Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Hillary is right about Trump not paying his contractors. He has a long history of stiffing people who have worked for him. There was a New York Times article on this not that long ago
I listened to a one of those architects that claimed he stiff him and truthfully if I contract with someone and they don't stay within the contract budget it is on them. That is the way contract work. That same thing is true if you contract with a government agency and that agency has some dickhead trying to get you to do work that is not in the contract for free (you tell them to piss off as nicely as possible).
I honestly don't think the average American gives a shit about Donald Trump's taxes

Well they should now that he just said he makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year without paying any taxes... because he's smart.

He's right. If I could get away without paying any federal income tax I would do the same. I won't disparage him for that

But we should keep it in mind next time some drumpfodder moron wants to talk about the half of Americans not paying any income taxes.
Hillary is right about Trump not paying his contractors. He has a long history of stiffing people who have worked for him. There was a New York Times article on this not that long ago

i personally know someone he beat for $250,000. Small businesses don't recover from that kind of hit.
We all believe a liar!....lololol!
She wants to tackle getting guns out of the hands of criminals but she will not support stop and frisk. Next?
She’s drugged. She’s been given the question in advance, and her answers are rehearsed.

I was just noticing that and wondering if the drugs would last till the end of the speech. I saw her zoning while he was speaking. . . .

He has high energy and has a hard time not interrupting her.

She has a hard time not falling asleep and paying attention if he starts speaking too long.

She doesn't look / act drugged...geezzzzz I am sure they both knew basically what the questions will be ahead of time..

Hillary gets him on not paying for work done for him. Effective.

That is normal when underpar work is done in the construction industry. Until the work is done satisfactorily to the contractor (not the sub), those the contractor hires do NOT get paid.

that isn't what his reputation is.... he doesn't pay people. he cheats investors.

and every time he filed bankruptcy, he beat his vendors people out of money

mike bloomberg "he wants to run the country like he runs his businesses. G-d forbid"
Trump admitted to stuffing people but....but he had a POSSIBLE reason for stuffing people. All of them suck!
Hillary is right about Trump not paying his contractors. He has a long history of stiffing people who have worked for him. There was a New York Times article on this not that long ago

i personally know someone he beat for $250,000. Small businesses don't recover from that kind of hit.
Shitty businesses go out of,they should....
Hillary is right about Trump not paying his contractors. He has a long history of stiffing people who have worked for him. There was a New York Times article on this not that long ago
I listened to a one of those architects that claimed he stiff him and truthfully if I contract with someone and they don't stay within the contract budget it is on them. That is the way contract work. That same thing is true if you contract with a government agency and that agency has some dickhead trying to get you to do work that is not in the contract for free (you tell them to piss off as nicely as possible).
As always, Hillary leaves out the essential facts that allow you to understand what really happened.
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