Dear Uncle Trump: Please EO away bilingual signs and declare English official language

Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

^Another loser who wants to restrict freedoms.
This is America, Bub. I can speak whatever language I choose.
/——/ English as the official language does not stop you from speaking any language you wish- but you already knew that
Is english the official language in the US?
No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
I guarenteeyou that if I move to a foreign country I will learn their language. .....

Have you ever?
I was in viet-nam for a year and in that time I learned enough of the local language to talk a little. If I was moving there permanently I would have learned a lot more. Even though everyone you met in nam spoke English it’s nice to speak the local language. It would be really idiotic to expect everyone in any country I go to learn my language instead of just learning theirs. Seems like we have a lot of idiotic people coming here.

Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

^Another loser who wants to restrict freedoms.
This is America, Bub. I can speak whatever language I choose.
/——/ English as the official language does not stop you from speaking any language you wish- but you already knew that
Is english the official language in the US?

The USA has no federal official language. Some states have designated English as the official language, other states require official government signs to be in English and Spanish.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

The purpose of offering other languages is te INCREASE BUSINESS. To provide services in the language your CUSTOMERS are comfortable using. I know, the concept of actually catering to and assisting people who are different than you is just so very hard to comprehend.

In Canada, we have everything in English (and French), unless you live in Quebec where everything is in French. But in downtown Toronto, we have street signs in Chinese, in Chinatown, we have stores in Little Italy where Italian is spoken if asked, and companies which have translators on staff for client bases where this is a strong ethnic presence. Asian firms are big on provide service in languages spoken by the clients. We have TWO official languages, but outside of Quebec you may struggle to find people who speak French. And inside Quebec, I recently struggled to find someone who spoke English.

What being a bilingual truly means is that GOVERNMENT SERVICES are available in both official languages. Which means that if you want a government job in Canada, you HAVE to be bilingual. As for businesses and companies offering customer service in languages other than English, well that's going to continue with or without an EO because that's just good business.

I can't believe you needed to have that explained to you.

So for those who come here from countries like Italy, Germany, Russia, France, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Austria, and Hungary, China, Romania, Iran - Who’s going to speak for them in the United States? We are a nation made up of more than Canada’s chosen French and English, but rather a more “multi-cultural” country made up of immigrants of various nations overseas which adds to our cultural diversity. It’s more than simply picking from a barrel of two or three languages.

I can’t believe you needed to have that explained to you.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

^Another loser who wants to restrict freedoms.
This is America, Bub. I can speak whatever language I choose.
/——/ English as the official language does not stop you from speaking any language you wish- but you already knew that
Is english the official language in the US?

The USA has no federal official language. Some states have designated English as the official language, other states require official government signs to be in English and Spanish. why some are pissed of st people not learning English if it's not the official language of the US?
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

^Another loser who wants to restrict freedoms.
This is America, Bub. I can speak whatever language I choose.
/——/ English as the official language does not stop you from speaking any language you wish- but you already knew that
Is english the official language in the US?

The USA has no federal official language. Some states have designated English as the official language, other states require official government signs to be in English and Spanish. why some are pissed of st people not learning English if it's not the official language of the US?

Because traditionally, those who immigrate here do so legally, unlike border-jumpers. They integrate into our society, learn our language, our customs, and live by our laws.

Did you know that the age of consent in many parts of Mexico, is 12 years old? How would you feel about some illegal or anyone else committing statutory rape on a 12 year old girl in this country?
^Another loser who wants to restrict freedoms.
This is America, Bub. I can speak whatever language I choose.
/——/ English as the official language does not stop you from speaking any language you wish- but you already knew that
Is english the official language in the US?

The USA has no federal official language. Some states have designated English as the official language, other states require official government signs to be in English and Spanish. why some are pissed of st people not learning English if it's not the official language of the US?

Because traditionally, those who immigrate here do so legally, unlike border-jumpers. They integrate into our society, learn our language, our customs, and live by our laws.

Did you know that the age of consent in many parts of Mexico, is 12 years old? How would you feel about some illegal or anyone else committing statutory rape on a 12 year old girl in this country?
Wrong many illegals where I live the vast majority speak english, work hard and dont commit rapes.
Thousands of kids get raped by American born btw

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