Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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He's missing the best part on cyber warfare: Hillary made it easy for hackers to get government secrets with her private server.
Hackers never hacked her personal server.

They HAVE hacked the State Department's servers.

So much for your theory.
Libtards are so used to mom jean wearing golf playing bowing before kings politician Barry Obama than they are scared of a REAL MAN being a leader like Trump is.
Betting markets have increased the odds of Clinton winning in the last 10 minutes.

I actually think Trump has done pretty well relative to expectations.
Luntz tweeted that his panel has Hillary up 17-3. You know that's bad for Trump as Luntz's panels are always stacked with Republicans.
Trump needs to talk less and stick to the point. He is beginning to ramble like an idiot
In 2002, Trump told Howard Stern we should invade Iraq and that we should have gone all the way to Baghdad the first time.
Here said I Guess we should.... not a very convincing argument he was for the war

Heck, with the ways things are there, we probably should have. The people who live there would have been safer, that's for sure. Middle America. :D
I've done all three on this...watching on my phone with no sound...listening on the radio on my way watching at home. Watching his face with no sound....:lol:. On the radio...he's whining and she sounds hesitant. Now, I get home while he's raising his voice and ranting......:lol:
I can't believe they keep saying Donald supported the war. He did NOT have a vote on the Iraq war. That is so bogus. HILLARY (the big red tomato) on the other hand actually DID vote yes to the Iraq war. WTF?

Why does he keep lying about something that is documented in so many videos?
In 2002, Trump told Howard Stern we should invade Iraq and that we should have gone all the way to Baghdad the first time.
Here said I Guess we should.... not a very convincing argument he was for the war
He said more than that. He went on to say we should have "done it right the first time".

Five years later, he was calling for Bush's impeachment, opposing the surge, and demanding we cut and run. He was more liberal than Obama or Clinton. He was way out there on the loonie left fringe with Cindy Sheehan.
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