Dear Colbert, You're Part Of The Problem!

Ben is a real machine gun of sanity against the mouth breathing insanity of the it!

Colbert is now the go to expert for CNN?

That's funny but that title has a short shelf life. Hillary was the Queen once, Avenotti was a possible shoe in for the Democratic nomination at one time. So were Oprah and Beto. Biden is now the man. It just seems like Democrats are desperate for anything to call their star.
That's funny but that title has a short shelf life. Hillary was the Queen once, Avenotti was a possible shoe in for the Democratic nomination at one time. So were Oprah and Beto. Biden is now the man. It just seems like Democrats are desperate for anything to call their star.
yeah, they have a saviour complex...I guess their hate agenda is their new religion and such thing needs a messiah..I personally think they should have stuck with Avenatti..that guy represents perferctly what the democraps are these days!

PS: I belief Biden is only the prop up dummy (literally) front runner....they keep him propped up to take the heat while holding the Harris bot in the other be switched out when things heat up...too bad that Gabbard destroyed the Harris
Call me an anti-Semitic, I can't stand the jew.
that is disgusting...yes..I personally don't care about the religion or race of a person....I have a Chinese friend and an American indian one as well....I judge people on merrit and I will call out cultural traits which allow for untolerable an extend, Jews in general fall into this category due to their Kosher slaughtering and male genital mutilation....but on an individual is a very smart fellow and I can agree on some and disagree on other topics with him...but certainly not because he is Jewish
ANYONE that doesnt kiss Trumps fat ass then stfu is a problem.
I finally saw a part of the Steve Colbert interview that makes it obvious why Republicans suddenly hate him so much.

He said they somehow identify with Trump even though they don’t know anything about him.

They don’t know his hair color or his skin color or what his favorite color is or what he likes to do or what music he listens to or what he talks about when he talks to other world leaders.

In fact, the only thing we really know about him is that he likes to have unprotected sex with porn stars. That’s it. That’s all we know.

The GOP base is voting for a man they have complete faith in and know nothing about.
I finally saw a part of the Steve Colbert interview that makes it obvious why Republicans suddenly hate him so much.

He said they somehow identify with Trump even though they don’t know anything about him.

They don’t know his hair color or his skin color or what his favorite color is or what he likes to do or what music he listens to or what he talks about when he talks to other world leaders.

In fact, the only thing we really know about him is that he likes to have unprotected sex with porn stars. That’s it. That’s all we know.

The GOP base is voting for a man they have complete faith in and know nothing about.
You mean Colbert the comedian who is supposed to make people relax. Who is supposed let people unwind after a day of stress and work. That Colbert. Sounds like a deep state plant to me. One of many. Who does this? This is like watching state TV in communist nations. He is not a Catholic. He is a fake troll.

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