Dear Uncle Trump: Please EO away bilingual signs and declare English official language

Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

Seems to be bigotry and the type of Nationalism*** for which Trump has been correctly criticized. That aside, have you, the reader, ever traveled to foreign countries? My experience in foreign travel (I only speak and read English) is I have needed help in everyday activities.

For example, my wife and I stayed in a small town between Milan and Venice, and walked from our hotel to a Restaurant. No one in the Restaurant spoke English, and when we received our order (Appetizer, Salad, Pizza) we had enough food in the Appetizer (deli type meat, cheeses, olives, peppers, pickled veggies) we didn't really need an entire bowl of green salad (with tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, beans) and a half a loaf of bread, followed by a Cheese Pizza the size of a man hole cover.

***an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feelings of superiority over other countries.

How is it "bigotry" that I'd like my employees to understand what I want them to do?

And what's wrong with "nationalism"? Obviously this is the greatest country in the world, otherwise why would so many people want to come here? If we weren't better than other countries, they'd just stay home.

The reason people want to come to the US isn’t because it’s “the greatest country in the world” because it isn’t. Not even close. It’s the most powerful country in the world and the wealthiest, but you have serious systemic problems which keep the country from being “great”, chief among them being the systemic deeply ingrained racism.

People want to go to the US because they think that is easy to make money there and get rich. And that’s a myth. That ship sailed when Republicans re-wrote the social contract under Ronald Reagan.

It’s also very very easy for undocumented immigrants to get work. Other countries have systems and protections which make it all but impossible for the undocumented to find work. But not the US.

It’s no accident that when the economy collapsed in 2008, 300,000 undocumented Mexicans went back to Mexico because they couldn’t get work.

Instead of spending all that money building a wall on the southern border, the money would be better spent on a national ID system for employers and citizens alike so that those illegally in the country can’t get hired.

Solving both your voter ID problem and your undocumented worker problem.
No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
/——-/ if I moved to Mexico I’d learn their language

And when you get there, it will take you time to learn. You will need others to assist you and to be patient with you as you learn.

When I go to Quebec, I try to speak French too, but I need patience from people I’m talking to. I’m thinking through every sentence. What I don’t need if for someone to berate me or tell me I should be speaking French because I’m in Quebec now.
/——/ If I was moving to Mexico I’d learn the language well enough for simple conversations and how to read signs BEFORE I moved their you numbskull.

Same with me.

If I moved to another country I'd learn the language of that country.

Not expect them to cater to me with signs in English.

They do anyway, to one extent or another.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

^Another loser who wants to restrict freedoms.
This is America, Bub. I can speak whatever language I choose.

You can also choose the freedom to be looked at quizzably and not be understood by everyone else but like they say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

"They" also say mind your own business.

But it is my business when I can't understand what you're saying or where you're coming from.

Who says you need to?

What others are saying to each other is none of your business.
/——/ Here is an example you might understand. USMB requires all posts be in English, Spanish, French and Chinese. Your responsibility to translate them correctly. Comprende?
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

Seems to be bigotry and the type of Nationalism*** for which Trump has been correctly criticized. That aside, have you, the reader, ever traveled to foreign countries? My experience in foreign travel (I only speak and read English) is I have needed help in everyday activities.

For example, my wife and I stayed in a small town between Milan and Venice, and walked from our hotel to a Restaurant. No one in the Restaurant spoke English, and when we received our order (Appetizer, Salad, Pizza) we had enough food in the Appetizer (deli type meat, cheeses, olives, peppers, pickled veggies) we didn't really need an entire bowl of green salad (with tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, beans) and a half a loaf of bread, followed by a Cheese Pizza the size of a man hole cover.

***an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feelings of superiority over other countries.

How is it "bigotry" that I'd like my employees to understand what I want them to do?

And what's wrong with "nationalism"? Obviously this is the greatest country in the world, otherwise why would so many people want to come here? If we weren't better than other countries, they'd just stay home.

The reason people want to come to the US isn’t because it’s “the greatest country in the world” because it isn’t. Not even close. It’s the most powerful country in the world and the wealthiest, but you have serious systemic problems which keep the country from being “great”, chief among them being the systemic deeply ingrained racism.

People want to go to the US because they think that is easy to make money there and get rich. And that’s a myth. That ship sailed when Republicans re-wrote the social contract under Ronald Reagan.

It’s also very very easy for undocumented immigrants to get work. Other countries have systems and protections which make it all but impossible for the undocumented to find work. But not the US.

It’s no accident that when the economy collapsed in 2008, 300,000 undocumented Mexicans went back to Mexico because they couldn’t get work.

Instead of spending all that money building a wall on the southern border, the money would be better spent on a national ID system for employers and citizens alike so that those illegally in the country can’t get hired.

Solving both your voter ID problem and your undocumented worker problem.
/——/ Total horseshyt
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

^Another loser who wants to restrict freedoms.
This is America, Bub. I can speak whatever language I choose.

You can also choose the freedom to be looked at quizzably and not be understood by everyone else but like they say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

"They" also say mind your own business.

But it is my business when I can't understand what you're saying or where you're coming from.

No it’s not.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

^Another loser who wants to restrict freedoms.
This is America, Bub. I can speak whatever language I choose.

You can also choose the freedom to be looked at quizzably and not be understood by everyone else but like they say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

"They" also say mind your own business.

But it is my business when I can't understand what you're saying or where you're coming from.

No it’s not.

By "where you're coming from", I mean "intent."
You can also choose the freedom to be looked at quizzably and not be understood by everyone else but like they say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

"They" also say mind your own business.

But it is my business when I can't understand what you're saying or where you're coming from.

Who says you need to?

What others are saying to each other is none of your business.

Personally, I don't care if two people are speaking Martian to each other. But I don't believe signs should be printed in both English and Martian. Nor should I be forced to "Press 3 for Martian..."

You aren't forced to press 3, dope.
Yes you are if you want English. We need to stop bending over for everyone and require them to learn English. It's costly.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

Seems to be bigotry and the type of Nationalism*** for which Trump has been correctly criticized. That aside, have you, the reader, ever traveled to foreign countries? My experience in foreign travel (I only speak and read English) is I have needed help in everyday activities.

For example, my wife and I stayed in a small town between Milan and Venice, and walked from our hotel to a Restaurant. No one in the Restaurant spoke English, and when we received our order (Appetizer, Salad, Pizza) we had enough food in the Appetizer (deli type meat, cheeses, olives, peppers, pickled veggies) we didn't really need an entire bowl of green salad (with tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, beans) and a half a loaf of bread, followed by a Cheese Pizza the size of a man hole cover.

***an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feelings of superiority over other countries.

How is it "bigotry" that I'd like my employees to understand what I want them to do?

And what's wrong with "nationalism"? Obviously this is the greatest country in the world, otherwise why would so many people want to come here? If we weren't better than other countries, they'd just stay home.

Apparently you don't know that bigotry is the intolerance of someone who is different in appearance, race, education or language than you.

Apparently you haven't looked up Nationalism vis a vis Patriotism. They are worlds apart.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

Seems to be bigotry and the type of Nationalism*** for which Trump has been correctly criticized. That aside, have you, the reader, ever traveled to foreign countries? My experience in foreign travel (I only speak and read English) is I have needed help in everyday activities.

For example, my wife and I stayed in a small town between Milan and Venice, and walked from our hotel to a Restaurant. No one in the Restaurant spoke English, and when we received our order (Appetizer, Salad, Pizza) we had enough food in the Appetizer (deli type meat, cheeses, olives, peppers, pickled veggies) we didn't really need an entire bowl of green salad (with tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, beans) and a half a loaf of bread, followed by a Cheese Pizza the size of a man hole cover.

***an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feelings of superiority over other countries.

How is it "bigotry" that I'd like my employees to understand what I want them to do?

And what's wrong with "nationalism"? Obviously this is the greatest country in the world, otherwise why would so many people want to come here? If we weren't better than other countries, they'd just stay home.

Apparently you don't know that bigotry is the intolerance of someone who is different in appearance, race, education or language than you.

Apparently you haven't looked up Nationalism vis a vis Patriotism. They are worlds apart.

Are you French, or do you have a complete lack of originality? You just parroted what that skinny French guy in his mom jeans said the other day.

What was his name, Macaroni or something?
I wonder if people in Canada are constantly bitching that their signs are bilingual in English and French?

No, but they do have French Canadian Nationalists who want everyone to speak French.

They’re called “Separatists”. They want Quebec to secede and become an independent country. The movement lost steam when the Bloc Québécois won the Provincial election and held a referendum on independence and lost. In the last Provincial election the party lost official party status.

But French lanuagae rights are still paramount in Quebec. If you emigrate to Quebec from a non-English speaking country, you are required to put your children in French schools, not English. All signs must be in French. English must be in smaller letters and below the French.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

Seems to be bigotry and the type of Nationalism*** for which Trump has been correctly criticized. That aside, have you, the reader, ever traveled to foreign countries? My experience in foreign travel (I only speak and read English) is I have needed help in everyday activities.

For example, my wife and I stayed in a small town between Milan and Venice, and walked from our hotel to a Restaurant. No one in the Restaurant spoke English, and when we received our order (Appetizer, Salad, Pizza) we had enough food in the Appetizer (deli type meat, cheeses, olives, peppers, pickled veggies) we didn't really need an entire bowl of green salad (with tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, beans) and a half a loaf of bread, followed by a Cheese Pizza the size of a man hole cover.

***an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feelings of superiority over other countries.

How is it "bigotry" that I'd like my employees to understand what I want them to do?

And what's wrong with "nationalism"? Obviously this is the greatest country in the world, otherwise why would so many people want to come here? If we weren't better than other countries, they'd just stay home.

Apparently you don't know that bigotry is the intolerance of someone who is different in appearance, race, education or language than you.

Apparently you haven't looked up Nationalism vis a vis Patriotism. They are worlds apart.

Are you French, or do you have a complete lack of originality? You just parroted what that skinny French guy in his mom jeans said the other day.

What was his name, Macaroni or something?

Comments like this perpetuate the stereotype of that, rude, uncultured, ignorant and clueless “Ugly American”.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

Seems to be bigotry and the type of Nationalism*** for which Trump has been correctly criticized. That aside, have you, the reader, ever traveled to foreign countries? My experience in foreign travel (I only speak and read English) is I have needed help in everyday activities.

For example, my wife and I stayed in a small town between Milan and Venice, and walked from our hotel to a Restaurant. No one in the Restaurant spoke English, and when we received our order (Appetizer, Salad, Pizza) we had enough food in the Appetizer (deli type meat, cheeses, olives, peppers, pickled veggies) we didn't really need an entire bowl of green salad (with tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, beans) and a half a loaf of bread, followed by a Cheese Pizza the size of a man hole cover.

***an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feelings of superiority over other countries.

How is it "bigotry" that I'd like my employees to understand what I want them to do?

And what's wrong with "nationalism"? Obviously this is the greatest country in the world, otherwise why would so many people want to come here? If we weren't better than other countries, they'd just stay home.

Apparently you don't know that bigotry is the intolerance of someone who is different in appearance, race, education or language than you.

Apparently you haven't looked up Nationalism vis a vis Patriotism. They are worlds apart.

Are you French, or do you have a complete lack of originality? You just parroted what that skinny French guy in his mom jeans said the other day.

What was his name, Macaroni or something?

In fact my mom's paternal family came from Lorraine in eastern France and her mother's family from Germany and Italy; My dad's side from Germany, France and Romania.

Macaroni is not a French surname, BTW. And YES I'm a mutt.
No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
I guarenteeyou that if I move to a foreign country I will learn their language. .....

Have you ever?
I was in viet-nam for a year and in that time I learned enough of the local language to talk a little. If I was moving there permanently I would have learned a lot more. Even though everyone you met in nam spoke English it’s nice to speak the local language. It would be really idiotic to expect everyone in any country I go to learn my language instead of just learning theirs. Seems like we have a lot of idiotic people coming here.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

Seems to be bigotry and the type of Nationalism*** for which Trump has been correctly criticized. That aside, have you, the reader, ever traveled to foreign countries? My experience in foreign travel (I only speak and read English) is I have needed help in everyday activities.

For example, my wife and I stayed in a small town between Milan and Venice, and walked from our hotel to a Restaurant. No one in the Restaurant spoke English, and when we received our order (Appetizer, Salad, Pizza) we had enough food in the Appetizer (deli type meat, cheeses, olives, peppers, pickled veggies) we didn't really need an entire bowl of green salad (with tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, beans) and a half a loaf of bread, followed by a Cheese Pizza the size of a man hole cover.

***an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feelings of superiority over other countries.

How is it "bigotry" that I'd like my employees to understand what I want them to do?

And what's wrong with "nationalism"? Obviously this is the greatest country in the world, otherwise why would so many people want to come here? If we weren't better than other countries, they'd just stay home.

Apparently you don't know that bigotry is the intolerance of someone who is different in appearance, race, education or language than you.

Apparently you haven't looked up Nationalism vis a vis Patriotism. They are worlds apart.

Are you French, or do you have a complete lack of originality? You just parroted what that skinny French guy in his mom jeans said the other day.

What was his name, Macaroni or something?

Comments like this perpetuate the stereotype of that, rude, uncultured, ignorant and clueless “Ugly American”.

You will always be an "ugly American", no matter where you go. You can shuck and jive, or try to act "accommodating" by pretending that you're "cool", "hip", "edgy", or even "apologetic" to foreigners for being an American. You can even try to impress them by speaking to them in a broken, pidgin version of their language that you tried to learn on

But deep down inside, they're laughing at you.

No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
I guarenteeyou that if I move to a foreign country I will learn their language. .....

Have you ever?
I was in viet-nam for a year and in that time I learned enough of the local language to talk a little. If I was moving there permanently I would have learned a lot more. Even though everyone you met in nam spoke English it’s nice to speak the local language. It would be really idiotic to expect everyone in any country I go to learn my language instead of just learning theirs. Seems like we have a lot of idiotic people coming here.

People who move to the US do learn the language, if they don't already know when they get there. It just takes time and practice.

Today I was in Toronto, and the local GO bus terminal had stickers on the ticket seller's window which said "Need a translator? Just ask and you'll be connected". The sticker said the same thing in English, French, German, Chinese, and Spanish. Looks like they're going the extra mile to make visitors to our country feel welcome and to enhance their business.

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