Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
Does Trump ever stop lying. Ever? And he's still on the birther thing. There is something mentally loose in there, Jesus.

Hillary started the birther controversy....nobody with a working brain doubts that. I thought Trump could have made it clearer who Sidney Blumenthal is and why Obama refused to give him a job after showing what racists the Clinturds really are.
Abc just called your claim a lie. You sir are a shameful liar.

You and ABC can both shove it up your muffler and set it on fire. I stand by what multiple sources have confirmed over the years....Hillary had Sidney Blumenthal start the whisper campaign that Obama was born in Kenya, which is TRUE by the way. I have no problem with them doing it....only with them now denying it.
You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

Just yesterday I was telling a friend that the 90's were the best decade of my life. The music was excellent (people still knew how to play actual instruments and actually carry a tune in a bucket), the movies were hilarious, top notch, the economy was rockin'. People still had jobs and stuff made sense. Now it's just a white noise clusterfuck of techno, beat box, regurgitated movie plots with sub-par acting and the depression of course....middle class families eeking by on food stamps for as far as the eye can see.. It's not a recession anymore. It's bona fide.

Hillary Clinton herself cannot change the damage done by decades under NAFTA now. You strip manufacturing out of a country, you buckle her for a long time; maybe even kill her if you let it go on long enough. We need a younger candidate; one that's innovative and tough. Someone like Kasich would've been perfect. Even he is pushing it on the age thing at 64. But he's got those good Czech genes and they live like forever under tough conditions (know a couple; one's in her 90s and still hauls ass everywhere in her beat up mini-pickup with a clutch).
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?
I really can't take you Republicans seriously, nor should anyone else. When we were slipping into a great recession you denied it because your boy was in charge. Now that we are in charge you guys claim the sky is falling. It isn't.

Consumer confidence surges to highest level since the recession

Good for America but bad for your narrative/lies.
I think you're hearing voices.

Must be that echo chamber you stay in.
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?
I really can't take you Republicans seriously, nor should anyone else. When we were slipping into a great recession you denied it because your boy was in charge. Now that we are in charge you guys claim the sky is falling. It isn't.

Consumer confidence surges to highest level since the recession

Good for America but bad for your narrative/lies.
Horse shit! President Bush was the person who sounded the alarm about the housing bubble Barney Frank and cohorts were brewing over at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Loaning money to people who cannot repay it is always a bad idea don't you think? But what did the Democrats do with that warning? They denied that there was a problem at all, then when the shit hit the fan they Blamed Republucans. You guys never get any smarter.

Here! Wise up.

^^ They were all in on cashing in on money schemes and quick cut & run profits. Both sides of the aisle. NAFTA was like putting a burn patient in the oven to make them better.

All of those schemes...ALL OF THEM were anti-patriotic, greedy schemes to make the 1% the most maximum wealth any human could dream possible; all at the real and direct damage to the American economy...and thereby...her national security itself.

I don't even think pre-revolutionary France's 1% displayed the same level of arrogance....and you know what they did with those folks!
"DEBATE LIE COUNT: Trump 16, Clinton 0"
"How Do Presidential Candidates Lie To Thee? Let HuffPost Count The Ways
Donald Trump lies as fast as he can speak. We’re going to try to keep up."

How Do Presidential Candidates Lie To Thee? Let HuffPost Count The Ways | Huffington Post

So they don't do a flat tax because it would benefit the middle class the most? I don't buy that.

You "buy" whatever your masters tell you.

I think it would be another Republican ploy to shift he tax burden more onto the poor and less on them. If you tax every poor person $10 that's a big tax break for the 40 richest families. Maybe they'll hire some people with that extra money. 42 million Americans live in poverty. Tax them all and that's a huge tax break for the rich.

Republicans oppose a flat tax, for the same reason your masters oppose it. Without deductions and exemptions, the advantage of the well connected insiders disappears..

No direct tax can ever be fair. A flat tax is better than the corrupt mess we have now, but the only FAIR tax is one that is blind. As long as the government knows in advance who taxpayers are, favors WILL be sold. However, a flat percentage with no deductions of any kind make the chance of buying a favorable tax code much less than what we currently have.

I'm actually all for it because I'm not poor and poor people are too stupid to vote. So they deserve to have a tax imposed on them. Get some skin in the game. If they don't bother voting, fuck em.

Most flat tax proposals only tax income above a certain level. The last one I saw started at 40,000

20% of all income above that - regardless of expenses, depreciation, or deferral.
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No, he didn't nail it on the numbers. He took a handful of top staff members, only taking into account their gender, and spun it in a way that is favorable to the outcome he wanted. There is absolutely nothing scientific about how he came up with the numbers, and your argument is an utter failure. When you have to bring a website into the discussion that states your fact as only "half true," you lost before you started.


When DailyKOS or PolitiFact support the claim, even with half truth - you KNOW you've lost.
If this were a football game, I'd say Hillary won 23-17, with Trump racing out to a 10-0 lead but Hillary coming back in the second half.

But Trump didn't do so bad that he lost the election. In a week, I doubt anyone will remember much of the debate.

i think she cleaned his clock. i just don't think ultimately that will change anyone's vote. i think it will move people away from johnson and toward hillary since at some point they have to acknowledge that one of these two people will be president and it shouldn't be him.

just my opinion... although i don't understand why you think he came out ok when he interrupted her over 20 times in the first half hour. maybe that bothers women more than men. i don't know.

The polls show differently.

Her path to victory is seeing some pretty big obstacles.

CO is now in Trumps favor......whoda thunk ?

Not that I care.....just sayin'.

The polls don't say differently. The post debate polls haven't come in yet. So I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

Colorado? One poll. And Donald only has one path to victory so there ya go

Trump has picked up a lot of people who have peeled off Johnson. That is what hte polls show.

No, he didn't nail it on the numbers. He took a handful of top staff members, only taking into account their gender, and spun it in a way that is favorable to the outcome he wanted. There is absolutely nothing scientific about how he came up with the numbers, and your argument is an utter failure. When you have to bring a website into the discussion that states your fact as only "half true," you lost before you started.


When DailyKOS or PolitiFact support the claim, even with half truth - you KNOW you've lost.

When anything comes from a racist conservative like you, then you know it's a biased lie.
You and ABC can both shove it up your muffler and set it on fire. I stand by what multiple sources have confirmed over the years....Hillary had Sidney Blumenthal start the whisper campaign that Obama was born in Kenya, which is TRUE by the way. I have no problem with them doing it....only with them now denying it.

It is impossible to prove that Hillary ordered Sidney Blumenthal to start the whisper campaign that Obama was born in Kenya,

It is FACT that Sidney Blumenthal did indeed start the whisper campaign that Obama was born in Kenya,
Just need to get this off my chest: Her pantsuit was not right for a Presidential Debate. Red pants look like pajamas. I see no reason why she couldn't have worn black slacks, a blouse and a jacket, like every other normal business woman in the world. What is WRONG with her fashion sense? Red may be an energetic color, but too much of it makes you look like a crayola crayon or as if you're wearing your Christmas morning pj's. Do you think she'll keep wearing shit like that if she's elected? She needs a professional dresser. And she needs to take their advice.

When anything comes from a racist conservative like you, then you know it's a biased lie.

Well of course.

Opposing Hillary is "racist."

Nothing shows that a leftist has lost quite as thoroughly as them claiming that opposing an old, white criminal is "racist."

No, calling someone a "Monkey Boi" is racist. Saying that someone "Masters" and this and that... that's racist. No one will do anything about it around here, but I'll report that stuff when I see it, either way it goes. Against both sides of the races. Eventually the Mods will either start to do something about it, or they will ban me for bugging them so much. It's just ridiculous how ignorant some of the posters on this site are.
Just need to get this off my chest: Her pantsuit was not right for a Presidential Debate. Red pants look like pajamas. I see no reason why she couldn't have worn black slacks, a blouse and a jacket, like every other normal business woman in the world. What is WRONG with her fashion sense? Red may be an energetic color, but too much of it makes you look like a crayola crayon or as if you're wearing your Christmas morning pj's. Do you think she'll keep wearing shit like that if she's elected? She needs a professional dresser. And she needs to take their advice.


of course she will continue......
Just need to get this off my chest: Her pantsuit was not right for a Presidential Debate. Red pants look like pajamas. I see no reason why she couldn't have worn black slacks, a blouse and a jacket, like every other normal business woman in the world. What is WRONG with her fashion sense? Red may be an energetic color, but too much of it makes you look like a crayola crayon or as if you're wearing your Christmas morning pj's. Do you think she'll keep wearing shit like that if she's elected? She needs a professional dresser. And she needs to take their advice.

I agree.

I REALLY don't understand why she wasn't in an orange jumpsuit with shackles.

She should be.
Just need to get this off my chest: Her pantsuit was not right for a Presidential Debate. Red pants look like pajamas. I see no reason why she couldn't have worn black slacks, a blouse and a jacket, like every other normal business woman in the world. What is WRONG with her fashion sense? Red may be an energetic color, but too much of it makes you look like a crayola crayon or as if you're wearing your Christmas morning pj's. Do you think she'll keep wearing shit like that if she's elected? She needs a professional dresser. And she needs to take their advice.

I agree.

I REALLY don't understand why she wasn't in an orange jumpsuit with shackles.

She should be.
I was thinking more of Old Yeller's picture above. Chairman Mao pj's. Jesus.
Just need to get this off my chest: Her pantsuit was not right for a Presidential Debate. Red pants look like pajamas. I see no reason why she couldn't have worn black slacks, a blouse and a jacket, like every other normal business woman in the world. What is WRONG with her fashion sense? Red may be an energetic color, but too much of it makes you look like a crayola crayon or as if you're wearing your Christmas morning pj's. Do you think she'll keep wearing shit like that if she's elected? She needs a professional dresser. And she needs to take their advice.

I agree.

I REALLY don't understand why she wasn't in an orange jumpsuit with shackles.

She should be.
Give the girl a break; she's not an Autumn.
If this were a football game, I'd say Hillary won 23-17, with Trump racing out to a 10-0 lead but Hillary coming back in the second half.

But Trump didn't do so bad that he lost the election. In a week, I doubt anyone will remember much of the debate.

i think she cleaned his clock. i just don't think ultimately that will change anyone's vote. i think it will move people away from johnson and toward hillary since at some point they have to acknowledge that one of these two people will be president and it shouldn't be him.

just my opinion... although i don't understand why you think he came out ok when he interrupted her over 20 times in the first half hour. maybe that bothers women more than men. i don't know.

The polls show differently.

Her path to victory is seeing some pretty big obstacles.

CO is now in Trumps favor......whoda thunk ?

Not that I care.....just sayin'.

The polls don't say differently. The post debate polls haven't come in yet. So I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

Colorado? One poll. And Donald only has one path to victory so there ya go

Colorado is not one's an average.

Try to keep up.
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