Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Washington as usual loses to everything else. Tying Clinton to thirty years of government is gold.
If your main claim is your business..

I have met a lot of people who have been stiffed by tpyour business.

Maybe he didn't do a good job......Seems that is what Trump says on every job
She’s drugged. She’s been given the question in advance, and her answers are rehearsed.

I was just noticing that and wondering if the drugs would last till the end of the speech. I saw her zoning while he was speaking. . . .

He has high energy and has a hard time not interrupting her.

She has a hard time not falling asleep and paying attention if he starts speaking too long.
Oh man Trump is on fucking fire and prosecuting Clinton and the entire Washington establishment. I love it

I support a lot of things Trump is bringing up...but when he talks about money, he is so out of touch with the American citizen it isn't even funny.
That's a two way street....Clinton Foundation? Hilllary will not release scripts of her speeches to big money.
"It's all words, it's all sound bytes....." And then goes on with sound bytes instead of substance.
Trump keeps he sick?

Haven't heard Hillary cough yet
I honestly don't think the average American gives a shit about Donald Trump's taxes

Well they should now that he just said he makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year without paying any taxes... because he's smart.

He's right. If I could get away without paying any federal income tax I would do the same. I won't disparage him for that
Wow, really bad idea for Trump saying that it was OK he stiffed contractors.

Really, really bad.
yea....he is kinda flubbing the early lead

hes not losing yet tho, still got him ahead slightly
If so-called "fact checkers" were legitimate, they would have a field day with all the lies Hillary is spewing.
Trump not paying taxes isn't good.
If you are reinvesting your earnings and you are able to deduct a percentage of every years profits it is called good business. My corp barely paid any taxes and the IRS told me that it was actually extremely good planning on my accountants and my part. When you are reinvesting that money it is deductible and it is also good to keep other people in jobs.
Trump was doing well... but saying he wasn't happy with an architect AFTER the building was built? Then saying he figures out how to not have to pay taxes... but then use Bankruptcy to get out of debt?
She’s drugged. She’s been given the question in advance, and her answers are rehearsed.

I was just noticing that and wondering if the drugs would last till the end of the speech. I saw her zoning while he was speaking. . . .

He has high energy and has a hard time not interrupting her.

She has a hard time not falling asleep and paying attention if he starts speaking too long.

Her false eyelashes are weighing her eyelids down!
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