Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.
Really, I think it is more like he lacked a brain in the back of his forehead. He did very poorly, failed to address the major topics repeatedly.
To the few remaining uninformed wishy-washy swing voters he looked like a loser. They don't give a shit about deep policy issues or questions of who said what and when as they are entirely superficial idiots. But unfortunately they elect our presidents, not us political junkies who made our minds up months ago.
Actually, he's killing her on the Independents. That's why Obama is trying to swear in as many refugees as he can before the election.
The first reputable polls should be out by tomorrow at noon, let's see who went up and who went down.
The most damning comment I've heard after the debate is from the local radio talk show host from a radio station that is propaganda central for the Republican party, every talk show on this station is faaarrrrr rightwing as are the hosts. The first thing the main host said was "well, if you were voting for Trump anyway you didn't change your mind".

So, I take it that this was just what I expected....nothing.

Nobody has posted about any new cool ideas either candidate had.
. New ideas ? First we got to erase all the damage caused by the old ideas from 08 and beyond.
Stock futures up...Trump won.

Wall Street is terrified of a Trump Presidency. If Wall Street is up, it's because he shit the bed.

The universal trend of capitalists internationally has been that Donald threatens their wallets. Economics commentators try to avoid bias, but it only takes someone with a half brain to get the picture

He is broke though, and it is pretty obvious this election is a desperate profit ploy.
Meh. I saw a polished lying politician, say what is needed to be said (as usual), and a citizen.
Hillary didn't get where she is for being a polished upstanding citizen, and she also hit below the belt. If he allows that each debate, she definitely has the edge.
I don't give a damn about her lying political points myself.It went about as I expected.
LOL A citizen that claims to be a Billionaire, and pays less taxes than a working poor person. LOL A citizen? A goddamned parasite.

well his taxes are somewhat more complicated then a 1040 dummy

who knows how much taxes have been paid undr various corps

and such

Now Now Don't confuse him. ;)
its amazing how most everyone on the left saw what they wanted to see...hillary winning this thing...and most of the righties gave it to trump.....i just saw an article saying that debates very seldom sway i know why.....
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.
Really, I think it is more like he lacked a brain in the back of his forehead. He did very poorly, failed to address the major topics repeatedly.
Shake the rocks out of your old head and review the debate.
I watched every minute of the debate, don't have to review it. And Trump was vague, and spent half his time talking about what a great person Trump is.
Are you crazy?
Hillary was vague...extremely so.
She did the Obama, "Well, that topic is important, very important, real important, darn fucking important".
She didn't say ANYTHING.

Try making a flowchart of her solutions and no dots will connect.
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.

That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you, flea-bag.
With his finger on the red button of the country with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world..

There is no "red button"...what there is is a briefcase always within reach of the president that contains revolving nuclear attack codes. These codes are necessary to first arm our missiles, send our bombers to fail-safe, and deploy our submarine force to maneuver for a strike pose. Several criteria must be met and commanders in the field can refuse a presidential order to launch and maybe have in the past. So no, a president can't go haywire and start raining missiles down on other countries...there is a strict protocol and if even one circuit isn't closed, nothing happens.

Not to mention multiple keys, and multiple people, and multiple codes...
Any of you dicks ever command a missile crew?
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.
Really, I think it is more like he lacked a brain in the back of his forehead. He did very poorly, failed to address the major topics repeatedly.
Shake the rocks out of your old head and review the debate.
I watched every minute of the debate, don't have to review it. And Trump was vague, and spent half his time talking about what a great person Trump is.

Guess we watched different debates.
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.

Apparently all he had was one lonely marble rattling around. He was horrible, he lost steam at the end, he is going to get a shit ton of fact checking to last the rest of the week. Not a good night for him, have no idea how/if this changes anything but he looked like a complete hack.
. No, I think he is going back to fire his debate prep people, because they restricted Trump in which he should have come out swinging on her, and not because she's a women, but because she's a liberal.

He babbled a lot because he didn't rehearse his answers. That's his fault because he refused to rehearse..
No, he babbled a lot because that is all he has ever done. And people like you lap it up. But most of the voters do not. And 1/3 of the present GOP is not enough to win the election.
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.
Really, I think it is more like he lacked a brain in the back of his forehead. He did very poorly, failed to address the major topics repeatedly.
Shake the rocks out of your old head and review the debate.
I watched every minute of the debate, don't have to review it. And Trump was vague, and spent half his time talking about what a great person Trump is.
He defended himself when he was attacked by Hillary and by Holt, douche bag.
Trump flat stated that he was proud of not paying any federal taxes. As an American that has payed taxes on a middle class income every year of my life, that alone would make me contemptuous of Trump.

That's because you're a stupid sucker.

No, that's dumb on Trump's part. To want to take the taxes of the everyday citizen to "Make America Great Again," but his money is too important to contribute to that same thing?
If you drop Corporate Taxes and Tariff them if they move makes more sense that what we've been doing since Raygun.

Now I agree with the idea of lowering corporate taxes on some things, but so many companies will just take tax breaks, then use them until the expire, and then leave town with nothing but an empty building behind. I also like the idea of more import taxes, especially on items from Asia...BUT from everything I've read, it is unConstitutional with the way the trade agreements are already in place, and even if trump were to become President, he can't just say, "Fuck those trade deals, I want to make new ones."
The President has ENORMOUS power over Trade Agreements.
So much so that Hillary can't state that Trump can't accomplish what he says.

Well according to this article from CNN Money, he can drop out of a trade deal, but the US hasn't done it since...1866.

Yes, 'President Trump' really could kill NAFTA - but it wouldn't be pretty
Meh. I saw a polished lying politician, say what is needed to be said (as usual), and a citizen.
Hillary didn't get where she is for being a polished upstanding citizen, and she also hit below the belt. If he allows that each debate, she definitely has the edge.
I don't give a damn about her lying political points myself.It went about as I expected.
LOL A citizen that claims to be a Billionaire, and pays less taxes than a working poor person. LOL A citizen? A goddamned parasite.

There's no crime in using existing law to protect one's money from thieves.
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.
Really, I think it is more like he lacked a brain in the back of his forehead. He did very poorly, failed to address the major topics repeatedly.
Shake the rocks out of your old head and review the debate.
I watched every minute of the debate, don't have to review it. And Trump was vague, and spent half his time talking about what a great person Trump is.
Are you crazy?
Hillary was vague...extremely so.
She did the Obama, "Well, that topic is important, very important, real important, darn fucking important".
She didn't say ANYTHING.

Try making a flowchart of her solutions and no dots will connect.

solutions and no dots will connect

unless you pass through the clinton foundation first
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.

Apparently all he had was one lonely marble rattling around. He was horrible, he lost steam at the end, he is going to get a shit ton of fact checking to last the rest of the week. Not a good night for him, have no idea how/if this changes anything but he looked like a complete hack.
. No, I think he is going back to fire his debate prep people, because they restricted Trump in which he should have come out swinging on her, and not because she's a women, but because she's a liberal.

He babbled a lot because he didn't rehearse his answers. That's his fault because he refused to rehearse..
No, he babbled a lot because that is all he has ever done. And people like you lap it up. But most of the voters do not. And 1/3 of the present GOP is not enough to win the election.

We knew you were going to say that before you posted it. That's how you've been programmed.
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