DC libs want drivers licenses for illegals

Doesn't it make more sense that they be trained to drive and are insured?

Drivers license has nothing to do with your immigration status

OMG....I love this...yeah it does, it makes it much easier to fake other stuff....you shouldnt get legal govt documents, unless you're legal.....see it's already starting......

My drivers license says nothing about citizenship. I know many non citizens that have drivers licenses......it shows you are allowed to drive, not that you have residency

But in order to get that license, you must show a social security card and a birth certificate and a utility bill as proof of residency in the state I live in.
Doesn't it make more sense that they be trained to drive and are insured?

Drivers license has nothing to do with your immigration status

No, actually, it does not. They are here illegally and therefore should be deported according to the law. If there is a problem with the damn law then change the fucking thing. You do not provide incentives and items that make breaking the law easier. That is dumb and completely contrary to a society that is governed by law.

What in the fuck does law mean if we are going to continually and purposefully ignore it?

As a driver, I prefer to have the other drivers on the road licensed and insured

If they are not legal, they shouldn't be here, so therefore, having a license and insurance is a moot point.
Doesn't it make more sense that they be trained to drive and are insured?

Drivers license has nothing to do with your immigration status

OMG....I love this...yeah it does, it makes it much easier to fake other stuff....you shouldnt get legal govt documents, unless you're legal.....see it's already starting......

My drivers license says nothing about citizenship. I know many non citizens that have drivers licenses......it shows you are allowed to drive, not that you have residency

You are wrong. They use the driver's license in KY and TN for connect your residence and your SS number as well as your DL number for 911 services. When I was taking crisis calls at a psych hospital, if I couldn't obtain an address, I told them they didn't have to give it and got the SS number. That way I could send emergency services out if they did anything stupid while they were on the line with me. And I had to send them a couple of times. I've called the police using just the SS number for people who called up and made death threats against the clinic, or employees. Here in KY your SS number doesn't show in the DL, but it is there in the electronic records. Your DL is the key to the kingdom. It is also in your phone records. So when you decide to threaten a republican president you might want to think twice before you do.
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A drivers license is not guaranteed to you in the constitution, and it is not a civil right either.

No kidding, next we'll need to supply them with a social security number......stop the madness.....if you're not here legally, you get nothing from us....you're lucky not to get shot or deported......

Hell yeah, I don't see whats so hard to grasp about that. If I went to Mexico this weekend and asked the court house for free room and board, a job, a college education for my kids and a drivers license they would throw me in a mental home.:cuckoo:

Mexico would tell you to send your ass back to the United States.
One doesn't have to be convicted of a crime to determine if something is illegal.

Holy FUCK!!!

Are you suggesting we can't refer to people that have entered this country as illegal aliens?
They have entered ILLEGALLY, whether they've been convicted of illegal entry or not.

Just like I'd be a killer whether I was convicted of murder or manslaughter, or exonerated.

I know you'd rather refer to them as "currently unregistered democrats", but they're still "Illegals" and I will continue to refer to them as such

I am not giving you my opinion. I am telling you the law. If you do not believe me, ask any lawyer. A person is not guilty of a misdemeaner, or a felony, until a court of law has so ruled. Until that happens, he is no more than a suspect, and must, according the the Constitution, be presumed innocent, and that includes the presumption of innocence of being charged as being an illegal alien.

Law, 101.

Presumption of innocents does NOT equate to not being required to provide proof that you are eligible for a specific benefit or privilege.

Wrong again. Reread my post 48. I could be an alien in the USA illegally, with all the papers and documentations you want, including a SS card, a birth cerrtificate, and NRA membership card, a credit card, a utility bill and a AARP membership card, and only a court of law can determine that these cards were illegally obtained, making me an illegal alien.
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According to the Constitution, a person accused of a crime has the right of due process in a court of law. Therefore, unless a person has been convicted of being an illegal alien, he has every right that anyone else has, including the right to apply for a driver's license. A driver's license examiner, making a determination that a person is a convicted illegal alien, is NOT due process. If you don't like the Constitution, there is a process of changing it. Simply violating it is not the path that we need to follow.
Except that you are not applying this correctly. You are right, they can APPLY for the license but because they are unable to prove that they are citizens they are not issued one. Simple as that. They are not being convicted of anything but rather not being issued an official identification card when they should not be eligible for that identification card.

The idea behind giving illegals a drivers license is that they are essentially IGNORING the fact that they individual is unable to show citizenship and therefore, not eligible for such a card. You have no right to the ID or drivers license. You have to shoe that you are eligible to receive one. Your argument above does not apply whatsoever.
How can they apply for a drivers license without the necessary documents? in my state you need 2 forms of ID mainly birth certificate and SSN card and proof you are a resident here, a lease and 2 bills that show your address. Are you saying illegals shouldn't need to get their papers like the rest of us?:confused:

Go to a local cemetary. Find the name of a male on a tombstone, get his date of birth, which would be similar to your DOB. Go to State Records, and tell them you want a copy of the birth certificate of that man. If he was born in that state, they have it, and will give it to you. Go to the SS office and show them your new birth certificate, and ask for a duplicate SS card. They will give it to you. In my state, take these two documents to the DMV and apply to take the test for a deiver's license. They will allow you to do that with two documents. This is not brain surgery. people do this every day.

How do you tell the difference between me, and someone that has done the above? You can not. Only a court of law can determine that you produced fraudlent papers. Therefore, The person who has done the above is not guilty of anything, until a court of law says that he is guilty. End of story.
Your point? All you stated here is that it is possible to break the law. No shit. To steal a line from the libs here, we do not end murder laws because people still murder. That is asinine. Again, the above argument is moot. It has nothing to do with the subject at hand at all.

My point, which seems to elude you, is that the documents that you are demanding are easily obtainable, and that only a court of law has the legal authority to make the determination that they were illegally obtained. Therefor, your demanding all the documents that you want is not going to stop someone from obtaining a driver's licese, until and unless a court of law determines that they are fraudulent
According to the Constitution, a person accused of a crime has the right of due process in a court of law. Therefore, unless a person has been convicted of being an illegal alien, he has every right that anyone else has, including the right to apply for a driver's license. A driver's license examiner, making a determination that a person is a convicted illegal alien, is NOT due process. If you don't like the Constitution, there is a process of changing it. Simply violating it is not the path that we need to follow.
Except that you are not applying this correctly. You are right, they can APPLY for the license but because they are unable to prove that they are citizens they are not issued one. Simple as that. They are not being convicted of anything but rather not being issued an official identification card when they should not be eligible for that identification card.

The idea behind giving illegals a drivers license is that they are essentially IGNORING the fact that they individual is unable to show citizenship and therefore, not eligible for such a card. You have no right to the ID or drivers license. You have to shoe that you are eligible to receive one. Your argument above does not apply whatsoever.
Go to a local cemetary. Find the name of a male on a tombstone, get his date of birth, which would be similar to your DOB. Go to State Records, and tell them you want a copy of the birth certificate of that man. If he was born in that state, they have it, and will give it to you. Go to the SS office and show them your new birth certificate, and ask for a duplicate SS card. They will give it to you. In my state, take these two documents to the DMV and apply to take the test for a deiver's license. They will allow you to do that with two documents. This is not brain surgery. people do this every day.

How do you tell the difference between me, and someone that has done the above? You can not. Only a court of law can determine that you produced fraudlent papers. Therefore, The person who has done the above is not guilty of anything, until a court of law says that he is guilty. End of story.
Your point? All you stated here is that it is possible to break the law. No shit. To steal a line from the libs here, we do not end murder laws because people still murder. That is asinine. Again, the above argument is moot. It has nothing to do with the subject at hand at all.

My point, which seems to elude you, is that the documents that you are demanding are easily obtainable, and that only a court of law has the legal authority to make the determination that they were illegally obtained. Therefor, your demanding all the documents that you want is not going to stop someone from obtaining a driver's licese, until and unless a court of law determines that they are fraudulent


Again, moot point. No one is saying that is not true. What they are saying is that laws making sure those illegal aliens (that do not have that paperwork that you are so hung up on) are allowed to get a license. That is ignorant. They do not have a right to drive as they don’t even have the right to be in this country. THEY ARE ILLEGAL. That has no bearing on the fact that they can illegally obtain those records and claim that they are someone that they are not (also illegal).

Conviction has nothing to do with it. They might not be convicted of a crime and no one is presuming that they even are illegal. What they are doing is withholding the privilege or benefit until that person proves they are eligible to receive it.

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