Dead cops on the streets in Dallas!

If you can not see reality, me spelling it out for you will still show that you are blinded by hatred and the true racist you far left drones are.
Why are you unable to spell out your exact meaning?

What's the matter?
I hope the shooters aren't Americans. I know that sounds bad but I really hope this is an operation of a foreign entity. What little consolation that could be found in that is better than nothing. I don't want to believe that Americans have this kind of evil disregard for human life.

Where have you been? We have mass shootings like every other month!
This is not some one off nut who belongs in a psyche ward. This is far different.


That's how it looks. Terrorists of some sort.
You people don't know fuck-all.


I know that a coordinated attack took place at a political protest. Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

It looks like terrorism to me.
One of the shooters. Could be Obamas brother.
View attachment 80808
^^^ Thinks all Black people look alike.
He was literally mocking Obama's own words dipshit.
Mark Hughes is gonna sue the fuck out of the Dallas PD!
I am sure he will win that case in light of what has happened.....
And you call me a retard....

I was just demonstrating how stupid your post was.
Why don't you just explain why you think my post is stupid, instead?

Because you're not capable.
You said that Obama should mention the recent shootings of black men by police when he talks about tonight's incident because it was cause and effect.

That is literally as stupid as demanding Democrats and Obama talk about "white genocide" while commenting on the Dylann Roof story.
You think there is no relationship between tonight and the two men murdered by cops in the last two days? They are fucking marching in Dallas because of those two murders!
You think there was no connection between the declining white birth rates, increased anti-white discrimination and Dylann Roof's crimes?
Oh, he was set off by factors that unfolded over decades?

How quickly you forgot the facts of the case.

Go away, moron.
And you call me a retard....

I was just demonstrating how stupid your post was.
Why don't you just explain why you think my post is stupid, instead?

Because you're not capable.
You said that Obama should mention the recent shootings of black men by police when he talks about tonight's incident because it was cause and effect.

That is literally as stupid as demanding Democrats and Obama talk about "white genocide" while commenting on the Dylann Roof story.
You think there is no relationship between tonight and the two men murdered by cops in the last two days? They are fucking marching in Dallas because of those two murders!
You think there was no connection between the declining white birth rates, increased anti-white discrimination and Dylann Roof's crimes?
Oh, he was set off by factors that unfolded over decades?

How quickly you forgot the facts of the case.

Go away, moron.
His manifesto explains it all quite clearly....
The way things are now i think the wise thing would be for the police to pull out of all black neighborhoods and call them no-go areas. If i were a cop i would not in any way ever put myself in a position to arrest or detain a black person.
Why would you say a thing like that?
Because she's a dumbass?
Nope, because she's smart. I mean if cops are so bad, just leave, let it be a Wire situation. Let them kill each other. Blacks kill waaaaay more blacks than cops or whitey. They never address it, but hey lets take away guns from people and have light sentences, that's the liberal solution.
One of the shooters. Could be Obamas brother.
View attachment 80808
^^^ Thinks all Black people look alike.
He was literally mocking Obama's own words dipshit.
Mark Hughes is gonna sue the fuck out of the Dallas PD!
I am sure he will win that case in light of what has happened.....
Latest news I heard was 11 cops shot, 4 dead. Obama will still focus on the suspects shot by police even though we have more dead cops than unjustified cop shootings.
MSNBC now showing Mark Hughes' brother saying that when the shots were fired Mark went up to a cop and gave him his guns so that he would not be mistaken for a shooter.

Yes I am sure a far left drone site will say such things!
I've resisted for months but you're just too much of a retard, so welcome to my ignore list dumbass!

I'll never have to read the retard words 'far left drone' again! I encourage everyone to put this moron on ignore - has he ever posted anything worthwhile? No.
MSNBC now showing Mark Hughes' brother saying that when the shots were fired Mark went up to a cop and gave him his guns so that he would not be mistaken for a shooter.

Yes I am sure a far left drone site will say such things!
I've resisted for months but you're just too much of a retard, so welcome to my ignore list dumbass!

I'll never have to read the retard words 'far left drone' again! I encourage everyone to put this moron on ignore - has he ever posted anything worthwhile? No.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

See how the far left hates being called out for not being connected to reality?

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