Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

Not open for further replies. already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?
The GOP Congress limited his spending, but he still overspent.

I really get tired of the way liberals constantly trying to redefine the meaning of words.
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I watched the debate on my brand new HDTV by LG.

It seemed to me that Lester was throwing Donald hardballs and Hillary softballs.

Hillary seemed better prepared with debate cards and all like a pro debater.

Donald kept his cool for about the first half hour then came unglued as usual for the last hour.

I suspect they both looked fine to each of their constituencies.

Nobody is going to change their mind about Donald or Hillary from this first debate.

Technically I would say Hillary scored more debate points.

But politically they probably tied because each of their partisans got what they wanted from each.
It was stacked in Hillary's favor. Holt did not ask the first question on the Clinton foundation, Benghazi, or her " deplorables" statement. All of those are subjects of controversy surrounding Clinton and not a peep from the moderator. If you ask me the Clinton people probably wrote the questions that would be asked of Trump. Now we have to wait and see what happens in the polls. already know the shit-sandwich Hillary offers. Why risk something that might be even worse, right?

You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?


No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So here I am in the middle of this thread, and I'm not about to read all the posts before this one.

But I did see the debate last night.

According to my calculations.....

27% of you probably have deluded yourself into thinking Trump won.

Another 21% of you think it was a tie, a waste of time, not conclusive...etc...or some control freaky variation of not wanting to commit.

The rest of you think Hillary won.
So here I am in the middle of this thread, and I'm not about to read all the posts before this one.

But I did see the debate last night.

According to my calculations.....

27% of you probably have deluded yourself into thinking Trump won.

Another 21% of you think it was a tie, a waste of time, not conclusive...etc...or some control freaky variation of not wanting to commit.

The rest of you think Hillary won.

And you?
You and ABC can both shove it up your muffler and set it on fire. I stand by what multiple sources have confirmed over the years....Hillary had Sidney Blumenthal start the whisper campaign that Obama was born in Kenya, which is TRUE by the way. I have no problem with them doing it....only with them now denying it.

It is impossible to prove that Hillary ordered Sidney Blumenthal to start the whisper campaign that Obama was born in Kenya,

It is FACT that Sidney Blumenthal did indeed start the whisper campaign that Obama was born in Kenya,

Well, I think you're mincing words here. Few if any operatives freelance inside a campaign, especially a Clinton campaign which are known for their focus-grouped, lock-step approach. Was Blumenthal specifically ordered to go after Obama's African roots? I'm sure whether he was or not, there was certainly an understanding that subject should be looked into in a discreet way that wouldn't come back to Hillary's doorstep. Her comment after it was revealed was to say that Obama was born in Hawaii "as far as I know" which in and of itself left an air of doubt she did nothing to dispel.
You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?


No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad

“First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is,” Clinton said. “Maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be. Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes.”

As the debate moved to foreign policy, Trump failed to hit Clinton’s main vulnerability, her hawkishness, by repeatedly lying about his own position on the Iraq war. “I did not support the war in Iraq,” he said. Tape of him saying he did support it in 2002, he said, shouldn’t be believed, because he hadn’t thought about the issue much.

And that, more than anything, was the impression the debate left: Trump hasn’t thought about this stuff much. He’s not ready to be president. His odd campaign set awfully low expectations, but, paradoxically, high ones as well. He had to show he was ready to be president. He didn’t.

Trump has been gaining on Clinton in recent weeks, and has brought the race close to a tie. If it were held tomorrow, however, Clinton would win, and Trump did nothing to change that dynamic Monday night.
You mean like another Clinton Surplus? The 90's fucking rocked dude. Except for the bitchy Republicans

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?


No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So a president has to pay down the national debt in order for them to claim a budget surplus? Lets face it. We wouldn't be having this conversation had Trump won the debate last night. Run along skippy.
Trumps damn people need to do their homework! Remember when they accused Bill Clinton of being racist?

There never was a "surplus," the national debt went up every year Slick was in office. That does make "Slick" an appropriate nickname, huh?
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?


No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So a president has to pay down the national debt in order for them to claim a budget surplus? Lets face it. We wouldn't be having this conversation had Trump won the debate last night. Run along skippy.

I'd lay off sniffing the glue, you turn into an idiot.

Hmm ... maybe too late for that ....
I guess it's already been discussed how classlessly Clinton kept calling Trump "Donald" while he kept appropriately referring to her as "Secretary Clinton"?

Obvious and childish.
Neither do I. And you know that. I am here mostly.
I take back slurred. It sort of was, but more so was as if she forgot what she was saying right in the middle of saying it....and it was an interview, and she did it more than once. And yes I saw it myself. She just went blank.
She face planted into the van. She has face planted before as well. hen she tripped and fell getting on a plane. I guess you didn't see that either.
Sheesh man...SHE HERSELF said she fell and had a concussion. I am not making that up, and I resent the implication that I am.

And umm don't go talking to ME of all people about memory. I am the one dealing with a mother with Alzheimer' ya I know about memory.

YOU want to think I am just being critical of her. Not so. There are many many many other ways I could be critical of her. Actually I am puzzled about what is going on and am more so concerned for her.

Um..............not to split hairs here, but did you notice that she just sort of sagged, rather than fell, and that the door to the vehicle was OPEN? How could she face plant an open door? I think you may need to see the video again. No face plants into the van.

Try again. You're almost as ludicrous as Protectionist when he said that the window to the vehicle in the Tulsa shooting was open.

First off, I am me. Do not compare me to anyone. Do I ever do that to you??

Secondly, to me it was a face plant into the van floor, and she was quickly put in a seat.

Thirdly, this is stupid, and not worthy discussion anymore.

The only reason it's not worthy of discussion anymore is probably because you saw the video again and know that you're wrong.

You would be wrong. I did not go see it. And actually I am not sure I saw it anywhere but TV. I may have seen it on the Internet....not sure.

Do us both a favor and STFU. Have another drink....go to bed..whatever. And most of all stop harassing me. you only saw it once on television, and think that your version of events was correct, even though it was filtered through your own bias.

Good to know.

As far as telling me to stop harassing you? I'm only replying to your reply to my post, so bite my ass bitch. Go pound sand and kick yourself to sleep.

You don't want me to reply? Don't reply to me and we'll be just fine.

But...............I know you're gonna reply to this. Why are you hassling me?
Not so much hassling you as you just generally being a hassle. Hardly her fault you can't tell what happened.
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit. Stupid.

I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?


No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So a president has to pay down the national debt in order for them to claim a budget surplus? Lets face it. We wouldn't be having this conversation had Trump won the debate last night. Run along skippy.

I'd lay off sniffing the glue, you turn into an idiot.

Hmm ... maybe too late for that ....
Why is it that all my facebook friends who turned out to be losers are all supporting Trump?
A suggestion for Trump for when Hillary fakes her "support for our police" is to ask her why she calls her Secret Service detail "pigs" and treats them like valets and busboys. The agent who guarded her for years at the WH has written a book about his experiences with her and reveals she's the most vile and revolting woman he's ever been around.
Why is it that all my facebook friends who turned out to be losers are all supporting Trump?

I find it hard to believe you have any friends or even "facebook friends" who've never met you.
I guess it's already been discussed how classlessly Clinton kept calling Trump "Donald" while he kept appropriately referring to her as "Secretary Clinton"?

Obvious and childish.
Trump supporters shouldn't mind. It only reflects on her campaign
I guess it's already been discussed how classlessly Clinton kept calling Trump "Donald" while he kept appropriately referring to her as "Secretary Clinton"?

Obvious and childish.
Trump supporters shouldn't mind. It only reflects on her campaign

It's the name he answer to, it's what they called him in the primary debates. If he had held a government title then it would be different. You know, like how Trump referred to Senator Rubio and Governor Bush in the primaries.
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