Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
A deficit is the amount you spend in a fiscal year over what you take in. As he said very clearly the debt never went down. Thus no surplus. The media just ran with the Clintons numbers never bothering to check. Here's a clue; They lied.

Just like with everything else, the Clintons are serial liars. Nothing they say or do can be taken at face value
And it wouldn't be a presidential debate without bringing up George Dubya. I have to laugh my ass off that Hitlery blamed Bush for the 2011 pull out of Iraq. Like Obummer or her couldn't do anything else. Nope George said so, so we must. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Introduce yourself to some facts, idiot.

"Trump on Withdrawal from Iraq — Trump said “President Obama and Secretary Clinton created a vacuum the way they got out of Iraq, because they got out — what, they shouldn’t have been in, but once they got in, the way they got out was a disaster.” Later, Trump scoffed, “Not only that, you named the day. They couldn’t believe it.” As we’ve said before, the final date to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq — Dec. 31, 2011 — was set when President George W. Bush signed the Status of Forces Agreement on Dec. 14, 2008. The Obama administration was then unsuccessful in renegotiating the deal to leave a residual American troop force of up to 10,000."

FactChecking the First Debate

Yet, what did Obama do? He then just moved like 10,000 troops into either the US Consulate in Afghanistan and other troops to neighboring countries so they could be recalled at a moments notice. He followed through with the withdraw plans "technically."
maybe he sends troops to benghazi and we don't have four dead americans.
It seems Hillary knew questions in advance.

She was constantly looking down when talking, she was reading the answers.

After the debate, she had someone pick the papers she left behind her.

See it for yourself...

Here is how Trump will handle Beast after next debate.


Darn Cankles get hung up.
He really needed his teleprompter.
Not really.
What she needed was a buzzer for every lie she told.
Most of the really rotten stuff she's said and done wasn't even touched. Lester Holt tried to bring up everything on Trump. What else do they have to "reveal" in the next two debates, because they fired all of their ammo? No mention at all, by the moderator, about hILLARY'S emails.

During the Democratic debates, the two candidates were right next to each other. I noticed the two of them were far enough apart to negate his height advantage.

Rigged debate.
Lester did ask her about her emails. already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
A deficit is the amount you spend in a fiscal year over what you take in. As he said very clearly the debt never went down. Thus no surplus. The media just ran with the Clintons numbers never bothering to check. Here's a clue; They lied.

Just like with everything else, the Clintons are serial liars. Nothing they say or do can be taken at face value

I said the debt never went down, he didn't say that. He said that you can have a surplus while the debt goes up, which of course is complete crap. You and I agree, I'm not sure why you're explaining what we're both saying to me
And it wouldn't be a presidential debate without bringing up George Dubya. I have to laugh my ass off that Hitlery blamed Bush for the 2011 pull out of Iraq. Like Obummer or her couldn't do anything else. Nope George said so, so we must. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well it's the same thing as NAFTA. Isn't it interesting while Trump is blaming Clinton for NAFTA, more Republicans signed NAFTA than Democrats. Did you know that? It was the GOP's baby! HW invented the fucking idea. So republican dummies cheer when Trump says Clinton signed NAFTA, the worst fucking trade deal in the history of the world Trump says. Yet you can't seem to understand that was the Republicans who pushed NAFTA. You righties need to stop denying the truth. So why aren't you going to punish Republicans for voting for NAFTA?

Same thing with global warming. Finally the GOP nominee is willing to admit global warming isn't really a hoax created by the Chinese. Trump was a crazy but he is no longer a crazy global warming denier nut.
He really needed his teleprompter.
Not really.
What she needed was a buzzer for every lie she told.
Most of the really rotten stuff she's said and done wasn't even touched. Lester Holt tried to bring up everything on Trump. What else do they have to "reveal" in the next two debates, because they fired all of their ammo? No mention at all, by the moderator, about hILLARY'S emails.

During the Democratic debates, the two candidates were right next to each other. I noticed the two of them were far enough apart to negate his height advantage.

Rigged debate.
Lester did ask her about her emails.
And really, bfd on the emails. Republicans need to get over the god damn emails already. Colon Powell did it too. And he was a hero to Republicans before he threw Bush under the bus. Then he was a n(#($r traitor. LOL.
He really needed his teleprompter.
Not really.
What she needed was a buzzer for every lie she told.
Most of the really rotten stuff she's said and done wasn't even touched. Lester Holt tried to bring up everything on Trump. What else do they have to "reveal" in the next two debates, because they fired all of their ammo? No mention at all, by the moderator, about hILLARY'S emails.

During the Democratic debates, the two candidates were right next to each other. I noticed the two of them were far enough apart to negate his height advantage.

Rigged debate.
Lester did ask her about her emails.
Nope. Trump brought it up.

He also didn't ask her about her insulting Trump supporters or her foundation, so basically, Trump has to bring those issues up.
He really needed his teleprompter.
Not really.
What she needed was a buzzer for every lie she told.
Most of the really rotten stuff she's said and done wasn't even touched. Lester Holt tried to bring up everything on Trump. What else do they have to "reveal" in the next two debates, because they fired all of their ammo? No mention at all, by the moderator, about hILLARY'S emails.

During the Democratic debates, the two candidates were right next to each other. I noticed the two of them were far enough apart to negate his height advantage.

Rigged debate.
Lester did ask her about her emails.
Nope. Trump brought it up.
Correct, then Lester had to ask her if she wished to rebutt.
Well the numbers are out, and the predictions were off by 20 million people. It appears 80 million people watched the debate. So despite it being on half the channels on television, it couldn't draw as many people as a football game, the Super Bowl.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?
I watched the debate on my brand new HDTV by LG.

It seemed to me that Lester was throwing Donald hardballs and Hillary softballs.

Hillary seemed better prepared with debate cards and all like a pro debater.

Donald kept his cool for about the first half hour then came unglued as usual for the last hour.

I suspect they both looked fine to each of their constituencies.

Nobody is going to change their mind about Donald or Hillary from this first debate.

Technically I would say Hillary scored more debate points.

But politically they probably tied because each of their partisans got what they wanted from each.
He really needed his teleprompter.
Not really.
What she needed was a buzzer for every lie she told.
Most of the really rotten stuff she's said and done wasn't even touched. Lester Holt tried to bring up everything on Trump. What else do they have to "reveal" in the next two debates, because they fired all of their ammo? No mention at all, by the moderator, about hILLARY'S emails.

During the Democratic debates, the two candidates were right next to each other. I noticed the two of them were far enough apart to negate his height advantage.

Rigged debate.
Lester did ask her about her emails.
Nope. Trump brought it up.

He also didn't ask her about her insulting Trump supporters or her foundation, so basically, Trump has to bring those issues up.
But, Trump didn't even want a moderator...that's exactly how he wanted it.
What's the Difference Between the Debt and the Deficit? - AARP
I watched the debate on my brand new HDTV by LG.

It seemed to me that Lester was throwing Donald hardballs and Hillary softballs.

Hillary seemed better prepared with debate cards and all like a pro debater.

Donald kept his cool for about the first half hour then came unglued as usual for the last hour.

I suspect they both looked fine to each of their constituencies.

Nobody is going to change their mind about Donald or Hillary from this first debate.

Technically I would say Hillary scored more debate points.

But politically they probably tied because each of their partisans got what they wanted from each.
That's what happens when you come down from a snort of cocaine.
What's the Difference Between the Debt and the Deficit? - AARP
I watched the debate on my brand new HDTV by LG.

It seemed to me that Lester was throwing Donald hardballs and Hillary softballs.

Hillary seemed better prepared with debate cards and all like a pro debater.

Donald kept his cool for about the first half hour then came unglued as usual for the last hour.

I suspect they both looked fine to each of their constituencies.

Nobody is going to change their mind about Donald or Hillary from this first debate.

Technically I would say Hillary scored more debate points.

But politically they probably tied because each of their partisans got what they wanted from each.
That's what happens when you come down from a snort of cocaine.
If you did cocaine during the debate then tell us what that was like.
It seems Hillary knew questions in advance.

She was constantly looking down when talking, she was reading the answers.

After the debate, she had someone pick the papers she left behind her.

See it for yourself...

She was probably glancing at her debate cards. Pro debaters use debate cards.
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