Dear Washington post: Costco carrying orwell's 1984 is not a F**king joke


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Surging popularity of book is real
“Next time you’re at Costco, you can pick up a jumbo bag of Cheetos and a copy of ‘1984.’ Doubleplus good!”

That’s how the Washington Post opened its quick little entry on Wednesday. Continuing, Ron Charles, editor of Book World for the Post, wrote:

“The discount store is now stocking Orwell’s classic novel along with its usual selection of current bestsellers.”

If the significance of the fact that a dystopian masterwork can now be ......
Dear Washington Post: Costco Carrying Orwell’s ‘1984’ Is Not A F**king Joke

It is becoming quite popular because people want to look back and learn history unlike the zombies of society who stay in the here and now and find history useless. Like they say those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
Along with reading 1984 and other dystopian novels, one might consider watching Soylent Green while considering the efforts Ryan, and other Republicans, their efforts to replace the PPACA with corporate control which will never protect the patient nor be affordable.

The Big Lie is the PPACA is not viable and too expensive, and competition by the insurance cartel will do more for less. What they forget to tell the consumers is that the cost of health insurance during decades past (before the PPACA) increased every year while allowing customers to be dropped when limits were reached.

Trumpcare is for profit, and his credibility is beyond suspect, he has none, thus his promise of universal health care for all is simply one more of his lies.
View attachment 116376
Surging popularity of book is real
“Next time you’re at Costco, you can pick up a jumbo bag of Cheetos and a copy of ‘1984.’ Doubleplus good!”

That’s how the Washington Post opened its quick little entry on Wednesday. Continuing, Ron Charles, editor of Book World for the Post, wrote:

“The discount store is now stocking Orwell’s classic novel along with its usual selection of current bestsellers.”

If the significance of the fact that a dystopian masterwork can now be ......
Dear Washington Post: Costco Carrying Orwell’s ‘1984’ Is Not A F**king Joke

It is becoming quite popular because people want to look back and learn history unlike the zombies of society who stay in the here and now and find history useless. Like they say those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
Except, you stupid fuck, 1984 is FICTION.
1984 is a best seller since Trump's election, along with a few other books of interest.
Sales of Dystopian Novels Have Been Spiking on Amazon Since the Election
Nonetheless, Trump's rise in politics has been accompanied by a swift rise in book sales—well, for certain books anyway. After Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway said White House press secretary Sean Spicer had used "alternative facts" over the weekend regarding the size of the inauguration audience, many noted that the phrase seemed like something straight out of George Orwell's 1984. And sales of the classic dystopian novel, which portrays a terrifying totalitarian future in which the government spews propaganda like "Ignorance Is Strength," have skyrocketed since then.
1984 became the #1 best-selling book on Amazon this week, nearly 70 years after it was first published. Penguin Books just ordered a reprint of 75,000 more copies of the book to keep up with surging demand.
But 1984 isn't the only book experiencing a "Trump Bump." In Amazon's Classic Literature & Fiction category, 12 out of the top-selling 20 titles have been used recently as reference points for understanding the rise of Trump and his administration. Five of these entries are different editions of 1984, it should be noted, but other bleak works describing alternate realities ruled by totalitarian and fascist regimes have seen sales increase swiftly as well. Here are some of the fresh bestsellers inspired (inadvertently) by Trump.
It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis
Lewis's satirical political novel, published in 1935 as the Nazis rose to power in Germany, tells of a fascist takeover in America. Buzz Windrip, the book's populist, authoritarian demagogue protagonist, has been compared to Trump many times in recent years, and some say the novel basically predicted Trump's rise in politics.
Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
Often compared to 1984, Brave New World, published in 1932, foretells a dystopian future in which the people are manipulated and controlled by way of entertainment, distraction, and drugs. It currently ranks #6 in Amazon's Classic Literature, and the #28 bestselling book overall. Brave New World wasn't in the top 100 for sales in 2015
Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
In Fahrenheit 451, published in 1953, one of the characters says that "the word 'intellectual' became the swear word it deserved to be." The observation "seems astonishingly prescient during this run-up to the 2016 presidential election," the New York Times noted in late 2015.
Sales of Dystopian Novels Have Been Spiking on Amazon Since the Election
"1984" is not a joke.

infowars and zerohedge and breitbart on the other hand are evil examples of the great American joke.
View attachment 116376
Surging popularity of book is real
“Next time you’re at Costco, you can pick up a jumbo bag of Cheetos and a copy of ‘1984.’ Doubleplus good!”

That’s how the Washington Post opened its quick little entry on Wednesday. Continuing, Ron Charles, editor of Book World for the Post, wrote:

“The discount store is now stocking Orwell’s classic novel along with its usual selection of current bestsellers.”

If the significance of the fact that a dystopian masterwork can now be ......
Dear Washington Post: Costco Carrying Orwell’s ‘1984’ Is Not A F**king Joke

It is becoming quite popular because people want to look back and learn history unlike the zombies of society who stay in the here and now and find history useless. Like they say those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
Is that why the Bible sells so many copies?
View attachment 116376
Surging popularity of book is real
“Next time you’re at Costco, you can pick up a jumbo bag of Cheetos and a copy of ‘1984.’ Doubleplus good!”

That’s how the Washington Post opened its quick little entry on Wednesday. Continuing, Ron Charles, editor of Book World for the Post, wrote:

“The discount store is now stocking Orwell’s classic novel along with its usual selection of current bestsellers.”

If the significance of the fact that a dystopian masterwork can now be ......
Dear Washington Post: Costco Carrying Orwell’s ‘1984’ Is Not A F**king Joke

It is becoming quite popular because people want to look back and learn history unlike the zombies of society who stay in the here and now and find history useless. Like they say those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
Except, you stupid fuck, 1984 is FICTION.
It just has to be fact, after reading Harold Robbins...
ROFLMAO, the libtards here are trying to laugh off the rising awareness that the Deep State is not Americans friend.

Too late, ass holes. It is game over and Americans will take our fucking country back! You can count on it, shitstains.
ROFLMAO, the libtards here are trying to laugh off the rising awareness that the Deep State is not Americans friend.

Too late, ass holes. It is game over and Americans will take our fucking country back! You can count on it, shitstains.
I bet, you, guys will, and nothing will change...
Is that why the Bible sells so many copies?
The Bible sells so many copies because it is still the best explanation for human misery, greed, and how to reclaim ones life from the external circumstances we were born into.
ROFLMAO, the libtards here are trying to laugh off the rising awareness that the Deep State is not Americans friend.
Too late, ass holes. It is game over and Americans will take our fucking country back! You can count on it, shitstains.
I bet, you, guys will, and nothing will change...
Everything is going to change droopy drawers.
Ja mein freund....Not to love the Fuhrer is a great disgrace, so we Heil(raspberry), right in the Fuhrer's face..
It is becoming quite popular because people want to look back and learn history unlike the zombies of society who stay in the here and now and find history useless. Like they say those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

You do know that 1984 is a fiction novel, not a history book. Right?
It is becoming quite popular because people want to look back and learn history unlike the zombies of society who stay in the here and now and find history useless. Like they say those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

You do know that 1984 is a fiction novel, not a history book. Right?


You don't know that when these books come out and I have had AUTHORS tell me personally the only way to get them on the BOOK SHELF is to put them UNDER FICTION other wise they won't sell them.

Anybody who has CRITICAL thinking left would question hmmm I wonder why..............

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