Dead Movement Walking: Top Ten Media Moments That Brought Down OWS...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
I'm not nearly as harsh on OWS but this is an interesting take.

Now that they’ve officially been hung out to dry by both the elite media and the Left, Occupy Wall Street has apparently decided to die with a whimper instead of with dignity. Five lonely Occupiers in Chicago. Three in Indiana. And when that evil (not really) Rush Limbaugh makes an appearance in the very heart of Occupied territory, New York City, and only a dozen or so neo-hippie crybabies bother to show up, methinks that’s a death rattle I hear.

But you have to remember ’twas New Media that killed Obama’s astro-turfed, anti-American army of poopers, rapists, vandals, drug abusers and trespassers — and that without New Media the MSM would’ve gotten away with their evil (yes, really) master plan, which was to recreate the sixties’ anti-war movement. The whole of the MSM intended to give these Occupy degenerates the same oxygen they gave anti-war degenerates forty years ago. The worst people in the world would be spoon fed the encouragement and legitimacy required to spin them into something they are not. And all of this was going to be made possible through the covering up of a hundreds of sins both big and small.

The only problem for the MSM, though, is that this isn’t the sixties and, therefore, they no longer control every portal of mass communication. Thus, armed with our own cameras, the power to disseminate information without funneling through the media’s corrupt filter, and armed with THE TRUTH — video by photo by investigative report, Occupy collapsed under the exposed weight of their own hypocrisy, noxious beliefs, and craven misdeeds.

Read more:
Dead Movement Walking: Top Ten New Media Moments That Brought Down #OccupyWallStreet - Big Journalism
Here's the List without the descriptions...

10. The Copper-Pooper Photo That Went Round the World
9. OWS Cult Chant: 'You can have sex with animals.'
8. Occupy Trust Fund Baby
7. 'New York Times' Reporter Busted As OWS Activist,Supporter
6. Anti-Defamation League Condemns Occupy For Anti-Semitism
5. Exposure Of Occupy Sex Assaults,Including Alleged Rape of Deaf Man
4. Occupy Oakland Threatens Reporter With Physical Violence
3. The 'Kent State Moments' That Collapsed Under Media Scrutiny
2. The OWS Rap Sheet
1. 'Crowdsource This': Occupy's Astro-Turf Exposed In Massive Email Dump
I think you meant the top 10 rationalizations that CONZ use to stick their heads in the sand?

How many teabagger rallies went on for multiple days, uniterrupted? Oh, that's right. None.
So the MORE committed you are to your cause, the less seriously one should be taken?
I think you meant the top 10 rationalizations that CONZ use to stick their heads in the sand?

How many teabagger rallies went on for multiple days, uniterrupted? Oh, that's right. None.
So the MORE committed you are to your cause, the less seriously one should be taken?

Didn't read the article i guess. Check it out.
OWS is over.. now it is mainly just a bunch of homeless people and anarchists... not that it was ever much more. But it was fun watching the far left whackaloons cream their jeans over it.
I think you meant the top 10 rationalizations that CONZ use to stick their heads in the sand?

How many teabagger rallies went on for multiple days, uniterrupted? Oh, that's right. None.
So the MORE committed you are to your cause, the less seriously one should be taken?

That's because Tea Partiers had to get back to work so the street shitters could camp out in a park for a month.

You're welcome, fuckface.
I think you meant the top 10 rationalizations that CONZ use to stick their heads in the sand?

How many teabagger rallies went on for multiple days, uniterrupted? Oh, that's right. None.
So the MORE committed you are to your cause, the less seriously one should be taken?

Didn't read the article i guess. Check it out.

Your best source of this is Breitbart?

A Classic for sure. Poster Child for 'Generation Gimme': Trust Fund Baby...

[ame=]Occupy Wall Street Meltdown Poster Child a Trust Fund Baby - YouTube[/ame]
I can see the GOP's election TV ad now...Starts with a close up of Pelosi singing the praises of the OWS pukes, they keep her audio going, fade her out, and bring up the video of that slug taking a dump on the sidewalk. Yeah, that's the Dimocrat image that's gonna bring 'em lots of votes.
I can see the GOP's election TV ad now...Starts with a close up of Pelosi singing the praises of the OWS pukes, they keep her audio going, fade her out, and bring up the video of that slug taking a dump on the sidewalk. Yeah, that's the Dimocrat image that's gonna bring 'em lots of votes.

Sounds like a winning ad for sure. Simple and straight to the point. :)
Pure BS Pubgossip for the dupes. They made their point ver well. Pub hypocrites are on the run...
Obama's OWS flamed out on its frothing anti-Semitic hatred, they sounded a lot like Hilter's Germany and for the same reasons.

They had the full support of the White House, Pelosi and the LMSM and they still disgraced themselves.

Do you see how far out in the fringe the Dem Party really is?
Like I said.........this is on Breitbart's site, and we all know how Breitbart likes to use hyperbole and such.

But.......if the movement is truly dead, why did Frank Luntz say last week that he's scared of OWS?
Like I said.........this is on Breitbart's site, and we all know how Breitbart likes to use hyperbole and such.

But.......if the movement is truly dead, why did Frank Luntz say last week that he's scared of OWS?

Luntz is a Dunce. He's scared of his own shadow. He's always expressing fear over something. It's good for his Polling-Business. It's what he does.
How many teabagger rallies went on for multiple days, uniterrupted? Oh, that's right. None.
Hey stupid! They were never supposed to go on for days and unlike the OWS they got permits and paid fees to hold their rally. They also weren't about disrupting the peace, intimidateing people, costing the tax payor money and hurting the local business community!

So the MORE committed you are to your cause, the less seriously one should be taken?

Tea Party has gone on since 2008 with no slow down in site. The OWS went on for what 1-2 months and is done!

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