Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Cons want safe food too, and clean water and clean air, just not all the over blown regulations that hamper it's production, too many over the top regulations costs the product to go up in price.

We already pay less for food than most civilized countries... but you probably have not factured in that 1/3 of the oil we export goes into food production. Not to mention the environmental damage being done by over-fertilization. And I won't even go into the sick process of and feeding cows to each other, pumping them full of antibiotics, thus creating super-bugs.

You either let corporations exploit your recources and live with the aftermath, or you tell them "no, you cannot do that". You can't have both.

That's a lie..........

In Europe food is way more expensive.... Their oil prices are way higher....

That's true but irrelevent. Let's let them do it any way they want. And we do it any way we want. And at the end of the 10 years we compare notes. That's the only way to settle an argument like this because we are too far apart to agree to any process that suits either of us now.
Cons want safe food too, and clean water and clean air, just not all the over blown regulations that hamper it's production, too many over the top regulations costs the product to go up in price.

We already pay less for food than most civilized countries... but you probably have not factured in that 1/3 of the oil we export goes into food production. Not to mention the environmental damage being done by over-fertilization. And I won't even go into the sick process of and feeding cows to each other, pumping them full of antibiotics, thus creating super-bugs.

You either let corporations exploit your recources and live with the aftermath, or you tell them "no, you cannot do that". You can't have both.

So you do it your way. We'll do it our way. For ten years. And then we can meet at that picnic and compare notes and see who enoys the most safe, cheapest, best food supply. Isn't that fair?

Sure...and they'll have thier Pravda to blow thier successes out of proportion and we will have our journalists that will stick to the truth.

What NOTES to comapre. ;)
Cons want safe food too, and clean water and clean air, just not all the over blown regulations that hamper it's production, too many over the top regulations costs the product to go up in price.

We already pay less for food than most civilized countries... but you probably have not factured in that 1/3 of the oil we export goes into food production. Not to mention the environmental damage being done by over-fertilization. And I won't even go into the sick process of and feeding cows to each other, pumping them full of antibiotics, thus creating super-bugs.

You either let corporations exploit your recources and live with the aftermath, or you tell them "no, you cannot do that". You can't have both.

Yes you can. It's a balance.
That stuff would not be in conservatives states products, I eat eggs that are anti-biotic free and they are free range chickens. Much healthier. The one's that have anti biotic's make me sick.
I noticed you didn't want to talk about how it's working in Africa. :)
Cons want safe food too, and clean water and clean air, just not all the over blown regulations that hamper it's production, too many over the top regulations costs the product to go up in price.

We already pay less for food than most civilized countries... but you probably have not factured in that 1/3 of the oil we export goes into food production. Not to mention the environmental damage being done by over-fertilization. And I won't even go into the sick process of and feeding cows to each other, pumping them full of antibiotics, thus creating super-bugs.

You either let corporations exploit your recources and live with the aftermath, or you tell them "no, you cannot do that". You can't have both.

So you do it your way. We'll do it our way. For ten years. And then we can meet at that picnic and compare notes and see who enoys the most safe, cheapest, best food supply. Isn't that fair?

I'll bring the boiled crawfish... :)
We already pay less for food than most civilized countries... but you probably have not factured in that 1/3 of the oil we export goes into food production. Not to mention the environmental damage being done by over-fertilization. And I won't even go into the sick process of and feeding cows to each other, pumping them full of antibiotics, thus creating super-bugs.

You either let corporations exploit your recources and live with the aftermath, or you tell them "no, you cannot do that". You can't have both.

So you do it your way. We'll do it our way. For ten years. And then we can meet at that picnic and compare notes and see who enoys the most safe, cheapest, best food supply. Isn't that fair?

Sure...and they'll have thier Pravda to blow thier successes out of proportion and we will have our journalists that will stick to the truth.

What NOTES to comapre. ;)

Well there's always that. But the proof will ultimately be decided by how many abandon conservatism and apply to move to Liberal Land versus how many abandon liberalism and apply to move to Conservative Land. Historically we know how that will probably go, but hey, anything is possible. They could really fool us. The only way to find out is to finish an amicable divorce agreement so each side can do its own thing.
So you do it your way. We'll do it our way. For ten years. And then we can meet at that picnic and compare notes and see who enoys the most safe, cheapest, best food supply. Isn't that fair?

Sure...and they'll have thier Pravda to blow thier successes out of proportion and we will have our journalists that will stick to the truth.

What NOTES to comapre. ;)

Well there's always that. But the proof will ultimately be decided by how many abandon conservatism and move to Liberal Land versus how many abandon liberalism and move to Conservative Land. Historically we know how that will probably go, but hey, anything is possible. They could really fool us. The only way to find out is to finish an amicable divorce agreement so each side can do its own thing.

Truth will out...I can see that. Can we have in the agreement that those that wish to defect from either side can leave the other but only ONCE?
That's a lie..........

In Europe food is way more expensive.... Their oil prices are way higher....
That's true but irrelevent. Let's let them do it any way they want. And we do it any way we want. And at the end of the 10 years we compare notes. That's the only way to settle an argument like this because we are too far apart to agree to any process that suits either of us now.


"In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out).

This is a dramatically lower percentage spent than just decades ago in the early 1960s, when over 17 percent was spent on food, and even more of a “bargain” compared to 1930, when Americans spent over 24 percent of their disposable income to feed their families.

When you compare what Americans spend to what people in other countries spend, you’ll also notice some great disparities."

What’s the real cost of America’s cheap food supply? Plus, budget tips on cleaner eating.
Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Food - TIME
Business - Derek Thompson - Why is American Food So Cheap? - The Atlantic
We already pay less for food than most civilized countries... but you probably have not factured in that 1/3 of the oil we export goes into food production. Not to mention the environmental damage being done by over-fertilization. And I won't even go into the sick process of and feeding cows to each other, pumping them full of antibiotics, thus creating super-bugs.

You either let corporations exploit your recources and live with the aftermath, or you tell them "no, you cannot do that". You can't have both.

So you do it your way. We'll do it our way. For ten years. And then we can meet at that picnic and compare notes and see who enoys the most safe, cheapest, best food supply. Isn't that fair?

I'll bring the boiled crawfish... :)

Could you fry mine? Heresy to a true Cajun I know, but I really REALLY prefer them fried.
That's a lie..........

In Europe food is way more expensive.... Their oil prices are way higher....
That's true but irrelevent. Let's let them do it any way they want. And we do it any way we want. And at the end of the 10 years we compare notes. That's the only way to settle an argument like this because we are too far apart to agree to any process that suits either of us now.


"In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out).

This is a dramatically lower percentage spent than just decades ago in the early 1960s, when over 17 percent was spent on food, and even more of a “bargain” compared to 1930, when Americans spent over 24 percent of their disposable income to feed their families.

When you compare what Americans spend to what people in other countries spend, you’ll also notice some great disparities."

What’s the real cost of America’s cheap food supply? Plus, budget tips on cleaner eating.
Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Food - TIME
Business - Derek Thompson - Why is American Food So Cheap? - The Atlantic

Does this mean you're warming up to get on board to the idea of the divorce? You are so sure we are doing it all wrong and maybe we are. The one indisputable way to win that argument is to do it your way in your own country for 10 years. And then, if you are right, you can truly thumb your nose at we stupid conservatives and declare victory and vindication.

How about it. Ready to go for it?
We already pay less for food than most civilized countries... but you probably have not factured in that 1/3 of the oil we export goes into food production. Not to mention the environmental damage being done by over-fertilization. And I won't even go into the sick process of and feeding cows to each other, pumping them full of antibiotics, thus creating super-bugs.

You either let corporations exploit your recources and live with the aftermath, or you tell them "no, you cannot do that". You can't have both.

So you do it your way. We'll do it our way. For ten years. And then we can meet at that picnic and compare notes and see who enoys the most safe, cheapest, best food supply. Isn't that fair?

I'll bring the boiled crawfish... :)

I'll bring the potato salad :)
We already pay less for food than most civilized countries... but you probably have not factured in that 1/3 of the oil we export goes into food production. Not to mention the environmental damage being done by over-fertilization. And I won't even go into the sick process of and feeding cows to each other, pumping them full of antibiotics, thus creating super-bugs.

You either let corporations exploit your recources and live with the aftermath, or you tell them "no, you cannot do that". You can't have both.

That's a lie..........

In Europe food is way more expensive.... Their oil prices are way higher....

That's true but irrelevent. Let's let them do it any way they want. And we do it any way we want. And at the end of the 10 years we compare notes. That's the only way to settle an argument like this because we are too far apart to agree to any process that suits either of us now.

I totally support the idea like I have said, but it's a hoop dream...

I think it's funny that the progressives are against the idea but conservatives are all for it.... :lol: Those progressive shits know who feeds them.....

If your idea ever came true, families would be eating nice steak, home fries and salad every night on our side and those retards on the left would be serving their people pea soup and algae shakes in a soup-kitchen line. Of course after that it's mandatory bongo drumming and chanting to Gia..... Of course at 5am it's "1984 style" exercise time so the night ends early...
Sure...and they'll have thier Pravda to blow thier successes out of proportion and we will have our journalists that will stick to the truth.

What NOTES to comapre. ;)

Well there's always that. But the proof will ultimately be decided by how many abandon conservatism and move to Liberal Land versus how many abandon liberalism and move to Conservative Land. Historically we know how that will probably go, but hey, anything is possible. They could really fool us. The only way to find out is to finish an amicable divorce agreement so each side can do its own thing.

Truth will out...I can see that. Can we have in the agreement that those that wish to defect from either side can leave the other but only ONCE?

That seems like a reasonable request. And anybody who emigrates must renounce his/her citizenship in his/her former country and agree to be a supportive and good citizen of his/her new country. We have already had conservatism diluted and corrupted by liberalism once. Don't want to open the door to let it happen again. I'll add that to the proposal and we'll all vote on it later.
Does this mean you're warming up to get on board to the idea of the divorce? You are so sure we are doing it all wrong and maybe we are. The one indisputable way to win that argument is to do it your way in your own country for 10 years. And then, if you are right, you can truly thumb your nose at we stupid conservatives and declare victory and vindication.

How about it. Ready to go for it?

Of course not. I am just going to go about my life and do my own thing - and not eat anything grown by Monsanto if I can help it. And I am right. I have thousands of years of cultivation via thousands of bands of people and nature knowledge on my side. You guys have corporations concerned only with profit. Who do you think is really going to do things the right way? Are you really telling me that the only right way to grow food is in dead soil with petrochemicals? Whatever.
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I don't want a divorce, I want the Fairness Doctrine back....some argument based on reality for Rush, Beck, Savage etc so we wouldn't have to deal with tin foil loudmouth morons on here...

You mean you want censorship - which goes against the First Amendment - which makes you a fucking tyrant...

Speaking of brainwashed tin foil morons. Thanks, Rushbot,:cuckoo: for totally ignoring what I said.
That's a lie..........

In Europe food is way more expensive.... Their oil prices are way higher....

That's true but irrelevent. Let's let them do it any way they want. And we do it any way we want. And at the end of the 10 years we compare notes. That's the only way to settle an argument like this because we are too far apart to agree to any process that suits either of us now.

I totally support the idea like I have said, but it's a hoop dream...

I think it's funny that the progressives are against the idea but conservatives are all for it.... :lol: Those progressive shits know who feeds them.....

If your idea ever came true, families would be eating nice steak, home fries and salad every night on our side and those retards on the left would be serving their people pea soup and algae shakes in a soup-kitchen line. Of course after that it's mandatory bongo drumming and chanting to Gia..... Of course at 5am it's "1984 style" exercise time so the night ends early...

Well historically that is pretty much the way things have gone. But I'm not convinced that they understand that. And even less convinced that they would ever admit it if they did.

But it is interesting that only one liberal so far has been willing to agree to an all-liberal country promoting all the ideals they have been clamoring for all these decades while I believe only one conservative is contesting the divorce. It is their chance to get away from evil conservatism and conservatives once and for all, and they aren't jumping at the chance? That is indeed strange.

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