Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Not a single cough from Clinton. No wheelchair. No IVs. No falling over.

Trump is sniffing like a coke addict.
I bet there're a few posters here feeling pretty silly about that right now.
Hillary "We have too many military-style weapons on the streets".

That's code for "We need to ban all guns with magazines."
I've done all three on this...watching on my phone with no sound...listening on the radio on my way watching at home. Watching his face with no sound....:lol:. On the radio...he's whining and she sounds hesitant. Now, I get home while he's raising his voice and ranting......:lol:

That's an interesting perspective.

It would be more interesting if we didn't know how partisan you are.
I wish Johnson was allowed in.
So does the entire nation. However the debate commission is controlled by the Republicans and Democrats, not the Republican, Democrats, and Third Parties.

If Americans every want anyone else in the debates again, they will have to insist the LWV be in control of the debates again.
I can't believe they keep saying Donald supported the war. He did NOT have a vote on the Iraq war. That is so bogus. HILLARY (the big red tomato) on the other hand actually DID vote yes to the Iraq war. WTF?

Why does he keep lying about something that is documented in so many videos?

Did he have a vote? Who had a vote and who voted YES?

He isn't claiming he voted either way. He's claiming he was against the attack. It's about his lying about things that can easily be checked. He can't stop lying even when he knows his lie is obvious. He can't help himself.
Trump says "we lose on everything."

What an insult to the American people.

Way to take his words out of context like a typical lib. He's saying the government loses all the time. Duh
Trump says "we lose on everything."

What an insult to the American people.

In the context of trade deals, jobs and illegal immigration he's 100% correct. Context is everything.
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