Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Well historically that is pretty much the way things have gone. But I'm not convinced that they understand that. And even less convinced that they would ever admit it if they did.

But it is interesting that only one liberal so far has been willing to agree to an all-liberal country promoting all the ideals they have been clamoring for all these decades while I believe only one conservative is contesting the divorce. It is their chance to get away from evil conservatism and conservatives once and for all, and they aren't jumping at the chance? That is indeed strange.

I'm a libertarian, classical liberal or Democrat-Republican, yet I choose our side....

These leftists are authoritarian lunatic Nazi's...

The simple fact they don't understand this shows how ignorant they are to history. Their philosophy always ends bad.....

They always end with "insert year here _________ plans." There is always a totalitarian plan that will save everyone....

And usually it's plans to DO for people that should be doing for themselves natually without prompting or assistence from the Gubmint.


The people Mao or and Stalin ruled over (among other evils) were too dependent on the government to even help themselves.... That's why during Mao's "second revolution" he was able to convince all the young people to start beating their parents into submission. IMO, that is what motivated Pol Pot several years later to commit his genocide in Cambodia - and Pot even as a recluse admitted that Mao and Marx were certainly inspirations to his ideology...
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Sufficed to say? I'M IN. My fellow lefist Cits? Buh-Bye.

[ame=""]The Man With Two Brains -- citizen's divorce -- Better Quality - YouTube[/ame]

In the Tense and exercise presented?

When are the proceedings? Bring it.

See ya.
Well, if you want a shot of optimism, there's this tidbit: back around 1995 Canada was pretty much screwed and headed for 3rd world status. Their debt and deficits were soaring, UE was rising, and their economy sucked. But then they turned it around, relatively quickly too. Know what they did? They capped spending. Had a minor tax increase in there too, but mostly they reduced spending. And it worked, big time. And you know who got it started?

Their liberal party. Their version of our democrats. So if they can do it, why can't we?

I dunno, maybe we just haven't convinced enough Americans that a really bad shitstorm is comin'. Maybe we haven't lost enough respect from other nations yet, with all the financial trouble around the globe maybe our situation hasn't deteriorated enough. We're good at reacting to disasters and calamities, but not so good at preventing them. But in short, we need leadership, in both parties. And we ain't getting it.
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I'ts not hard to eat locally, you know.

They didn't get the Oranges or the sardines locally.

Rice doesn't grow in New York. I suppose potatoes will. Wheat and Barley will grow, but have an extremely short growing cycle and poor yields. Summer fruits and vegies excite the morons in Manhattan, creating a fantasy of "local food," but the grains, meats and fish consumed are all from out of state. (Unless you are chowing down on carp from the East River, which would actually explain a lot...)
Well, if you want a shot of optimism, there's this tidbit: back around 1995 Canada was pretty much screwed and headed for 3rd world status. Their debt and deficits were soaring UE was rising and their economy sucked. But then they turned it around, relatively quickly too. Know what they did? They capped spending. Had a minor tax increase in there too, but mostly they reduced spending. And it worked, big time. And you know who got it started?

Their liberal party. Their version of our democrats. So if they can do it, why can't we?

I dunno, maybe we just haven't convinced enough Americans that a realy bad shitstorm is comin'. Maybe we haven't lost enough respect from other nations yet, with all the financial trouble around he globe maybe our situation hasn't deteriorated enough. We're good at reacting to disasters and calamities, but not so good at preventing them. But in short, we need leadership, in both parties. And we ain't getting it.

Did they have as LARGE a plantation of worthless dweeb cradle-grave leeches as we?
You loudmouth hater/moron Rushbots don't even know what the Fairness Doctrine is- just means you'd hear the other side, not just the hater BS you get now...

I have a Masters in World History, and you know NOTHING, it appears. Worst party, and stupidest, most hateful voters in the modern WORLD...Pub dupes!! Change the channel, or eternaldamnation, haters. See sig last sentence. LOL
The red states would have to create their own founders and I wonder who they might be? Maybe Donald Trump to start? Would love to see the Constitution they might write, or would it be rule by divine right? Nice to think about.
The red states would have to create their own founders and I wonder who they might be? Maybe Donald Trump to start? Would love to see the Constitution they might write, or would it be rule by divine right? Nice to think about.

Uhmm...NO. RED Staters TAKE that and the Constitution as well as they are the ones that understand the premise from it's genesis...Try again.
Canada is socialist- ie they have good assistance programs (paid parental leave,etc), universal health care, with 86% approval, We had 34% in 2007. Now, of course, the brainwashed % has gone up, even with costs doubling just under BOOOOSH.

This is the SECOND Pub Depression/Great Recession, not communism, dolts.
Can you imagine if the conservative got their wish? What would they do as all they do now is whine about 'liberals?' I asked one hundred times:

Name a nation founded by conservatives?
Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?
Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

No answers ever. Conservatives out of power are wonderful whiners, in power they fail. Any need to name names? :lol: Repost below.

Conservative Accomplishments?

In America today there is a movement that goes by the name conservative and claims it is a source of new ideas and policy. Is that true, can we find the place in our history past or present where that statement holds any truth? Can we find conservative accomplishments?

Let’s see.

Did conservatism form the foundations for our constitutional democracy? Surely not, we know that was the enlightenment and the liberal ideas that flowed from it. Consider only the separation of church and state or that all are created equal. Hardly conservative ideas.

Did conservatism free the individual to worship as they pleased? surely not, that was the liberal freedoms built into our constitution.

Did conservatism allow freedom of speech for all points of view? That answer is easy, No.

Did conservatism free the slave? Again, the answer can only be, no, as many conservatives fought hard to maintain the status quo.

Did conservatism help us out of the depression? No, how could they in their social Darwinistic world view. FDR’s radical ideas started us back on the right path.

Did conservatism create Social Security, one of the truly great accomplishment of this country? Easy answer, today they want to eliminate it.

Is conservatism the defensive force it claims to be? Again a review of history demonstrates not, or consider the chicken hawks today who spout that nonsense.

Did conservatism free the worker from the slavery of long hours and terrible work conditions? Thank unions for that.

Did conservatism allow ‘all’ people to vote? Thank LBJ.

Did conservatives support public education so all could have the best start possible?

Did conservatism allow a student of any color to enter any school?

Did conservatism free women from the drudgery of a life with little freedom?

Did conservatives fight for clean air and streams?

Did conservatism allow equal opportunity to the fruits of the earth that belong to all?

No to all.

Need I go on, the only accomplishments of conservatism are negative barriers to progress and a better life for all.

I cannot think of a single accomplishment of conservatism except for the rationalization of a social Darwinistic world, theocratic interference in progress and personal lives, and the criticism of others usually labeled as liberals.

Can you?



I was gonna say that the Founding Fathers were old-school libertarian conservatives, aka "classical liberals" (not to be confused with today's squishy-brained "progressives"...), who set up a system that gave citizens unprecedented freedom and allowed free enterprise to flourish, resulting in the greatest nation in the history of the world...

but then I reread your post and came to an epiphany: How can freedom matter when some folks aren't getting their government checks...?
Can you imagine if the conservative got their wish? What would they do as all they do now is whine about 'liberals?' I asked one hundred times:

Name a nation founded by conservatives?
Name a positive policy that has helped America by a conservative?
Name a conservative president who hasn't needed a bailout or caused a recession/depression?

No answers ever. Conservatives out of power are wonderful whiners, in power they fail. Any need to name names? :lol: Repost below.

Conservative Accomplishments?

In America today there is a movement that goes by the name conservative and claims it is a source of new ideas and policy. Is that true, can we find the place in our history past or present where that statement holds any truth? Can we find conservative accomplishments?

Let’s see.

Did conservatism form the foundations for our constitutional democracy? Surely not, we know that was the enlightenment and the liberal ideas that flowed from it. Consider only the separation of church and state or that all are created equal. Hardly conservative ideas.

Did conservatism free the individual to worship as they pleased? surely not, that was the liberal freedoms built into our constitution.

Did conservatism allow freedom of speech for all points of view? That answer is easy, No.

Did conservatism free the slave? Again, the answer can only be, no, as many conservatives fought hard to maintain the status quo.

Did conservatism help us out of the depression? No, how could they in their social Darwinistic world view. FDR’s radical ideas started us back on the right path.

Did conservatism create Social Security, one of the truly great accomplishment of this country? Easy answer, today they want to eliminate it.

Is conservatism the defensive force it claims to be? Again a review of history demonstrates not, or consider the chicken hawks today who spout that nonsense.

Did conservatism free the worker from the slavery of long hours and terrible work conditions? Thank unions for that.

Did conservatism allow ‘all’ people to vote? Thank LBJ.

Did conservatives support public education so all could have the best start possible?

Did conservatism allow a student of any color to enter any school?

Did conservatism free women from the drudgery of a life with little freedom?

Did conservatives fight for clean air and streams?

Did conservatism allow equal opportunity to the fruits of the earth that belong to all?

No to all.

Need I go on, the only accomplishments of conservatism are negative barriers to progress and a better life for all.

I cannot think of a single accomplishment of conservatism except for the rationalization of a social Darwinistic world, theocratic interference in progress and personal lives, and the criticism of others usually labeled as liberals.

Can you?



I was gonna say that the Founding Fathers were old-school libertarian conservatives, aka "classical liberals" (not to be confused with today's squishy-brained "progressives"...), who set up a system that gave citizens unprecedented freedom and allowed free enterprise to flourish, resulting in the greatest nation in the history of the world...

but then I reread your post and came to an epiphany: How can freedom matter when some folks aren't getting their government checks...?

When they can earn a check without the footprints and sweat equity of those providing it third-hand?

I don't want a divorce, I want the Fairness Doctrine back....some argument based on reality for Rush, Beck, Savage etc so we wouldn't have to deal with tin foil loudmouth morons on here...

You had Air America with a bunch of liberal hosts. What happened? Didn't anyone want to hear their liberal claptrap?

In a way you better hope you don't get your wish, since there is MSNBC going 24/7 trashing everything Republican and/or conservative. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS et al all have a pretty good liberal slant. All the fairness doctrine would do is force all of these outlets to air conservative views.

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