DC vs. Jones II


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
I wil be chipping in my 10 bucks with my buddies to watch the fight tonight. Jones of course is the favorite to win. That being said, I suspect DC to have a better strategy tonight. In the first fight DC wore himself out trying to take Jones down. Tonight I suspect DC will use a similar strategy as he used with Alexander G. (How do I spell that name), which consisted of dirty boxing in the clinch, not trying so much for the take downs.

I would like to see DC win, but I expect Jones to win because he is a freak of nature.
Crushing defeat. He was knocked out so bad that he didnt know he got knocked out.
In the interview after the fight, I'm not sure if it was a concussion or if he is truly depressed, but Cormier sounded like his dog got ran over. I mean I haven't seen someone that upset after a fight since Rousey.
In the interview after the fight, I'm not sure if it was a concussion or if he is truly depressed, but Cormier sounded like his dog got ran over. I mean I haven't seen someone that upset after a fight since Rousey.
His legacy as a possible GOAT was snatched from him and he can never get it back. They wont do a third fight, so its over.
In the interview after the fight, I'm not sure if it was a concussion or if he is truly depressed, but Cormier sounded like his dog got ran over. I mean I haven't seen someone that upset after a fight since Rousey.
His legacy as a possible GOAT was snatched from him and he can never get it back. They wont do a third fight, so its over.

He even said himself that it isn't really a rivalry when he lost both fights.
Jone's is on his way to being the GOAT. I hope he can keep his personal life together.
Jone's is on his way to being the GOAT. I hope he can keep his personal life together.

If he hadn't been such a jackass outside the ring, Jones would almost certainly be considered the best ever. As it is, no matter what he does, he'll probably always have an asterisk by his name when talking about the GOAT.
In the interview after the fight, I'm not sure if it was a concussion or if he is truly depressed, but Cormier sounded like his dog got ran over. I mean I haven't seen someone that upset after a fight since Rousey.

Yep, and like Rousey, I think there's a good chance we never see DC in the Octagon again.
Jone's is on his way to being the GOAT. I hope he can keep his personal life together.

Any fighter/athlete who has been suspended for drugs or conduct unbecoming CANNOT be a GOAT so far as I'm concerned.
Jone's is on his way to being the GOAT. I hope he can keep his personal life together.

Any fighter/athlete who has been suspended for drugs or conduct unbecoming CANNOT be a GOAT so far as I'm concerned.
I can respect that; however, as far as I am concern, GOAT status is build by what he does inside the octagon regardless of personal failings outside. He can be the GOAT MMA fighter without being a good role model or human human being.
I can respect that; however, as far as I am concern, GOAT status is build by what he does inside the octagon regardless of personal failings outside. He can be the GOAT MMA fighter without being a good role model or human human being.

I can respect that philosophy, but disagree. To be the Greatest, I feel you have to have all the pieces in place. Part of thst is being a role model and decent person in addition to a great fighter.

Just as Dan Marino cannot be the GOAT NFL QB because he never won a Championship; a fighter who is not a good person cannot be the GOAT in my mind.
Jone's is on his way to being the GOAT. I hope he can keep his personal life together.

Any fighter/athlete who has been suspended for drugs or conduct unbecoming CANNOT be a GOAT so far as I'm concerned.
I can respect that; however, as far as I am concern, GOAT status is build by what he does inside the octagon regardless of personal failings outside. He can be the GOAT MMA fighter without being a good role model or human human being.

I tend to agree with this philosophy. I consider Jim Brown the greatest running back in NFL history, but I have a friend who won't even put him in the top 10 because of his off-the-field issues.

When I call someone the greatest, it is for what they did in their sport, not who they were as a person. I don't know any of these athletes as people. :)
When I call someone the greatest, it is for what they did in their sport, not who they were as a person. I don't know any of these athletes as people. :)

Isn't promoting the sport factored into what makes one great in a sport? Jon Jones does not positively promote the sport.
When I call someone the greatest, it is for what they did in their sport, not who they were as a person. I don't know any of these athletes as people. :)

Isn't promoting the sport factored into what makes one great in a sport? Jon Jones does not positively promote the sport.

In my opinion, no, promoting the sport is not part of what makes someone the greatest. I think about whether Jones is the greatest fighter, not whether he made the UFC more popular or improved its image. I make a distinction between best at a sport and important or influential for that sport.
In my opinion, no, promoting the sport is not part of what makes someone the greatest. I think about whether Jones is the greatest fighter, not whether he made the UFC more popular or improved its image. I make a distinction between best at a sport and important or influential for that sport.

Okay. I can't say I agree with that formula, but if it works for you, so be it.
Jone's is on his way to being the GOAT. I hope he can keep his personal life together.

Any fighter/athlete who has been suspended for drugs or conduct unbecoming CANNOT be a GOAT so far as I'm concerned.
His unbecoming conduct outside the ring has no bearing on him being the GOAT.

As for the drug issue, he wasnt cheating. He took a dick pill that had a substance in it that wasnt on the label. USADA confirmed this by testing those pills and finding the undisclosed drug in it.

Ultimately, the panel agreed that Jones didn’t knowingly take a banned substance, but still opted for the full penalty allowed in the case.

“On the evidence before the panel, the applicant is not a drug cheat,” the arbitrators wrote in the final epilogue in the resolution rendered. “He did not know that the tablet he took contained prohibited substances or that those substances had the capacity to enhance sporting performance.

UFC: Jon Jones banned one year, USADA findings on ‘dick pill’, $9 million lost
His unbecoming conduct outside the ring has no bearing on him being the GOAT.

As for the drug issue, he wasnt cheating. He took a dick pill that had a substance in it that wasnt on the label. USADA confirmed this by testing those pills and finding the undisclosed drug in it.

I have to disagree. To me, GOAT includes your off the field life as well. All of it. Even reasonable mistakes.
His unbecoming conduct outside the ring has no bearing on him being the GOAT.

As for the drug issue, he wasnt cheating. He took a dick pill that had a substance in it that wasnt on the label. USADA confirmed this by testing those pills and finding the undisclosed drug in it.

I have to disagree. To me, GOAT includes your off the field life as well. All of it. Even reasonable mistakes.
You might take behavior outside of the Octagon into account, but the MMA community as a whole wont.

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