Dear Trump, how do you "Make America Great Again" by trashing America?

It's impossible to be trashing America by trashing the press.
Trump trashed the us intelligence agencies. The folks who risk their lives to put eyes on what the world is doing. And Trump threw them under the bus.

And where did Trump get evidence the hacking came from other countries? Not from US intelligence. Who told Trump other countries were involved? RT News?
Isn't this the same exact US Intelligence that was caught spying on millions of Americans for Obama????
Not only did Trump once again trash our intelligence community, but he did it on the world stage. He is telling the rest of the world that this country shouldn't be trusted.

And he trashes our free press. Telling the rest of the world that secrecy and authoritarianism is better than freedom and democracy. Course, we know what Republicans think about free press.

He never talks about human rights. Course, we know what Republicans think about human rights and voting rights.

He tried to take credit for Europe spending billions on defense when the Ambassador from Great Briton said in an interview that the European community signed legislation three years ago agreeing to meet the 2% of GDP goal they set years before and have been increasing defense spending accordingly.

Why do these dumba$$ right wingers want us to be like Russia? Half of Russia's economy is energy, or stuff they can dig out of the ground. Otherwise, it's economy is the size of Italy's economy. That's insane.

Voter suppression
end of free press
end of intelligence community
Dig it out of the ground based economy

This doesn't make America great. It ruins America. It must be stopped.
Do you honestly believe the tripe you post, rderp?

That's what you get for watching alternative fakes.

You have no clue about what's really going on.

Damn fool cupcakes.

And has CNN agreed with your position? Why yes they have! And what did they have to do? RETRACT, RETRACT, RETRACT!

You people are either phony, or dumb as a box of rocks. In either case, you are LOSERS. You have time to sit on here and post how much, lolol! Some of you even have 2 to 5 accounts to make people believe there are MORE of you than there actually is, lol.

We know the truth, you people are PATHETIC, a bunch of LOSERS, phony baloneys, and Marxists to boot!
You don't make America great by attacking America.that is precisely why those who want to make America great again have been rejecting Democrats

You don't make America great by lying.
You don't make America great by falsely accusing your neighbors of racism and other isms so you can take more of their paycheck.
You don't make America great by demanding the government take over your responsibilities. Outsourcing your duties means they don't get done.
You don't make America great by attacking people who have worked hard and succeeded at the American dream so you can fund crack heads who will vote for you if they get free stuff.
You don't make America great by trying to shut down anyone who disagree with you rather than persuading them that your way is better.
You don't make America great by attacking America.that is precisely why those who want to make America great again have been rejecting Democrats

You don't make America great by lying.
You don't make America great by falsely accusing your neighbors of racism and other isms so you can take more of their paycheck.
You don't make America great by demanding the government take over your responsibilities. Outsourcing your duties means they don't get done.
You don't make America great by attacking people who have worked hard and succeeded at the American dream so you can fund crack heads who will vote for you if they get free stuff.
You don't make America great by trying to shut down anyone who disagree with you rather than persuading them that your way is better.

And you don't make America great and safe, by cutting a deal to give BILLIONS to a regime that openly insists it wants to destroy you, while giving them a path to nuclear weapons you can NOT stop!

Obama was the Anti-President. When he assumes room temperature and enters the after life, the 1st thing that is going to happen is-----------> JFK and Ronald Reagan are going to kick his skinny ass, then send him to a safe space next to a fiery furnace-)
Not only did Trump once again trash our intelligence community, but he did it on the world stage. He is telling the rest of the world that this country shouldn't be trusted.

And he trashes our free press. Telling the rest of the world that secrecy and authoritarianism is better than freedom and democracy. Course, we know what Republicans think about free press.

He never talks about human rights. Course, we know what Republicans think about human rights and voting rights.

He tried to take credit for Europe spending billions on defense when the Ambassador from Great Briton said in an interview that the European community signed legislation three years ago agreeing to meet the 2% of GDP goal they set years before and have been increasing defense spending accordingly.

Why do these dumba$$ right wingers want us to be like Russia? Half of Russia's economy is energy, or stuff they can dig out of the ground. Otherwise, it's economy is the size of Italy's economy. That's insane.

Voter suppression
end of free press
end of intelligence community
Dig it out of the ground based economy

This doesn't make America great. It ruins America. It must be stopped.

Nonsense nonsense and more nonsense. If by the "end of the free press" means stopping all the liars in the MSM then I'm all for it. As for the rest of your nonsense, did you see that on CNN or the NYT?
F*ck that liar sh!t. Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it lies.

Don't you know that's how it started under Hitler and Putin? Discredit the free press, get the idiot morons to believe it and then POW. Authoritarian government.

Do you think a press that is dictated by the country's leader is more honest? You are a f*cking fool.

The press has been discrediting themselves for decades by lying to the people. They stopped caring about reporting the truth and started pushing an agenda. Now they are simply.being open about it
god the whining never stops. I think my 2 year old whines less!

You 2 year-old also lies less. Over 90% of what Trump says are lies, or as republicans characterized them, hyperbole.
Coming from a believer in the world's biggest liar thats hilarious. Remember! You can keep your doctor!
That's debatable.....Obama reads his lies off of a Teleprompter...........Hillary and Bill make them up as they go.

"Wiped the mean with a dust cloth?"
Russia sent out a tweet that Putin and Trump discussed:

The Ukraine
Cyber Crime

All things Trump knows jack sh!t about. I bet it went like this:

Putin: Listen Trump, the Ukraine is in my back yard so stay out of it. Got that?

Trump: Yes sir.

Putin: And leave Syria alone. I have plans for Syria.

Trump: Yes sir.

Putin: Good job on that intelligence thing. Keep discrediting the US intelligence community and your base will believe whatever I tell them.

Trump: They already do sir.

Putin: Good boy (pats Trump on the head)

Trump: (makes that sniffing noise he makes when he's been flattered)

Putin: Oh, and Trump, keep up with the terrorism thing. Keep doing that and you can declare martial law. Then you don't have to worry about those ridiculous elections. If you don't have elections we won't have to hack them.

Trump: I think that's a really good idea.

Putin: Stop right there. I didn't say you could think.

Trump: Yes sir.

Putin: That's better.;

Course we'll never know. Our press wasn't allowed. And the Russian press says what Putin tells them to say. What Republicans want here.

You realize that everything you just said is a lie, right?

Does that bother you at all?
a leftist talking about human rights is comedy gold
dems are the ones who want to take away the first amendment, the second amendment, crap all over the fourth and fifth amendments(well to be fair the pubs do too),

Its trump who has been very open in saying he wants to gut the US Constitution.

And it has been RWNJs who always agree with him.

Its bad enough that he trashes the US when he speaks at his kkk rallies but no excuse for what he says n other countries.

The RWNJs also agree with him that the US is failed, is failing, is not great.

MY country is GREAT and trump and his followers are traitors.
This is the type on nut job liberal we are forced to tolerate. Gut the Constitution, speaking at KKK rallies? Luddy is having challenges coping with reality. Nothing he ever says can be taken seriously.
a leftist talking about human rights is comedy gold
dems are the ones who want to take away the first amendment, the second amendment, crap all over the fourth and fifth amendments(well to be fair the pubs do too),

Its trump who has been very open in saying he wants to gut the US Constitution.

And it has been RWNJs who always agree with him.

Its bad enough that he trashes the US when he speaks at his kkk rallies but no excuse for what he says n other countries.

The RWNJs also agree with him that the US is failed, is failing, is not great.

MY country is GREAT and trump and his followers are traitors.
This is the type on nut job liberal we are forced to tolerate. Gut the Constitution, speaking at KKK rallies? Luddy is having challenges coping with reality. Nothing he ever says can be taken seriously.
dont get me wrong, Im not that much fonder of the pubs than the dems, but at least they do occasionally pay lip service to the constitution.
Im third party, but comparing the repubs to the dems, its like the repubs are being forced to listen to kanye west or katy perry for an hour, whereas the dems are having to live with them for a year.
The assumptions in this op are amusing if you think about it.

First assumption - the government is America. The government isn't America. We, the people, are America.

Second assumption- challenging government and Democrat media lies and corruption is attacking America.

Absurd when you think about it. Our nation was created by speaking out against corruption and standing up to government. We thought this was so important we enshrined it in the First amendment we limited the powers the federal government had to spy on us and many other aspect. The idea that the president or anyone else criticizing the government is attacking America is ludicrous.

And the Democrat media isn't the free press. It's one portion of the free press. Challenging their credibility is no more attacking America then challenging fox news is.

You have to laugh at how much of a melt down dean is having. You can tell he has alot of anger.

Dean let go of your anger. It doesn't help you
To protect Putin, the Manchurian Candidate had to trash two presidents and our intelligence agencies.

The man is a traitor.
TRUMP: It could have very well been Russia but it could well have been other countries.

The fucking waffling chickenshit can't say straight up it was Russia. His response was the same as, "The moon could be make of rock or it could be made of cheese."

Trump just cannot bring himself to say a single bad word about Putin. He just can't do it. It is literally impossible for him to do so.

This obsequious and traitorous pathology should concern every red-blooded American.
You don't make America great by attacking America.that is precisely why those who want to make America great again have been rejecting Democrats

You don't make America great by lying.

You don't make America great by attacking people who have worked hard and succeeded at the American dream so you can fund crack heads who will vote for you if they get free stuff.

You don't make America great by trying to shut down anyone who disagree with you rather than persuading them that your way is better.

WOW. you don't make america great by lying - But Trump lies about everything

You don't make america great by attacking peole who have worked hard - But Trump attacked the people in the 17 intelligence agencies

You don't make america great by trying to shut down anyone who disagrees - Like Trumps attack on the media, "fake news"

WOW, they don't have mirrors where you got your talking points from?
Putin addressed President Trump as "your excellency, Mr. president". :)

He knows he's now dealing with a real man .....
Putin addressed President Trump as "your excellency, Mr. president". :)

He knows he's now dealing with a real man .....

Trump is a real man? Trump isn't even real cover



Putin addressed President Trump as "your excellency, Mr. president". :)

He knows he's now dealing with a real man .....


See here:

The naked emperor's weaknesses have been lain bare for all the world to see, except for his rubes who are willfully blind. Putin will play Trump like a balalaika.

PUTIN: You look like you have lost weight, comrade!

TRUMP: (blushing) Thank you. You're very kind. A really terrific guy.

PUTIN: And now I'm going to nuke Kansas, and say the nuke was built and delivered by a 400 pound kid in his mother's basement.

TRUMP: Well, I can't say anything mean about you, my friend. I never have, and I never will.
Putin addressed President Trump as "your excellency, Mr. president". :)

He knows he's now dealing with a real man .....


See here:

The naked emperor's weaknesses have been lain bare for all the world to see, except for his rubes who are willfully blind. Putin will play Trump like a balalaika.

PUTIN: You look like you have lost weight, comrade!

TRUMP: (blushing) Thank you. You're very kind. A really terrific guy.

PUTIN: And now I'm going to nuke Kansas, and say the nuke was built and delivered by a 400 pound kid in his mother's basement.

TRUMP: Well, I can't say anything mean about you, my friend. I never have, and I never will.
I'm well aware of the lunacy from you clowns. I've been using you people for cheap entertainment since Trump got elected. :)

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