Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
If there is a "BOX" its one of the "red" states own creation - how will the following states be able to support their "high minded" principles unless they were willing to apply for foreign aid from the "blue" states - 2. North Dakota ($2.03), 4. Mississippi ($1.84), 5. Alaska ($1.82), 6. West Virginia ($1.74), 7. Montana ($1.64), 8. Alabama ($1.61), 9. South Dakota ($1.59) and 10. Arkansas ($1.53)?

Conversely, 1. New Jersey ($0.62), 2. Connecticut ($0.64), 3. New Hampshire ($0.68), 4. Nevada ($0.73), 5. Illinois ($0.77), 6. Minnesota ($0.77), 7. Colorado ($0.79), 8. Massachusetts ($0.79), 9. California ($0.81) and 10. New York ($0.81) would be much farther ahead financially if and when their conservative "neighbors" decide to leave!

Son? YOU just don't get the OP...SAVE yourself from embarrassment right now and leave the thread.:eusa_hand:

The OP is absurd, that's what you don't get.

But keep taking the Right-Wing chain letters seriously. :thup:

NO...I precisely DO get it...and that is what YOU find unacceptable, and hard to deal with. Don't like being tagged? Then don't come in here and tag others yourself. You are free to go elsewhere if YOU don't appreciate the premise of the OP.:eusa_hand:
I'd love to see the libtards and conservatives divorce, and I'll be damned if maybe that idea isn't to far fetched. There is considerable tension in the country right now, and if the libs/obama ruin our economy, we could very well see outright anarchy, Civil War II or another type of Revolutionary War. So as much as I like the idea of the libshits and the conservatives getting a divorce and splitting things up, I think the conservatives should also give the libpukes a good ass kickin' as a final parting gift for being the major reason behind the divorce in the first place.
Son? YOU just don't get the OP...SAVE yourself from embarrassment right now and leave the thread.:eusa_hand:

The OP is absurd, that's what you don't get.

But keep taking the Right-Wing chain letters seriously. :thup:

NO...I precisely DO get it...and that is what YOU find unacceptable, and hard to deal with. Don't like being tagged? Then don't come in here and tag others yourself. You are free to go elsewhere if YOU don't appreciate the premise of the OP.:eusa_hand:

I find it unacceptable that you "get it"? :eusa_eh:

Did you write the original copy of this chain letter? There's a certain disregard for reality you both share.
Peach is asking a reasonable question though. We would need to decide whether we would want trade agreements between the two countries. So long as neither country imposed their own rules on the other, I don't see that as being a problem, but it should be made clear in the agreement that neither country HAS to trade with the other either.

Of course.

But you do understand that while we trade in goods, they would offer only needs in exchange?

Leftist: "I need a cow."
Conservative: "What will you trade in return?"
Leftist: "My need?"
Conservative: "What?"
Leftist: "You give me the cow, then YOU will need a cow. Fair trade."
Why would we not be able to trade food and meat products, and goods between each other?

Why would you want anything grown in conservative land? I wouldn't trust its safety nor nutritional content.

You're already eating shit grown on conservative land dummy....

Who do you think grows and slaughters all that produce and meat?? a bunch of progressive hippies??
I noticed that a few here, don't seem to understand that this is a fantasy scenario and not real.
No one is suggesting that we really do this guy's. :)
But ideas of misconceptions between us, does seem to be coming to light.
Strange that our conservative "friends" are opposed to the "redistribution" of wealth given that every traditionally "red" state, except Texas, has been the net benefaciary of federal government spending.

It should be noted that not one of these "red" states has ever refused to accept those federal funds that exceeded the amount that state has contributed - as a matter of principle!

Another one that can't think out of the BOX.
If there is a "BOX" its one of the "red" states own creation - just how do the following states intend to bankroll their "high minded" conservative principles given the high degree to which they have become financially dependent on the annual federal transfer of payments (redistribution of the wealth) - 2. North Dakota ($2.03), 4. Mississippi ($1.84), 5. Alaska ($1.82), 6. West Virginia ($1.74), 7. Montana ($1.64), 8. Alabama ($1.61), 9. South Dakota ($1.59) and 10. Arkansas ($1.53)?

Conversely, 1. New Jersey ($0.62), 2. Connecticut ($0.64), 3. New Hampshire ($0.68), 4. Nevada ($0.73), 5. Illinois ($0.77), 6. Minnesota ($0.77), 7. Colorado ($0.79), 8. Massachusetts ($0.79), 9. California ($0.81) and 10. New York ($0.81) would be much farther ahead financially if and when their conservative "neighbors" decide to leave the premises!

Not our problem. The whole purpose of the divorce agreement is to give each side exactly what it wants, allow it to set up a country the way they think it should be, and allow each to live as they choose to live. You don't need to worry whether the Red States prosper or flounder, succeed or fail. For more than a half century now your side has been bitching about conservatives and conservatism that you have blamed for everything from hang nails to the threat of thermonuclear war.

There is no name your side has not called us. There is no characterization too vile to assign to us. In your eyes we are the scum of the Earth, the bottom of the barrel, the dregs at the bottom of the pot. And in fairness, there are some on the right side here who cannot restrain themselves from pointing out the sins they see on your side and they are not charitable when they do it.

So you see the divide is too wide. We don't and will never agree. And neither can have the country they want with the other side fighting them on almost every issue. So the only solution is for each side to take those things they want and live in peace in their own country where they can do things as they want them done.

One roadblock we have run into though, is most--not all but most--conservatives want the divorce. So far none of the liberals except Wry have agreed to come to the negotiations table.

So again, why don't you want your own liberal Utopia? Your own perfect Liberal Land untainted by any crumbs of conservatism?
What did you have for breakfast? Local yogurt from Fresh Direct. Although, Chiobani is local but not organic.

Lunch? Mushroom & barley vegetable soup, made by me- produce purchased at union market (local section, of course).

Dinner last night? Sardine, orange and fennel crostini + dandelion green / bleu cheese crostini from Corsino restaurant in Manhattan... they buy from upstate farms as well.

I'ts not hard to eat locally, you know.
The OP is absurd, that's what you don't get.

But keep taking the Right-Wing chain letters seriously. :thup:

NO...I precisely DO get it...and that is what YOU find unacceptable, and hard to deal with. Don't like being tagged? Then don't come in here and tag others yourself. You are free to go elsewhere if YOU don't appreciate the premise of the OP.:eusa_hand:

I find it unacceptable that you "get it"? :eusa_eh:

Did you write the original copy of this chain letter? There's a certain disregard for reality you both share.

Son? Give up. Find another pulpit. This one left you awhile ago.:eusa_hand:
Why would we not be able to trade food and meat products, and goods between each other?

Because what would you do with the welfare vouchers the leftist states traded in return for the food and meat?

Paper your walls?

Peach is asking a reasonable question though. We would need to decide whether we would want trade agreements between the two countries. So long as neither country imposed their own rules on the other, I don't see that as being a problem, but it should be made clear in the agreement that neither country HAS to trade with the other either.

Hell no..... If progressives are so damn smart then they can figure it out themselves.

I'd treat them like we treat Cuba.
The entire concept is ludicrous because the hard truth is that is if you could split us all up without horrible bloodshed and cruelty, within a relatively short period of time both countries would be split along the same arbitrary political lines. Split again?
NO...I precisely DO get it...and that is what YOU find unacceptable, and hard to deal with. Don't like being tagged? Then don't come in here and tag others yourself. You are free to go elsewhere if YOU don't appreciate the premise of the OP.:eusa_hand:

I find it unacceptable that you "get it"? :eusa_eh:

Did you write the original copy of this chain letter? There's a certain disregard for reality you both share.

Son? Give up. Find another pulpit. This one left you awhile ago.:eusa_hand:


Sorry I wasn't enamored by the partisan nature of the thread. I'm sure you love partisan OPs with a liberal spin, amirite?

divorce ain't happenin', y'all... most libs ain't so lib as all that... and most cons ain't so con as all that...

the crazy fucks pressing for a divorce are a tiny minority limited to the outer fringes on either side...

so, for better or for worse, we're all stuck with each other... through sickness and in health, etc...
The dummy who copied and pasted the lame OP ( and cannot come up with a fourth possibility ) is labeling others as unimaginative.

The dummy is unable to illicit the desired response from liberals here and has declared victory......complete with a repudiation of the liberal "philosophy and point of view".

As suggested earlier, about coming up with your own terms of divorce......sans all the dopey cliche's and falsehoods. It is clear that you want to have a serious discussion regarding the merits of dissolving the Union. Why begin with that lame retread piece of shit? Got no imagination?

I noticed that all you could do is revert to third grade name calling.

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