Dear Democrats, Your America Sucks

You want to see Disgusting: Read this.Obama s Progressive America Politico Calls for Ethnic Cultural Cleansing of Southern Whites - The Gateway Pundit

this is why I say: vote these nasty progressives dressing up as Democrats OUT OF OUR LIVES

This kind of shit proves that they're the racist fascist pigs! They do very little to fund infrastructure, science or improve education, but they sure as fuck run on those issues. No, people, calling half of the country racist and starting race riots is really what these people do.

VOTE a republican like George Bush into Office that will honestly spend our resources for America's benefit and NOT do this crap.

We spent billions rebuilding Iraq after we spent billions destroying Iraq. Get a clue you idiot.
Fox News built a f ked-up Frankenstein dumb angry and divorced from facts. Now Donald Trump will devour them -
When Obama promised to "Fundamentally transform America" he never once said it would be for the better
Sure that isn't a specially made blow-up doll for Hillary?
It is a disgusting piece of crap. At least under Bush I could feel that this was a powerful country that had a solid foundation.

Today I just have to say I wouldn't fight for this country and I feel dirty living in it. All I hear is how evil, racist and bad I am for being a white male from my GOVERNMENT! This is what it means to have a democratic white house. I better NOT DEFEND myself or my family or I am evil!!!! I better not think or speak my mind or I am evil.

These people are sick in the head and need to get out of power fast.

real americans are going strong lol
Yes we are....poor Stephanie is spending so much time blaming President Obama and the Democrats for her miserable life. I guess, to her, it beats actually taking charge and doing something to get herself out of her misery.

No matter who is president and even before Obama stephanie's life was what it is now by her own admission, living in a trailer getting government assistance, so in essence her whining is a joke . America is moving on for those who are educated
Staph was in a trailer before Obama and will be after Obama. The only difference is that she wont be able to blame the black dude for her lifetime of fail anymore
It is a disgusting piece of crap. At least under Bush I could feel that this was a powerful country that had a solid foundation.

Today I just have to say I wouldn't fight for this country and I feel dirty living in it. All I hear is how evil, racist and bad I am for being a white male from my GOVERNMENT! This is what it means to have a democratic white house. I better NOT DEFEND myself or my family or I am evil!!!! I better not think or speak my mind or I am evil.

These people are sick in the head and need to get out of power fast.


You're called a racist pile of shit because you act like a racist pile of shit.

How in any way is what he said even remotely racist? What is it with you leftwingers... you throw that word around like punch line to a bad joke... do you even know what racist means?
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It is a disgusting piece of crap. At least under Bush I could feel that this was a powerful country that had a solid foundation.

Today I just have to say I wouldn't fight for this country and I feel dirty living in it. All I hear is how evil, racist and bad I am for being a white male from my GOVERNMENT! This is what it means to have a democratic white house. I better NOT DEFEND myself or my family or I am evil!!!! I better not think or speak my mind or I am evil.

These people are sick in the head and need to get out of power fast.


You're called a racist pile of shit because you act like a racist pile of shit.

How in any way hat he said even remotely racist? What is it with you leftwingers... you throw that word around like punch line to a bad joke... do you even know what racist means?

THAT'S one of things the people are SICK of them and their party. Everything and everyone is accuse of being RACIST. and now they are onto BIGOT
How many other names has that party and their sheep followers called us people? denier, birther, flat earther, and lets not ever forget, Teabaggers......and on and on
It is a disgusting piece of crap. At least under Bush I could feel that this was a powerful country that had a solid foundation.

Today I just have to say I wouldn't fight for this country and I feel dirty living in it. All I hear is how evil, racist and bad I am for being a white male from my GOVERNMENT! This is what it means to have a democratic white house. I better NOT DEFEND myself or my family or I am evil!!!! I better not think or speak my mind or I am evil.

These people are sick in the head and need to get out of power fast.


You're called a racist pile of shit because you act like a racist pile of shit.

How in any way is what he said even remotely racist? What is it with you leftwingers... you throw that word around like punch line to a bad joke... do you even know what racist means?

Easy, ask Matty what specifically was said that shows white people are under attack.

The only thing hell respond with is things he thinks someone meant or translations based on his emotions.
Show these nasty people and their party WE ARE sick of them. You started with Congress NOW vote out that Party of progressives/democrats and commies out of our live COMPLETY come 2016

Cultural aggression, destructive policies, and ceaseless smearing are wearing out a great people.

To the Democratic Party, and specifically those of you responsible for shaping federal policies over the last seven years and our cultural institutions over a far longer time…

Great job.

You’ve succeeded beyond your wildest dreams in your efforts to, as the front man for your current operation called it, “fundamentally transform America.” It’s been seven years with said front man in charge, and those of us not in on your game are staring slack-jawed at what you’ve made of this country.

When Barack Obama was first running for president, he cited the great Ronald Reagan, the most successful of modern American presidents and the principal hero of today’s Republican Party (which is problematic, seeing as though the man has been dead for two decades, but that’s a subject for a future column), as his principal role model. Many misunderstood what Obama was saying in promoting Reagan thus; they expected that to mean Obama wanted rapid economic growth, peace through strength, and an eight-year celebratory revival of American culture and society.

As we’ve seen, that’s not what Obama and his fellow travelers had in mind. Rather, Obama wanted to be for the Left what Reagan was for the Right; the embodiment of political strength and leadership demeanor.

In this, Obama has succeeded. Future Democrat presidents will attempt, with futility, to match Obama’s policy achievements. None will manage to so forcefully establish his or her party’s identity and brand. He is the Reagan of the Democratic Party, and for the next three decades or longer his party will pine for another vessel of Hope and Change such as he.

But if Obama is the epitome of the Left’s political dreams, we now know America is no better at socialism than is Greece or Venezuela. In nearly every way imaginable, our society is in deep decline — and in nearly each of those ways the decline has come thanks to bad leftist policy and persistent leftist cultural aggression.

Was there any more compelling reason for Obama’s 2008 election outside of a desire on the part of mostly white America to transcend the racial tensions of the past and exorcise those demons? Where are we now after seven years of Reverend Wright, the New Black Panthers, beer summits, Eric Holder, Trayvon, Ferguson, Baltimore, and Dylann Roof? More Americans believe race is a larger problem after seven years of Obama than disagree. But while there will always be dead-ender white trash like Roof, Obama and his allies have brought the rise of militant anti-white racists, who will be with us for the foreseeable future with their #BlackLivesMatter hashtags and their La Raza agitation.

ALL of it here
Read more at Dear Democrats Your America Sucks The American Spectator
out of our live COMPLETY come 2016

"The demographics race we're losing badly," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."
Matthew said there were race riots? When did that happen or are we using a loose definition of race riot that means a race of people rioted before?
It reminds me of the Jimmy Carter era steph

This place sucks

Its the worst I've seen since then. we have Riots, lootings, ripping down flags, pouring paint on statues of who they CLAIM is racist. Obama coming out and dropping the Nixxger word on us, them using ever GROUP in this country to Divide with. three weeks ago it was black people, last week it was homosexuals, this week it's a flag and Latinos by using something Trump said, and on and on .

EVERY day this administration lays out something else. Like their PLAN to desegregate our towns and communities. It been total CHOAS and Crisis after Crisis under this Regime of Progressive/commie/dem

BUT lets not forge their motto: Never let a Good Crisis go to waste
Like their PLAN to desegregate our towns and communities.

What a nut
It reminds me of the Jimmy Carter era steph

This place sucks

Its the worst I've seen since then. we have Riots, lootings, ripping down flags, pouring paint on statues of who they CLAIM is racist. Obama coming out and dropping the Nixxger word on us, them using ever GROUP in this country to Divide with. three weeks ago it was black people, last week it was homosexuals, this week it's a flag and Latinos by using something Trump said, and on and on .

EVERY day this administration lays out something else. Like their PLAN to desegregate our towns and communities. It been total CHOAS and Crisis after Crisis under this Regime of Progressive/commie/dem

BUT lets not forge their motto: Never let a Good Crisis go to waste
Like their PLAN to desegregate our towns and communities.

What a nut
Why are Democrats dumping thousands of African refugees in St. Paul, Minnesota? All those nations in Africa and they have to settle them in St. Paul. Do you know why?
It is a disgusting piece of crap. At least under Bush I could feel that this was a powerful country that had a solid foundation.

Today I just have to say I wouldn't fight for this country and I feel dirty living in it. All I hear is how evil, racist and bad I am for being a white male from my GOVERNMENT! This is what it means to have a democratic white house. I better NOT DEFEND myself or my family or I am evil!!!! I better not think or speak my mind or I am evil.

These people are sick in the head and need to get out of power fast.


You're called a racist pile of shit because you act like a racist pile of shit.

How in any way is what he said even remotely racist? What is it with you leftwingers... you throw that word around like punch line to a bad joke... do you even know what racist means?

Seeing the way blacks are today...Part of me seriously regrets that the republican party did this for them.

Everyone naturally lives with their own people. Blacks and whites naturally don't want to live with each other.

This is bull shit

Blacks don't care about freedom of speech. They only care about their right destroy our neighborhoods and kill us.

Fuck em.
That one got a like from Stephanie

You see blacks are racist and believe that only their lives matter.

Free shit is all such small minds care about....Kill, rape, bitch and reload the card.
Most blacks are utterly incapable of modern society and could care less about improvement.

Blacks don't want to see successful whites or anyone whites that are anything besides bums on the street. Everything and anything makes them feel frustrated...

I say fuck em.

Seeing that most abortions are done by blacks. I don't see the reason to oppose abortion.
It is a disgusting piece of crap. At least under Bush I could feel that this was a powerful country that had a solid foundation.

Today I just have to say I wouldn't fight for this country and I feel dirty living in it. All I hear is how evil, racist and bad I am for being a white male from my GOVERNMENT! This is what it means to have a democratic white house. I better NOT DEFEND myself or my family or I am evil!!!! I better not think or speak my mind or I am evil.

These people are sick in the head and need to get out of power fast.


You're called a racist pile of shit because you act like a racist pile of shit.

How in any way hat he said even remotely racist? What is it with you leftwingers... you throw that word around like punch line to a bad joke... do you even know what racist means?

THAT'S one of things the people are SICK of them and their party. Everything and everyone is accuse of being RACIST. and now they are onto BIGOT
How many other names has that party and their sheep followers called us people? denier, birther, flat earther, and lets not ever forget, Teabaggers......and on and on

"Us people"? Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you.
Most amazing is that democrats actually believe that the America they created is entitled to or deserves any loyalty, respect or patriotism! They made a separate country, then have the audacity to claim we are united and one people.

That's the very definition of insanity.
That is not a definition of insanity. You are just making stuff up. America has often been divided about big political issues. In fact, it is almost always divided on a vast array of issues. When the time comes to unite, America unites. When one part of the country is hit with a natural disaster, the whole nation becomes united to help out. When warriors are needed to go off and fight, our young people line up at the recruiting offices. Thankfully the doomsday anti American folks are limited and kept in check by the majority.

Tell us another story Uncle Remus!!!
Remember, if you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. At least use protection.
Show these nasty people and their party WE ARE sick of them. You started with Congress NOW vote out that Party of progressives/democrats and commies out of our live COMPLETY come 2016

Cultural aggression, destructive policies, and ceaseless smearing are wearing out a great people.

To the Democratic Party, and specifically those of you responsible for shaping federal policies over the last seven years and our cultural institutions over a far longer time…

Great job.

You’ve succeeded beyond your wildest dreams in your efforts to, as the front man for your current operation called it, “fundamentally transform America.” It’s been seven years with said front man in charge, and those of us not in on your game are staring slack-jawed at what you’ve made of this country.

When Barack Obama was first running for president, he cited the great Ronald Reagan, the most successful of modern American presidents and the principal hero of today’s Republican Party (which is problematic, seeing as though the man has been dead for two decades, but that’s a subject for a future column), as his principal role model. Many misunderstood what Obama was saying in promoting Reagan thus; they expected that to mean Obama wanted rapid economic growth, peace through strength, and an eight-year celebratory revival of American culture and society.

As we’ve seen, that’s not what Obama and his fellow travelers had in mind. Rather, Obama wanted to be for the Left what Reagan was for the Right; the embodiment of political strength and leadership demeanor.

In this, Obama has succeeded. Future Democrat presidents will attempt, with futility, to match Obama’s policy achievements. None will manage to so forcefully establish his or her party’s identity and brand. He is the Reagan of the Democratic Party, and for the next three decades or longer his party will pine for another vessel of Hope and Change such as he.

But if Obama is the epitome of the Left’s political dreams, we now know America is no better at socialism than is Greece or Venezuela. In nearly every way imaginable, our society is in deep decline — and in nearly each of those ways the decline has come thanks to bad leftist policy and persistent leftist cultural aggression.

Was there any more compelling reason for Obama’s 2008 election outside of a desire on the part of mostly white America to transcend the racial tensions of the past and exorcise those demons? Where are we now after seven years of Reverend Wright, the New Black Panthers, beer summits, Eric Holder, Trayvon, Ferguson, Baltimore, and Dylann Roof? More Americans believe race is a larger problem after seven years of Obama than disagree. But while there will always be dead-ender white trash like Roof, Obama and his allies have brought the rise of militant anti-white racists, who will be with us for the foreseeable future with their #BlackLivesMatter hashtags and their La Raza agitation.

ALL of it here
Read more at Dear Democrats Your America Sucks The American Spectator
People who read the American Spectator become retarded like the OP.

You are the people they talk about in the article and who: we are ALL SICK OF/
but nice of you to be the first to come in and show what horses asses libs are

You do realize that more people voted for democrats than voted for republicans in both the house and senate elections......that there are more democrats than republicans, that more people lean democrat than republican, and that self identified liberals are at an all time high while self identified conservatives are a point off an all time low?

By 'we', you're apparently not speaking of the majority of the country.

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