Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Well, hILLARY was so composed......actually she was composed because aside from the economy, every question was designed to attack Trump and prop her up. She looked really uncomfortable while he was talking because most of the time she was batting her eyes at him, fidgeting, or rubbing a finger down her face, clearing the sleep out of her eyes. He was just looking at her while she was talking. She came off as a smart-ass. He appeared presidential.

Yet Trump let too many softballs fly past, Fucking HILLARY talked about the need for electronic security? Why did Trump not lay into her? This is a woman who has committed treason. When she boasted of foreign policy experience, Trump should have nailed her on the bribes she took from Iran and the sale of State Dept. access.

Part of this was the obvious influence of Trumps new handlers, who want to show a presidential temperament. The problem is, that Trump needs to keep hammering the facts about what a crook and pile of shit Hillary is. He cannot win by getting people to vote for him, he needs to pound the message that America will not survive with a traitor and a crook in office - Hillary is a traitor and crook, Trump MUST pound that message home at every opportunity.
He needed to save some ammo for the next two debates.

What he needed to firmly establish was that he's not an angry white dude that hates women.

Mission accomplished.

He doesn't hate women... he just only likes hot women, and doesn't want to give them equal rights and equal pay.

You must think that men are supposed to prefer sickly, fat, nasty lesbians or something. Of course he like good looking women. Only a fool or Democrat would claim otherwise.

And anyone who visits his offices can see that he hires all races and all 3 semester.

Btw, equal-pay is a ridiculous issue. No two people are worth exactly the same and expecting to be paid the same for shoveling shit as a Physician is total nonsense.

Bullshit? He called a Beauty Queen Mrs. Piggy. And he did it AGAIN today after the debate where he said it was a lie. Trump is a total misogynist. I know it's a fallacy to say it, but if you can't see it, you might be one too.
Sure he did......:blahblah:
The majority of the polls I am seeing is giving the win to Trump
Vote Now: Who Won the First Clinton-Trump Debate?
Vote: Who won the first presidential debate?
Online Polls Declare Trump Debate Winner, Despite Media Consensus For Clinton

Of course the CNN poll is heavily biased with Democrats voting in the poll
26% of the respondents who participated in tonight's survey identified themselves as Republicans, 41% identified themselves as Democrats, and 33% identified themselves as Independents.

Yes and Trump did not endear himself to Bernie Sanders supporters last night one bit... with his remarks about how a million dollars is a small amount of money and how Trump is smart for not paying taxes. I follow Mark Cuban on Twitter, and generally he's a good dude except for him supporting Clinton. Cuban was interviewed about Trumps comment on being smart about not paying any taxes, and Cuban basically said paying taxes is part of running a business, making money, and contributing back to America. He said that if you are going to get rich off of America, and you are going to succeed off the opportunities being in America gives you, paying taxes and giving back shouldn't be a big deal. I respect Cuban for that, and I think Sanders supporters see that and they feel the same way.
Considering the fact that the Clintons had to amend their last return, I don't think she has any room to talk.

Look I don't know how much for certain the Clinton's paid in taxes, I thought I read it was between $1 and $2 million... not to mention how much they donated to charity as a tax write off. Yeah yeah yeah, I know that's a scam, but Trump uses his Foundation as a scam too so it balances out. Trump though bragged about paying no taxes, because "He's smart." Yet here is a Republican that wants to take tax dollars, not his mind you because he's smart, and rebuild the infrastructure and rebuild the military to keep up with China. You tell me which one relates better to Sanders supporters and the Middle Class?
Trump may pay no income taxes, but trust me, he pays other taxes up the ass. Everyone in NYC does. Notice the moderator changed the subject after Hillary brought up the subject. Further elaboration was cut off. That got out of it what they needed and moved on. Btw, the Clintons pay no income taxes either. The foundation is tax-free. Not even social security. There's no law against it. There are laws against taking bribes while holding a public office. 18 U.S.C. 201

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
I cannot believe he pays no taxes, I think Hillary pulled that out of Harry Reid's ass.
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
Clinton speculated that he wasn’t releasing his tax returns because he hadn’t paid income tax for several years.

“It would be squandered,” Trump said, not denying the allegation.

Clinton noted that Trump hadn’t paid federal income taxes for several years previously.

“That makes me smart,” he said.

Clinton accused Trump of rooting for the housing market to collapse in 2006.

“That’s called business,” Trump said.​

What worked for Trump in the primaries failed him against Clinton
I can't believe this post got 5 ratings. What a bunch of morons you guys are.
LOL. Are you claiming HiLLIARy won the debate? Seems you are the moron. Ha ha ha!

she did, dum dum.

well, except to the most rabid trumsters.

the orange bigoted fascist looked unhinged
Hillary was wearing red, not orange.

poor little boy. :cuckoo:

you have a sad on today, huh?
What changed last night?

Yep......saw the bulge in the back of her dress. She had an ear-piece in.
Now show us Michelle Obama's balls
Why don't you put your thumb up your butt.
Did you care when McCain wore an ear piece? Of course you didn't. You still voted for him. So stop being a hypocrite
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
I cannot believe he pays no taxes, I think Hillary pulled that out of Harry Reid's ass.

He was bragging that he didn't pay any taxes. He said that made him smart.

Doesn't anyone wonder why NEITHER party does anything to close these tax loopholes?
I agree. We need a flat tax. No exemption, no exceptions, no excuses!
We need an intelligent liberal to explain why the flat tax does not work. Because it seems so obvious so there must be a reason why it's not used
As the debate progressed, Trump — sometimes walking into traps laid by his exquisitely prepared opponent — displayed precisely the character traits that make him an unacceptable option even for many members of his own party: a hypersensitivity to criticism, a streak of viciousness, an inability to confess error and a willful ignorance about the issues he would have to deal with as president.

Those shortcomings may not matter to many of his supporters, who no doubt rallied to familiar themes such as his lament for American jobs “stolen” by inequitable trade agreements or his call for a return to “law and order” as a remedy for urban crime. But for undecided voters looking to be persuaded that Trump was a plausible potential president, his increasingly rattled and defensive performance Monday evening couldn’t have been reassuring.​

Trump takes Clinton's bait in the first debate
However unpolished you think him, he and Colin Powell are right about one thing. Hillary Clinton has fucked up everything she's touched.
Can you name a president who you would not say that about?

Doesn't mean trumps the answer. Sounds good but he's a crook
I cannot believe he pays no taxes, I think Hillary pulled that out of Harry Reid's ass.

He was bragging that he didn't pay any taxes. He said that made him smart.

Doesn't anyone wonder why NEITHER party does anything to close these tax loopholes?
I agree. We need a flat tax. No exemption, no exceptions, no excuses!
We need an intelligent liberal to explain why the flat tax does not work. Because it seems so obvious so there must be a reason why it's not used
Of course it will work and work better than the punitive progressive tax plan. When everyone is paying the exact same tax rate on ALL income there will be no more crying about increasing taxes. Why should 47% of this country get away with paying zero income tax and dictate to the rest what they should be paying? Answer that sealybobo!
He doesn't hate women... he just only likes hot women, and doesn't want to give them equal rights and equal pay.

63 cents.

That's what Hillary pays women staffers for every dollar her men staffers get.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is

I hate Hillary, but that has been proven by many sources to be false. There are several factors it doesn't account for that makes the pay come out to be even.
Yeah.....Hillary sucks but Trump is a big poopy-pants fuckface.
I cannot believe he pays no taxes, I think Hillary pulled that out of Harry Reid's ass.

He was bragging that he didn't pay any taxes. He said that made him smart.

Doesn't anyone wonder why NEITHER party does anything to close these tax loopholes?
I agree. We need a flat tax. No exemption, no exceptions, no excuses!
We need an intelligent liberal to explain why the flat tax does not work. Because it seems so obvious so there must be a reason why it's not used
Of course it will work and work better than the punitive progressive tax plan. When everyone is paying the exact same tax rate on ALL income there will be no more crying about increasing taxes. Why should 47% of this country get away with paying zero income tax and dictate to the rest what they should be paying? Answer that sealybobo!
Have you seen today consumer confidence is up? I don't want to change directions. I don't want to go back to the bush era. Trump sounds a lot like Republican to me and I don't want to go back to that another Great Recession.
He doesn't hate women... he just only likes hot women, and doesn't want to give them equal rights and equal pay.

63 cents.

That's what Hillary pays women staffers for every dollar her men staffers get.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is

I hate Hillary, but that has been proven by many sources to be false. There are several factors it doesn't account for that makes the pay come out to be even.
Yeah.....Hillary sucks but Trump is a big poopy-pants fuckface.

Shouldn't you be hanging out behind the school smoking a cigarette with the cool kids? Are you in 4th grade?
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