Death Toll Going to Double and Triple...Thanks Socialist China

Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.

I don’t find any benefit in bragging however if you are insecure and lying, then go for it.
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.

I don’t find any benefit in bragging however if you are insecure and lying, then go for it.
I think my story has been pretty consistent. You can even go back and find a thread I started about accepting the job I have now and how much I should ask for. I asked for $40K to start. I said that would be the minimum I would need to start but would want more if I was successful. After a year I made $50K. Still less than Unkotare. But then one year my boss gave me a $15K base plus commission raise and now with my side business I make over $100K.

And I have no kids, no debt, no college to pay for, I'm not black, lazy, broke, gay, a woman and yet I still don't see what you see in the Republican party.

And their way actually benefits me. I'm not in a union and I went from being one of the lowest to highest paid workers at my company. Every man for himself and I thrived.

But still I know better than to vote for Republicans. It's not good for the masses. For the middle class. Republicanism benefits me personally but not the masses who now live paycheck to paycheck and none of you are saving enough to retire. Hell, even I wish I could save more. It's going to take forever to get to 1 milion dollars. I don't know how people with mortgages and kids do it.
Show me one post of yours that was on topic.

If you'd like to compare threads started, go for it. Start a thread in the FZ about it. Until or unless you do, STOP TROLLING THIS ONE. The topic of this thread is not me, even if the topic of your personal obsession is.
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.

I don’t find any benefit in bragging however if you are insecure and lying, then go for it.
I think my story has been pretty consistent. You can even go back and find a thread I started about accepting the job I have now and how much I should ask for. I asked for $40K to start. I said that would be the minimum I would need to start but would want more if I was successful. After a year I made $50K. Still less than Unkotare. But then one year my boss gave me a $15K base plus commission raise and now with my side business I make over $100K.

And I have no kids, no debt, no college to pay for, I'm not black, lazy, broke, gay, a woman and yet I still don't see what you see in the Republican party.

And their way actually benefits me. I'm not in a union and I went from being one of the lowest to highest paid workers at my company. Every man for himself and I thrived.

But still I know better than to vote for Republicans. It's not good for the masses. For the middle class. Republicanism benefits me personally but not the masses who now live paycheck to paycheck and none of you are saving enough to retire. Hell, even I wish I could save more. It's going to take forever to get to 1 milion dollars. I don't know how people with mortgages and kids do it.

Selling drugs is a side business now? Lol! I can tell you are a good Democrat by putting everyone down because you believe they are inferior to you. You telegraph your BS quite well.
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.

I don’t find any benefit in bragging however if you are insecure and lying, then go for it.
I think my story has been pretty consistent. You can even go back and find a thread I started about accepting the job I have now and how much I should ask for. I asked for $40K to start. I said that would be the minimum I would need to start but would want more if I was successful. After a year I made $50K. Still less than Unkotare. But then one year my boss gave me a $15K base plus commission raise and now with my side business I make over $100K.

And I have no kids, no debt, no college to pay for, I'm not black, lazy, broke, gay, a woman and yet I still don't see what you see in the Republican party.

And their way actually benefits me. I'm not in a union and I went from being one of the lowest to highest paid workers at my company. Every man for himself and I thrived.

But still I know better than to vote for Republicans. It's not good for the masses. For the middle class. Republicanism benefits me personally but not the masses who now live paycheck to paycheck and none of you are saving enough to retire. Hell, even I wish I could save more. It's going to take forever to get to 1 milion dollars. I don't know how people with mortgages and kids do it.

Selling drugs is a side business now? Lol! I can tell you are a good Democrat by putting everyone down because you believe they are inferior to you. You telegraph your BS quite well.
Mary jane is legal now boomer
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Nixon for opening that door.

It wasn't Nixon who allowed China to steal our intellectual property. It was Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton who turned over the ports at each end of the greatly enlarged Panama Canal. It is Bill Clinton who made arrangements for our rocket motors and guidance systems to be sold to China.

As you know, it is President Donald Trump who is the first President to try to stem the tide.
OK, we are finally number one again at something. Coronavirus cases. Thanks Trump.

Specifically, how is China's massive blunder in any way shape or form the responsibility of President Donald Trump?
The rich have taken over your government and redistributed the wealth. And what do you want to do about that mr Republican? Nothing. You applaud the widening gap to be honest. You do by the policies you push.

Please share with us exactly how much less your net worth is today because of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have acquired nearly $250 BILLION during our lifetime.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
You really can't gaslight your way out of this. There's too much video of Trump claiming that 15 cases would go down to zero, tweets comparing Covid19 to the seasonal flu, video of Trump claiming Covid19 is a Democrat hoax, and on and on.
trump is a cheerleader much the way FDR and Churchill were in WWII

its fauci’s job to scare the hell out of us
tRump is a drooling idiot.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
Every medical expert in the world agrees he acted too late.
No they dont

maybe every hillary voter agrees but their opinion is biased
Yeah, they do.

Maybe a few tRumplings disagree but they are biased.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

Dopey Donald Trump is a bigger fuck-up. His incompetence has caused multiples more deaths in the US than in China.

Vietnam with a population of ~95 million had zero deaths and it has a border with China.

BS, if you believe China’s numbers you are the biggest idiot on this board. They have lied to the world since day one of this virus. As far as deaths, France, Spain, and Italy have a population almost half the size of the United State and yet have more combined deaths than the US. The EU has screwed this up worse than the US. China has lied.

Where is Pompeo's evidence? He has a big mouth but no evidence.

Dopey Donald Trump is incompetent. Vietnam has a border with China and had zero deaths. Other countries near China had fewer deaths per capita than USA.

Jerkoff Jared Kushner should be prosecuted for negligence.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
If true it will mostly occur in democrat/socialist states.
So just maintain socialist distancing.
I always social distance myself. I want no one in my face ever. Never have unless it was anyone i was dating and eventually my wife.

Awwwww come on when you're tall (6'3"+, 210#) it's kind of fun to encroach on someone's personal space when you're having a...serious discussion with them. They don't want to back up so they keep tilting their head back further and further.

Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
You really can't gaslight your way out of this. There's too much video of Trump claiming that 15 cases would go down to zero, tweets comparing Covid19 to the seasonal flu, video of Trump claiming Covid19 is a Democrat hoax, and on and on.
trump is a cheerleader much the way FDR and Churchill were in WWII

its fauci’s job to scare the hell out of us
tRump is a drooling idiot.
In your mind I suppose so

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