Dear Poor; What is Keeping You Poor?

In some of the jobs I applied for, I offered to work 2 days they could see what they are getting. Even that didn't sway them.
With that attitude that's how you never get your way or ahead
Well, if you don't value yourself - then your potential employers will not see the value in the work you do.

Saying you will work for 'free' for x amount of time, is telling them that you aren't confident and are unsure if you can fill the role. Many companies already view the first few days as a 'trial period' anyway, and it isn't like they haven't budgeted for the hiring process.

If they don't offer you the job, then it is best to ask them to 'keep your name on file' if something else crops up, rather than walk away disheartened. There are always cases where people have been turned down, only to be called up a few months later and asked if they would like to apply for another position.

Oy. You, too.

Ruin my pep talk why don't you? :p
"never be afraid to work for free"... only a moron does that. Hard to pay your bills that way. You pretend to pay me I pretend to work.
I have no job, but still volunteer at a nursing home. The entire country would be better off if we cared more for each other than demanding for ourselves.
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Motivated people look to themselves for what they want and need, the unmotivated look to blame others for what they don't have. It's that simple.

^Everyone in America has more than what they need. Motivated people get an education. Yet after NAFTA, many college educated students can't get a job that lines up with their education. Because we outsourced those jobs in greed both main political parties wanted yet neither will take responsibility for.

Yes, blue collar industry has office workers..............

So what happens today to the people THAT ARE MOTIVATED ENOUGH TO GET A COLLEGE DEGREE yet can't get a job? You will probably tell them to get a job at McDonalds because you are part of the sheeple...

Fixing the American system is the ONLY way to resolve this. Some by focusing on original values, some by focusing on new age information.
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Motivated people look to themselves for what they want and need, the unmotivated look to blame others for what they don't have. It's that simple.

^Everyone in America has more than what they need. Motivated people get an education. Yet after NAFTA, many college educated students can't get a job that lines up with their education. Because we outsourced those jobs in greed both main political parties wanted yet neither will take responsibility for.

Yes, blue collar industry has office workers..............

So what happens today to the people THAT ARE MOTIVATED ENOUGH TO GET A COLLEGE DEGREE yet can't get a job? You will probably tell them to get a job at McDonalds because you are part of the sheeple...

Fixing the American system is the ONLY way to resolve this. Some by focusing on original values, some by focusing on new age information.
Everyone just decided to be poor and lazy...

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 = 404
1 = Clipboard01.jpg image
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez The White House
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA
4 =
4 = FRB Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--September 18 2014
5/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

Overview =
This is all valid, but not the only reasons.
I became poor because:
First my boss lost his job for reporting fraud.
Then I was fired by asking for crime investigation and refusing to lie to customers.
Our country is losing integrity!
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Motivated people look to themselves for what they want and need, the unmotivated look to blame others for what they don't have. It's that simple.

^Everyone in America has more than what they need. Motivated people get an education. Yet after NAFTA, many college educated students can't get a job that lines up with their education. Because we outsourced those jobs in greed both main political parties wanted yet neither will take responsibility for.

Yes, blue collar industry has office workers..............

So what happens today to the people THAT ARE MOTIVATED ENOUGH TO GET A COLLEGE DEGREE yet can't get a job? You will probably tell them to get a job at McDonalds because you are part of the sheeple...

Fixing the American system is the ONLY way to resolve this. Some by focusing on original values, some by focusing on new age information.
The information age is the like the industrial age, it puts millions out of work and into the poorhouse.

It isn't just a case of just going to university, because whether it is accounting, IT, economics or management, all those professions are requiring less and less people. If a computer program or script can do the work of 100 IT staff or accountants, they can just sack their staff and just have one person when before you needed a whole department.

Population increases, but the system requires less and less workers. Businesses go on and on about skill shortages, but the truth is that people are scammed into university* by the government and education sector. The only jobs going are in technical work like operating machines, maintaining them or designing them.

*Universities look at the American people like cash cows, and trick people into massive debt. Then when one victim is used up, they move onto the next one.
Hard Workers don't make it far in America. If you are a hard worker, the boss wants to keep you working and not thinking.
The lack of education is what keeps the poor persons making less money than others.

I agree.
My job keeps me poor because it doesn't pay well but it's a labor of love.
My current president keeps me destitute.

You could have made a better thread title than myself.....

"If you are extremely poor and blame might be a Republican."

Watching people blame a President without knowing the total power limitations of a President is funny yet disturbing.

I had no doubt you were "destitute" the day I read your very first post.\

"My president keeps me poor" is a very undereducated statement. .
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Motivated people look to themselves for what they want and need, the unmotivated look to blame others for what they don't have. It's that simple.

^Everyone in America has more than what they need. Motivated people get an education. Yet after NAFTA, many college educated students can't get a job that lines up with their education. Because we outsourced those jobs in greed both main political parties wanted yet neither will take responsibility for.

Yes, blue collar industry has office workers..............

So what happens today to the people THAT ARE MOTIVATED ENOUGH TO GET A COLLEGE DEGREE yet can't get a job? You will probably tell them to get a job at McDonalds because you are part of the sheeple...

Fixing the American system is the ONLY way to resolve this. Some by focusing on original values, some by focusing on new age information.

"So what happens today to the people THAT ARE MOTIVATED ENOUGH TO GET A COLLEGE DEGREE yet can't get a job?"

I guess in your world motivated people are stupid. What sane individual would enter a degree program without knowing the long term potential, considering the multiple thousands or tens of thousands of dollars required?
Okay first of all its not freaking free, I will have to work overtime to pay for this government hand out just like I already work overtime to pay for the other government hand outs. Here's an idea, boot the millions of illegals out of the country and get the millions of American deadbeats off their lazy fat asses who think they are too good to work a job and have them work the jobs illegals are working. Once all the welfare sucking moochers are working a job THEN we can talk about government hand outs that I will have to work overtime to pay for.

And amazingly, you're posting on this message board quite often.... Either you're lying or not really working that hard.

You realize your post count per day is higher than mine, right. lol

Never said it wasn't....but then again, I'm not having to work a bunch of overtime to get my job done. There is an upside to working smarter; not like you.

I am the best of the best

You do what the title of industrial maintenance man memeans right

I am better then them

Hard Workers don't make it far in America. If you are a hard worker, the boss wants to keep you working and not thinking.
The lack of education is what keeps the poor persons making less money than others.

I agree.
My job keeps me poor because it doesn't pay well but it's a labor of love.
My current president keeps me destitute.

You could have made a better thread title than myself.....

"If you are extremely poor and blame might be a Republican."

Watching people blame a President without knowing the total power limitations of a President is funny yet disturbing.

I had no doubt you were "destitute" the day I read your very first post.\

"My president keeps me poor" is a very undereducated statement. .
bullshit hard work don't go far in America , I started as an operator to mold setter to mold processing, to field service rep (my territory was the Midwest down to Florida, they sent me to Japan and Ireland a few times) to maintenance tech to maintenance tech to plant manger did that for two years quit (to stressful) now just a maintenance man

Anybody can do anything You just have to have drive and determination
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Motivated people look to themselves for what they want and need, the unmotivated look to blame others for what they don't have. It's that simple.

^Everyone in America has more than what they need. Motivated people get an education. Yet after NAFTA, many college educated students can't get a job that lines up with their education. Because we outsourced those jobs in greed both main political parties wanted yet neither will take responsibility for.

Yes, blue collar industry has office workers..............

So what happens today to the people THAT ARE MOTIVATED ENOUGH TO GET A COLLEGE DEGREE yet can't get a job? You will probably tell them to get a job at McDonalds because you are part of the sheeple...

Fixing the American system is the ONLY way to resolve this. Some by focusing on original values, some by focusing on new age information.

"So what happens today to the people THAT ARE MOTIVATED ENOUGH TO GET A COLLEGE DEGREE yet can't get a job?"

I guess in your world motivated people are stupid. What sane individual would enter a degree program without knowing the long term potential, considering the multiple thousands or tens of thousands of dollars required?
Even many motivated graduates don't have a chance, and it is just down to economic reality. Businesses have a finite number of positions available for x profession, and they can choose from skilled graduates from the US or abroad.

Lets say a group of economic graduates come away with A+, A, B, and so on. The business needs three people with economics degrees. It would pick the best performing A students, and get the rest it needs from abroad. That's how it works.

There aren't enough positions available, yet universities con people into competition for positions they have no hope of obtaining. Have to feel sorry for B students and below, as it would be a real struggle to find work.

Businesses that really need skilled workers don't get them, as universities are taking all the talent and creating debt laden unemployed. Technical skills are desperately wanted, and uber high education jobs are out of reach for most.
In some of the jobs I applied for, I offered to work 2 days they could see what they are getting. Even that didn't sway them.

Several times I worked for free to show what I could do and always had my requirements met. I always volunteered to help out on my own time at a job above my grade so I could slip into a promotion at the first vacancy. When I closed my law office and went back for training as a dog groomer I worked for six months free at a dog grooming shop.

Radio and television stations always hire from unpaid interns. Unpaid positions are the paths to paid positions in many fields. Sometimes the only path.

Aside from the fact that working for free can lead to a job on its own, volunteer labor can be used to fill in a lengthy gap in a resume. Being unemployed for a couple of years makes it harder to find a job. Skills get stale.

Anyone not willing to work for free deserves to be an unemployed loser.
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

You assume far too much malice. If someone asks me for a raise, it's a simple business appraisal. Can I get away with not paying a higher amount? Will I be able to retain the employee? Is the employee worth retaining at the higher price? Employees who want raises need to simply demonstrate that they are worth the raise.
Who came up with the stupid idea to give CEO's such HUGE checks to begin with??? Gimme a break. They should get a salary like everyone else...and NO BONUS CHECK. That check could go back into the business to the EMPLOYEES that make the machinery work.

The answer to your question demonstrates one of the major reasons why there is such a large pay divide today.

CEO job offer -

Hiring authority: We've decided you're the one we want, and we're going to offer you X dollars a year.
Candidate: Hmmm, X dollars....Thank you for the job offer, I am very much looking forward to being a part of the team, but I would like to give some attention to the salary you're offering. Based on A, B, and C it would appear to me that the market rate for myself would be Y dollars a year.
Hiring authority: Glad to know you're interested in joining us. Our evaluation of the market would suggest a current value of X dollars, but we also believe you bring good future value as well. Perhaps we can explore a slightly different approach. We're prepared to offer R dollars a year as a base salary, F dollars in stock options, and performance based bonuses as outlined in this chart. Based on the expectations that we are hoping for that would put you at a total of Y dollars. But if your predictions turn out to be correct you have the potential for Z dollars a year.
Candidate: Well done, I accept!

Line employee job offer -
Hiring authority: We've decided you're the one we want, and we're going to offer you X dollars a year.
Candidate: (Thinks to self - Why won't they give me more? I want to make more. I need to make more. Oh well I guess there's nothing I can do.) I accept [reluctantly].
Hard Workers don't make it far in America. If you are a hard worker, the boss wants to keep you working and not thinking.
The lack of education is what keeps the poor persons making less money than others.

I agree.
My job keeps me poor because it doesn't pay well but it's a labor of love.
My current president keeps me destitute.

You could have made a better thread title than myself.....

"If you are extremely poor and blame might be a Republican."

Watching people blame a President without knowing the total power limitations of a President is funny yet disturbing.

I had no doubt you were "destitute" the day I read your very first post.\

"My president keeps me poor" is a very undereducated statement. .
When one chooses a career path that runs the risk of not paying well but does pay the bills and a self-serving political whore president comes along and imposes an energy policy that makes the bill paying impossible then the president is keeping him poor. The idea of having to abandon your own passion in order to satisfy the political whims of a president is immoral.
In some of the jobs I applied for, I offered to work 2 days they could see what they are getting. Even that didn't sway them.

If a job candidate offered to work for me for free, that would be the absolute end of their candidacy. It's far too desperate. If I want you for the job, you don't need to bribe me. Not only that, but no employer should ever expect or tolerate an employee working for free. A person who performs work is entitled to compensation for that work. If an employer is willing to accept work from employees without paying them, then that employer has no respect for their employees. Not only that, the moment it becomes acceptable for the employer to accept free work, all other employees suddenly are under pressure to similarly offer up free work as well. That is the kind of thing that will absolutely kill morale.
That's what's wrong with the youth

Respecting and valuing the efforts of my employees is what's wrong with "the youth"? Okay skippy, whatever you say. Maybe one day if you ever get the chance to work in a position of responsibility and leadership you'll learn for yourself that true leadership means taking care of the people you lead, not using and abusing them.

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