Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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That's what happens when you think drudge, breitbart and infowars are news sources. Try looking at legitimate sources that are outdide of your wingnut echo chamber
They are reall news sources, well at least the first two.

The problem isn't that they are not sources, but the people who frequent the website. I doubt many LWers frequent Drudge just like I doubt man RWers frequent Mother Jones.

It's also a selective poll like on Facebook; people have to actively go to it and vote versus a random sampling of the population like a reputable survey group would do.

In the end, all that matters is how the vote turns out next November.
That's what happens when you think drudge, breitbart and infowars are news sources. Try looking at legitimate sources that are outdide of your wingnut echo chamber
They are reall news sources, well at least the first two.

The problem isn't that they are not sources, but the people who frequent the website. I doubt many LWers frequent Drudge just like I doubt man RWers frequent Mother Jones.

It's also a selective poll like on Facebook; people have to actively go to it and vote versus a random sampling of the population like a reputable survey group would do.

In the end, all that matters is how the vote turns out next November.

The problem is not that they are only frequented by RW's. The problem is that they are conspiracy theory based and feed white Christian male racial grievance.

And breitbart is as anti Semitic and racist as it gets outside of stormfront
The problem is not that they are only frequented by RW's. The problem is that they are conspiracy theory based and feed white Christian male racial grievance.

And breitbart is as anti Semitic and racist as it gets outside of stormfront
What is your opinion of HuffPo, MSNBC and Mother Jones?
Hello, i am in France stay up (it's start at 3.00 a.m heure Française) for the first débat, i was watching CNN at first but i change to a French station they are more neutral, they are not Anti Trump, Pro Hilary like CNN.
They say that it will have at least 100.000.000 millions of Américans watching it that does not include world wide.
I am not in the States and don't get CNN. I watched it on BBCW Bias? Well, the French and especially the UK are not in favor of Trump, so you will have some bias. Of course, you can be like Trump and whine that Holt was biased (though he is a Republican), that CNN is biased, that the mic was defective, that Hillary had the questions a week ahead of the debate, etc., and so on. :wine::rolleyes:

Of course CNN is for Hillary they did everything at CNN just look behind the platform you see only signs for Hillary, CNN is very disappointing I told them to their forum and they immediately removed my account is not been neutral to act this way if Clinton wins the presidential she can thank in large part CNN

you know that's delusional. CNN and everyone else gave donald millions in free media. stop whining. the distorted media is the faux news bandwagon.

righties are funny

Do what you watch CNN? you have to be blind not to see that they are on the hilary paychecks.
If some Americans have not had enough of Obama ... they want more with Hillary.
Where I live, which is far, far away from the US, in another country, (I am a US citizen) I do not get CNN. Sometimes I watch it when I travel. I don't see any bias. Most Americans are fine with Obama.
...Yes, and you claim you don't support her...
I have never made any such claim.

I have merely said that I will be voting for her in November as the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils.

Holding my nose while in the voting booth and coming home and taking a shower, afterwards.

...The moderator interrupted her maybe a dozen times, but interrupted Trump 38 times. Obvious bias.
Lester Holt never asked one question about her emails. Obvious bias. He never asked one question about her "Basket of Deplorables" comment. Obvious bias.
You are probably correct about media bias.

Then again, once you're locked into the "Clown" role, it's kinda difficult to make a comeback with those sharks.

Then again, if you're manifesting a lack of intellectual substance and continuity, in embarrassing proportion to your opponent, you probably WILL be interrupted more often.

Rather than make excuses...

Why don't you regale us with heroic tales of how your boy utilized his intellect and forceful personality to sway the audience despite the bad intentions of that mean old moderator?

You won't, because there is no basis for such a heroic tale.

And there is no basic for such a tale because your boy is incapable of serving-up an effective countering range of tactics.


Because, in the final analysis, your boy is about as shallow as they come... no depth... all bumper-sticker platitudes, and no substance in depth.

Unless you're delusional... upon reflection... you know that as well as I do... even if you can't bring yourself to abandon your hopes and admit it, publicly.

My condolences.
So you were impressed by Hillary's fake smile but not Trump.
You said you don't like her, but you do support her. I see no difference.

And in almost every case the interruptions were to go to the next question and not allow Trump a response. Meanwhile Hillary was allowed to savage Trump for several minutes about his temperament and his honesty. Hillary is the last person who has any moral authority on either issue. Her nasty temperament is well documented but totally ignored by the media. And her honesty is the biggest issue out there, but not one question about it. Not one.

So, basically your appear clownish when you try to tell me some cock-and-bull story about how Hillary decimated Trump. Total nonsense. She was given a perfect forum to show her expertise and Trump basically showed everyone that he's not some fake Washington insider who just throws out a pack of lies about how much she plans on doing for America, but for some reason never gets around to doing it.
Surveys show that voters think Hillary won. Live with it. :D
Seems your sources are bogus. Aside from one poll, Trump beat her 64% to 34%. On Drudge he cleaned her clock at 92.11%. That's worse than the way he kicked ass during the Republican debates.
Total bullshit.
Never was going to. Partisanship runs too deeply. Will it change those who haven't decided yet though?
Agreed about the partisans toeing the party line. Since about 40% of voters are Independents, it could sway some.
The VP debate should be more interesting than usual since there is a better-than-average chance a President Trump would resign a year or two into office and a President Hillary could fall out for medical/age reasons.

Well they're both old. Trump would be the oldest ever elected president and Clinton joint oldest with Reagan. However I think the VP debates will get drowned out in the entertainment business. Clinton and Trump are the entertainers, and the VPs are the half time show when everyone goes off to pee. What is important and what the people think is important are on opposite sides of the reality spectrum.
...Yes, and you claim you don't support her...
I have never made any such claim.

I have merely said that I will be voting for her in November as the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils.

Holding my nose while in the voting booth and coming home and taking a shower, afterwards.

...The moderator interrupted her maybe a dozen times, but interrupted Trump 38 times. Obvious bias.
Lester Holt never asked one question about her emails. Obvious bias. He never asked one question about her "Basket of Deplorables" comment. Obvious bias.
You are probably correct about media bias.

Then again, once you're locked into the "Clown" role, it's kinda difficult to make a comeback with those sharks.

Then again, if you're manifesting a lack of intellectual substance and continuity, in embarrassing proportion to your opponent, you probably WILL be interrupted more often.

Rather than make excuses...

Why don't you regale us with heroic tales of how your boy utilized his intellect and forceful personality to sway the audience despite the bad intentions of that mean old moderator?

You won't, because there is no basis for such a heroic tale.

And there is no basic for such a tale because your boy is incapable of serving-up an effective countering range of tactics.


Because, in the final analysis, your boy is about as shallow as they come... no depth... all bumper-sticker platitudes, and no substance in depth.

Unless you're delusional... upon reflection... you know that as well as I do... even if you can't bring yourself to abandon your hopes and admit it, publicly.

My condolences.
So you were impressed by Hillary's fake smile but not Trump.
You said you don't like her, but you do support her. I see no difference.

And in almost every case the interruptions were to go to the next question and not allow Trump a response. Meanwhile Hillary was allowed to savage Trump for several minutes about his temperament and his honesty. Hillary is the last person who has any moral authority on either issue. Her nasty temperament is well documented but totally ignored by the media. And her honesty is the biggest issue out there, but not one question about it. Not one.

So, basically your appear clownish when you try to tell me some cock-and-bull story about how Hillary decimated Trump. Total nonsense. She was given a perfect forum to show her expertise and Trump basically showed everyone that he's not some fake Washington insider who just throws out a pack of lies about how much she plans on doing for America, but for some reason never gets around to doing it.
Surveys show that voters think Hillary won. Live with it. :D
Seems your sources are bogus. Aside from one poll, Trump beat her 64% to 34%. On Drudge he cleaned her clock at 92.11%. That's worse than the way he kicked ass during the Republican debates.
You are hilarious.

  • A poll of debate watchers by CNN/ORC, which found that 62 percent thought Clinton won and 27 percent thought Trump did. CNN’s David Chalian emphasized on air that the sample was 10 points more Democratic than in a typical poll, but that’s still a strong win for Clinton.
  • A poll of debate watchers by Public Policy Polling, which found that 51 percent thought Clinton won and 40 percent thought Trump won.
  • A focus group of 20 undecided Florida voters by CNN found that 18 of them thought Clinton won.
  • And a focus group of Pennsylvania voters by GOP pollster Frank Luntz overwhelmingly thought Clinton had won. Libby Nelson has more details about that here.
Early polls and focus groups suggest Hillary Clinton won the debate

The Daily 202: Why even Republicans think Clinton won the first debate

David Gergen: Clinton crushed Trump, but was that enough?
Presidential debate: Who won Clinton-Trump smackdown? -

Voters Nationally Say Clinton Won Debate 51/40

5 pieces of evidence that Hillary Clinton won the big presidential debate

Focus Groups on CNN, Fox Overwhelmingly Say Clinton Won Debate

Who Won the Debate? Betting Markets Say Clinton

The Mexican Peso Says Hillary Clinton Won the Debate

Clinton Won The Debate, Which Means She’s Likely To Gain In The Polls
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...Yes, and you claim you don't support her...
I have never made any such claim.

I have merely said that I will be voting for her in November as the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils.

Holding my nose while in the voting booth and coming home and taking a shower, afterwards.

...The moderator interrupted her maybe a dozen times, but interrupted Trump 38 times. Obvious bias.
Lester Holt never asked one question about her emails. Obvious bias. He never asked one question about her "Basket of Deplorables" comment. Obvious bias.
You are probably correct about media bias.

Then again, once you're locked into the "Clown" role, it's kinda difficult to make a comeback with those sharks.

Then again, if you're manifesting a lack of intellectual substance and continuity, in embarrassing proportion to your opponent, you probably WILL be interrupted more often.

Rather than make excuses...

Why don't you regale us with heroic tales of how your boy utilized his intellect and forceful personality to sway the audience despite the bad intentions of that mean old moderator?

You won't, because there is no basis for such a heroic tale.

And there is no basic for such a tale because your boy is incapable of serving-up an effective countering range of tactics.


Because, in the final analysis, your boy is about as shallow as they come... no depth... all bumper-sticker platitudes, and no substance in depth.

Unless you're delusional... upon reflection... you know that as well as I do... even if you can't bring yourself to abandon your hopes and admit it, publicly.

My condolences.
So you were impressed by Hillary's fake smile but not Trump.
You said you don't like her, but you do support her. I see no difference.

And in almost every case the interruptions were to go to the next question and not allow Trump a response. Meanwhile Hillary was allowed to savage Trump for several minutes about his temperament and his honesty. Hillary is the last person who has any moral authority on either issue. Her nasty temperament is well documented but totally ignored by the media. And her honesty is the biggest issue out there, but not one question about it. Not one.

So, basically your appear clownish when you try to tell me some cock-and-bull story about how Hillary decimated Trump. Total nonsense. She was given a perfect forum to show her expertise and Trump basically showed everyone that he's not some fake Washington insider who just throws out a pack of lies about how much she plans on doing for America, but for some reason never gets around to doing it.
Surveys show that voters think Hillary won. Live with it. :D
Seems your sources are bogus. Aside from one poll, Trump beat her 64% to 34%. On Drudge he cleaned her clock at 92.11%. That's worse than the way he kicked ass during the Republican debates.
Total bullshit.
And totally 100% correct.
If you vote for Her Thighness Clinton you will be considered UnAmerican for sure. Might as well burn Americas history reflecting the beacon of freedom and hope

...Yes, and you claim you don't support her...
I have never made any such claim.

I have merely said that I will be voting for her in November as the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils.

Holding my nose while in the voting booth and coming home and taking a shower, afterwards.

...The moderator interrupted her maybe a dozen times, but interrupted Trump 38 times. Obvious bias.
Lester Holt never asked one question about her emails. Obvious bias. He never asked one question about her "Basket of Deplorables" comment. Obvious bias.
You are probably correct about media bias.

Then again, once you're locked into the "Clown" role, it's kinda difficult to make a comeback with those sharks.

Then again, if you're manifesting a lack of intellectual substance and continuity, in embarrassing proportion to your opponent, you probably WILL be interrupted more often.

Rather than make excuses...

Why don't you regale us with heroic tales of how your boy utilized his intellect and forceful personality to sway the audience despite the bad intentions of that mean old moderator?

You won't, because there is no basis for such a heroic tale.

And there is no basic for such a tale because your boy is incapable of serving-up an effective countering range of tactics.


Because, in the final analysis, your boy is about as shallow as they come... no depth... all bumper-sticker platitudes, and no substance in depth.

Unless you're delusional... upon reflection... you know that as well as I do... even if you can't bring yourself to abandon your hopes and admit it, publicly.

My condolences.
So you were impressed by Hillary's fake smile but not Trump.
You said you don't like her, but you do support her. I see no difference.

And in almost every case the interruptions were to go to the next question and not allow Trump a response. Meanwhile Hillary was allowed to savage Trump for several minutes about his temperament and his honesty. Hillary is the last person who has any moral authority on either issue. Her nasty temperament is well documented but totally ignored by the media. And her honesty is the biggest issue out there, but not one question about it. Not one.

So, basically your appear clownish when you try to tell me some cock-and-bull story about how Hillary decimated Trump. Total nonsense. She was given a perfect forum to show her expertise and Trump basically showed everyone that he's not some fake Washington insider who just throws out a pack of lies about how much she plans on doing for America, but for some reason never gets around to doing it.
Surveys show that voters think Hillary won. Live with it. :D
Seems your sources are bogus. Aside from one poll, Trump beat her 64% to 34%. On Drudge he cleaned her clock at 92.11%. That's worse than the way he kicked ass during the Republican debates.
You are hilarious.

  • A poll of debate watchers by CNN/ORC, which found that 62 percent thought Clinton won and 27 percent thought Trump did. CNN’s David Chalian emphasized on air that the sample was 10 points more Democratic than in a typical poll, but that’s still a strong win for Clinton.
  • A poll of debate watchers by Public Policy Polling, which found that 51 percent thought Clinton won and 40 percent thought Trump won.
  • A focus group of 20 undecided Florida voters by CNN found that 18 of them thought Clinton won.
  • And a focus group of Pennsylvania voters by GOP pollster Frank Luntz overwhelmingly thought Clinton had won. Libby Nelson has more details about that here.
Early polls and focus groups suggest Hillary Clinton won the debate

The Daily 202: Why even Republicans think Clinton won the first debate


If you vote for Her Thighness Clinton you will be considered UnAmerican for sure. Might as well burn Americas history reflecting the beacon of freedom and hope


I agree, I just wish I felt different about Trump ...
Interesting. All the polls I could find show a Trump win.

That's what happens when you think drudge, breitbart and infowars are news sources. Try looking at legitimate sources that are outdide of your wingnut echo chamber

CBS isn't legitimate?
Not lately.

CBS hasn't been legit for 20 years.

Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Katey Couric, shall I go on?

If cbs isn't legit then neither is CNN, NBC, or abc.
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