DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Everybody in freaking Washington D.C. is on the federal teat. They would be unemployable in a simple job like Walmart.

Is ANYONE advocating for the residents?
Is perpetual poverty an answer for an American city?

Perhaps if someone built a store in the city that would provide them with jobs, they could work their way out of poverty?

Oh, wait...

NOW you're talking.
Yes, small stores owned by local people who could also use an opportunity to make good.
AND support this effort, along with a better educational infrastructure, with Federal Tax dollars.

LOL.... have you ever worked at a small store? I have. Several in fact. Small stores pay less than McDonalds. Have fewer benefits than McDonalds. And have no room to move up, like McDonalds.

Let me tell you how it really is.... As someone who has LIVED it. In the sub-burb I grew up, there was a "small store owned locally" as you say. It's called Huffman's Market. It's still over in Upper Arlington Ohio, where i was raised.

Huffmans Market

How much did they pay wages? $5.25. That's not the "intro" wage. That's not the part-time wage. That's flat out what they paid.

You earned MINIMUM WAGE. Period. There was no "break time" at Huffmans market. You got to eat, but if someone walked up to the country, you dropped everything and provided service. Vacation time? LOL! :D Paid sick time? LOL! You called off? For what? You get fired.

Benefits? 401k? LOL!!... Promotion?? To what? Cashier AND shelf stocker? Move up to what position? Paid training? There was no other store. No other position. You either stocked shelves, or cashier, or both. And there was no pay raise.

Health care??? Tuition reimbursement????? LOL!!!! Yeah, they offered health care, and you paid 100% of the price. They didn't chip in a penny.

Now you compare that to McDonalds... I was paid 50¢ more an hour as a Freshman in high school, simply because I was full time. I had a 401K with match. Small match, but better than ZERO.... at Huffman. I also could get promoted, and pay raise automatically after 60 days... and I did. And i was.

And did you know that 75% of all McDonald's store managers, started off as hourly crew? You can move up. You can advance in your career. You can even go the corporate route with free management training, and end up at McDonald's HQ.

Huffmans? Not at all.

Why? Because it's small local business. They couldn't afford to pay vacation. They couldn't afford to pay you $10, or 12 or $15 an hour. They couldn't afford to pay for 401K, or health care, or anything.

That's your plan? You want to push all these people at jobs they can grow in, get training in, get benefits from, get a higher wage from... you want them working at some dinky 'small local store' that can't pay them jack, and they have zero upward mobility? Really? Seriously? "NOW you're talking"? Talking what??? Life long impoverishment?

The minimum wage, isn't a band aid. Not even an aid. It's a job destroying doom to poverty, is what it is.

The minimum wages is being use to push the poor out of urban areas. It's a stealth gentrification stimulus.

It shouldn't exist.
We need education, jobs and careers, not minimum wage.

Should government be responsible for education, jobs and careers?

Education. Jobs and careers will follow suit.

What should they be taught? Or rather, who should decide what they should be taught?
Everybody in freaking Washington D.C. is on the federal teat. They would be unemployable in a simple job like Walmart.

Is ANYONE advocating for the residents?
Is perpetual poverty an answer for an American city?

Perhaps if someone built a store in the city that would provide them with jobs, they could work their way out of poverty?

Oh, wait...

NOW you're talking.
Yes, small stores owned by local people who could also use an opportunity to make good.
AND support this effort, along with a better educational infrastructure, with Federal Tax dollars.

Uh, you realize that DC spends more money per student than anywhere else in the US?

Where are the small businesses going to get the money to pay someone more than they are worth?

Student cost has no basis in reality.
It depends on the City, cost of living, students who requires special help, teacher pay, Insurance costs, utilities, maintenance.
My district allowed the buildings to deteriorate and now want a tremendous budget to make up for it.

You are so full of shit! Your town probably named the sewage treatment plant after you.
Fewer people being taught how to go on Medicaid and Food Stamps...Sounds good to me.

What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

In case you were unaware, Indeependent would prefer to have people unemployed than doing jobs or working for companies of which he dispapproves.

Ooh, I see you read all of my posts in this Thread...NOT!!!
Pass Go and collect your "Cecilie1200 is yet another knee-jerk Conservative a$$hole who didn't read all of Independent's postings in this Thread".

Oh, you aren't advocating that it's better for WalMart not to open and employ people if they're not going to pay the wage you want them to? That wouldn't mean those people being unemployed? You haven't posted many times in many threads that it's better for employers who don't pay the wages you approve of to simply not exist, and thereby not employ people?

By all means, prove that you've been misunderstood.

Conservative, pro business bullshit.
You CAN'T STAND poor people getting Welfare EXCEPT when it is alignment with a Corporations Business Model.
You think I don't read it when Conservatives brag on one Thread about how good the poor have it in the US and then bitch about it in another Thread?
Total hypocrisy when it comes to supporting Business.
The minimum wage, isn't a band aid. Not even an aid. It's a job destroying doom to poverty, is what it is.

The minimum wages is being use to push the poor out of urban areas. It's a stealth gentrification stimulus.

It shouldn't exist.
We need education, jobs and careers, not minimum wage.

Should government be responsible for education, jobs and careers?

Education. Jobs and careers will follow suit.

What should they be taught? Or rather, who should decide what they should be taught?

We are a nation and should have national standards.
What standards do Libertarians have?
700 in one shot.
I know a few of them; they were replaced by Indians.
No discussion; just cheap a$$ labor.
And yes, Windows 10 is just ANOTHER example of how the Best & The Brightest who are replacing us AREN'T the Best & the Brightest.
I should have known I was having a discussion with someone who makes money from H1-Bs.

Java is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tough to learn.
Why not fire EVERY programmer every 6 months.
Give me a break, I programmed in at least 5 languages over a 16 year period and the concepts were all the same.
Then Gates came along.

No no no... Windows version 1 and 2, and Windows 95, and Vista, and "ME" and so one were much worse than Window 10, and done with all domestic labor.

Makes money from H1-Bs? Dude I'm manual labor. I work for an hourly wage. I've never made more than $20K in a single year in my entire life.

I just have my eyes open, and ears listening, and talk to the company owners. I know what's going on, because unlike you, I ask questions, and find out the reasons, instead of just making up crap, and judging people, when I don't know the reason for anything.

In other words, not like you.

My company has been trying to hire software engineers for ages. We still have 2 positions open. We can't get anyone to take them.

And that's just us. I know of several others here in Columbus Ohio, desperate for software coders. Where are all these millions of unemployed software coders replaced by your mythical H1-B visa avalanche?

The engineers that suck get replaced. The engineers that are good, are still working. My uncles and engineer... he's working. Why? He works his butt off. He got laid off 5+ years ago... and he found another job in a month.

Get to work, and you'll be employed. Fart around whining about how H1-B visas, and then wonder why you can't find a job. That's my experience. I've seen it over and over and over.

What kind of coders are you looking for? Database? Visual Studio?
Be specific.
It could also be that NY and NJ swallow them all up before they get to Ohio.
JP Morgan alone requests 80K H1-Bs every year.

The lack of programmers today is also because kids know they can't get a job anymore.


Why do you post a lie that is easily disputed?

The actual number for 2015 is 148.

Jpmorgan Chase & Co., Jobs & Salary for Foreign Workers | myvisajobs.com

So which is it? 80,000 or 148? There seems to be quite a bit of difference .

BTW, they only employ 265,359 employees.

That noise you probably heard was you being bitch-slapped back to reality!

I truly apologize, I was quoting from memory from a year or two ago.

More :bsflag:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The web site I linked contains the data back to 2000.

The total for the past 15 years does not even begin to approach that figure!

It was less than 5000 from 2001 to 2010.

Give up! Your pants are down around your ankles!
Is ANYONE advocating for the residents?
Is perpetual poverty an answer for an American city?

Perhaps if someone built a store in the city that would provide them with jobs, they could work their way out of poverty?

Oh, wait...

NOW you're talking.
Yes, small stores owned by local people who could also use an opportunity to make good.
AND support this effort, along with a better educational infrastructure, with Federal Tax dollars.

Uh, you realize that DC spends more money per student than anywhere else in the US?

Where are the small businesses going to get the money to pay someone more than they are worth?

Student cost has no basis in reality.
It depends on the City, cost of living, students who requires special help, teacher pay, Insurance costs, utilities, maintenance.
My district allowed the buildings to deteriorate and now want a tremendous budget to make up for it.

You are so full of shit! Your town probably named the sewage treatment plant after you.

Nope. A few years ago the H1-B requests were filled the day they started.
Because all non-teachers need to be replaced.
The minimum wages is being use to push the poor out of urban areas. It's a stealth gentrification stimulus.

It shouldn't exist.
We need education, jobs and careers, not minimum wage.

Should government be responsible for education, jobs and careers?

Education. Jobs and careers will follow suit.

What should they be taught? Or rather, who should decide what they should be taught?

We are a nation and should have national standards.
What standards do Libertarians have?

Most I know don't think government should be in the business of educating its citizens. It's a conflict of interest.
700 in one shot.
I know a few of them; they were replaced by Indians.
No discussion; just cheap a$$ labor.
And yes, Windows 10 is just ANOTHER example of how the Best & The Brightest who are replacing us AREN'T the Best & the Brightest.
I should have known I was having a discussion with someone who makes money from H1-Bs.

Java is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tough to learn.
Why not fire EVERY programmer every 6 months.
Give me a break, I programmed in at least 5 languages over a 16 year period and the concepts were all the same.
Then Gates came along.

No no no... Windows version 1 and 2, and Windows 95, and Vista, and "ME" and so one were much worse than Window 10, and done with all domestic labor.

Makes money from H1-Bs? Dude I'm manual labor. I work for an hourly wage. I've never made more than $20K in a single year in my entire life.

I just have my eyes open, and ears listening, and talk to the company owners. I know what's going on, because unlike you, I ask questions, and find out the reasons, instead of just making up crap, and judging people, when I don't know the reason for anything.

In other words, not like you.

My company has been trying to hire software engineers for ages. We still have 2 positions open. We can't get anyone to take them.

And that's just us. I know of several others here in Columbus Ohio, desperate for software coders. Where are all these millions of unemployed software coders replaced by your mythical H1-B visa avalanche?

The engineers that suck get replaced. The engineers that are good, are still working. My uncles and engineer... he's working. Why? He works his butt off. He got laid off 5+ years ago... and he found another job in a month.

Get to work, and you'll be employed. Fart around whining about how H1-B visas, and then wonder why you can't find a job. That's my experience. I've seen it over and over and over.

What kind of coders are you looking for? Database? Visual Studio?
Be specific.
It could also be that NY and NJ swallow them all up before they get to Ohio.
JP Morgan alone requests 80K H1-Bs every year.

The lack of programmers today is also because kids know they can't get a job anymore.


Why do you post a lie that is easily disputed?

The actual number for 2015 is 148.

Jpmorgan Chase & Co., Jobs & Salary for Foreign Workers | myvisajobs.com

So which is it? 80,000 or 148? There seems to be quite a bit of difference .

BTW, they only employ 265,359 employees.

That noise you probably heard was you being bitch-slapped back to reality!

I truly apologize, I was quoting from memory from a year or two ago.

More :bsflag:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The web site I linked contains the data back to 2000.

The total for the past 15 years does not even begin to approach that figure!

Requested or accepted?
In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

Yep. And they'll hire less people.

Let me ask you, who do you think soaks up more social welfare benefits, someone working for Wal-Mart, or someone not working at all?

A Libertarian advocating an Entity whose Business Model includes Social Welfare programs?

I'm not advocating for an "Entity" (seriously, capitalized?? is it some important Essence or something?). I'm simply pointing out the idiocy of your complaint. If you don't like Wal-Mart, or anyone else who hires poor people, to profit from welfare, make it illegal for people with a job to get welfare.

Yes, an Entity IS important because it often determines the Legislation that removes renumeration from your paycheck.
Yeah, I can talk fancy if you'd prefer.
Now, Liberatrian retard, Walmart's Business Model INCLUDES training employees to go on Tax Payer assistance.
Got it, Libtard?

Good for them!

Listen, I'm not one of these stingy conservatives who whines about leeches on welfare. They didn't create the stupid system. If they can glean some benefit from it, good for them.

I understand that companies like Wal-Mart profiting from welfare (you're kidding yourself if you think they're the only ones) is an unintended consequence of the welfare state. But it's exactly the kind of unintended consequence that libertarians complain about when these laws are proposed. And we're slammed for being heartless.

So, in the end, I just think it's kind of funny.

As I said, if this shit really burns you up, why not just make it illegal for companies to hire anyone on welfare. Wouldn't that pretty directly solve the problem?

How exactly does Walmart.... or ANYONE.... "profit" from the welfare? What's your logic there?

Do you think that if Welfare did not exist, they would pay more? I would argue the exact opposite. Without welfare, more people would get off their butts, and work. This would result in there being a larger supply of zero-skill labor... which would if anything, lower the price of labor.

Welfare if anything, costs Walmart more. Not only in the 30% corporate tax rate that is higher than the rest of the world, that they wouldn't need to pay if the government wasn't funding the welfare state, but also in the fact they have to pay wages high enough to convince people to work, instead of sitting around on welfare.
Getting back to the complaint about Wal-Mart profiting from welfare - why not just make it illegal for them to hire welfare recipients?
Yep. And they'll hire less people.

Let me ask you, who do you think soaks up more social welfare benefits, someone working for Wal-Mart, or someone not working at all?

A Libertarian advocating an Entity whose Business Model includes Social Welfare programs?

I'm not advocating for an "Entity" (seriously, capitalized?? is it some important Essence or something?). I'm simply pointing out the idiocy of your complaint. If you don't like Wal-Mart, or anyone else who hires poor people, to profit from welfare, make it illegal for people with a job to get welfare.

Yes, an Entity IS important because it often determines the Legislation that removes renumeration from your paycheck.
Yeah, I can talk fancy if you'd prefer.
Now, Liberatrian retard, Walmart's Business Model INCLUDES training employees to go on Tax Payer assistance.
Got it, Libtard?

Good for them!

Listen, I'm not one of these stingy conservatives who whines about leeches on welfare. They didn't create the stupid system. If they can glean some benefit from it, good for them.

I understand that companies like Wal-Mart profiting from welfare (you're kidding yourself if you think they're the only ones) is an unintended consequence of the welfare state. But it's exactly the kind of unintended consequence that libertarians complain about when these laws are proposed. And we're slammed for being heartless.

So, in the end, I just think it's kind of funny.

As I said, if this shit really burns you up, why not just make it illegal for companies to hire anyone on welfare. Wouldn't that pretty directly solve the problem?

How exactly does Walmart.... or ANYONE.... "profit" from the welfare? What's your logic there?

Do you think that if Welfare did not exist, they would pay more? I would argue the exact opposite. Without welfare, more people would get off their butts, and work. This would result in there being a larger supply of zero-skill labor... which would if anything, lower the price of labor.

Welfare if anything, costs Walmart more. Not only in the 30% corporate tax rate that is higher than the rest of the world, that they wouldn't need to pay if the government wasn't funding the welfare state, but also in the fact they have to pay wages high enough to convince people to work, instead of sitting around on welfare.

I support local stores being helped by Federal money for a certain period of time.
Too many local stores that don't have the political clout of the Waltons have closed.
That bothers me.
What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

In case you were unaware, Indeependent would prefer to have people unemployed than doing jobs or working for companies of which he dispapproves.

Ooh, I see you read all of my posts in this Thread...NOT!!!
Pass Go and collect your "Cecilie1200 is yet another knee-jerk Conservative a$$hole who didn't read all of Independent's postings in this Thread".

Oh, you aren't advocating that it's better for WalMart not to open and employ people if they're not going to pay the wage you want them to? That wouldn't mean those people being unemployed? You haven't posted many times in many threads that it's better for employers who don't pay the wages you approve of to simply not exist, and thereby not employ people?

By all means, prove that you've been misunderstood.

Conservative, pro business bullshit.
You CAN'T STAND poor people getting Welfare EXCEPT when it is alignment with a Corporations Business Model.
You think I don't read it when Conservatives brag on one Thread about how good the poor have it in the US and then bitch about it in another Thread?
Total hypocrisy when it comes to supporting Business.

If I came to your house, and demanded your money..... it's called theft.

If I vote for a politician that steals your money from your paycheck, and if you refuse, men with guns show up and forcibly take it from you... that's called "caring for the poor".

Well I wager I'm poorer than you. Why isn't the first called that?

And as much as you people on the left, claim we support business.... nearly every single corporate welfare is all promoted and supported by you people on the left. Not us on the right.
Perhaps if someone built a store in the city that would provide them with jobs, they could work their way out of poverty?

Oh, wait...

NOW you're talking.
Yes, small stores owned by local people who could also use an opportunity to make good.
AND support this effort, along with a better educational infrastructure, with Federal Tax dollars.

Uh, you realize that DC spends more money per student than anywhere else in the US?

Where are the small businesses going to get the money to pay someone more than they are worth?

Student cost has no basis in reality.
It depends on the City, cost of living, students who requires special help, teacher pay, Insurance costs, utilities, maintenance.
My district allowed the buildings to deteriorate and now want a tremendous budget to make up for it.

You are so full of shit! Your town probably named the sewage treatment plant after you.

Nope. A few years ago the H1-B requests were filled the day they started.
Because all non-teachers need to be replaced.

You need to lay off to lay off the mind-altering substances. You are running your lies together now.
Yep. And they'll hire less people.

Let me ask you, who do you think soaks up more social welfare benefits, someone working for Wal-Mart, or someone not working at all?

A Libertarian advocating an Entity whose Business Model includes Social Welfare programs?

I'm not advocating for an "Entity" (seriously, capitalized?? is it some important Essence or something?). I'm simply pointing out the idiocy of your complaint. If you don't like Wal-Mart, or anyone else who hires poor people, to profit from welfare, make it illegal for people with a job to get welfare.

Yes, an Entity IS important because it often determines the Legislation that removes renumeration from your paycheck.
Yeah, I can talk fancy if you'd prefer.
Now, Liberatrian retard, Walmart's Business Model INCLUDES training employees to go on Tax Payer assistance.
Got it, Libtard?

Good for them!

Listen, I'm not one of these stingy conservatives who whines about leeches on welfare. They didn't create the stupid system. If they can glean some benefit from it, good for them.

I understand that companies like Wal-Mart profiting from welfare (you're kidding yourself if you think they're the only ones) is an unintended consequence of the welfare state. But it's exactly the kind of unintended consequence that libertarians complain about when these laws are proposed. And we're slammed for being heartless.

So, in the end, I just think it's kind of funny.

As I said, if this shit really burns you up, why not just make it illegal for companies to hire anyone on welfare. Wouldn't that pretty directly solve the problem?

How exactly does Walmart.... or ANYONE.... "profit" from the welfare? What's your logic there?

Do you think that if Welfare did not exist, they would pay more? I would argue the exact opposite. Without welfare, more people would get off their butts, and work. This would result in there being a larger supply of zero-skill labor... which would if anything, lower the price of labor.

Welfare if anything, costs Walmart more. Not only in the 30% corporate tax rate that is higher than the rest of the world, that they wouldn't need to pay if the government wasn't funding the welfare state, but also in the fact they have to pay wages high enough to convince people to work, instead of sitting around on welfare.

If we had a balanced budget, that argument might make sense. But we don't. And as far as convincing people to work - it's a lot easier to convince someone to work for peanuts when they're already on a stipend. That's why retirees will often work for minimum wage, or volunteer, for jobs that they wouldn't take if they actually needed to fully support themselves.

For what it's worth, I'm not really attacking Wal-Mart here. They're a convenient whipping boy for socialists, but the entire middle class benefits from welfare, and the accompanying minimum wage laws. It keeps the poor dependent and out of the way (in their place).
A Libertarian advocating an Entity whose Business Model includes Social Welfare programs?

I'm not advocating for an "Entity" (seriously, capitalized?? is it some important Essence or something?). I'm simply pointing out the idiocy of your complaint. If you don't like Wal-Mart, or anyone else who hires poor people, to profit from welfare, make it illegal for people with a job to get welfare.

Yes, an Entity IS important because it often determines the Legislation that removes renumeration from your paycheck.
Yeah, I can talk fancy if you'd prefer.
Now, Liberatrian retard, Walmart's Business Model INCLUDES training employees to go on Tax Payer assistance.
Got it, Libtard?

Good for them!

Listen, I'm not one of these stingy conservatives who whines about leeches on welfare. They didn't create the stupid system. If they can glean some benefit from it, good for them.

I understand that companies like Wal-Mart profiting from welfare (you're kidding yourself if you think they're the only ones) is an unintended consequence of the welfare state. But it's exactly the kind of unintended consequence that libertarians complain about when these laws are proposed. And we're slammed for being heartless.

So, in the end, I just think it's kind of funny.

As I said, if this shit really burns you up, why not just make it illegal for companies to hire anyone on welfare. Wouldn't that pretty directly solve the problem?

How exactly does Walmart.... or ANYONE.... "profit" from the welfare? What's your logic there?

Do you think that if Welfare did not exist, they would pay more? I would argue the exact opposite. Without welfare, more people would get off their butts, and work. This would result in there being a larger supply of zero-skill labor... which would if anything, lower the price of labor.

Welfare if anything, costs Walmart more. Not only in the 30% corporate tax rate that is higher than the rest of the world, that they wouldn't need to pay if the government wasn't funding the welfare state, but also in the fact they have to pay wages high enough to convince people to work, instead of sitting around on welfare.

I support local stores being helped by Federal money for a certain period of time.
Too many local stores that don't have the political clout of the Waltons have closed.
That bothers me.

So you just accused us on the right, of being in favor of corporate welfare, and in the very next post, you openly support corporate welfare. Hypocrite much?

And what is this "certain period of time"? The primary reason small stores are closing is because of the minimum wage, and health care mandates. Not because of Walmart.
NOW you're talking.
Yes, small stores owned by local people who could also use an opportunity to make good.
AND support this effort, along with a better educational infrastructure, with Federal Tax dollars.

Uh, you realize that DC spends more money per student than anywhere else in the US?

Where are the small businesses going to get the money to pay someone more than they are worth?

Student cost has no basis in reality.
It depends on the City, cost of living, students who requires special help, teacher pay, Insurance costs, utilities, maintenance.
My district allowed the buildings to deteriorate and now want a tremendous budget to make up for it.

You are so full of shit! Your town probably named the sewage treatment plant after you.

Nope. A few years ago the H1-B requests were filled the day they started.
Because all non-teachers need to be replaced.

You need to lay off to lay off the mind-altering substances. You are running your lies together now.

You notice I've been polite and haven't asked you why you can't hold down a job while I can.
The site you Linked to is a well known-H1B shill site.
65,000 H1-Bs are requested on day 1 every year and so more have to be added to accommodate the excess.
That's Americans who lose salaries and benefits.

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