Dead Movement Walking: Top Ten Media Moments That Brought Down OWS...

Dead Movement Walking? I don't think so. Thought I might give a little update.

Occupy Congress on Jan.17

Not to mention the on-going supporting of people fighting evictions from their homes.

Last week, some 50 marchers arrived at McPherson Square from New York and then marched on the Capitol.
HOLY CRAP! 50 of 'em? WOW, that's impressive. :rolleyes:

Protesters say they hope to set up 1 million tents in front of the Capitol.
the average 2 person tent is 5x7, or 35 sq. ft.
multiply that by 1,000,000 tents, you get 35 million sq ft. (1.25 sq. miles)
that's about 800 plus acres, with no room between tents...each tent touching all the tents around it.
if you only double it to allow for space around the tents, you have 1600 acres (2.5 sq. miles).

I do not believe there is a single contiguous place in DC that large, which is open space and could hold that many tents. All this assumes 2 man tents. Larger tents would obviously increase space requirements.

I'm going out on a limb and say they get nowhere near 1,000,000 tents of ANY kind.
I'm not nearly as harsh on OWS but this is an interesting take.

Now that they’ve officially been hung out to dry by both the elite media and the Left, Occupy Wall Street has apparently decided to die with a whimper instead of with dignity. Five lonely Occupiers in Chicago. Three in Indiana. And when that evil (not really) Rush Limbaugh makes an appearance in the very heart of Occupied territory, New York City, and only a dozen or so neo-hippie crybabies bother to show up, methinks that’s a death rattle I hear.

But you have to remember ’twas New Media that killed Obama’s astro-turfed, anti-American army of poopers, rapists, vandals, drug abusers and trespassers — and that without New Media the MSM would’ve gotten away with their evil (yes, really) master plan, which was to recreate the sixties’ anti-war movement. The whole of the MSM intended to give these Occupy degenerates the same oxygen they gave anti-war degenerates forty years ago. The worst people in the world would be spoon fed the encouragement and legitimacy required to spin them into something they are not. And all of this was going to be made possible through the covering up of a hundreds of sins both big and small.

The only problem for the MSM, though, is that this isn’t the sixties and, therefore, they no longer control every portal of mass communication. Thus, armed with our own cameras, the power to disseminate information without funneling through the media’s corrupt filter, and armed with THE TRUTH — video by photo by investigative report, Occupy collapsed under the exposed weight of their own hypocrisy, noxious beliefs, and craven misdeeds.

Read more:
Dead Movement Walking: Top Ten New Media Moments That Brought Down #OccupyWallStreet - Big Journalism

I know what you mean. Here in Orlando, the Occupy Orlando croud was told to clean up their filth or have in cleaned for them, all 10 of them refused, several were arrested.
OWS is not dead.

And even if it were no longer on the streets, that doesn't mean anything.

If that were the case, the teabaggers would have come and gone for just a couple hours until they went home.

And those of us who never stood with them but supported them are still here. The flame is still alive and well.

You'll be talking about OWS for a while to come. It dominated the discussion and it'll continue to dominate it going forward... even if winter is a lull.

You seem to know a lot about teabagging.:eek:
Luntz consults both political parties.

Untrue. And you are definitely jumping the gun on the "death" of Occupy. By the end of this month, that will be obvious to you if you pay any attention.

At this point it wouldn't matter if it folded tomorrow, anyway. The movement changed the focus of the national dialogue and it's something the GOoPers don't deal with very well.

All evidence to the contrary.
But you have no proof that Luntz has done any business for Democrats.

Everything I've read marks him as a staunch conservative who hates liberals.

And you have no proof of your claim that he is a mouthpiece for the GOP. He isn't even close.
Occupy Congress! Now that is a capital idea. They should occupy the senate and the supreme court too!
But you have no proof that Luntz has done any business for Democrats.

Everything I've read marks him as a staunch conservative who hates liberals.

And you have no proof of your claim that he is a mouthpiece for the GOP. He isn't even close.

Here's his website ya dumb fuck....Home - Luntz Global. Wanna look on it and see who almost ALL of the people he helps?

I'll give you a hint.......they're neither liberal nor Democrat.

Try again stupid.
OWS killed themselves once they allowed the 'Generation Gimme' assholes to hijack the movement. Now it's just all about the Entitlement whining. I can't support that.
Change the channel. 80% of the country's never hears of this BS.

Oh, but they will! Believe me, the images produced by this little "movement" will be hung around the necks of the liberal democrats and Obama like a big putrescent albatross, all through the coming campaign! These will be of immense propaganda value to us, and you may be sure we conservatives will exploit it to the fullest. Some of those photos, coupled with the statements of support from Obama et al, will make wonderful campaign commercials....


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