Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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I thought Trump was doing pretty well until the last few minutes.

But I don't think he's fatally wounded himself.

He hasn't attacked a gold star family, after all.

And once he started ranting, it was a good move for her to point out that the President has their finger on the nuclear button.
I've done all three on this...watching on my phone with no sound...listening on the radio on my way watching at home. Watching his face with no sound....:lol:. On the radio...he's whining and she sounds hesitant. Now, I get home while he's raising his voice and ranting......:lol:

That's an interesting perspective.

It would be more interesting if we didn't know how partisan you are.
I can't believe they keep saying Donald supported the war. He did NOT have a vote on the Iraq war. That is so bogus. HILLARY (the big red tomato) on the other hand actually DID vote yes to the Iraq war. WTF?

Why does he keep lying about something that is documented in so many videos?

Did he have a vote? Who had a vote and who voted YES?
I can't believe they keep saying Donald supported the war. He did NOT have a vote on the Iraq war. That is so bogus. HILLARY (the big red tomato) on the other hand actually DID vote yes to the Iraq war. WTF?

Why does he keep lying about something that is documented in so many videos?

No one that supports Hillary can ever talk about Trump lying.
He can't say whether he supports the current policy on first use! Because he doesn't even know it!
Trump is rambling like a 12 year old like always. Hillary actually demonstrates a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of the Middle East.
In 2002, Trump told Howard Stern we should invade Iraq and that we should have gone all the way to Baghdad the first time.
Here said I Guess we should.... not a very convincing argument he was for the war
He said more than that. He went on to say we should have "done it right the first time".

Five years later, he was calling for Bush's impeachment, opposing the surge, and demanding we cut and run. He was more liberal than Obama or Clinton. He was way out there on the loonie left fringe with Cindy Sheehan.

You mean when he wasnt in politics, or had about as much influence as you do?
I've done all three on this...watching on my phone with no sound...listening on the radio on my way watching at home. Watching his face with no sound....:lol:. On the radio...he's whining and she sounds hesitant. Now, I get home while he's raising his voice and ranting......:lol:

That's an interesting perspective.

It would be more interesting if we didn't know how partisan you are.
I wish Johnson was allowed in.
This moderator is a dick and showing it very well how biased he is.
He works for an organization that is a member of the CFR, did you seriously expect any less? Hillary is an associate of the CFR.

Trump is the enemy of the CFR.

It isn't hard to figure this out. He's not in the club. Club members are going to stick together.
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