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Deaths in the USA

Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

Think about it.

Think about what?

The fact that humans have free will?

when does the unborn human get to exercise his/her free will?

you fricken libs have more sympathy and empathy for a road kill deer than for a human being. you are sick.

Q. when does the unborn human get to exercise his/her free will
A. At the age of maturity, usually 18.

Empathy isn't measured on a more or less scale, those who experience empathy know this.
Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

Think about it.

Think about what?

The fact that humans have free will?

when does the unborn human get to exercise his/her free will?

you fricken libs have more sympathy and empathy for a road kill deer than for a human being. you are sick.

Q. when does the unborn human get to exercise his/her free will
A. At the age of maturity, usually 18.

Empathy isn't measured on a more or less scale, those who experience empathy know this.

so until the age of maturity, a human being can be killed by its parents or the state if he or she becomes inconvenient to keep? that is exactly what you are saying, fool.
You left out gun violence.

I think its in the accident category.

Sandy Hook was an accident?

of course not, neither was Ft Hood or San Bernardino. I said that I think the gun stats were included in the accident stats. not that those shootings were accidents.

reading comprehension----------try it.

No, but nice try.





ok so gun murders were not included in accidents, does that change the abortion numbers?

To change the number of abortions in the US we need to convince the right to life crowd to support age appropriate human sexuality in a comprehensive health curriculum, provide information on preventing pregnancy to age appropriate boys and girls, and provide free contraceptives to all fertile females who choose to be sexually active, and hold males accountable who father a child out of wedlock for the care and training of his child(ren) until they reach the age of 21 years.
Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

Think about it.

Statistically proven, most abortion deaths are by the request of Democrat/Liberal/Leftist voting mothers. 1.6 million liberals not voting today as a result of Roe?!!! I say fund the crap out of it!

as long as only liberals abort--------------------

I think the odds are in your favor.

me too, that's what makes this so strange. the libs rant and rave about blacks getting unfair treatment, but praise an organization devoted to the systematic abortion of black children. Are they really that stupid, or do they actually share Margaret Sangers views? after all she said "negroes are human weeds that must be exterminated" and then their female messiah Hillary said "I admire Margaret Sanger and what she stood for"

WTF is wrong with liberals?

I agree, but WTF is wrong with republicans? Abortion is their electoral friend.
All this pro-life anti-abortion rhetoric based on alleged "Christian Values" from the same conflicted brain dead non-thinking bigots who also desire to annihilate all Muslims.

Am I the only one who sees the irony, hypocrisy and inconsistency of these two divergent goals?

For Christ's sake people, engage your gray matter!

muslims are opposed to abortion, muslims think gays should be killed, muslims think that all non-muslims should be killed. No one wants to annihilate ALL muslims, only the radical groups who have declared war on America and the west. But you libs scream that we must be tolerant of all muslims.

your left wing rhetoric fails once again because it is based on a long list of false premises.
All this pro-life anti-abortion rhetoric based on alleged "Christian Values" from the same conflicted brain dead non-thinking bigots who also desire to annihilate all Muslims.

Am I the only one who sees the irony, hypocrisy and inconsistency of these two divergent goals?

For Christ's sake people, engage your gray matter!

muslims are opposed to abortion, muslims think gays should be killed, muslims think that all non-muslims should be killed. No one wants to annihilate ALL muslims, only the radical groups who have declared war on America and the west. But you libs scream that we must be tolerant of all muslims.

your left wing rhetoric fails once again because it is based on a long list of false premises.
You are the one talking about what Muslims think, not me shit for brains. I referenced the gross hypocrisy of those harping "Christian Values"; the life of an unborn child being so much more valuable than that of others already born and living, and claiming that, "No one wants to annihilate ALL muslims..." is pure unadulterated horseshit! That has been proposed by a number of idiots on this board. Your fortuitous forgetfulness notwithstanding.

Your binary thinking and compartmentalization forces you to classify others as in one of two camps. Fucking fool! You're an all the way around dipstick! It's almost noon in DC, so you are probably waiting for the midday talking points dump so I'll let you be about it.

No one has ever said that the unborn child was MORE IMPORTANT. No one.

some far right loons have called for the blanket slaughter of all muslims. some far left loons have said that all muslims are wonderful people that we should invite into our homes.

You are the one who is compartmentalizing people. Assuming that all conservatives are far right idiots while raving about how wonderful the far left idiots are.
You are one twisted and dishonest lying piece of shit Redfish! Why the fuck don't you try responding to what the fuck is written and stated for a change. Did I write anything in this exchange about you being left or right, conservative or liberal you lying twit! You fucking idiot, PROVE what you wrote since you're so fucking proud of making foolish, unfounded and outlandish, un-provable statements like this, asshole;
No one has ever said that the unborn child was MORE IMPORTANT.
Using your special brand of logic, prove your negating statement! :rofl:
I can gather dozens of examples of folks saying, "...the unborn child is more important than..." a whole bunch of different things, disproving your statement , but please make a stab at it, mouth!

You wrote this in your post #74;
No one wants to annihilate ALL muslims...
Now you write this;
some far right loons have called for the blanket slaughter of all muslims.
You obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about because you contradict you own stated "convictions", you fucking dummy! Thanks for letting me watch you play with your brain...you can put it back in now.

nice rant, but of zero value. when I said "no one" I was referring to the posters in this thread, not the entire population of the world.

as to the muslim comment, I was speaking in the context of the previous posts in the thread.

as to your juvenile insults--------------go fuck yourself.
Moving the goal posts again attempting to gain some cover from your own words...typical dodge of a milksop whiner! I fucking knew you wouldn't back up any of your spew, you idiotic coward! BTW, I'll need some instruction from you on how one fucks ones self to even attempt the thought of doing such.

Have a nice day, ya fucking loud mouth coward!
Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

Think about it.

Think about what?

The fact that humans have free will?

when does the unborn human get to exercise his/her free will?

you fricken libs have more sympathy and empathy for a road kill deer than for a human being. you are sick.

Why thank you for explaining to me what I have sympathy for and not asking me to explain further before you passed judgement onto me, and God why did you create such a flaw being that was suppose to be made in your image?

Now that you have declared I am a Liberal that cares more about a deer that was ran over than a unborn child will make me write more and explain my " Humans have free will " comment, and I expect you to double down on " You fricken Libs " or I will be disappointed in you...

Now it seem you have a real issue with abortion which is alright with me but as for now it is legal and allowed across this land, but if it were illegal I would not fight to overturn the law either and would want it to stay illegal.

Now I know you will not accept what I wrote because you believe everyone need to be on the same page with you and if they are not, well I must be a limp dick and wrist liberal, am I correct?

Now you want to know about the child right, and I want to know what will you do with all those unwanted children that would have been aborted but could not be aborted, and are know born into poverty, abandon, or left at the doorstep of a church or police station?

Are you willing to pay more taxes to feed these unwanted children, and if not then tell how will they be feed?

Chase down the deadbeat parent?

Rely on the charity of the community?

Oh, if you believe that you will teach humans how not to make unwanted children, well how has that been working since the days of Adam and Eve?

So as you get ready to flame me for my response please note you should respond with " You dirty limp wrist Lib " and then tell me what I care more about while ignoring you can make abortion illegal and it will still happen, and when you do make it illegal the ones that are not aborted will most likely end up being wards of the state, and our tax dollars will be paying for their education, food, and upbringing if the child is not adopted out...

Now your turn and please do not let me down with your hatred toward me because it make me feel so good!
trolling off just a bit, does the BLM ever complain about the per-centage of Blacks shooting Blacks in comparison to the percent of white cops shooting blacks in self-defense?
Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

Think about it.

Your numbers are way, way off. Actual abortion numbers less than half what you're citing.
I think its in the accident category.

Sandy Hook was an accident?

of course not, neither was Ft Hood or San Bernardino. I said that I think the gun stats were included in the accident stats. not that those shootings were accidents.

reading comprehension----------try it.

No, but nice try.





ok so gun murders were not included in accidents, does that change the abortion numbers?

To change the number of abortions in the US we need to convince the right to life crowd to support age appropriate human sexuality in a comprehensive health curriculum, provide information on preventing pregnancy to age appropriate boys and girls, and provide free contraceptives to all fertile females who choose to be sexually active, and hold males accountable who father a child out of wedlock for the care and training of his child(ren) until they reach the age of 21 years.
So the right are the ones getting abortions,how could teaching a group of people that reject somthing another group in fact is doing going to change how many abortions a year,safe bet not many right wingers drive women to abortion clinics.
Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

Think about it.

jerk off 1.6 bl
condom 160 million

Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

your knowledge of biology is sadly lacking. jerking off does not result in a fertilized egg cell. But I guess since that is your only form of sex, you may not know that.
it isnt big different between sperm and fertilized egg cell.

Dumb Post of the Year?

Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

Think about it.

jerk off 1.6 bl
condom 160 million

Roe v Wade 1.6 million
heart disease 600 thousand
cancer 580 thousand
accidents 121 thousand

your knowledge of biology is sadly lacking. jerking off does not result in a fertilized egg cell. But I guess since that is your only form of sex, you may not know that.
it isnt big different between sperm and fertilized egg cell.

Dumb Post of the Year?

Sandy Hook was an accident?

of course not, neither was Ft Hood or San Bernardino. I said that I think the gun stats were included in the accident stats. not that those shootings were accidents.

reading comprehension----------try it.

No, but nice try.





ok so gun murders were not included in accidents, does that change the abortion numbers?

To change the number of abortions in the US we need to convince the right to life crowd to support age appropriate human sexuality in a comprehensive health curriculum, provide information on preventing pregnancy to age appropriate boys and girls, and provide free contraceptives to all fertile females who choose to be sexually active, and hold males accountable who father a child out of wedlock for the care and training of his child(ren) until they reach the age of 21 years.
So the right are the ones getting abortions,how could teaching a group of people that reject somthing another group in fact is doing going to change how many abortions a year,safe bet not many right wingers drive women to abortion clinics.

Do you serve bread with this word salad?
"in some cases" is the significant part of the 80%. I am in that 80%

what the majority disapprove of is abortion on demand as a form of birth control.
If any woman gets pregnant, she should be free to go get a legal abortion. No matter her reasons

Citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

then why not allow her to kill the kid at two years old if he/she becomes inconvenient to keep?

murder is not a fundamental right. even for liberals and democrats.
It's not murder. Do you say it is? There's your problem right there

I think it is, you think its not. We disagree. You do not get to dictate your views on me or anyone else. You libs do not get to decide the morals and ethics for the entire society. You do not get to force your sick ideas on everyone.

You do not get to decide whether that unborn human being gets to live or not. Only God gets to make that decision.
You don't get to tell me what your God thinks when you can't even prove he exists.
I love it when people are so concerned about death, and yet support executions, wars and all manner of things that lead to death.

Personally, I think there are way too many people on this planet

well we do agree on one thing, overpopulation of our planet is the real problem. There are just too many people.
Why not focus on preventing unwanted pregnancies rather than on killing unborn human beings?

Wars, famines, and diseases used to limit the human population, but we have found ways to prevent those.

You act like we can't focus on two things at the same time.

Yes, let's focus on preventing unwanted pregnancies. Well, as I've said many times on this site, teaching safe sex and abstinence is proven to be the BEST way to achieve this. Teaching abstinence without safe sex is proven to be the WORST way to deal with this.

So, let's make sure all kids in the USA get comprehensive safe sex education. Oh, wait, the religious nut jobs don't want any mention of sex, so in the end you get far more problems.

But abortion is a manner in which we can also reduce the population of unwanted pregnancies. People have a big hang up about it, and I understand why. Religion has been around since the times when people wanted as many children as they could get. They might lose 80% of their kids and needed to keep pumping them out like there was no tomorrow, but life has changed, times have changed. Abortion isn't bad any more, because we simply don't need to keep overpopulating the world.

Abortion in the 83rd trimester sort of thing (go watch South Park and you'll get it) is not what I'm talking about here.
None of the schools or federal government's business…

So, abortion isn't the business of the federal government? Should it then be the business of state governments? Or should it be left to the consciences of the people who actually made the thing in the first place?

What about once a child is born, should the life then not be the business of the federal government?
It's a states issue... The federal government has zero morality and even less credibility on the issue.
I love it when people are so concerned about death, and yet support executions, wars and all manner of things that lead to death.

Personally, I think there are way too many people on this planet

well we do agree on one thing, overpopulation of our planet is the real problem. There are just too many people.
Why not focus on preventing unwanted pregnancies rather than on killing unborn human beings?

Wars, famines, and diseases used to limit the human population, but we have found ways to prevent those.

You act like we can't focus on two things at the same time.

Yes, let's focus on preventing unwanted pregnancies. Well, as I've said many times on this site, teaching safe sex and abstinence is proven to be the BEST way to achieve this. Teaching abstinence without safe sex is proven to be the WORST way to deal with this.

So, let's make sure all kids in the USA get comprehensive safe sex education. Oh, wait, the religious nut jobs don't want any mention of sex, so in the end you get far more problems.

But abortion is a manner in which we can also reduce the population of unwanted pregnancies. People have a big hang up about it, and I understand why. Religion has been around since the times when people wanted as many children as they could get. They might lose 80% of their kids and needed to keep pumping them out like there was no tomorrow, but life has changed, times have changed. Abortion isn't bad any more, because we simply don't need to keep overpopulating the world.

Abortion in the 83rd trimester sort of thing (go watch South Park and you'll get it) is not what I'm talking about here.
None of the schools or federal government's business…

So, abortion isn't the business of the federal government? Should it then be the business of state governments? Or should it be left to the consciences of the people who actually made the thing in the first place?

What about once a child is born, should the life then not be the business of the federal government?
It's a states issue... The federal government has zero morality and even less credibility on the issue.

All individual rights issues are a federal issue. That's where the Constitution is, at the federal level.
80% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in some cases. That is not most Americans agreeing with you.

60% of Americans do not want Roe v Wade overturned. That is not most Americans agreeing with you.

"in some cases" is the significant part of the 80%. I am in that 80%

what the majority disapprove of is abortion on demand as a form of birth control.
If any woman gets pregnant, she should be free to go get a legal abortion. No matter her reasons

aren't you glad your mother didn't think that way?

how about Obama's mother. white liberal female impregnated by a black man that she was not married to. perfect candidate for abortion, right?
No because she raised him right. But I wouldn't stop a young girl today in her situation from getting an abortion if she wanted one.

Would you have forced Ms. Obama to give birth?
If any woman gets pregnant, she should be free to go get a legal abortion. No matter her reasons

Citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

then why not allow her to kill the kid at two years old if he/she becomes inconvenient to keep?

murder is not a fundamental right. even for liberals and democrats.
It's not murder. Do you say it is? There's your problem right there

I think it is, you think its not. We disagree. You do not get to dictate your views on me or anyone else. You libs do not get to decide the morals and ethics for the entire society. You do not get to force your sick ideas on everyone.

You do not get to decide whether that unborn human being gets to live or not. Only God gets to make that decision.
You don't get to tell me what your God thinks when you can't even prove he exists.

If any woman gets pregnant, she should be free to go get a legal abortion. No matter her reasons

Citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

then why not allow her to kill the kid at two years old if he/she becomes inconvenient to keep?

murder is not a fundamental right. even for liberals and democrats.
It's not murder. Do you say it is? There's your problem right there

I think it is, you think its not. We disagree. You do not get to dictate your views on me or anyone else. You libs do not get to decide the morals and ethics for the entire society. You do not get to force your sick ideas on everyone.

You do not get to decide whether that unborn human being gets to live or not. Only God gets to make that decision.
You don't get to tell me what your God thinks when you can't even prove he exists.

His existence has been proven to me several times. I have no doubts. I don't understand it all, but I know HE exists.

you are free to believe whatever you want. But you do not get to decide who lives and who dies. You do not get to kill your children or assist in killing someone else's children.

Unless you are a radical muslim, are you?
"in some cases" is the significant part of the 80%. I am in that 80%

what the majority disapprove of is abortion on demand as a form of birth control.
If any woman gets pregnant, she should be free to go get a legal abortion. No matter her reasons

aren't you glad your mother didn't think that way?

how about Obama's mother. white liberal female impregnated by a black man that she was not married to. perfect candidate for abortion, right?
No because she raised him right. But I wouldn't stop a young girl today in her situation from getting an abortion if she wanted one.

Would you have forced Ms. Obama to give birth?

that would not be up to me. But since the father was a muslim, he probably would have forced her to give birth, or he would have stoned her to death if she aborted.

what you libs ignore are the rights of the unborn human being. Have you seen an untrasound of a baby in the womb? How can you possibly say that is not a human being with the right to life?

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