Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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No, calling someone a "Monkey Boi" is racist.

That's only because you're stupid.

Silly Bonobo is called "monkey boi" due to the forum name he chose.

Oh, and I neither know nor care what race Silly Bonobo is - though I am pretty sure he is white.

Saying that someone "Masters" and this and that... that's racist.

You Bolsheviks are so sensitive. Do you need to go to your safe space?

George Soros is the owner of the filthy democratic party. He dictates what you leftists think and say. This is passed to your drones through a collective of hate sites, KOS, ThinkHatred, HatredNet, democraticunderground, etc.

The are your masters, they dictate what you will say, feel and believe.

No one will do anything about it around here, but I'll report that stuff when I see it, either way it goes. Against both sides of the races. Eventually the Mods will either start to do something about it, or they will ban me for bugging them so much. It's just ridiculous how ignorant some of the posters on this site are.


Well you run with that Comrade, you poor delicate flower/

Oh and Moron, I am probably the LEAST racist person on this site. I don't care what color your skin is, if you are a leftist fucktard - which you are - I'll take you apart with logic and facts.
No, calling someone a "Monkey Boi" is racist.

That's only because you're stupid.

Silly Bonobo is called "monkey boi" due to the forum name he chose.

Oh, and I neither know nor care what race Silly Bonobo is - though I am pretty sure he is white.

Saying that someone "Masters" and this and that... that's racist.

You Bolsheviks are so sensitive. Do you need to go to your safe space?

George Soros is the owner of the filthy democratic party. He dictates what you leftists think and say. This is passed to your drones through a collective of hate sites, KOS, ThinkHatred, HatredNet, democraticunderground, etc.

The are your masters, they dictate what you will say, feel and believe.

No one will do anything about it around here, but I'll report that stuff when I see it, either way it goes. Against both sides of the races. Eventually the Mods will either start to do something about it, or they will ban me for bugging them so much. It's just ridiculous how ignorant some of the posters on this site are.


Well you run with that Comrade, you poor delicate flower/

Oh and Moron, I am probably the LEAST racist person on this site. I don't care what color your skin is, if you are a leftist fucktard - which you are - I'll take you apart with logic and facts.

No, I'm not a lefty. What I am is a person that will show people respect based on their race and other factors. The only things I discriminate against, and will bring up is a person's intelligence and ignorance. You seem to have a none of one, and a lot of the other, thus why I reported you.
Hello, i am in France stay up (it's start at 3.00 a.m heure Française) for the first débat, i was watching CNN at first but i change to a French station they are more neutral, they are not Anti Trump, Pro Hilary like CNN.
They say that it will have at least 100.000.000 millions of Américans watching it that does not include world wide.
I am not in the States and don't get CNN. I watched it on BBCW Bias? Well, the French and especially the UK are not in favor of Trump, so you will have some bias. Of course, you can be like Trump and whine that Holt was biased (though he is a Republican), that CNN is biased, that the mic was defective, that Hillary had the questions a week ahead of the debate, etc., and so on. :wine::rolleyes:

Of course CNN is for Hillary they did everything at CNN just look behind the platform you see only signs for Hillary, CNN is very disappointing I told them to their forum and they immediately removed my account is not been neutral to act this way if Clinton wins the presidential she can thank in large part CNN

you know that's delusional. CNN and everyone else gave donald millions in free media. stop whining. the distorted media is the faux news bandwagon.

righties are funny

Do what you watch CNN? you have to be blind not to see that they are on the hilary paychecks.
If some Americans have not had enough of Obama ... they want more with Hillary.
Where I live, which is far, far away from the US, in another country, (I am a US citizen) I do not get CNN. Sometimes I watch it when I travel. I don't see any bias. Most Americans are fine with Obama.

CNN don't respect the supporters of Trump they are doing a arm of honor to them, bof Obama it is less popular than Bill Clinton the one that did'nt do nothing, yes the one who took some pleasure in the Oval Office, and Mrs. Clinton defends her husband very fickle one who had used bad words to Monica Lewinsky after being forced to admit his infidelity the sperm on the blouse had spoken, she seems to quickly forget the excesses of her husband but launches insults in the face to Trump that he would have called women such a slut, “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.” .and it just before it to end, everything was pathetic preprogrammed anyway a rehearsal before a play. it is so shallow
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No, I'm not a lefty.


Oh, I see that.

Just like Guno5000 and Fakey Jake, you're a "republican!"

What I am is a person that will show people respect based on their race and other factors. The only things I discriminate against, and will bring up is a person's intelligence and ignorance. You seem to have a none of one, and a lot of the other, thus why I reported you.

What you should do is report every post, the mods love that and will reward you for it! :thup:

No, I'm not a lefty.


Oh, I see that.

Just like Guno5000 and Fakey Jake, you're a "republican!"

What I am is a person that will show people respect based on their race and other factors. The only things I discriminate against, and will bring up is a person's intelligence and ignorance. You seem to have a none of one, and a lot of the other, thus why I reported you.

What you should do is report every post, the mods love that and will reward you for it! :thup:

Uh, no. I used to be a Republican until I started to see just how crazy and out of touch the party was getting. As I've gotten older I started to understand the idea of voting for the candidate that best fits most of my political values, and not just voting blindly for a person based on party affiliation. It's amazing how many sheeple there are on this forum, that will follow someone just because they are Republican or Democrat, no matter how deplorable their candidate actually is.
Uh, no. I used to be a Republican until I started to see just how crazy and out of touch the party was getting. As I've gotten older I started to understand the idea of voting for the candidate that best fits most of my political values, and not just voting blindly for a person based on party affiliation. It's amazing how many sheeple there are on this forum, that will follow someone just because they are Republican or Democrat, no matter how deplorable their candidate actually is.


You're yet another lefty who thinks that if you can convince others that you're conservative, they'll decide "well if he's conservative and a die hard Hillary promoter, she must be the choice for conservatives."

It's absurd.

No, he didn't nail it on the numbers. He took a handful of top staff members, only taking into account their gender, and spun it in a way that is favorable to the outcome he wanted. There is absolutely nothing scientific about how he came up with the numbers, and your argument is an utter failure. When you have to bring a website into the discussion that states your fact as only "half true," you lost before you started.


When DailyKOS or PolitiFact support the claim, even with half truth - you KNOW you've lost.

When anything comes from a racist conservative like you, then you know it's a biased lie.
When all ewe can dew is call folks racist I know you have lost!
Uh, no. I used to be a Republican until I started to see just how crazy and out of touch the party was getting. As I've gotten older I started to understand the idea of voting for the candidate that best fits most of my political values, and not just voting blindly for a person based on party affiliation. It's amazing how many sheeple there are on this forum, that will follow someone just because they are Republican or Democrat, no matter how deplorable their candidate actually is.


You're yet another lefty who thinks that if you can convince others that you're conservative, they'll decide "well if he's conservative and a die hard Hillary promoter, she must be the choice for conservatives."

It's absurd.

Uh, anyone that has read my posts knows I can't stand Hillary and would never vote for her in a million years. In fact in one thread I said I would vote for my neighbor's dog before voting for Hillary. Heck, there is a cat running for POTUS this year named "Limberbutt McCubbins." Maybe that's who I vote for.

There Is a Cat Running for President, and Its Name Is Limberbutt McCubbins


No, I'm not a lefty.


Oh, I see that.

Just like Guno5000 and Fakey Jake, you're a "republican!"

What I am is a person that will show people respect based on their race and other factors. The only things I discriminate against, and will bring up is a person's intelligence and ignorance. You seem to have a none of one, and a lot of the other, thus why I reported you.

What you should do is report every post, the mods love that and will reward you for it! :thup:

Uh, no. I used to be a Republican until I started to see just how crazy and out of touch the party was getting. As I've gotten older I started to understand the idea of voting for the candidate that best fits most of my political values, and not just voting blindly for a person based on party affiliation. It's amazing how many sheeple there are on this forum, that will follow someone just because they are Republican or Democrat, no matter how deplorable their candidate actually is.
The irony in this post is just sad.

No, I'm not a lefty.


Oh, I see that.

Just like Guno5000 and Fakey Jake, you're a "republican!"

What I am is a person that will show people respect based on their race and other factors. The only things I discriminate against, and will bring up is a person's intelligence and ignorance. You seem to have a none of one, and a lot of the other, thus why I reported you.

What you should do is report every post, the mods love that and will reward you for it! :thup:

Uh, no. I used to be a Republican until I started to see just how crazy and out of touch the party was getting. As I've gotten older I started to understand the idea of voting for the candidate that best fits most of my political values, and not just voting blindly for a person based on party affiliation. It's amazing how many sheeple there are on this forum, that will follow someone just because they are Republican or Democrat, no matter how deplorable their candidate actually is.
The irony in this post is just sad.

Ahh yes, you think using the term sheeple is in fact being a sheeple. Fact is, it has become a piece of usable lexicon just like many other words. Get used to it.
Uh, no. I used to be a Republican until I started to see just how crazy and out of touch the party was getting. As I've gotten older I started to understand the idea of voting for the candidate that best fits most of my political values, and not just voting blindly for a person based on party affiliation. It's amazing how many sheeple there are on this forum, that will follow someone just because they are Republican or Democrat, no matter how deplorable their candidate actually is.


You're yet another lefty who thinks that if you can convince others that you're conservative, they'll decide "well if he's conservative and a die hard Hillary promoter, she must be the choice for conservatives."

It's absurd.

Uh, anyone that has read my posts knows I can't stand Hillary and would never vote for her in a million years. In fact in one thread I said I would vote for my neighbor's dog before voting for Hillary. Heck, there is a cat running for POTUS this year named "Limberbutt McCubbins." Maybe that's who I vote for.

There Is a Cat Running for President, and Its Name Is Limberbutt McCubbins

As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans
It appeared that way because media biases had not been exposed yet. I was in the military during the 90s, and let me tell you, Bill Clinton was a terrible president. The stories I could tell you about how the Clintons risked the lives of those they put in harm's way are unbelievable, but true. Hillary brought back bad memories when she allowed Benghazi to turn into a repeat of Blackhawk Down, Mogadishu Somalia 93'. The murders they committed. The criminal negligence. Unbelievable. Unfortunately, almost total censorship by the media kept it from hurting the Clintons. I just don't want to give them another chance to screw things up and then make up some story about how it's not their fault.
Uh, no. I used to be a Republican until I started to see just how crazy and out of touch the party was getting. As I've gotten older I started to understand the idea of voting for the candidate that best fits most of my political values, and not just voting blindly for a person based on party affiliation. It's amazing how many sheeple there are on this forum, that will follow someone just because they are Republican or Democrat, no matter how deplorable their candidate actually is.


You're yet another lefty who thinks that if you can convince others that you're conservative, they'll decide "well if he's conservative and a die hard Hillary promoter, she must be the choice for conservatives."

It's absurd.

Uh, anyone that has read my posts knows I can't stand Hillary and would never vote for her in a million years. In fact in one thread I said I would vote for my neighbor's dog before voting for Hillary. Heck, there is a cat running for POTUS this year named "Limberbutt McCubbins." Maybe that's who I vote for.

There Is a Cat Running for President, and Its Name Is Limberbutt McCubbins

Looks very presidential.
Uh, no. I used to be a Republican until I started to see just how crazy and out of touch the party was getting. As I've gotten older I started to understand the idea of voting for the candidate that best fits most of my political values, and not just voting blindly for a person based on party affiliation. It's amazing how many sheeple there are on this forum, that will follow someone just because they are Republican or Democrat, no matter how deplorable their candidate actually is.


You're yet another lefty who thinks that if you can convince others that you're conservative, they'll decide "well if he's conservative and a die hard Hillary promoter, she must be the choice for conservatives."

It's absurd.

Uh, anyone that has read my posts knows I can't stand Hillary and would never vote for her in a million years. In fact in one thread I said I would vote for my neighbor's dog before voting for Hillary. Heck, there is a cat running for POTUS this year named "Limberbutt McCubbins." Maybe that's who I vote for.

There Is a Cat Running for President, and Its Name Is Limberbutt McCubbins

Good post
If this were a football game, I'd say Hillary won 23-17, with Trump racing out to a 10-0 lead but Hillary coming back in the second half.

But Trump didn't do so bad that he lost the election. In a week, I doubt anyone will remember much of the debate.

i think she cleaned his clock. i just don't think ultimately that will change anyone's vote. i think it will move people away from johnson and toward hillary since at some point they have to acknowledge that one of these two people will be president and it shouldn't be him.

just my opinion... although i don't understand why you think he came out ok when he interrupted her over 20 times in the first half hour. maybe that bothers women more than men. i don't know.

The polls show differently.

Her path to victory is seeing some pretty big obstacles.

CO is now in Trumps favor......whoda thunk ?

Not that I care.....just sayin'.

The polls don't say differently. The post debate polls haven't come in yet. So I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

Colorado? One poll. And Donald only has one path to victory so there ya go

Colorado is not one's an average.

Try to keep up.

you know, it's so funny when people who are lying or don't know something pretend they know more than I do....

the only poll in Colorado that has dumb Donald ahead is Gravis ... by 4 points. CNN and CBS have her up by plus 2 and plus 1, respectively. Quinnipiac has them at a tie. the outlier gravis poll is pulling down the number .

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Colorado: Trump vs. Clinton

nice try, though. keep trying. maybe you'll be correct (or tell the truth) one day.
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.
You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

Just yesterday I was telling a friend that the 90's were the best decade of my life. The music was excellent (people still knew how to play actual instruments and actually carry a tune in a bucket), the movies were hilarious, top notch, the economy was rockin'. People still had jobs and stuff made sense. Now it's just a white noise clusterfuck of techno, beat box, regurgitated movie plots with sub-par acting and the depression of course....middle class families eeking by on food stamps for as far as the eye can see.. It's not a recession anymore. It's bona fide.

Hillary Clinton herself cannot change the damage done by decades under NAFTA now. You strip manufacturing out of a country, you buckle her for a long time; maybe even kill her if you let it go on long enough. We need a younger candidate; one that's innovative and tough. Someone like Kasich would've been perfect. Even he is pushing it on the age thing at 64. But he's got those good Czech genes and they live like forever under tough conditions (know a couple; one's in her 90s and still hauls ass everywhere in her beat up mini-pickup with a clutch).
You know what's wrong with this country?

Pitbull is in the Maldives
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