Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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How can you fucking democrats attack Trump about taxes while you know Al Sharpton is in arrears to the tune of what? 45 million and he sups at the WH? Are you fucking crazy?
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

We need an intelligent liberal to explain why the flat tax does not work. Because it seems so obvious so there must be a reason why it's not used

I am an intelligent liberal, Monkey Boi. A flat tax works extremely well, but such a tax closes the advantage that the very wealthy have in that it allows no deductions or loopholes.

You are trained to oppose it by your masters so that they retain their advantage.
I hate Hillary, but that has been proven by many sources to be false. There are several factors it doesn't account for that makes the pay come out to be even.

No, it certainly has not.

Far left Politifraud made a ton of excuses, but in the end had to admit that the facts are what they are.

Donald Trump says Clinton Foundation pays top women less than top men

The FACT is that Deplorable Hillary pays women less on average (as compared to men) than Trump does.
I hate Hillary, but that has been proven by many sources to be false. There are several factors it doesn't account for that makes the pay come out to be even.

No, it certainly has not.

Far left Politifraud made a ton of excuses, but in the end had to admit that the facts are what they are.

Donald Trump says Clinton Foundation pays top women less than top men

The FACT is that Deplorable Hillary pays women less on average (as compared to men) than Trump does.

Did you even read the article you posted? "Half true?" Since when does "Half true" become a fact? Holy hell...
Clinton's part of the problem. She's part of the old Globalist Establishment Elite. Trump's the Anti-Globalist Candidate. He's gonna look out for American Citizens again. That's good enough for me. And hopefully, it will be enough for most Americans too.
Clinton's part of the problem. She's part of the old Globalist Establishment Elite. Trump's the Anti-Globalist Candidate. He's gonna look out for American Citizens again. That's good enough for me. And hopefully, it will be enough for most Americans too.

Wait a second, though I agree that Clinton is part of the Globalist establishment... Trump just admitted last night he uses Globalist Establishment ways to get rich and avoid paying taxes. So how is he anit-Global Establishment? He even bragged about the rich countries around the world and how great they were. Trump thought we should have taken Iraq's oil from them in return for attacking them. So tell me how that is anti-Global Establishment?
Clinton speculated that he wasn’t releasing his tax returns because he hadn’t paid income tax for several years.

“It would be squandered,” Trump said, not denying the allegation.

Clinton noted that Trump hadn’t paid federal income taxes for several years previously.

“That makes me smart,” he said.

Clinton accused Trump of rooting for the housing market to collapse in 2006.

“That’s called business,” Trump said.​

What worked for Trump in the primaries failed him against Clinton

This is why the Post has zero credibility..

Let's look at these lies.

The Washington Post lied "Clinton noted that Trump hadn’t paid federal income taxes for several years previously."

Did she? How would she know what he paid?

Ah but the Post was just lying - democrats!

Here is what Deplorable Hillary actually said;

{So you gotta ask yourself -- why won't he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he is not as rich as he says he has. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be. Third, we don't know all of his business dealings but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about six hundred and fifty million dollars to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he does not want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he has paid nothing in federal taxes because the only years that anybody has ever seen for a couple of years where he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license. And they showed he did not pay any federal income tax.}

So, just speculation and mud slinging.
Doesn't anyone wonder why NEITHER party does anything to close these tax loopholes?

No one can ever name a Tax "loophole"? The home mortgage deduction? Deduct State and Local income taxes? Property Taxes? You can pay 13% state tax in CA. $1mil home gets you about $10K deduction. Note: a "deduction" is subtracted off your income...

2nd home? 3rd home? deductible? I only have one home, I would not know.

What else? The FEDERAL GOVT encourages you to INVEST in America. You get a TAX DEDUCTION to buy 1000 John Deere bulldozers or whatever? Citys want you to buy a home or open up a Grocery store.........they may give you huge Tax "breaks" to invest.

I don't know of any "secret" tax deductions.......please let me know and I will try to take them.

TAX is so complicated it is almost impossible to believe to follow law.

If you have 3-10 different business? Wow? can you imagine? 1000s' of pages, forms etc.
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Clinton's part of the problem. She's part of the old Globalist Establishment Elite. Trump's the Anti-Globalist Candidate. He's gonna look out for American Citizens again. That's good enough for me. And hopefully, it will be enough for most Americans too.

Wow... Hey, I have in inside opportunity on a sweet real estate investment. PM me if you're interested.
Trump thought we should have taken Iraq's oil from them in return for attacking them.

I believe the idea was to "free" the people from the murderous dictator. Taking Oil would be to pay us back for the cost. AND keep it out of hands of evil bastards (ISIS).
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?
I really can't take you Republicans seriously, nor should anyone else. When we were slipping into a great recession you denied it because your boy was in charge. Now that we are in charge you guys claim the sky is falling. It isn't.

Consumer confidence surges to highest level since the recession

Good for America but bad for your narrative/lies.

Did you even read the article you posted? "Half true?" Since when does "Half true" become a fact? Holy hell...

Like I said. far left Politifraud tried their best to spin on behalf of your gal. still the report concludes;

If you allow some leeway on what accounts for top staff, Trump is close on the numbers. But the statistical pool is too limited and the methodology is too crude to demonstrate evidence of hypocrisy. Trump is guilty of ignoring the nuances of gender-based wage disparities, just as Democrats often over-simplify the meaning of the 77-cent figure.

The statement is partially accurate but takes things out of context, so we rate it Half True.}

Trump nailed her on the numbers, but party is too important not to spin....
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans
Trump thought we should have taken Iraq's oil from them in return for attacking them.

I believe the idea was to "free" the people from the murderous dictator. Taking Oil would be to pay us back for the cost. AND keep it out of hands of evil bastards (ISIS).

The problem is... it plays right into the hands of all the people that said the U.S. only went into Iraq... to take their oil.

We need an intelligent liberal to explain why the flat tax does not work. Because it seems so obvious so there must be a reason why it's not used

I am an intelligent liberal, Monkey Boi. A flat tax works extremely well, but such a tax closes the advantage that the very wealthy have in that it allows no deductions or loopholes.

You are trained to oppose it by your masters so that they retain their advantage.

So they don't do a flat tax because it would benefit the middle class the most? I don't buy that. I think it would be another Republican ploy to shift he tax burden more onto the poor and less on them. If you tax every poor person $10 that's a big tax break for the 40 richest families. Maybe they'll hire some people with that extra money. 42 million Americans live in poverty. Tax them all and that's a huge tax break for the rich.

I'm actually all for it because I'm not poor and poor people are too stupid to vote. So they deserve to have a tax imposed on them. Get some skin in the game. If they don't bother voting, fuck em.

Did you even read the article you posted? "Half true?" Since when does "Half true" become a fact? Holy hell...

Like I said. far left Politifraud tried their best to spin on behalf of your gal. still the report concludes;

If you allow some leeway on what accounts for top staff, Trump is close on the numbers. But the statistical pool is too limited and the methodology is too crude to demonstrate evidence of hypocrisy. Trump is guilty of ignoring the nuances of gender-based wage disparities, just as Democrats often over-simplify the meaning of the 77-cent figure.

The statement is partially accurate but takes things out of context, so we rate it Half True.}

Trump nailed her on the numbers, but party is too important not to spin....

No, he didn't nail it on the numbers. He took a handful of top staff members, only taking into account their gender, and spun it in a way that is favorable to the outcome he wanted. There is absolutely nothing scientific about how he came up with the numbers, and your argument is an utter failure. When you have to bring a website into the discussion that states your fact as only "half true," you lost before you started.
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