Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Donald is a serial liar. He can not help himself. He is unbalanced and erratic.
And Hillary is Mother Theresa
No, but she and her staff had the good sense to fact check before the debate and prepare answers that did not include provable lies. Trump became unhinged and blurted our obvious and provable bullshyt lies.
Actually the only way you can attempt to do that is if you know the questions in advance.

She was prepared because she knew what wouldn't be asked ahead of time. Trump still answered the nasty questions in a decent manner. There is alot of really negative information out there on Hillary that wasn't even touched.

Good job Lester. You get to keep your job for a bit longer.
Trump will surround himself with intelligent capable America loving people. Hillary will surround herself with groupies and glad men. Not good for America.
Oh and Trump won the debate hands down. He took out Hillary and the moderator.
Donald is a serial liar. He can not help himself. He is unbalanced and erratic.
And Hillary is Mother Theresa
No, but she and her staff had the good sense to fact check before the debate and prepare answers that did not include provable lies. Trump became unhinged and blurted our obvious and provable bullshyt lies.

Thanks for affirming Trump is Presidential.

Donald is a serial liar. He can not help himself. He is unbalanced and erratic.
And Hillary is Mother Theresa
No, but she and her staff had the good sense to fact check before the debate and prepare answers that did not include provable lies. Trump became unhinged and blurted our obvious and provable bullshyt lies.
Actually the only way you can attempt to do that is if you know the questions in advance.

She was prepared because she knew what wouldn't be asked ahead of time. Trump still answered the nasty questions in a decent manner. There is alot of really negative information out there on Hillary that wasn't even touched.

Good job Lester. You get to keep your job for a bit longer.
There were not any questions asked of either candidate that was a surprise or question that was not predictable.
Predictably, Clinton tore Trump a new one, in Debate No. 1.


Moron hack.

It was downright painful to watch.

I found myself wishing that the Moderator would invoke the Mercy Rule and close the thing down early, due to just how horribly Trump was getting trumped.

Regrettably, the HildaBeast looked Presidential by comparison.

Not that the bar is raised very high, in this case.

Pee-Wee Herman would look Presidential, compared to Donald the Hun.

If anyone with even the slightest shred of objectivity and sense of reality had any doubts about Trump's unsuitability to be President, last night should have fixed that.

You're a partisan retard.

You didn't even watch the debate, did you?
Interesting. All the polls I could find show a Trump win.

That's what happens when you think drudge, breitbart and infowars are news sources. Try looking at legitimate sources that are outdide of your wingnut echo chamber

CBS isn't legitimate?
Not lately.

CBS hasn't been legit for 20 years.

Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Katey Couric, shall I go on?

you mean it doesn't feed your lies.
I watched the whole debate. Overall, I think Trump won but it was pretty boring. Looked, and sounded, like a debate between "Dumb" and "Dumber" to me. Neither candidate would make a good President.
Where I live, which is far, far away from the US, in another country, (I am a US citizen) I do not get CNN. Sometimes I watch it when I travel. I don't see any bias. Most Americans are fine with Obama.
Most Americans are not tuned in to politics and believe what media outlets like CNN feed them. Which is left wing distortions and propaganda. You can't see the bias because you share the bias.
The majority of the polls I am seeing is giving the win to Trump
Vote Now: Who Won the First Clinton-Trump Debate?
Vote: Who won the first presidential debate?
Online Polls Declare Trump Debate Winner, Despite Media Consensus For Clinton

Of course the CNN poll is heavily biased with Democrats voting in the poll
26% of the respondents who participated in tonight's survey identified themselves as Republicans, 41% identified themselves as Democrats, and 33% identified themselves as Independents.
Trump's performance not winning over undecideds.

Republican Donald Trump’s performance in the first presidential debate on Monday night was likely to bolster his supporters, but risked turning others off, interviews with undecided voters and experts in both parties said.

“I feel that the way he talks to other people, the way that he addresses other people, can be extremely rude and extremely disrespectful, and I don’t think that’s the temperament we should be looking for in a president,” said Garrett Thacker, 30 years old, of Galloway, Ohio, who has voted for presidential candidates in both parties. ...

Chris Kofinis, a Democratic consultant, conducted a focus group of undecided voters in Cleveland, and at the end of the debate, 11 people said Mrs. Clinton won, no one said Mr. Trump won, and 17 people said neither candidate won. ...

Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary under President George W. Bush and a backer of Mr. Trump, said that Mr. Trump’s interruptions and outbursts may not have served him well.

“Those for Trump are still for him, and those for Hillary are still for her. The undecided are probably still undecided,” he said. “I would add, however, that Hillary stayed calm and cool, and I thought Trump was too hot too often.”

Ben Robinson, 33, a project manager in Houston, said the debate was the heated argument he expected it to be, with Mrs. Clinton keeping her composure better than Mr. Trump. He said he thought Mr. Trump was struggling.

“He doesn’t seem like the standard political misdirection—not answering the question,” said Mr. Robinson, an independent. “He just seems like he doesn’t have any answers to it.”​

Undecided Voters React Coolly to Donald Trump During Debate
Well, hILLARY was so composed......actually she was composed because aside from the economy, every question was designed to attack Trump and prop her up. She looked really uncomfortable while he was talking because most of the time she was batting her eyes at him, fidgeting, or rubbing a finger down her face, clearing the sleep out of her eyes. He was just looking at her while she was talking. She came off as a smart-ass. He appeared presidential.

Yet Trump let too many softballs fly past, Fucking HILLARY talked about the need for electronic security? Why did Trump not lay into her? This is a woman who has committed treason. When she boasted of foreign policy experience, Trump should have nailed her on the bribes she took from Iran and the sale of State Dept. access.

Part of this was the obvious influence of Trumps new handlers, who want to show a presidential temperament. The problem is, that Trump needs to keep hammering the facts about what a crook and pile of shit Hillary is. He cannot win by getting people to vote for him, he needs to pound the message that America will not survive with a traitor and a crook in office - Hillary is a traitor and crook, Trump MUST pound that message home at every opportunity.
The majority of the polls I am seeing is giving the win to Trump
Vote Now: Who Won the First Clinton-Trump Debate?
Vote: Who won the first presidential debate?
Online Polls Declare Trump Debate Winner, Despite Media Consensus For Clinton

Of course the CNN poll is heavily biased with Democrats voting in the poll
26% of the respondents who participated in tonight's survey identified themselves as Republicans, 41% identified themselves as Democrats, and 33% identified themselves as Independents.

Yes and Trump did not endear himself to Bernie Sanders supporters last night one bit... with his remarks about how a million dollars is a small amount of money and how Trump is smart for not paying taxes. I follow Mark Cuban on Twitter, and generally he's a good dude except for him supporting Clinton. Cuban was interviewed about Trumps comment on being smart about not paying any taxes, and Cuban basically said paying taxes is part of running a business, making money, and contributing back to America. He said that if you are going to get rich off of America, and you are going to succeed off the opportunities being in America gives you, paying taxes and giving back shouldn't be a big deal. I respect Cuban for that, and I think Sanders supporters see that and they feel the same way.
Well, hILLARY was so composed......actually she was composed because aside from the economy, every question was designed to attack Trump and prop her up. She looked really uncomfortable while he was talking because most of the time she was batting her eyes at him, fidgeting, or rubbing a finger down her face, clearing the sleep out of her eyes. He was just looking at her while she was talking. She came off as a smart-ass. He appeared presidential.

Yet Trump let too many softballs fly past, Fucking HILLARY talked about the need for electronic security? Why did Trump not lay into her? This is a woman who has committed treason. When she boasted of foreign policy experience, Trump should have nailed her on the bribes she took from Iran and the sale of State Dept. access.

Part of this was the obvious influence of Trumps new handlers, who want to show a presidential temperament. The problem is, that Trump needs to keep hammering the facts about what a crook and pile of shit Hillary is. He cannot win by getting people to vote for him, he needs to pound the message that America will not survive with a traitor and a crook in office - Hillary is a traitor and crook, Trump MUST pound that message home at every opportunity.
He needed to save some ammo for the next two debates.

What he needed to firmly establish was that he's not an angry white dude that hates women.

Mission accomplished.
The CNN post-debate poll, though heavily Democrat-leaning, has generally been correlated with follow-through in the polls.

Start with a CNN poll of debate-watchers, which showed that 62 percent of voters thought Clinton won the debate compared to 27 percent for Trump — a 35-point margin. That’s the third-widest margin ever in a CNN or Gallup post-debate poll, which date back to 1984. The only more lopsided outcomes were the 1992 town hall debate between Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot — widely seen as a maestro performance by Clinton — and the first debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in 2012, when the CNN poll showed a 42-point win for Romney and the horse-race polls moved in his favor in the following days.

Post-debate surveys like CNN’s aren’t always popular with poll mavens, in part because the universe of poll-watchers may not match the electorate overall. The voters in CNN’s poll were Democratic-leaning by a net of 15 percentage points, for instance, a considerably wider advantage than Democrats are likely to enjoy on Election Day.

But the CNN survey also historically correlates fairly well with movement in the post-election polls. ...

The data is certainly noisy, but an emphatic win on the order of what Clinton or Romney achieved — and perhaps what Hillary Clinton achieved on Monday night — might be expected to produce a swing of 2 to 4 percentage points in horse-race polls. ...

Also, a separate post-debate poll from Public Policy Polling found Clinton winning by a narrower margin, 52-40. And historically, it’s the challenging party’s candidate, and not the incumbent’s, who gains after the first debate.​

Clinton Won The Debate, Which Means She’s Likely To Gain In The Polls
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