Bird became a Republican?
No, David Duke did. That was the only way he could win an election.
And he supports IIhan, one of your own.
He supports her in that they both hate Jews, not because she's a Democrat. Meanwhile, he's a trump supporting Republican who supports trump on his policies. And he became a Republican because he couldn't win an election as a Democrat.
Thanks for showing your support for a racist prick. Trump became a Republican as he got older as many smart people do. Then we have the ignorant that remain democrats like yourself.

Then you must think racism and white supremacy is smart because they too are turning Republican. That's where their support lies.

Oh, and I don't support any of them.
Representative Bird became a Republican?
No, David Duke did. That was the only way he could win an election.
And he supports IIhan, one of your own.
He supports her in that they both hate Jews, not because she's a Democrat. Meanwhile, he's a trump supporting Republican who supports trump on his policies. And he became a Republican because he couldn't win an election as a Democrat.
Thanks for showing your support for a racist prick. Trump became a Republican as he got older as many smart people do. Then we have the ignorant that remain democrats like yourself.

Then you must think racism and white supremacy is smart because they too are turning Republican. That's where their support lies.

Oh, and I don't support any of them.
Actually I don't care about the color of my fellow Americans. You cannot say that, since you see racism everywhere. A sad way to live.
Leftists don't wait until the dead are identified before they politicize so spare me

And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.

I didn’t ding you, I pointed out the fact that both sides politicize these events. You call out one side for doing it while doing the exact same.

I did not "call out one side". I held up that poster to HIS OWN standard. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I don't understand even what this means, "Politicize the events". It's one more excuse for people to fluff around the get outraged about nothing. Look, if you know people who are involved in the terror and tragedy, you don't "politicize". If you don't, then what? You can't talk about all the ramifications for our nation, what the motivations might have been? Or what, there's some waiting period?

That's baloney and all thinking people know it.

I am not surprised you do not understand your own actions.

What it means to politicize these events is to take the tragedy before the blood is even dry and tie it to some stupid political point that has nothing to do with the event.

Politicizing these events is using the fact the shooter was “left” or “right” to demonize an entire group of people.

Politicizing these events is blaming a public figure because one of these nutjobs might have liked them or voted for them.
imbecile this thread is about Conner Betts. who is the ohio shooter one of your's

You are thoroughly confused...
I thought you read his manifesto?
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Stop dodging the fact both shooters are one of yours

And you're still thoroughly confused. These are not the words from someone on the left...

The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election.
You cannot dodge the fact both are yours
No, David Duke did. That was the only way he could win an election.
And he supports IIhan, one of your own.
He supports her in that they both hate Jews, not because she's a Democrat. Meanwhile, he's a trump supporting Republican who supports trump on his policies. And he became a Republican because he couldn't win an election as a Democrat.
Thanks for showing your support for a racist prick. Trump became a Republican as he got older as many smart people do. Then we have the ignorant that remain democrats like yourself.

Then you must think racism and white supremacy is smart because they too are turning Republican. That's where their support lies.

Oh, and I don't support any of them.
Actually I don't care about the color of my fellow Americans. You cannot say that, since you see racism everywhere. A sad way to live.
It's what you just said. You said turning Republican as one gets older is an indication of smarts.

David Duke turned Republican as he got older.

I'm merely employing your logic.
imbecile this thread is about Conner Betts. who is the ohio shooter one of your's

You are thoroughly confused...
I thought you read his manifesto?
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Stop dodging the fact both shooters are one of yours
Like this. The right will deny being associated with "the worst" but have zero issue linking the "other sides" worst to the core of the issues.

Fucktarted assholes are pretty much their own team. The actions of a few does not represent the mindset of all.

Pretty God damn lazy thinking.
Interesting that I made several post on this subject showing evidence what they support but you zero in on this one post

You are thoroughly confused...
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Stop dodging the fact both shooters are one of yours

And you're still thoroughly confused. These are not the words from someone on the left...

The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election.
You cannot dodge the fact both are yours
Sorry, you fail to convince this is someone from my side...

The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election.

But then again, you have proven yourself to be utterly and thoroughly confused. You confused Betts with Crusius. You think Crusius believes in global warming.. You think he wrote about global warming in his manifesto. And you confused global warming with pollution.
I missed you too ♥ Took a break from politics.. lol mudwhistle
It would be nice if we all could take a break....but this is a war.
A war the left is waging on America.

The Left is determined to destroy our Republic... No breaks for Patriots- but you're right.. would be nice!

The Left is determined to destroy our Republic... No breaks for Patriots- but you're right.. would be nice!

Another who shares the the beliefs of a mass shooter.

Just parade down the streets screaming this and be embraced by the left wing parasite media, the Democratic Party, the present Democratic candidates and Obama..

Stalin said it best in regards to the Democratic Party..

View attachment 272771

How many cops have now died because of that? List them so we can jump on condemning the shooters ASAP!

.. Hello Bodecea .. :)

Too many from my perspective and it's interesting that you had no problem with Stalin.. :26:

You are thoroughly confused...
Crusius was the one who left a manifesto.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Stop dodging the fact both shooters are one of yours
Like this. The right will deny being associated with "the worst" but have zero issue linking the "other sides" worst to the core of the issues.

Fucktarted assholes are pretty much their own team. The actions of a few does not represent the mindset of all.

Pretty God damn lazy thinking.
Interesting that I made several post on this subject showing evidence what they support but you zero in on this one post
I dive in, like most, where I dive in.
And neither do righties. It is one more thing you wingnuts share. The wingnuts on both sides hate the other side while missing the undeniable fact they are exactly the same.
It's pretty ironic to see one side say the other side does stupid shit then they turn around and do it cause it's justified or some form of grade school "get even" bullshit.

GG tried to ding me for holding Leftists to their own standards. He did this by pointing out I don't call out the Right for that same thing. But he forgot to ask me if I even find the issue offensive in the first place.

I didn’t ding you, I pointed out the fact that both sides politicize these events. You call out one side for doing it while doing the exact same.

I did not "call out one side". I held up that poster to HIS OWN standard. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I don't understand even what this means, "Politicize the events". It's one more excuse for people to fluff around the get outraged about nothing. Look, if you know people who are involved in the terror and tragedy, you don't "politicize". If you don't, then what? You can't talk about all the ramifications for our nation, what the motivations might have been? Or what, there's some waiting period?

That's baloney and all thinking people know it.

I am not surprised you do not understand your own actions.

What it means to politicize these events is to take the tragedy before the blood is even dry and tie it to some stupid political point that has nothing to do with the event.

Politicizing these events is using the fact the shooter was “left” or “right” to demonize an entire group of people.

Politicizing these events is blaming a public figure because one of these nutjobs might have liked them or voted for them.

What it means to politicize these events is to take the tragedy before the blood is even dry and tie it to some stupid political point that has nothing to do with the event.

Okay what does that mean, "Blood is even dry?" We comment on wars, which are political events, and there's blood all around. I mean this is a sliding scale, exactly like I said. If you KNOW someone whose loved ones died, or you live in the town, or you are standing at the terror scene--yeah. Uncouth, even cruel. Otherwise, what are these rules? Who wrote them? Why? Terrorist events ARE political. That's why they're called "terrorist".

I think you're making up arbitrary rules to engage in Leftists' favorite pastime--SHAMING.

Politicizing these events is using the fact the shooter was “left” or “right” to demonize an entire group of people.

Well the shooter is usually left or right. And I agree with you to a certain extent, but then, since terrorist attacks ARE a political event, it would behoove us to look at what's happening with that group, politically. Fairly. And with cool heads.

Politicizing these events is blaming a public figure because one of these nutjobs might have liked them or voted for them.

Yep and there is where the Left is way, way more at fault than the Right. Go on Twitter or any social media today and look at the absolute meltdown they are having over Trump and Mitch McConnell. Compare and contrast about what Righties are saying about Warren.

So yeah, the banter about Trump is a whole new level. If you can't see THAT objectively, we're done here.
And he supports IIhan, one of your own.
He supports her in that they both hate Jews, not because she's a Democrat. Meanwhile, he's a trump supporting Republican who supports trump on his policies. And he became a Republican because he couldn't win an election as a Democrat.
Thanks for showing your support for a racist prick. Trump became a Republican as he got older as many smart people do. Then we have the ignorant that remain democrats like yourself.

Then you must think racism and white supremacy is smart because they too are turning Republican. That's where their support lies.

Oh, and I don't support any of them.
Actually I don't care about the color of my fellow Americans. You cannot say that, since you see racism everywhere. A sad way to live.
It's what you just said. You said turning Republican as one gets older is an indication of smarts.

David Duke turned Republican as he got older.

I'm merely employing your logic.
If he supports a Looney liberal, he isn't all Republican.
He supports her in that they both hate Jews, not because she's a Democrat. Meanwhile, he's a trump supporting Republican who supports trump on his policies. And he became a Republican because he couldn't win an election as a Democrat.
Thanks for showing your support for a racist prick. Trump became a Republican as he got older as many smart people do. Then we have the ignorant that remain democrats like yourself.

Then you must think racism and white supremacy is smart because they too are turning Republican. That's where their support lies.

Oh, and I don't support any of them.
Actually I don't care about the color of my fellow Americans. You cannot say that, since you see racism everywhere. A sad way to live.
It's what you just said. You said turning Republican as one gets older is an indication of smarts.

David Duke turned Republican as he got older.

I'm merely employing your logic.
If he supports a Looney liberal, he isn't all Republican.
Of course he is. And again, he doesn't support her. He supports her anti-Semitism because he too is an anti-Semite.
Yes Crusius had the manifesto
in the economic reason when it starts with the In the American lifestyle he starts harping about pollution

You are still thoroughly confused.

You said he believes in global warming...
He believed in global warming
... and as evidence he believes in global warming, you cite his manifesto where he speaks about the evils of pollution.


Pollution is not global warming. :eusa_doh:
Stop dodging the fact both shooters are one of yours
Like this. The right will deny being associated with "the worst" but have zero issue linking the "other sides" worst to the core of the issues.

Fucktarted assholes are pretty much their own team. The actions of a few does not represent the mindset of all.

Pretty God damn lazy thinking.
Interesting that I made several post on this subject showing evidence what they support but you zero in on this one post
I dive in, like most, where I dive in.
You did say I had zero links. When you make an accusation you should do a search
Thanks for showing your support for a racist prick. Trump became a Republican as he got older as many smart people do. Then we have the ignorant that remain democrats like yourself.

Then you must think racism and white supremacy is smart because they too are turning Republican. That's where their support lies.

Oh, and I don't support any of them.
Actually I don't care about the color of my fellow Americans. You cannot say that, since you see racism everywhere. A sad way to live.
It's what you just said. You said turning Republican as one gets older is an indication of smarts.

David Duke turned Republican as he got older.

I'm merely employing your logic.
If he supports a Looney liberal, he isn't all Republican.
Of course he is. And again, he doesn't support her. He supports her anti-Semitism because he too is an anti-Semite.
So one of your own is a racist bigot.

Then you must think racism and white supremacy is smart because they too are turning Republican. That's where their support lies.

Oh, and I don't support any of them.
Actually I don't care about the color of my fellow Americans. You cannot say that, since you see racism everywhere. A sad way to live.
It's what you just said. You said turning Republican as one gets older is an indication of smarts.

David Duke turned Republican as he got older.

I'm merely employing your logic.
If he supports a Looney liberal, he isn't all Republican.
Of course he is. And again, he doesn't support her. He supports her anti-Semitism because he too is an anti-Semite.
So one of your own is a racist bigot.
Nope, one of yours is a mass murderer. Again, folks on my side don't say...

The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election.
Dayton Shooter direct ties to ANTIFA

:www_MyEmoticons_com__shush: Don't confuse Dems / Snowflakes with fact. This does not support their rhetoric / agenda, so this must not be spoken aloud....

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