DC Protests Draw 2 Million

There's no need to get defensive, I wasn't attacking you.
Just sayin' the election is a year away. And everyone knows politics and opinion can turn on a dime.
True that. On the other hand, when a President is not longer trusted, it's hard to unwind that clock. Obama seems to have a problem recognizing limitations, which in some instances might be a good quality, though in those areas he seems to acquiesce.

Wilson should not have yelled out, "You lie." Democrats should not have booed Bush in State of Union address. No one should have applauded the foolish one that threw shoes. But they all happened. Many supported the inappropriate behaviors and that support will have consequences. I never thought that Obama would be this unresponsive, I guess I should have known better. The price to pay will be high.

Well Annie you're right... bad behavior is always lamentable...

But of course, Americans recognize it as bad behavior, even when THEY do it... and not just when it's their opposition.

Hussien was lying through his blue lips... He is FAR more than non-responsive... he is a SUBVERSIVE.

We're being set up to fail... the policies which are being advanced are designed to undermined the means of the US to sustain ourselves.

It's intentional and its the embodiment of pure evil.

I understand your point; but Joe Wilson understood in the wake of his emotional outburst that he had violated a principle... for which he has vociferously apologized...

Recall that not ONE Leftist apologized for Booing GW in the House; NOT ONE has ever apologized for publicly calling GW a liar or for celebrating the shoe thrower... and therein lies the distinction.

There are NO principles guiding the Left ...

I agree that Wilson apologized, not vociferously, but adequately. It was accepted and no more is needed. The same cannot be said for the other side.
True that. On the other hand, when a President is not longer trusted, it's hard to unwind that clock. Obama seems to have a problem recognizing limitations, which in some instances might be a good quality, though in those areas he seems to acquiesce.

Wilson should not have yelled out, "You lie." Democrats should not have booed Bush in State of Union address. No one should have applauded the foolish one that threw shoes. But they all happened. Many supported the inappropriate behaviors and that support will have consequences. I never thought that Obama would be this unresponsive, I guess I should have known better. The price to pay will be high.

I agree - those things should not have happened, and they did. And it's a shame that whenever something like that happens, on either side, it is used by the other side to marginalize the whole, rather than just the fringe. For instance - do I think that all Conservatives are raging secessionists? Of course not. But the loudest, most outlandish always get the spotlight.

In fact, the shoe throwing incident is one of the things I admire greatly about Bush - the man has amazing reflexes! He dodged both of those shoes much better than I would have, had I been the target.

that was the best part, Bush was able to avoid the shoes

Immediately after the incident, when the press conference was re-started, Bush made a very strong point - the shoe-thrower was acting out to gain attention - and was successful, seeing as how every news source led with that story the next day. This is a tactic that is used by both sides, and filters down to these boards as well - the actions of a few do NOT represent the whole, nor should they get the attention that they do get. Just like the 3 ACORN workers in that video have been used to demonize all of ACORN, the secessionists in Texas have been used to demonize all Cons, etc etc. I could go on all day. This is just a distraction from what's really going on - and I know that you and I don't agree on what should be done, but at least can we agree that these distractions are nothing more than that?
I agree - those things should not have happened, and they did. And it's a shame that whenever something like that happens, on either side, it is used by the other side to marginalize the whole, rather than just the fringe. For instance - do I think that all Conservatives are raging secessionists? Of course not. But the loudest, most outlandish always get the spotlight.

In fact, the shoe throwing incident is one of the things I admire greatly about Bush - the man has amazing reflexes! He dodged both of those shoes much better than I would have, had I been the target.

that was the best part, Bush was able to avoid the shoes

Immediately after the incident, when the press conference was re-started, Bush made a very strong point - the shoe-thrower was acting out to gain attention - and was successful, seeing as how every news source led with that story the next day. This is a tactic that is used by both sides, and filters down to these boards as well - the actions of a few do NOT represent the whole, nor should they get the attention that they do get. Just like the 3 ACORN workers in that video have been used to demonize all of ACORN, the secessionists in Texas have been used to demonize all Cons, etc etc. I could go on all day. This is just a distraction from what's really going on - and I know that you and I don't agree on what should be done, but at least can we agree that these distractions are nothing more than that?
actually, wasnt the post made by Bush that had the thrower done that under Saddam, he would have been taken out and shot
and that it was in fact proof that Iraqi's had more freedom now than they did then

that was the best part, Bush was able to avoid the shoes

Immediately after the incident, when the press conference was re-started, Bush made a very strong point - the shoe-thrower was acting out to gain attention - and was successful, seeing as how every news source led with that story the next day. This is a tactic that is used by both sides, and filters down to these boards as well - the actions of a few do NOT represent the whole, nor should they get the attention that they do get. Just like the 3 ACORN workers in that video have been used to demonize all of ACORN, the secessionists in Texas have been used to demonize all Cons, etc etc. I could go on all day. This is just a distraction from what's really going on - and I know that you and I don't agree on what should be done, but at least can we agree that these distractions are nothing more than that?
actually, wasnt the post made by Bush that had the thrower done that under Saddam, he would have been taken out and shot
and that it was in fact proof that Iraqi's had more freedom now than they did then

I believe he did say that, but I was refering to this:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RFH7C3vkK4]YouTube - Man Throws Shoes At Bush[/ame]
actually, wasnt the post made by Bush that had the thrower done that under Saddam, he would have been taken out and shot
and that it was in fact proof that Iraqi's had more freedom now than they did then

That's true, except Bush is comparing himself to Saddam in this case. Not exactly a road I'm sure he'd want to go down.

Though the fact is, Saddam did outsmart Bush. Saddam bluffed him and Iran for all those years after 1991.

The Iraq War was similar to if a Poker player had nothing, and the other person had 4 Ks. The Poker Player who had nothing somehow bluffed the player who had 4 K's out of the hand. And once he found out, blew the bluffer's head off with a revolver.

Edit: Looking back at the video, I gotta say Bush sure could dodge matrix style pretty well. I'm sure he was preparing for that day, just not a shoe.
I agree - those things should not have happened, and they did. And it's a shame that whenever something like that happens, on either side, it is used by the other side to marginalize the whole, rather than just the fringe. For instance - do I think that all Conservatives are raging secessionists? Of course not. But the loudest, most outlandish always get the spotlight.

In fact, the shoe throwing incident is one of the things I admire greatly about Bush - the man has amazing reflexes! He dodged both of those shoes much better than I would have, had I been the target.

that was the best part, Bush was able to avoid the shoes

Immediately after the incident, when the press conference was re-started, Bush made a very strong point - the shoe-thrower was acting out to gain attention - and was successful, seeing as how every news source led with that story the next day. This is a tactic that is used by both sides, and filters down to these boards as well - the actions of a few do NOT represent the whole, nor should they get the attention that they do get. Just like the 3 ACORN workers in that video have been used to demonize all of ACORN, the secessionists in Texas have been used to demonize all Cons, etc etc. I could go on all day. This is just a distraction from what's really going on - and I know that you and I don't agree on what should be done, but at least can we agree that these distractions are nothing more than that?

ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

that was the best part, Bush was able to avoid the shoes

Immediately after the incident, when the press conference was re-started, Bush made a very strong point - the shoe-thrower was acting out to gain attention - and was successful, seeing as how every news source led with that story the next day. This is a tactic that is used by both sides, and filters down to these boards as well - the actions of a few do NOT represent the whole, nor should they get the attention that they do get. Just like the 3 ACORN workers in that video have been used to demonize all of ACORN, the secessionists in Texas have been used to demonize all Cons, etc etc. I could go on all day. This is just a distraction from what's really going on - and I know that you and I don't agree on what should be done, but at least can we agree that these distractions are nothing more than that?

ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

You are exactly the type of person that I was referring to, when I said "the few". Thank God that you don't represent the average Conservative, we'd be in much worse shape than we are.

The liberals are disputing this picture stating it has to be one of their liberal rallys because the flag is flying at half-mast, and they just don't understand the flag thing so it must be a bogus picture. :lol::lol:

They must have already forgotten about one of their wonderful extrememly liberal leaders in the senate, Ted Kennedy who just had a memorial service. Ya think they might be flying that flag at half mast in honor of his memory, I sure do, but the libs have already thrown him under the bus to continue their fight for socializm. Their standing around scratching their heads- goin who's Ted Kennedy. Gotta love it.:lol::lol:
I can give a flying fuck what they think. Let them think that because while they are in denial we will take our Country back.

What you think is immaterial as usual.

Real Americans took America back from you folks last election, and we are going to hang onto it for a long time. The neo-econs and the neo-cons are finished, because the social values vote is split. It will stay that way.

The poor and working folks despise you, and they should.
The liberals are disputing this picture stating it has to be one of their liberal rallys because the flag is flying at half-mast, and they just don't understand the flag thing so it must be a bogus picture. :lol::lol:

They must have already forgotten about one of their wonderful extrememly liberal leaders in the senate, Ted Kennedy who just had a memorial service. Ya think they might be flying that flag at half mast in honor of his memory, I sure do, but the libs have already thrown him under the bus to continue their fight for socializm. Their standing around scratching their heads- goin who's Ted Kennedy. Gotta love it.:lol::lol:
I can give a flying fuck what they think. Let them think that because while they are in denial we will take our Country back.

What you think is immaterial as usual.

Real Americans took America back from you folks last election, and we are going to hang onto it for a long time. The neo-econs and the neo-cons are finished, because the social values vote is split. It will stay that way.

The poor and working folks despise you, and they should.

Last edited:
Immediately after the incident, when the press conference was re-started, Bush made a very strong point - the shoe-thrower was acting out to gain attention - and was successful, seeing as how every news source led with that story the next day. This is a tactic that is used by both sides, and filters down to these boards as well - the actions of a few do NOT represent the whole, nor should they get the attention that they do get. Just like the 3 ACORN workers in that video have been used to demonize all of ACORN, the secessionists in Texas have been used to demonize all Cons, etc etc. I could go on all day. This is just a distraction from what's really going on - and I know that you and I don't agree on what should be done, but at least can we agree that these distractions are nothing more than that?

ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

You are exactly the type of person that I was referring to, when I said "the few". Thank God that you don't represent the average Conservative, we'd be in much worse shape than we are.

ROFL... Sis I represent Americans... all of them and without exception. And it's hysterical that you would thank an entity in which you do not believe and which your entire ideology REJECTS by DEFAULT.

You're a fool; you're a liar and a reprobate of no discernible moral character...

The simple fact is that you are not aware of a single element, facet or trait of Americanism (Conservatism) which could even POTENTIALLY lead to a negative US economic effect...

Now to PROVE that... I hereby challenge you to cite ANY TRAIT, ELEMENT TO, or facet of Americanism... OKA: US Conservatism... which you feel has or could even POTENTIALLY lead to a negative economic impact on the US Economy as a whole.

When you fail to post a valid example of such... you will have exposed yourself as a coomon fool and the embodiment of the common Leftist...

Best of luck to ya sis...

that was the best part, Bush was able to avoid the shoes

Immediately after the incident, when the press conference was re-started, Bush made a very strong point - the shoe-thrower was acting out to gain attention - and was successful, seeing as how every news source led with that story the next day. This is a tactic that is used by both sides, and filters down to these boards as well - the actions of a few do NOT represent the whole, nor should they get the attention that they do get. Just like the 3 ACORN workers in that video have been used to demonize all of ACORN, the secessionists in Texas have been used to demonize all Cons, etc etc. I could go on all day. This is just a distraction from what's really going on - and I know that you and I don't agree on what should be done, but at least can we agree that these distractions are nothing more than that?

ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

"Everything your nation stands against"
Very telling of your mindset.
How about some of what this Nation stands for? Let me refresh your memory a bit.

"We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal"
"Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Closed minded blinded by hate lowly flotsam such as yourself deserves no voice.
You should remove the globe and anchor from your avatar you only disgrace it posting your hate laced rhetoric under it.
Last edited:
Immediately after the incident, when the press conference was re-started, Bush made a very strong point - the shoe-thrower was acting out to gain attention - and was successful, seeing as how every news source led with that story the next day. This is a tactic that is used by both sides, and filters down to these boards as well - the actions of a few do NOT represent the whole, nor should they get the attention that they do get. Just like the 3 ACORN workers in that video have been used to demonize all of ACORN, the secessionists in Texas have been used to demonize all Cons, etc etc. I could go on all day. This is just a distraction from what's really going on - and I know that you and I don't agree on what should be done, but at least can we agree that these distractions are nothing more than that?

ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

"Everything your nation stands against"
Very telling of your mindset.
How about some of what this Nation stands for? Let me refresh your memory a bit.

"We hold these truths to be self evident that all me are created equal"
"Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Closed minded blinded by hate lowly flotsam such as yourself deserves no voice.
You should remove the globe and anchor from your avatar you only disgrace it posting your hate laced rhetoric under it.

Pot...meet kettle.
PI2 now says Pub should HAVE NO VOICE!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
You're a fucking dumb ass hypocrite!!
ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

"Everything your nation stands against"
Very telling of your mindset.
How about some of what this Nation stands for? Let me refresh your memory a bit.

"We hold these truths to be self evident that all me are created equal"
"Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Closed minded blinded by hate lowly flotsam such as yourself deserves no voice.
You should remove the globe and anchor from your avatar you only disgrace it posting your hate laced rhetoric under it.

Pot...meet kettle.
PI2 now says Pub should HAVE NO VOICE!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
You're a fucking dumb ass hypocrite!!

Careful. He'll put you on ignore.
ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

You are exactly the type of person that I was referring to, when I said "the few". Thank God that you don't represent the average Conservative, we'd be in much worse shape than we are.

ROFL... Sis I represent Americans... all of them and without exception. And it's hysterical that you would thank an entity in which you do not believe and which your entire ideology REJECTS by DEFAULT.
How exactly do you come to that conclusion? Please refer to evidence of what my ideology is, and how it rejects God by Default.

You're a fool; you're a liar and a reprobate of no discernible moral character...
Since it's quite clear that you don't know me at all, your bizarre conclusions on my moral character will be filed into the "don't give a fuck" file.

The simple fact is that you are not aware of a single element, facet or trait of Americanism (Conservatism) which could even POTENTIALLY lead to a negative US economic effect...

Now to PROVE that... I hereby challenge you to cite ANY TRAIT, ELEMENT TO, or facet of Americanism... OKA: US Conservatism... which you feel has or could even POTENTIALLY lead to a negative economic impact on the US Economy as a whole.
There is no point in my even answering this question, since a.) Economics is a theoretical science, and every economist I've ever met has had entirely differing views on both macro and micro economics, and b.) I'm sure you have no idea what you're talking about.

When you fail to post a valid example of such... you will have exposed yourself as a coomon fool and the embodiment of the common Leftist...

Best of luck to ya sis...

Here, I'll tell you what. Describe what you think "American OKA: US Conservatism" is, and then I'll respond.
"Everything your nation stands against"
Very telling of your mindset.
How about some of what this Nation stands for? Let me refresh your memory a bit.

"We hold these truths to be self evident that all me are created equal"
"Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Closed minded blinded by hate lowly flotsam such as yourself deserves no voice.
You should remove the globe and anchor from your avatar you only disgrace it posting your hate laced rhetoric under it.

Pot...meet kettle.
PI2 now says Pub should HAVE NO VOICE!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
You're a fucking dumb ass hypocrite!!

Careful. He'll put you on ignore.

Oh ma lord....am a quakin' in ma army boots!!!!!:lol:
Seems like Americans are more united than the LSM, and some lefties would like LOL :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

I am soooo freaking pumped. This is just the start, it was the warning shot to congress and the administration

DC Metro Police estimated the crowd at 2.4 million. :tongue:

Link. I agree with Radio that it definitely did not reach higher than 100,000. Though I have no reason to disbelieve the reports of 60,000 to 75,000. The organizers were only expecting 20 to 50,000.

Really--only 60 to 70 thousand---:lol: BTW--it was democrats who seemed to be real concerned that 2 million would show up. Judging from the below picture it looks like 2 million did show up.

I think this means that the SPENDING PARTY in Washinton D.C. is OVER.

View attachment 8093

This is actually what 100,000 looks like:


Now what's the chance that 20 of those (equaling 2 million) were there? And what photo from the event shows that?

ROFL.. Well except that ALL OF ACORN is but one of a litany of communist front groups... comprised of sub-intellects and halfwits... each one of which should be charged, arrested and tried on sedition; based upon nothing but their presents in the company of such front groups...

And there is nothing extreme about discussing secession from a government which has clearly been subverted by everything your nation stands against.

Finally, its hilarious that you feel that you're an American... having had nothing BUT the opportunity to advocate for ANY of the immutable principles on which America rests; and in your entire body of work advanced on this board you've advocated for nothing BUT that policy which stands antithetical TO those principles...

"Everything your nation stands against"
Very telling of your mindset.
How about some of what this Nation stands for? Let me refresh your memory a bit.

"We hold these truths to be self evident that all me are created equal"
"Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Closed minded blinded by hate lowly flotsam such as yourself deserves no voice.
You should remove the globe and anchor from your avatar you only disgrace it posting your hate laced rhetoric under it.

Pot...meet kettle.
PI2 now says Pub should HAVE NO VOICE!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
You're a fucking dumb ass hypocrite!!

You still here thought I told you to go wind your watch.
"Everything your nation stands against"
Very telling of your mindset.
How about some of what this Nation stands for? Let me refresh your memory a bit.

"We hold these truths to be self evident that all me are created equal"
"Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Closed minded blinded by hate lowly flotsam such as yourself deserves no voice.
You should remove the globe and anchor from your avatar you only disgrace it posting your hate laced rhetoric under it.

Pot...meet kettle.
PI2 now says Pub should HAVE NO VOICE!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
You're a fucking dumb ass hypocrite!!

You still here thought I told you to go wind your watch.

and your point is?

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