Death Threats Against Trump

Fat Bastardo

Senior Member
Jun 19, 2015
Do you think that the corporatists will assassinate The Donald? The are screwing with him economically and that hasn't stopped him. The corporate media is reporting that El Chapo has threatened him when their smear tactics backfired and caused Trump to surge in the polls? I suspect the El Chapo story is just a way for the plutocrats to say, "Trump made a lot of enemies" when the dirty deed is done.

Love him or hate him Trump is a gutsy guy. Look what they did to Reagan another gutsy guy. They shot him right after he signed the windfall profits tax against big oil and who was his VP? It was an oil loving Bush.

JFK was another gutsy guy and so was RFK.

Trump is claiming that he's going to end the BS in the Middle East once and for all. War mongering is profitable and if Trump takes out the boogey man there will be no more wars there and no more war profiteering. I don't see Trump sucking up to the Saudis or any of the Islamists. I do see Trump laying waste to a bunch of Muslims clerics who are the root cause of the problems in the Middle East. I see Trump telling those fucker to get out of the 7th century or face annihilation and the American people will support that.

Donald is a New Yorker and New Yorkers don't take shit. Muslims attacked his city and he's still pissed. Muslims attacked the Pentagon and the US military is still pissed and would like to open a giant can of WHOOP ASS on those Muslim turds.

Trump is a pragmatist and wingnuts hate pragmatists.

Trump really and truly loves America.

Trump will drop any pretense of civility at the debate and he will challenge criminal Jeb to take a polygraph.

Trump will gather dirt and he will name names.

Trump is too rich to be bribed.

Trump is a very dangerous man and a threat to the staus quo and the criminal elite plutocrats know this. He has them cornered and they are shitting their pants. They may have him killed and then blame the Mexican in another false flag event.
We should not even go there with this train of thought.

This is wrong. Very, very wrong.

Love him, hate him, be indifferent to him. Pffft.

But to even entertain thoughts of assassination - even as a hypothetical?

No way.

You really should request the admin to nuke this thread. I mean that quite seriously.
Do you think that the corporatists will assassinate The Donald? The are screwing with him economically and that hasn't stopped him. The corporate media is reporting that El Chapo has threatened him when their smear tactics backfired and caused Trump to surge in the polls? I suspect the El Chapo story is just a way for the plutocrats to say, "Trump made a lot of enemies" when the dirty deed is done.

Love him or hate him Trump is a gutsy guy. Look what they did to Reagan another gutsy guy. They shot him right after he signed the windfall profits tax against big oil and who was his VP? It was an oil loving Bush.

JFK was another gutsy guy and so was RFK.

Trump is claiming that he's going to end the BS in the Middle East once and for all. War mongering is profitable and if Trump takes out the boogey man there will be no more wars there and no more war profiteering. I don't see Trump sucking up to the Saudis or any of the Islamists. I do see Trump laying waste to a bunch of Muslims clerics who are the root cause of the problems in the Middle East. I see Trump telling those fucker to get out of the 7th century or face annihilation and the American people will support that.

Donald is a New Yorker and New Yorkers don't take shit. Muslims attacked his city and he's still pissed. Muslims attacked the Pentagon and the US military is still pissed and would like to open a giant can of WHOOP ASS on those Muslim turds.

Trump is a pragmatist and wingnuts hate pragmatists.

Trump really and truly loves America.

Trump will drop any pretense of civility at the debate and he will challenge criminal Jeb to take a polygraph.

Trump will gather dirt and he will name names.

Trump is too rich to be bribed.

Trump is a very dangerous man and a threat to the staus quo and the criminal elite plutocrats know this. He has them cornered and they are shitting their pants. They may have him killed and then blame the Mexican in another false flag event.
Fuck Trump. If he can't take the heat - he shouldn't set fires. He can afford lots of bodyguards.

Trump is merely saying what the Republican base wants to hear which it what the other candidates won't say. Trump is a ballsy guy from NY who is kicking ass and taking names and those asses and names all happen to belong to Republicans.
Fuck Trump. If he can't take the heat - he shouldn't set fires. He can afford lots of bodyguards.

Trump is merely saying what the Republican base wants to hear which it what the other candidates won't say. Trump is a ballsy guy from NY who is kicking ass and taking names and those asses and names all happen to belong to Republicans.

Is that all? There's no more to this tiresome asshole act you've got going here? Go work on some new material or just STFU.
Fuck Trump. If he can't take the heat - he shouldn't set fires. He can afford lots of bodyguards.

Trump is merely saying what the Republican base wants to hear which it what the other candidates won't say. Trump is a ballsy guy from NY who is kicking ass and taking names and those asses and names all happen to belong to Republicans.
Well, Ok then ...
[ New Yorkers are better than the trash that lives in the Bible belt...

There's the "full of shit" part. Nobody cares about your meaningless opinion, bobble-head.

Not an opinion liar its a fact. Actually it is a bunch of facts so bend over boy like a good Republican and take your fact enema like a good little right winger. Blue States Are The Donor States While Red States are the WELFARE STATES


Try to lie your way out of this.

Morally Blue States are MUCH MUCH better.


It would seem that Sarah Palin is the role model for all the teen sluts in the red states.

All the slothful gluttons live in the red states.

Lie your way out of this.


Stupid people live in the red states. Lie your way out of that one.


Lazy and stupid leads to poverty. Lie your way out of that reality.

Did you enjoy your fact enema? I bet you didn't. LOL!
[ New Yorkers are better than the trash that lives in the Bible belt...

There's the "full of shit" part. Nobody cares about your meaningless opinion, bobble-head.

Not an opinion liar its a fact. Actually it is a bunch of facts so bend over boy like a good Republican and take your fact enema like a good little right winger. Blue States Are The Donor States While Red States are the WELFARE STATES


Try to lie your way out of this.

Morally Blue States are MUCH MUCH better.


It would seem that Sarah Palin is the role model for all the teen sluts in the red states.

All the slothful gluttons live in the red states.

Lie your way out of this.


Stupid people live in the red states. Lie your way out of that one.


Lazy and stupid leads to poverty. Lie your way out of that reality.

Did you enjoy your fact enema? I bet you didn't. LOL!
Way too many variables to the economy to establish poverty by area of the country.
Fuck Trump. If he can't take the heat - he shouldn't set fires. He can afford lots of bodyguards.

Trump is merely saying what the Republican base wants to hear which it what the other candidates won't say. Trump is a ballsy guy from NY who is kicking ass and taking names and those asses and names all happen to belong to Republicans.

Is that all? There's no more to this tiresome asshole act you've got going here? Go work on some new material or just STFU.


You are really losing it loser. This cat and mouse is fun for the cat. You must love being the mouse.
[ New Yorkers are better than the trash that lives in the Bible belt...

There's the "full of shit" part. Nobody cares about your meaningless opinion, bobble-head.

Not an opinion liar its a fact. Actually it is a bunch of facts so bend over boy like a good Republican and take your fact enema like a good little right winger. Blue States Are The Donor States While Red States are the WELFARE STATES


Try to lie your way out of this.

Morally Blue States are MUCH MUCH better.


It would seem that Sarah Palin is the role model for all the teen sluts in the red states.

All the slothful gluttons live in the red states.

Lie your way out of this.


Stupid people live in the red states. Lie your way out of that one.


Lazy and stupid leads to poverty. Lie your way out of that reality.

Did you enjoy your fact enema? I bet you didn't. LOL!
Way too many variables to the economy to establish poverty by area of the country.

Stop lying and making fact free statements. Blue states are full of moral smart hard working people and the red states are full of losers. Donald Trumps is playing the red state losers aka the Republican base.
[ New Yorkers are better than the trash that lives in the Bible belt...

There's the "full of shit" part. Nobody cares about your meaningless opinion, bobble-head.

Not an opinion liar its a fact.!

No douche, it's merely your irrelevant, un-American opinion; as worthless as yourself.


Be a good sport. You got owned. Eventually you will learn to love the humiliation.

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