Death penalty - Your opinion

Support the death penalty.

Think it should be expanded in fact to include drunk driving fatalities, and vehicular homocide incidents in general, especially in the cases of those fleeing from police. As well as any case where you unlawfully take another's life, accidentaly or not - they're still dead and fucked. Apologies and motives don't change that reality so for justice to exist, the offender must die.

There has to be intent to kill.

I could accidentally hit a guy in the head with a golf ball and kill him.

Death penalty?

Apologies for my use of Legalese, but if you 'unlawfully take a life' it's not an 'accident' like an errant golf ball striking someone. That's a true accident. But fleeing police and crashing into someone killing them, or drinking then driving knowing full-well it's illegal, and why it's illegal, is a deliberate and unlawful action leading to the death of an innocent.
Although ill-informed people speculate that "we" may be executing "innocent" people, this is disproven by the absolute lack of any case in the past 80 years when a factually innocent person was executed. Not one. Despite decades of bleeding hearts trying to find one.

The more troublesome thing to me is the number of guilty people whose lives are spared, because they were able to get good lawyers who conned ignorant juries into finding "reasonable doubt" in mountains of confusing nonsense. The name Orenthal James Simpson comes to mind.

I am uncomfortable executing anyone when so many guilty fukkers are able to get off because they had skilled defense lawyers.

But that's just me.
Yes, America, We Have Executed an Innocent Man - Andrew Cohen - The Atlantic

Check out Cameron Todd Willingham, too.
The Innocence Project - Cameron Todd Willingham: Wrongfully Convicted and Executed in Texas

Here's a thought. Which is worse...

(a) a guy gets off for murder because his lawyer found a loophole, even though he did do the crime, or

(b) a guy gets executed by the State because he didn't have such a lawyer, even though he didn't do it?
Most of the world has abandoned the Death should the US

A country cannot join the EU if it has the death penalty.

Russia does not have a death penalty. Neither does Canada or Mexico

In terms of active use of the death penalty it is the US, China, N Korea and the Islamic states

Fine company

Russia locks people away in gulags for political opposition, and Mexico basically has an ongoing internal war with Drug Cartels.

Canada has more moose than people in it.
A country cannot join the EU if it has the death penalty.

Russia does not have a death penalty. Neither does Canada or Mexico

In terms of active use of the death penalty it is the US, China, N Korea and the Islamic states

Fine company

Russia locks people away in gulags for political opposition, and Mexico basically has an ongoing internal war with Drug Cartels.

Canada has more moose than people in it.

Was there uh, a point coming sometime soon?

Or are you saying that moose should get the death penalty?

Even in the US, the majority of our states do not use or rarely use the death penalty. It would not be missed.

If not for our "Bible Belt" states killng in the name of Jesus, we would probably not have a death penalty at all
There are a number of reasons to abolish the death penalty. It is not applied evenly. It takes too long for the appeal process. Innocent people can be (and have been) executed.

I am against the death penalty because it is morally wrong. Even if they ironed out all of the wrinkles - applied it evenly and fairly, streamlined the appeal process, got rid of all the cruel and unusual punishment arguments, etc., I would still be opposed to it, simply because it is morally wrong.

It doesn't act as a deterrent, either.

Otherwise, it's Constitutional and best left to the states to decide.
Russia does not have a death penalty. Neither does Canada or Mexico

In terms of active use of the death penalty it is the US, China, N Korea and the Islamic states

Fine company

Russia locks people away in gulags for political opposition, and Mexico basically has an ongoing internal war with Drug Cartels.

Canada has more moose than people in it.

Was there uh, a point coming sometime soon?

Or are you saying that moose should get the death penalty?


I'm saying the comparison is meaningless.
Even in the US, the majority of our states do not use or rarely use the death penalty. It would not be missed.

If not for our "Bible Belt" states killng in the name of Jesus, we would probably not have a death penalty at all

Find me one prosecution that resulted in a death penalty verdict in the "Name of Jesus"
I am highly in favor of the death penalty and I think all executions should be done by public hangings within 30 days of being sentenced.
Even in the US, the majority of our states do not use or rarely use the death penalty. It would not be missed.

If not for our "Bible Belt" states killng in the name of Jesus, we would probably not have a death penalty at all

Find me one prosecution that resulted in a death penalty verdict in the "Name of Jesus"

Even in the US, the majority of our states do not use or rarely use the death penalty. It would not be missed.

If not for our "Bible Belt" states killng in the name of Jesus, we would probably not have a death penalty at all

Find me one prosecution that resulted in a death penalty verdict in the "Name of Jesus"


That was "of Jesus" and in the name of the Emperor of Rome, but nice try.
I admit to a bit of conflict with this topic.

The libertarian in me puts fourth the intellectual argument that government should not have the right to kill its own citizens even after due process if for no other reason, the possibility exists that we might get it wrong, even just once...and there's no coming back from an execution. So says my head.

The realist in me just can't get that worked up about putting to death the kind of scum that are clearly guilty of heinous crimes against innocent victims. Screw 'em says my heart, they deserve what they get.

Sorry for the non-specific answer, but those are my true feelings on the topic.
Russia locks people away in gulags for political opposition, and Mexico basically has an ongoing internal war with Drug Cartels.

Canada has more moose than people in it.

Was there uh, a point coming sometime soon?

Or are you saying that moose should get the death penalty?


I'm saying the comparison is meaningless.

OK so..... a country that has no death penalty ..... can't be compared because.... it has a .... lot of moose....

Um, yeah.
I support the death penalty for first degree murder, and any killing that is done while committing a felony. I would also personally like to see it extended to child molesters.

The key reason I support capital punishment has to do with the comfort and well being of the victim's family members. Once a family loses a loved once to senseless violence, they no doubt experience an enormous amount of pain and suffering. Knowing that their killer will face a capital murder charge, helps ease the pain somewhat.
Another improper execution by central planners

There, fixed that for ya...

Seeing as how that execution was for insurrection, that was the State.

The same entity that some would award the power of taking lives for the DP, supposedly after a "criminal investigation and trial", which of course is a process that is never abused.
And there's my point.

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