Death Toll Going to Double and Triple...Thanks Socialist China

Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
Yes, they have. It would have taken someone far more capable and competent to deal with China effectively. Trump is not that person. And Trump does not surround himself with those type of people.

Probably one of the multitude of reasons young people do not support The Dotard President.

And then there was Biden, Obama's China point man...... :cuckoo: .
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Nixon for opening that door.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
No. You did with your goddamn thumb phones and video games you worship. Fuck you communitst slant I have a bullet for your head. Don't try to pollute this web page with your doctrine and communitst propaganda. We can see through your ruse in the free world. Don't be a bullshit artist Chinese agent.
Remember everyone this guy liked Bush too.

Which one? Both actually. The one who invented NAFTA and the one who lied us into Iraq.

The NAFTA signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton? You realize had he vetoed the NAFTA the Senate didn't have the votes to overturn the bill. Funny how you never remember that and always twist the lies. You seem to just perpetuate lies.
No stupid. It's funny how you dumb fucks never remember Bush invented the thing and every Republican including you were in favor of it. Who wasnt? Back then it was unions.

Oh, and Bill Clinton put labor and environmental protections in NAFTA. Regulations that later Bush removed. But you don't know those details do you?

Dumb ass, did Clinton sign the bill into law or not? Had he vetoed the bill would it have been dead? Go back to previous conversations Sealy, I never wanted this passed, it was a bad deal for the United States, again you are wrong. It unleveled the playing field with Canada and Mexico and gave them both huge advantages. That is why the Canadians and Mexicans were upset with Trump wanting to renegotiate.

Do you think Ford wants to pay an extra $7000 to make an F150 in Michigan rather than make it in Mexico?

I am not going to play this game though. Back then, I was against NAFTA. All of us liberals were. You must have been a liberal back then if you were against it. Just like back then you loved Walmart and cheap shit from China and you loved illegals doing jobs Americans WILL do.

Free trade is/was/and always will be a good idea. BUT, it has to be well regulated. A president that doesn't hate the middle class would put worker protections in NAFTA for vital industries like auto. Bill Clinton did. Bush removed them.

So free trade doesn't have to be bad. ONLY the USA didn't put in these vital protections for vital workers because they wanted to break the Unions. Highest paid blue collar in the world. Back then you cried that WE made too much. Now you want to say you are all about raising wages? Yea, from$10 to $15 hr sure. But you sent those jobs away when they paid $30.

You're all retards. Now, today, don't expect me to say I'm against free trade because that was going to happen no matter who was president. You wanted to isolate America?

I was a Conservative back then, I don’t like Walmart, never have, not sure what the hell that BS means. Do you just throw out random stupid crap? I also been against illegal immigration since childhood. Where I grew up, we had migrants that would come in and work, illegals took jobs from legal migrants. You dope dealers need to quit taking your own crap, it really shows up in your posts.

In that op ed Thom also wrote: Without a middle class, any democracy is doomed. And without labor having - through control of labor availability - power in relative balance to capital/management, no middle class can emerge. America's early labor leaders did not die to increase the labor pool for the Robber Barons or the Walton family - they died fighting to give control of it to the workers of their era and in the hopes that we would continue to hold it - and infect other nations with the same idea of democracy and a stable middle class.

Again, Hartman is the
Rush of the left. I don’t listen to Rush and I don’t listen to Thom. You drug dealers can listen to whoever you want.
No he isn't. Find me one example of this. For example, the other day Rush was downplaying the coronavirus. He said the reason it was called Covid 19 was that it was the 19th strain. He's a liar or an idiot! 19 is because he came out in 2019.

I bet you didn't read that op ed i posted. I don't think you would argue with anything in it. So this is what our position was in the 2000's. What was your sides position? Hire illegals for the cheap labor, buy from china for the cheap prices and send good manufacturing jobs overseas so investors and corporations could max profits.

You all deserve the country you have.

Yes he is, I used to him long ago, I caught him in lies as I did Rush. They are both loons.

I’m not sure about sides, I’m not a Democrat or a Republican, I find sides really dumb, because both sides work for the ultra rich, both sides have given us bad candidates and bad leaders. I didn’t think an election could get worse than Trump and Hillary, yet in 2020 we get Trump and Biden.

You keep your parties, they are the reason we are where we are today.
Then we as middle class Americans need to take over one party. But what party do you think that should be? You probably would say the tea party or libertarians. The answer is the Democratic party. Take it over! The Democrats abandoned us because we the people don't vote every 2 years. But the rich do. And guys like you actually have fallen for it and you too vote Republican. You believe their economic ideas and you fell for it when they attacked unions.

They attach labor, science, the media, education and academia and you fall for it all. You deny global warming, you think schools are brainwashing our kids with liberal bs because they teach evolution is fact. And you think the media is fake because Trump the criminal has said they are fake so many times now you believe it. or don't believe it.
There is no Democratic Party anymore. Socialist have taken it over. I can vote Republican and give my tax dollars to businesses...or I can vote Democratic and give my tax dollars to deadbeat welfare sponges. I prefer to give my $$$ to businesses. Fuck liberals and socialists.
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
Yeah, she is full of shit.
Just remember everyone. The rich are winning. They have successfully divided us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.

The Democrats have done a great job of dividing the country. Obama started it with his Beer Summit BS, then his stupid comment in San Francisco at a high end fund raising event, blaming poor for trusting in God and guns. Then during his Presidency he divided rich and poor, the evil banks stealing money after the 2008 meltdown, yet he prosecuted no one in the industry. Evil insurance vs. healthcare, doctors and patients, black vs. white and on and on. Yet, Obama catered to the rich, look at OWS. To blame one side and not the other is plain stupid propaganda BS and you fell for it. The rich have gotten richer and they made their biggest gains under your God Obama.

Quit playing stupid.
Liberals spent 8 years worshiping their mulatto god Barry Sotoro.
Just remember everyone. The rich are winning. They have successfully divided us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
Liberals have been begging Americans to buy into their bullshit class warfare lie for decades. Americans are too smart for them.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
Yes, they have. It would have taken someone far more capable and competent to deal with China effectively. Trump is not that person. And Trump does not surround himself with those type of people.

Probably one of the multitude of reasons young people do not support The Dotard President.
Young people in my part of the United States love him. Doing a great job.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Oh yea. Blame Trump's failure on China.

Your orange buddy screaming at Chi a for down playing the virus as the stupid fuck was downplaying the virus.
Just remember everyone. The rich are winning. They have successfully divided us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
Liberals have been begging Americans to buy into their bullshit class warfare lie for decades. Americans are too smart for them.
Republicans have been handing money to the wealthy for decades. A guess that is not class warfare? That's right, you assfucks thinks that the middle class & poor should just shut the fuck up & take it.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
You really can't gaslight your way out of this. There's too much video of Trump claiming that 15 cases would go down to zero, tweets comparing Covid19 to the seasonal flu, video of Trump claiming Covid19 is a Democrat hoax, and on and on.
trump is a cheerleader much the way FDR and Churchill were in WWII

its fauci’s job to scare the hell out of us
Trump only claimed to be a cheerleader when he realized he's too incomepent to quarterback.
Just remember everyone. The rich are winning. They have successfully divided us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
Liberals have been begging Americans to buy into their bullshit class warfare lie for decades. Americans are too smart for them.
Republicans have been handing money to the wealthy for decades. A guess that is not class warfare? That's right, you assfucks thinks that the middle class & poor should just shut the fuck up & take it.
Keep trying, Karl, it's not going to work in America. We're on to you SOBs.
Just like whining how China took our jobs.

China did not take our jobs, corporate America gave them our jobs.
Just remember everyone. The rich are winning. They have successfully divided us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
Liberals have been begging Americans to buy into their bullshit class warfare lie for decades. Americans are too smart for them.
Republicans have been handing money to the wealthy for decades. A guess that is not class warfare? That's right, you assfucks thinks that the middle class & poor should just shut the fuck up & take it.
Keep trying, Karl, it's not going to work in America. We're on to you SOBs.
The Republican plan is working on you. You'll be voting for Trump again.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
Yes, they have. It would have taken someone far more capable and competent to deal with China effectively. Trump is not that person. And Trump does not surround himself with those type of people.

Probably one of the multitude of reasons young people do not support The Dotard President.

And then there was Biden, Obama's China point man...... :cuckoo: .
I can pretty much guarantee Trump will not win the youth vote. They will hold their noses and hold down their vomit when they vote for Biden. Just like me.

This country fails people who are not wealthy.
Just remember everyone. The rich are winning. They have successfully divided us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
Liberals have been begging Americans to buy into their bullshit class warfare lie for decades. Americans are too smart for them.
Republicans have been handing money to the wealthy for decades. A guess that is not class warfare? That's right, you assfucks thinks that the middle class & poor should just shut the fuck up & take it.

Is that why during the Obama administration the gap between the rich and the rest of it widened faster than previous administrations. You are the two party dream, they are so stupidly partisan they can’t see reality. You wingers are ruining America.
Just remember everyone. The rich are winning. They have successfully divided us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
Liberals have been begging Americans to buy into their bullshit class warfare lie for decades. Americans are too smart for them.
Republicans have been handing money to the wealthy for decades. A guess that is not class warfare? That's right, you assfucks thinks that the middle class & poor should just shut the fuck up & take it.
Keep trying, Karl, it's not going to work in America. We're on to you SOBs.
The Republican plan is working on you. You'll be voting for Trump again.
Return to your programmer and tell him it failed. You don't know who I voted for or will vote for.

I don't care what you idiots believe. ....


... This is just another example of how liberals, no matter how damn stupid they may actually be, believe that simply being liberal makes them more intelligent and enlightened. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Yes there could. The idea that you are a good teacher or were a good wrestler.
Be careful, don’t lose focus on the thread topic.
Show me one post of yours that was on topic.
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.
Just remember everyone. The rich are winning. They have successfully divided us with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism.
Liberals have been begging Americans to buy into their bullshit class warfare lie for decades. Americans are too smart for them.
Republicans have been handing money to the wealthy for decades. A guess that is not class warfare? That's right, you assfucks thinks that the middle class & poor should just shut the fuck up & take it.
Keep trying, Karl, it's not going to work in America. We're on to you SOBs.
The Republican plan is working on you. You'll be voting for Trump again.
Return to your programmer and tell him it failed. You don't know who I voted for or will vote for.
We know who you voted for. If we are wrong, tell us who you voted for. Kim Jung Un?

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