Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Trump was obviously in over his head.

Wwwaaaaaayyy over his head.

That was painfully (and embarrassingly) obvious, five minutes into the event.

For Trump, it went downhill from there.


Today is not a good day, to be a Trump supporter.

My condolences.
You are an idiot. My condolences to anyone in your real life that interacts with you.

why? because he isn't repeating your idiocy?

trumpster dumbass. :rofl:
Never was going to. Partisanship runs too deeply. Will it change those who haven't decided yet though?
Agreed about the partisans toeing the party line. Since about 40% of voters are Independents, it could sway some.
The VP debate should be more interesting than usual since there is a better-than-average chance a President Trump would resign a year or two into office and a President Hillary could fall out for medical/age reasons.
If this were a football game, I'd say Hillary won 23-17, with Trump racing out to a 10-0 lead but Hillary coming back in the second half.

But Trump didn't do so bad that he lost the election. In a week, I doubt anyone will remember much of the debate.

i think she cleaned his clock. i just don't think ultimately that will change anyone's vote. i think it will move people away from johnson and toward hillary since at some point they have to acknowledge that one of these two people will be president and it shouldn't be him.

just my opinion... although i don't understand why you think he came out ok when he interrupted her over 20 times in the first half hour. maybe that bothers women more than men. i don't know.

The polls show differently.

Her path to victory is seeing some pretty big obstacles.

CO is now in Trumps favor......whoda thunk ?

Not that I care.....just sayin'.
Trump was obviously in over his head.

Wwwaaaaaayyy over his head.

That was painfully (and embarrassingly) obvious, five minutes into the event.

For Trump, it went downhill from there.


Today is not a good day, to be a Trump supporter.

My condolences.
You are an idiot. My condolences to anyone in your real life that interacts with you.

why? because he isn't repeating your idiocy?

trumpster dumbass. :rofl:
For the reasons I just stated. Stupid people with firm opinions are horrible to deal with. Someone will eventually have to and it won't be pretty.
Is Jennifer Flowers in the crowd?
They didn't show the crowd from what I saw....but then I was playing the debate drinking game and the last hour is kind of fuzzy.

I can't find any reports or pics of her being there. From a few days ago:
Gennifer Flowers ‘agrees’ to sit front row at first debate | New York Post

Easy to see why Bill was banging Gennifer for 12 years while Hillary was at the law office.
Hello, i am in France stay up (it's start at 3.00 a.m heure Française) for the first débat, i was watching CNN at first but i change to a French station they are more neutral, they are not Anti Trump, Pro Hilary like CNN.
They say that it will have at least 100.000.000 millions of Américans watching it that does not include world wide.
I am not in the States and don't get CNN. I watched it on BBCW Bias? Well, the French and especially the UK are not in favor of Trump, so you will have some bias. Of course, you can be like Trump and whine that Holt was biased (though he is a Republican), that CNN is biased, that the mic was defective, that Hillary had the questions a week ahead of the debate, etc., and so on. :wine::rolleyes:

Of course CNN is for Hillary they did everything at CNN just look behind the platform you see only signs for Hillary, CNN is very disappointing I told them to their forum and they immediately removed my account is not been neutral to act this way if Clinton wins the presidential she can thank in large part CNN

you know that's delusional. CNN and everyone else gave donald millions in free media. stop whining. the distorted media is the faux news bandwagon.

righties are funny

Do what you watch CNN? you have to be blind not to see that they are on the hilary paychecks.
If some Americans have not had enough of Obama ... they want more with Hillary.
Trump was obviously in over his head.

Wwwaaaaaayyy over his head.

That was painfully (and embarrassingly) obvious, five minutes into the event.

For Trump, it went downhill from there.


Today is not a good day, to be a Trump supporter.

My condolences.
Look, now you're becoming a hack.

STFU asshole. You're embarrassing yourself.
Losing the argument?

Start calling your opponent names.

Demand silence from your opponent.

No wonder you can't see the forest for the trees, in this context.


Back to the Kiddie Table with you... you're obviously not ready for the Grown-Ups table, in this discussion.
Losing the argument?
Not hardly.

Usually when someone is losing an argument and have no facts to base their arguments, they resorts to insults.....which you're doing now.

You have made it clear you like a rigged system, thus your support for hILLARY. I believe in equality and fairness. You obviously don't.
every r
How many lies did Donnie tell during the debate? Fact checkers claim at least 16 whoppers. Clinton 0.

every reply by Clitoon was a lie, what channel were you watching??
Not every reply. Just alot.

Hillary rigged the nomination process and probably rigged the debate. All things considered, I felt Trump did pretty good. Hillary acted like a smug asshole and a smart ass. She has nothing to brag about. Her primary mission is to minimize her own reputation for dishonesty by claiming Trump is dishonest. That's about it.
If this were a football game, I'd say Hillary won 23-17, with Trump racing out to a 10-0 lead but Hillary coming back in the second half.

But Trump didn't do so bad that he lost the election. In a week, I doubt anyone will remember much of the debate.

i think she cleaned his clock. i just don't think ultimately that will change anyone's vote. i think it will move people away from johnson and toward hillary since at some point they have to acknowledge that one of these two people will be president and it shouldn't be him.

just my opinion... although i don't understand why you think he came out ok when he interrupted her over 20 times in the first half hour. maybe that bothers women more than men. i don't know.

The polls show differently.

Her path to victory is seeing some pretty big obstacles.

CO is now in Trumps favor......whoda thunk ?

Not that I care.....just sayin'.

The polls don't say differently. The post debate polls haven't come in yet. So I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

Colorado? One poll. And Donald only has one path to victory so there ya go
Takeaway from the first debate

Trump is part of the 47% = FREELOADER
I have met many people who will stand in the voting booth and the choices will be like deciding whether to stick a bobby pin in the top socket or the bottom socket.
Which is why I'm voting Johnson. Sure, Texas will probably go Trump in the winner-take-all-Electoral-College-system, but at least I can vote in good conscience.
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