Death Toll Going to Double and Triple...Thanks Socialist China

I say China, clean up your nasty society. Since you can't or don't care to clean your nasty, filthy, starving, excuses for human beings, they have now created a means to police themselves. Your nation sports 82,883 cases of bat born infection, it's without excuse. It originates from you, but you had nothing in place to deter the creation of the virus. Can you at the very least, abolish eating bat? Again there China, clean up your food supply, get sterile food to those starving. You want strict control over your people without the ability to sustain their lives. Maybe get a food czar and at the least study the matter like you did the virus. Reporting accurate numbers would be helpful. As a American citizen, no trade with you anymore I'm done with your inferior products and illness. I hope you curb your population growth.
Throwing stones through glass houses while we do worse;
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Wet markets! Yep, China could do so much better to sanitize their food, while we operate food processing plants that are worse than China; If you think it all happens in China, think again.

Your ass should move to China if you love the place so goddamn much. This virius is a product of China and has caused a deadly global pandemic because the stupid cocksuckers eat bats and rats and have poor sanitary standards. Whole world should hate the bastards for what they have done. China, Iran, North Korea ...the three bandit nations.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
China created this and is a communitst state that violates human rights and human dignity. Fuck you and your sarcastic post. Why don't you move there Antifa if you hate the United States so much? Obama is the one that wanted to suck Chinese dick and allowed our pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to move to a rouge enemy state.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Impeached President Trump for fiddling while America burned.
100% exonerated President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump has proven himself to be a leader during this crisis. you will be screaming at the sky with tears in your little puppy dog eyes again in 2020.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Nixon for opening that door.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
No. You did with your goddamn thumb phones and video games you worship. Fuck you communitst slant I have a bullet for your head. Don't try to pollute this web page with your doctrine and communitst propaganda. We can see through your ruse in the free world. Don't be a bullshit artist Chinese agent.
Remember everyone this guy liked Bush too.

Which one? Both actually. The one who invented NAFTA and the one who lied us into Iraq.

The NAFTA signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton? You realize had he vetoed the NAFTA the Senate didn't have the votes to overturn the bill. Funny how you never remember that and always twist the lies. You seem to just perpetuate lies.
No stupid. It's funny how you dumb fucks never remember Bush invented the thing and every Republican including you were in favor of it. Who wasnt? Back then it was unions.

Oh, and Bill Clinton put labor and environmental protections in NAFTA. Regulations that later Bush removed. But you don't know those details do you?

Dumb ass, did Clinton sign the bill into law or not? Had he vetoed the bill would it have been dead? Go back to previous conversations Sealy, I never wanted this passed, it was a bad deal for the United States, again you are wrong. It unleveled the playing field with Canada and Mexico and gave them both huge advantages. That is why the Canadians and Mexicans were upset with Trump wanting to renegotiate.

Do you think Ford wants to pay an extra $7000 to make an F150 in Michigan rather than make it in Mexico?

I am not going to play this game though. Back then, I was against NAFTA. All of us liberals were. You must have been a liberal back then if you were against it. Just like back then you loved Walmart and cheap shit from China and you loved illegals doing jobs Americans WILL do.

Free trade is/was/and always will be a good idea. BUT, it has to be well regulated. A president that doesn't hate the middle class would put worker protections in NAFTA for vital industries like auto. Bill Clinton did. Bush removed them.

So free trade doesn't have to be bad. ONLY the USA didn't put in these vital protections for vital workers because they wanted to break the Unions. Highest paid blue collar in the world. Back then you cried that WE made too much. Now you want to say you are all about raising wages? Yea, from$10 to $15 hr sure. But you sent those jobs away when they paid $30.

You're all retards. Now, today, don't expect me to say I'm against free trade because that was going to happen no matter who was president. You wanted to isolate America?

I was a Conservative back then, I don’t like Walmart, never have, not sure what the hell that BS means. Do you just throw out random stupid crap? I also been against illegal immigration since childhood. Where I grew up, we had migrants that would come in and work, illegals took jobs from legal migrants. You dope dealers need to quit taking your own crap, it really shows up in your posts.

In that op ed Thom also wrote: Without a middle class, any democracy is doomed. And without labor having - through control of labor availability - power in relative balance to capital/management, no middle class can emerge. America's early labor leaders did not die to increase the labor pool for the Robber Barons or the Walton family - they died fighting to give control of it to the workers of their era and in the hopes that we would continue to hold it - and infect other nations with the same idea of democracy and a stable middle class.

Again, Hartman is the
Rush of the left. I don’t listen to Rush and I don’t listen to Thom. You drug dealers can listen to whoever you want.
No he isn't. Find me one example of this. For example, the other day Rush was downplaying the coronavirus. He said the reason it was called Covid 19 was that it was the 19th strain. He's a liar or an idiot! 19 is because he came out in 2019.

I bet you didn't read that op ed i posted. I don't think you would argue with anything in it. So this is what our position was in the 2000's. What was your sides position? Hire illegals for the cheap labor, buy from china for the cheap prices and send good manufacturing jobs overseas so investors and corporations could max profits.

You all deserve the country you have.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Impeached President Trump for fiddling while America burned.
100% exonerated President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump has proven himself to be a leader during this crisis. you will be screaming at the sky with tears in your little puppy dog eyes again in 2020.
You're an idiot. The way he has handled this pandemic is going to cost him a second term. It's proven he's over his head. To suggest injecting bleach or ultraviolet light to inside the body? Or how about how he didn't act in January?

Or how about how he dismantled the team Obama put together that went around the world staying on top of infectious diseases? He so badly wanted to undo everything Obama did that he dismantled the exact team that would have nipped this in the butt

Trump can't do anything to disappoint you, ya fucking idiot.
You're more to blame than the Democratic party. You vote GOP right?
I do vote republican and no, I dont think the GOP is perfect

but neither are the democrats who are even worse
Not if you are poor or middle class. If you are upper class, sure. But even I can't stand the GOP and I am upper class.

You're probably a gun lover, gay hater, science denier, jesus bible thumper. This is how the dupe poor people into voting against their own financial interests.

Do you think trickle down works?
Other than calling me a science denier I answer to all of the above

poor people needs jobs not welfare doled out by pinheads in government

government is your god and the only answer libs have for everything
See? This is how the GOP conned a broke ass like you into voting along with them.

Or you could be happy with your station in life and have a secure enough career that you don't notice that you are voting against your own financial interests.

OR, Republican economics might actually work for you. They work for me. Unfortunately they don't create a middle class like the one us liberal government lovers created.

When America was great, for the middle class, people were getting paid well. One person worked 40 hours not 2 for the same pay back when America was great. Social security and medicare was great. People got pensions. People could expect to work for 1 company for 30 years. Unheard of today. You don't even realize how or why the gap between the rich and poor widened. Unions back then were 35% of the American workforce. Cheap college. Low co-pays and deducables. We didn't have illegal employers hiring illegal workers. We used to go after companies that did that. And we didn't love cheap shit from china at Walmart.

Think about it. Back when America was great GM was the largest employer in America. Today it's Walmart. LOSERS! America is great for the rich and for the small merchant class but the rabble are suffering. Or not saving for retirement.

So back then, the middle class was fairly paid and we could retire at 65. Most people aren't saving enough today. You blame them. I blame the silent war on the middle class you waged. And then blamed liberals for the destruction of the middle class? Fuck you.
We seem to agree that life was better for more Americans before NAFTA and free trade with china

why you are so hysterical and insulting over our agreement is a mystery however
Because you are all so dumb it's frustrating. Nothing personal.
Its all personal with you

on tne surface you pretend to be on top of the world

but I think its just a front to cover up your insecurity
Fuck yea I'm insecure! I was doing great in the roaring 90's then I saw what Bush and Republicans did in the 2000's. And I just started making good money again at the end of Obama's 8 years and Trump comes in and starts a trade war with China? This is why he only had 2.3% growth last year. Republicans said better to take the hit now and get our trade imbalance more balanced. It'll benefit us all more in the future. I don't trust Trump's art of the deal. LOL
Thats a lot of big talk from you.

but there are way too many big talkers on the internet where a lib can be whatever they want to be
You can say that again!

I don't care what you idiots believe. I am still working. He isn't. You however because you are in a union are still getting paid. Am I right? This is why you are the last to get a raise. Last to be fired but last to get a raise. Capish?
Well I think we are overpopulated ...

And you are wrong.
No I'm not.

See how dumb you sound? You can't just say "and you are wrong" without evidence.

I've shown you plenty but you ignore. You think just because the earth could handle a billion more people for a finite amount of time that it should.

It should not.

Here, I'll show you this from last year:

If Earth's resources were a bank account, today would mark the date we'd officially be in the red.
As of July 29, humanity has officially used up more ecological resources this year than the Earth can regenerate by the end of the year. The occasion even has a name: Earth Overshoot Day.
The Global Footprint Network, a sustainability organization which calculates the day, says humanity is currently consuming nature 1.75 times faster than the planet can regenerate.

Based on those numbers we should probably cut the human population by 25%. Maybe mother nature will take care of it.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Nixon for opening that door.

Thanks Obama for funding the development of Covid-19
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

Try not to let the fear mongers get to you too. They want all of us to cower in fear in some dank, musty corner. They want us to hate and fear our neighbors, our friends—our own family members. They need to keep us divided and weak and chasing our tails. Don't let them win. Take heart; all will work out in the end. If America falls then we'll all have only ourselves to blame . . .
United we stand divided we fall.
Too late.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.

I thought he acted hysterically xenophobic? WTF.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

Dopey Donald Trump is a bigger fuck-up. His incompetence has caused multiples more deaths in the US than in China.

Vietnam with a population of ~95 million had zero deaths and it has a border with China.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci

After the first alarms sounded in early January that an outbreak of a novel coronavirus in China might ignite a global pandemic, the Trump administration squandered nearly two months that could have been used to bolster the federal stockpile of critically needed medical supplies and equipment.

Now, three months into the crisis, that stockpile is nearly drained just as the numbers of patients needing critical care is surging. Some state and local officials report receiving broken ventilators and decade-old dry-rotted masks.

As early as mid-January, U.S. officials could see that hospitals in China’s Hubei province were overwhelmed with infected patients, with many left dependent on ventilator machines to breathe. Italy soon followed, with hospitals scrambling for doctors, beds and equipment.

HHS did not respond to questions about why federal officials waited to order medical supplies until stocks were running critically low. But President Donald Trump has asserted that the federal government should take a back seat to states when it comes to dealing with the pandemic.

When an AP reporter attempted to ask Trump about the issue on Sunday, the president cut off the question.

“FEMA, the military, what they’ve done is a miracle,” Trump said with a flash of anger. “What they’ve done is a miracle in getting all of this stuff. What they have done for states is incredible.”

Trump then ended the briefing and walked off the podium.

Trump and his appointees have urged state and local governments, and hospitals, to buy their own masks and breathing machines, saying requests to the dwindling national stockpile should be a last resort.

“The notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile,” Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and adviser, said at a White House briefing Thursday. “It’s not supposed to be state stockpiles that they then use.”

Experts in emergency preparedness and response have expressed dismay at such statements, saying the federal government must take the lead in ensuring medical supplies are available and distributed where they are needed most.


If Obama was President the Republicans would have second guessed his every decision. This is not us doing that. If Obama would have opened up the economy too soon, they would have blamed him for every death but they would have especially liked it if Obama made everyone stay at home. Then they would say "see, this is government too powerful controlling our lives" IDIOTS! Notice Trump won't hold any Trump rallies or go to these protests? Notice he won't say OPEN UP THE ECONOMY NOW? Because he knows he will be blamed if it's the wrong decision. And Trump is not saying what his nutty supporters are saying. Not now.

Now they just want us to forget how horribly he handled this crisis.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
China created this and is a communitst state that violates human rights and human dignity. Fuck you and your sarcastic post. Why don't you move there Antifa if you hate the United States so much? Obama is the one that wanted to suck Chinese dick and allowed our pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to move to a rouge enemy state.
OMG who's running this country? What ever happened to the buck stops here? Even Trump's own quote, "leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible"

Borio left the Trump administration in 2019. Other high-level global health experts headed for the exits even earlier, after the White House dismantled the National Security Council’s global health security office.

The demise of that elite team is now under scrutiny as the Trump administration struggles to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump bristled when asked about his decision to disband the office at a news conference in the Rose Garden on Friday.

“I just think it's a nasty question,” the president responded. “And when you say ‘me,' I didn't do it. ... I don't know anything about it.”


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