Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
What we need to do is jail every progressive on charges of treason and conspiracy...

Hey your dear leader FDR threw Japanese and Italians in camps so I'm sure you will understand.

If the Pubs and dupes of the day weren't trying to string them up, he might not have. You dupes know nothing about history or anything else...a disgrace...:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

When did I ever advocate "stringing" anyone up - I said you belong in jail - not strung.

Progressives are guilty of treason, and you're conspiring against the Bill of Rights.

People who conspire against the Bill of Rights belong in prison.... I wouldn't give you the Rosenberg treatment. I'd just give you your "Escape From New York" utopian paradise.

Speaking of brainwashed tin foil morons. Thanks, Rushbot,:cuckoo: for totally ignoring what I said. You mention any topic, and all the dupes have the same stoopid talking point......
Why would we not be able to trade food and meat products, and goods between each other?

Why would you want anything grown in conservative land? I wouldn't trust its safety nor nutritional content.

Cons want safe food too, and clean water and clean air, just not all the over blown regulations that hamper it's production, too many over the top regulations costs the product to go up in price. Africa has found this out pretty recently and are easing up on their over bloated regulations, and guess what? They are starting to thrive in production In the Countries that are doing it.

I'm talking about the first part that you quoted.
Then you didn't say anything about the second part.
Africa has found that when over regulations are taken out , they have a much better production of goods. When they over regulated, it caused less production and corruption in the system.
What did you have for breakfast? Local yogurt from Fresh Direct. Although, Chiobani is local but not organic.

Lunch? Mushroom & barley vegetable soup, made by me- produce purchased at union market (local section, of course).

Dinner last night? Sardine, orange and fennel crostini + dandelion green / bleu cheese crostini from Corsino restaurant in Manhattan... they buy from upstate farms as well.

I'ts not hard to eat locally, you know.

Evidently it's hard to eat well locally. :eusa_whistle:
If the Pubs and dupes of the day weren't trying to string them up, he might not have. You dupes know nothing about history or anything else...a disgrace...:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

When did I ever advocate "stringing" anyone up - I said you belong in jail - not strung.

Progressives are guilty of treason, and you're conspiring against the Bill of Rights.

People who conspire against the Bill of Rights belong in prison.... I wouldn't give you the Rosenberg treatment. I'd just give you your "Escape From New York" utopian paradise.

Speaking of brainwashed tin foil morons. Thanks, Rushbot,:cuckoo: for totally ignoring what I said. You mention any topic, and all the dupes have the same stoopid talking point......

So you really REALLY should want the divorce. No rightwing talking points. No conservative arguments. No challenge to anything you say. You'll be a god!!! Loved and respected by all your fellow countrymen!!! Oh how glorious it will be!!! Are you salivating and rubbing your hands together in anticipation?

Imagine a Liberal Land with a Franco in it. Imagine a Conservative Land without one. :)
I don't want a divorce, I want the Fairness Doctrine back....some argument based on reality for Rush, Beck, Savage etc so we wouldn't have to deal with tin foil loudmouth morons on here...

You mean you want censorship - which goes against the First Amendment - which makes you a fucking tyrant...

Speaking of brainwashed tin foil morons. Thanks, Rushbot,:cuckoo: for totally ignoring what I said.

You're the one spewing the "fairness doctrine" censorship bullshit - NOT me....

Fucks like you want to hear what you agree with 24-7-365...

Fair to you is "silence the opposition" and promote "national propaganda" that you find appropriate....

As usual the leftists are the least tolerant....

Not to mention I never listen to Rush...... Michael Savage is much better....
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Son? Give up. Find another pulpit. This one left you awhile ago.:eusa_hand:

He apparently is only capable of one thought and is as incapable as most Leftists in having fun with a concept. Apparently Leftism completely blocks some forms of creative thought and imagination.

But that's okay. He goes to their side where he will be perfectly normal and accepted. Meanwhile we can afford to be gracious and charitable pending his departure.

You're wrong.

Don't let it stop you from enjoying the partisan circle-jerk going on here.

You, peepers, occupied and franco? :eusa_whistle:
We don't actually need to split the country. We just need to take away the neocon nutjobs keyboards.

What we need to do is jail every progressive on charges of treason and conspiracy...

Hey your dear leader FDR threw Japanese and Italians in camps so I'm sure you will understand.

If the Pubs and dupes of the day weren't trying to string them up, he might not have. You dupes know nothing about history or anything else...a disgrace...:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

There are plenty on both sides, who don't know history.
We don't actually need to split the country. We just need to take away the neocon nutjobs keyboards.

What we need to do is jail every progressive on charges of treason and conspiracy...

Hey your dear leader FDR threw Japanese and Italians in camps so I'm sure you will understand.

If the Pubs and dupes of the day weren't trying to string them up, he might not have. You dupes know nothing about history or anything else...a disgrace...:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

Your posts portend that you, yourself have never gotten history either. WHAT exactly are you crowing of?
Does this mean you're warming up to get on board to the idea of the divorce? You are so sure we are doing it all wrong and maybe we are. The one indisputable way to win that argument is to do it your way in your own country for 10 years. And then, if you are right, you can truly thumb your nose at we stupid conservatives and declare victory and vindication.

How about it. Ready to go for it?

Of course not. I am just going to go about my life and do my own thing - and not eat anything grown by Monsanto if I can help it. And I am right. I have thousands of years of cultivation via thousands of bands of people and nature knowledge on my side. You guys have corporations concerned only with profit. Who do you think is really going to do things the right way? Are you really telling me that the only right way to grow food is in dead soil with petrochemicals? Whatever.

I think you have been on too many political message boards.
That's true but irrelevent. Let's let them do it any way they want. And we do it any way we want. And at the end of the 10 years we compare notes. That's the only way to settle an argument like this because we are too far apart to agree to any process that suits either of us now.

I totally support the idea like I have said, but it's a hoop dream...

I think it's funny that the progressives are against the idea but conservatives are all for it.... :lol: Those progressive shits know who feeds them.....

If your idea ever came true, families would be eating nice steak, home fries and salad every night on our side and those retards on the left would be serving their people pea soup and algae shakes in a soup-kitchen line. Of course after that it's mandatory bongo drumming and chanting to Gia..... Of course at 5am it's "1984 style" exercise time so the night ends early...

Well historically that is pretty much the way things have gone. But I'm not convinced that they understand that. And even less convinced that they would ever admit it if they did.

But it is interesting that only one liberal so far has been willing to agree to an all-liberal country promoting all the ideals they have been clamoring for all these decades while I believe only one conservative is contesting the divorce. It is their chance to get away from evil conservatism and conservatives once and for all, and they aren't jumping at the chance? That is indeed strange.

I'm a libertarian, classical liberal or Democrat-Republican, yet I choose our side....

These leftists are authoritarian lunatic Nazi's...

The simple fact they don't understand this shows how ignorant they are to history. Their philosophy always ends bad.....

They always end with "insert year here _________ plans." There is always a totalitarian plan that will save everyone....
The entire concept is ludicrous because the hard truth is that is if you could split us all up without horrible bloodshed and cruelty, within a relatively short period of time both countries would be split along the same arbitrary political lines. Split again?

Wanna bet? 20-25 % leftist hard core that would go over to thier new 'Country' that could give a crap about the Constitution and just exist for freebies.
If the Pubs and dupes of the day weren't trying to string them up, he might not have. You dupes know nothing about history or anything else...a disgrace...:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

When did I ever advocate "stringing" anyone up - I said you belong in jail - not strung.

Progressives are guilty of treason, and you're conspiring against the Bill of Rights.

People who conspire against the Bill of Rights belong in prison.... I wouldn't give you the Rosenberg treatment. I'd just give you your "Escape From New York" utopian paradise.

Speaking of brainwashed tin foil morons. Thanks, Rushbot,:cuckoo: for totally ignoring what I said. You mention any topic, and all the dupes have the same stoopid talking point......

dood.......everyone totally ignores what you say. Your drooling monkey asshat stoopid. :eusa_drool:
I totally support the idea like I have said, but it's a hoop dream...

I think it's funny that the progressives are against the idea but conservatives are all for it.... :lol: Those progressive shits know who feeds them.....

If your idea ever came true, families would be eating nice steak, home fries and salad every night on our side and those retards on the left would be serving their people pea soup and algae shakes in a soup-kitchen line. Of course after that it's mandatory bongo drumming and chanting to Gia..... Of course at 5am it's "1984 style" exercise time so the night ends early...

Well historically that is pretty much the way things have gone. But I'm not convinced that they understand that. And even less convinced that they would ever admit it if they did.

But it is interesting that only one liberal so far has been willing to agree to an all-liberal country promoting all the ideals they have been clamoring for all these decades while I believe only one conservative is contesting the divorce. It is their chance to get away from evil conservatism and conservatives once and for all, and they aren't jumping at the chance? That is indeed strange.

I'm a libertarian, classical liberal or Democrat-Republican, yet I choose our side....

These leftists are authoritarian lunatic Nazi's...

The simple fact they don't understand this shows how ignorant they are to history. Their philosophy always ends bad.....

They always end with "insert year here _________ plans." There is always a totalitarian plan that will save everyone....

And usually it's plans to DO for people that should be doing for themselves natually without prompting or assistence from the Gubmint.
Does this mean you're warming up to get on board to the idea of the divorce? You are so sure we are doing it all wrong and maybe we are. The one indisputable way to win that argument is to do it your way in your own country for 10 years. And then, if you are right, you can truly thumb your nose at we stupid conservatives and declare victory and vindication.

How about it. Ready to go for it?

Of course not. I am just going to go about my life and do my own thing - and not eat anything grown by Monsanto if I can help it. And I am right. I have thousands of years of cultivation via thousands of bands of people and nature knowledge on my side. You guys have corporations concerned only with profit. Who do you think is really going to do things the right way? Are you really telling me that the only right way to grow food is in dead soil with petrochemicals? Whatever.

I think you have been on too many political message boards.

Oh goody...a Caricature!
Can you imagine if the conservative got their wish? What would they do as all they do now is whine about 'liberals?' I asked one hundred times:

Name a nation founded by conservatives?
Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?
Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

No answers ever. Conservatives out of power are wonderful whiners, in power they fail. Any need to name names? :lol: Repost below.

Conservative Accomplishments?

In America today there is a movement that goes by the name conservative and claims it is a source of new ideas and policy. Is that true, can we find the place in our history past or present where that statement holds any truth? Can we find conservative accomplishments?

Let’s see.

Did conservatism form the foundations for our constitutional democracy? Surely not, we know that was the enlightenment and the liberal ideas that flowed from it. Consider only the separation of church and state or that all are created equal. Hardly conservative ideas.

Did conservatism free the individual to worship as they pleased? surely not, that was the liberal freedoms built into our constitution.

Did conservatism allow freedom of speech for all points of view? That answer is easy, No.

Did conservatism free the slave? Again, the answer can only be, no, as many conservatives fought hard to maintain the status quo.

Did conservatism help us out of the depression? No, how could they in their social Darwinistic world view. FDR’s radical ideas started us back on the right path.

Did conservatism create Social Security, one of the truly great accomplishment of this country? Easy answer, today they want to eliminate it.

Is conservatism the defensive force it claims to be? Again a review of history demonstrates not, or consider the chicken hawks today who spout that nonsense.

Did conservatism free the worker from the slavery of long hours and terrible work conditions? Thank unions for that.

Did conservatism allow ‘all’ people to vote? Thank LBJ.

Did conservatives support public education so all could have the best start possible?

Did conservatism allow a student of any color to enter any school?

Did conservatism free women from the drudgery of a life with little freedom?

Did conservatives fight for clean air and streams?

Did conservatism allow equal opportunity to the fruits of the earth that belong to all?

No to all.

Need I go on, the only accomplishments of conservatism are negative barriers to progress and a better life for all.

I cannot think of a single accomplishment of conservatism except for the rationalization of a social Darwinistic world, theocratic interference in progress and personal lives, and the criticism of others usually labeled as liberals.

Can you?


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So you do it your way. We'll do it our way. For ten years. And then we can meet at that picnic and compare notes and see who enoys the most safe, cheapest, best food supply. Isn't that fair?

I'll bring the boiled crawfish... :)

Could you fry mine? Heresy to a true Cajun I know, but I really REALLY prefer them fried.

'k... a li'l more work for me... but I don't mind...

mebbe you'd like an etouffee' instead...?
Can you imagine if the conservative got their wish? What would they do as all they do now is whine about 'liberals?' I asked one hundred times:

Name a nation founded by conservatives?
Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?
Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout?

No answers ever. Conservatives out of power are wonderful whiners, in power they fail. Any need to name names? :lol: Repost below.

Conservative Accomplishments?

In America today there is a movement that goes by the name conservative and claims it is a source of new ideas and policy. Is that true, can we find the place in our history past or present where that statement holds any truth? Can we find conservative accomplishments?

Let’s see.

Did conservatism form the foundations for our constitutional democracy? Surely not, we know that was the enlightenment and the liberal ideas that flowed from it. Consider only the separation of church and state or that all are created equal. Hardly conservative ideas.

Did conservatism free the individual to worship as they pleased? surely not, that was the liberal freedoms built into our constitution.

Did conservatism allow freedom of speech for all points of view? That answer is easy, No.

Did conservatism free the slave? Again, the answer can only be, no, as many conservatives fought hard to maintain the status quo.

Did conservatism help us out of the depression? No, how could they in their social Darwinistic world view. FDR’s radical ideas started us back on the right path.

Did conservatism create Social Security, one of the truly great accomplishment of this country? Easy answer, today they want to eliminate it.

Is conservatism the defensive force it claims to be? Again a review of history demonstrates not, or consider the chicken hawks today who spout that nonsense.

Did conservatism free the worker from the slavery of long hours and terrible work conditions? Thank unions for that.

Did conservatism allow ‘all’ people to vote? Thank LBJ.

Did conservatives support public education so all could have the best start possible?

Did conservatism allow a student of any color to enter any school?

Did conservatism free women from the drudgery of a life with little freedom?

Did conservatives fight for clean air and streams?

Did conservatism allow equal opportunity to the fruits of the earth that belong to all?

No to all.

Need I go on, the only accomplishments of conservatism are negative barriers to progress and a better life for all.

I cannot think of a single accomplishment of conservatism except for the rationalization of a social Darwinistic world, theocratic interference in progress and personal lives, and the criticism of others usually labeled as liberals.

Can you?



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