Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Hillary is right about Trump not paying his contractors. He has a long history of stiffing people who have worked for him. There was a New York Times article on this not that long ago
Would you pay for shit work?

An architect? You know what they designed before it is built...
Then you have to build what they designed....shit architecture sucks....and Trump knows it....

Dude, you have to look at plans and approve them before they are built. Now especially with real expensive jobs they build models to make sure... so if Trump didn't like it AFTER the fact, that's on him for approving the plans in the first place.
Race....Hillary mostly good answer....building Training police everyone should respect the law...Criminal Justice reform..? What is that?

Gun epidemic! and order....if we don't have it... Hispanics living in hell...Thousands of shootings in Chicago.

Gangs..protect inner city. He's still more passionate.

Hilllary sighing..looking tired? Anybody thinking that?
Trump is spot on about the bubble and Janet Yellen and interest rates.

Check out the two posts I made in this topic earlier today: The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine

He agreed with Yellen that interest rates should stay low.
Interesting. Link?

Mr. Trump said in the CNBC interview that he agreed with Ms. Yellen and the Fed’s policy of holding interest rates low.​

Donald Trump Says He Would Replace Janet Yellen, Supports Low Interest Rates

His assessment is correct that this is a "very, very fragile" situation we are in now. And Yellen and Bernanke got us in this mess:

“What do we do with all the money that we owe everybody when rates go up and now all of a sudden we have to borrow at two points more?” he said.

“And we have to be very, very careful, and I am the king of debt. I do love debt. I love debt. I love playing with it. But of course, now you are talking about, you know, you’re talking about something that’s very, very fragile. And it has to be handled very, very carefully,” he said.

This bond bubble is so astronomically huge, so devastating, a 100 basis point increase would plunge the entire planet into a Depression.
Hillary’s meds are wearing off, she is slowing down, losing track of her thoughts, sounding monotone.
Hillary is right about Trump not paying his contractors. He has a long history of stiffing people who have worked for him. There was a New York Times article on this not that long ago
I listened to a one of those architects that claimed he stiff him and truthfully if I contract with someone and they don't stay within the contract budget it is on them. That is the way contract work. That same thing is true if you contract with a government agency and that agency has some dickhead trying to get you to do work that is not in the contract for free (you tell them to piss off as nicely as possible).

Trump routinely would pay 80% of his contract, then would say he wouldn't pay and dared people to sue him.

That went on all the time.

If he did that, then no one would do business with him. It's a lie.
Race....Hillary mostly good answer....building Training police everyone should respect the law...Criminal Justice reform..? What is that?

Gun epidemic! and order....if we don't have it... Hispanics living in hell...Thousands of shootings in Chicago.

Gangs..protect inner city. He's still more passionate.

Hilllary sighing..looking tired? Anybody thinking that?

He doesn't look passionate. He just seems needy. He has to be the center of attention. He needs to always do the talking. He can't shut the fuck up, listen, and let someone else say their peace.
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