Dear Trump, how do you "Make America Great Again" by trashing America?

Our allies have always trusted American intelligence as the best in the world

What does Trump hope to gain by trashing the validity of his own intelligence?
Dear Trump, how do you "Make America Great Again" by trashing America

the foundation of his sales pitch to idiots .....

the entire country is fucked up and HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FIX IT.
When did he trash America? What has he said NOW?
When did Trump trash America.

When he tells other countries that our intelligence agencies are not to be trusted and are all liars.
When talking about the tens of thousands of American POW's since 1940, he said "I like people who weren't captured".
When he said millions voted illegally.
When he said "Some Mexicans don't rape" and "A Mexican can't be a good judge", he makes the country look racist.
When he said he would pay the legal fees for anyone who attacks a protester. It makes us look violent and shameful.

There's more. When he smears so many, he smears the country.

When he said America is no longer great
Russia sent out a tweet that Putin and Trump discussed:

The Ukraine
Cyber Crime

All things Trump knows jack sh!t about. I bet it went like this:

Putin: Listen Trump, the Ukraine is in my back yard so stay out of it. Got that?

Trump: Yes sir.

Putin: And leave Syria alone. I have plans for Syria.

Trump: Yes sir.

Putin: Good job on that intelligence thing. Keep discrediting the US intelligence community and your base will believe whatever I tell them.

Trump: They already do sir.

Putin: Good boy (pats Trump on the head)

Trump: (makes that sniffing noise he makes when he's been flattered)

Putin: Oh, and Trump, keep up with the terrorism thing. Keep doing that and you can declare martial law. Then you don't have to worry about those ridiculous elections. If you don't have elections we won't have to hack them.

Trump: I think that's a really good idea.

Putin: Stop right there. I didn't say you could think.

Trump: Yes sir.

Putin: That's better.;

Course we'll never know. Our press wasn't allowed. And the Russian press says what Putin tells them to say. What Republicans want here.
Trump: Mr. Putin President Sir, did you hack America's election?

Putin: No.

Trump: I didn't think so. Thanks for clearing that up.

Putin: That's it? That's all you are going to ask?

Trump: Was there something else I should ask?

Putin: No. That was it.
Could you post a link to the text of this conversation......better yet a video of it?

Not only did Trump once again trash our intelligence community, but he did it on the world stage. He is telling the rest of the world that this country shouldn't be trusted.

And he trashes our free press. Telling the rest of the world that secrecy and authoritarianism is better than freedom and democracy. Course, we know what Republicans think about free press.

He never talks about human rights. Course, we know what Republicans think about human rights and voting rights.

He tried to take credit for Europe spending billions on defense when the Ambassador from Great Briton said in an interview that the European community signed legislation three years ago agreeing to meet the 2% of GDP goal they set years before and have been increasing defense spending accordingly.

Why do these dumba$$ right wingers want us to be like Russia? Half of Russia's economy is energy, or stuff they can dig out of the ground. Otherwise, it's economy is the size of Italy's economy. That's insane.

Voter suppression
end of free press
end of intelligence community
Dig it out of the ground based economy

This doesn't make America great. It ruins America. It must be stopped.

Nonsense nonsense and more nonsense. If by the "end of the free press" means stopping all the liars in the MSM then I'm all for it. As for the rest of your nonsense, did you see that on CNN or the NYT?
F*ck that liar sh!t. Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it lies.

Don't you know that's how it started under Hitler and Putin? Discredit the free press, get the idiot morons to believe it and then POW. Authoritarian government.

Do you think a press that is dictated by the country's leader is more honest? You are a f*cking fool.
No, I'm not a fool. The press as you put is is engaged in non stop lying and pretend 24/7. They need to be stopped. Flaming reported.

We never heard of fake news until you elected a FAKE president.
Yep.....but Obama made the phrase famous......or infamous.
Not only did Trump once again trash our intelligence community, but he did it on the world stage. He is telling the rest of the world that this country shouldn't be trusted.

And he trashes our free press. Telling the rest of the world that secrecy and authoritarianism is better than freedom and democracy. Course, we know what Republicans think about free press.

He never talks about human rights. Course, we know what Republicans think about human rights and voting rights.

He tried to take credit for Europe spending billions on defense when the Ambassador from Great Briton said in an interview that the European community signed legislation three years ago agreeing to meet the 2% of GDP goal they set years before and have been increasing defense spending accordingly.

Why do these dumba$$ right wingers want us to be like Russia? Half of Russia's economy is energy, or stuff they can dig out of the ground. Otherwise, it's economy is the size of Italy's economy. That's insane.

Voter suppression
end of free press
end of intelligence community
Dig it out of the ground based economy

This doesn't make America great. It ruins America. It must be stopped.
We will file your concern about bad mouthing the intelligence community under IRAQ WMD.
Trump also stood in front of 10 year old boy scouts and trashed our former president, political opponents, the press, intel agencies and huge portions of America. How many of those boy scouts will never go into the FBI, the CIA or intel because they were trashed by Trump?

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